hey everyone this Ryan with RPG vids and today we have special guest
Amanda how do you but uh yeah so if you haven't been painted what everyone say
hello to Dax Dax hallo okay anyways so if you haven't had your
head in the sand for the past couple of days you'd know that hurricane Harvey
has been just pounding the crap out of Texas that might sound kind of bed but
oh well the most important thing about this video though is somehow people have
been making hurricane Harvey all about race and somehow hurricane Harvey is
Donald Trump's fault and I don't understand why I guess he must just be
like spraying some stuff air or whatever you know paper trails you know that
don't prompt favorite rows but we got some tweets here that we've been seeing
on Twitter and we're just kind of like what the heck okay so this don't this
tweet from belem Thompson says major rescue operations underway innocent
enough tweet right because things are going on in the country so they're done
help but somehow people like to be dig so here we go person devil woman if that
doesn't give you any idea what kind of person this is on the what does she says
I am on the verge of giving up hope he has so far trampled over our
Constitution with no checks and balances welcome to little Russia I don't know
what she means by trampling all over our constitution because he hasn't done
anything to go against Constitution do you know of anything
she doesn't now I do have to say there are there have been a few people that
have been doing opposite of that last week this person Funkytown shopped in I
hope Trump's behavior doesn't get in the way of hurricane hobby response since
the races PIPP so from Charles Johnson so as hurricane Harvey prepares to
ravage Texas Trump fans transsexuals from the military importance a racist
piece of shit priorities now people are graphing about the transgender ban which
there's plenty of things that keep people out of the military whenever you
are having to constantly be taking pills or home hormone injections and you're
not always in a stable state and you have the highest suicide rate out of any
demographic in this country why should you be in the military there's people
that get kept out just from heaven a flat Boy Scout yeah yeah to mortgage
diabeetus also I would like know how is that even relevant to hurricane Harvey
yeah Donald Trump officially sign the bill to keep transgenders out of the
military but most importantly it doesn't keep transgender people out of the
military they are currently in the military it just keeps them from being
able to join in as I just said there's plenty of other reasons why people are
not allowed to be in the military fro head crack insane you have tweeted more
about the hurricane than you did about the Nazis replying to the real Donald
Trump well I think that this is kind of funny because dump Trump did say stuff
about the Nazis but the problem is even though the Nazis were doing stuff not
see that coming even though the Nazis you know do not have very good ideas
I don't agree with what they believe in they still have to be saying what they
do in this country and the fact that an to fund other groups were coming to
attack them when they were peaceful up until that point that completely makes
the Nazis irrelevant that situations I really like this reply Alex James it's
almost like the hurricane threaten the livelihood of nearly
eight million people as opposed to maybe 200 Nazis in the middle of nowhere
Virginia get point Alan from Donald J Trump I'll also be going to a wonderful
state Missouri that I won by a lot in 16 Dempsey sim is all opposed to big tax
cuts Republican will win what does best mean here's ed crescent
state he has even more shake I'm sorry but Donald Trump's behavior is not just
beneath the dignity of the presidency but that of any decent man Jerry
Springer what what does Donald Trump been doing that makes him beneath the
dignity of presidency he's doing what he's supposed to as a president he's
reacting to major storms unlike Obama
he's just doing what he thinks is the best thing to do for situations like the
transgender military band and you know the pipeline and leaving the press
climate core which is you know the reason why he won because people wanted
him to do that don't say anything about popular vote that's not how it works
they just go ahead and shut up and then Edie crashing Stein do you
remember when Trump was a man of integrity
neither do I for Donald Trump ran for president no one seemed to have a
problem with him he wasn't a racist or bigoted or sexist or anything like this
till I ran for president and uh that's all I had to say about that next one
what's the difference between hurricane Harvey in terms presidency hello
hurricane Harvey isn't racist
well it is don't come next one Thomas Paine makes a good point Trump had FEMA
on the ground in Texas before hurricane Harvey but he's a racist blah blah yeah
we all know that liberals are gonna be saying that they're always rapping about
that but I love this man right here Scott Morgan he says Trump
really but her cameras boss maybe what a help the fee was less worried about
pardoning all races okay well so we're saying stuff about the the pardon
well first of all why are y'all grapping about Donald Trump pardoning a super old
guy that's probably gonna die in the next five years anyways just because he
did some bad stuff as sheriff at the same time you did not graph about Obama
pardoning a crap ton of people including some Ratana mow Bay terrorists who went
back to Isis to kill more people okay so why are y'all grapping about that shut
up I also love impeach trap cuz that's really gonna do
it i Amanda I'm gonna need everything that has to say what's good and replying
to the real Donald why the hell are you campaigning for a very kane stop
bragging about how horrible it is Wow just stating that it's a bad hurricane
horrible Harvey 2020
it's as if you want this to be the worst storm ever in order to make yourself
look better well maybe if it wasn't for scientists and other climate analysts
saying it's a thunderstorm then maybe he wouldn't be saying it's a bad storm
I'm just saying I can't wait till 2020 if you last that long so Joe Biden can
destroy you in the general elections if the Republicans still want you the
world's smallest violin is serious see to talk about his 2020 thing I made a
video about that you can you can find it right here basis yeah click on Amanda's
nose to watch a video about it Trump or the Republicans will win 2020 with
Donald Trump enforcing laws of things such as immigration and you know
actually supporting the Constitution yeah he's probably gone when 2020 as
well and if not him another Republican nominee next every morning I wake up in
a wonder how in the world a man with so much dishonesty hatred and greed could
be President of the United States dog for young the world's smallest violin is
serious Isaiah there's a saddened overwhelming moment of a Great
Depression that this guy's tweet was bringing upon me so uh yeah it's just
terrible that Donald Trump is president because he's literally Hitler
what the fuck then I realized that it was because another man of dishonesty
hatred and greed Vladimir Putin put him there ah but the Russian thing again
subject I like him even though there still has not been any credible evidence
about Russia interfering in our election this this dude is still going on about
it like get over it stop won fair and square this is from
young more and more oh the real Pope hurricane Harvey dismantles every statue
of a racist in the city while he's there they have racist act he's in Houston
well I didn't know that statues can be racist
apparently Sam at present stage so who you Mac ass is Edie
crashing Stein which by the way it sounds like a Nazi name entreprenuer
and entrepreneur writer editor for IR net investor consultant politically
independent anti-trump Bitcoin Philly fan
hashtag impeach Trump hashtag the resistance well see there's the worst
thing right there his thing Phillies fan anybody that likes the Phillies loser
yeah I don't care what you say this is for Matt make no mistake Trump
is using category category category and a goober for hurricane Harvey as a
political coverage part of the incredible braces Joe Hartfield
yes fail like I said in the beginning of the video dumb a prompt sent Nazi bit
trails of Gulf Mexico yeah how is this Donald Trump's fault a hurricane yeah
he's using a hurricane to cover him pardoning this guy when after all he
said that he was using the hurricane ratings wait what now know this tweet
kind of confuses me it makes no sense so this guy Sui has the link to the article
about the the left website that was saying that hurricane Harvey is braces
why is it racist you may ask because it's straining flooding in areas that
happen to have more minorities in it completely disregard all with the white
people that are also in those areas but this hurricane hates black people and
mixed kicks oh okay I I wish I knew of a hurricane that
actually heated it just I don't it doesn't it doesn't discriminate when it
hates it hates everybody as you can see a lot of people are using the starter
cane for their political agendas and stuff like that
it's comput edek people are literally out there dying and having their lives
you know completely ruined and these people will somehow instead of going and
actually hoping will gripe about Donald Trump pardoning and doing his job and
blah blah blah and don't say anything about me for not helping because this
was pretty much once the hurricane was over and I have donated money so I have
helped them in college so shut up we're broke if you want to donate to me
check out my patreon page I don't have any followers right now
if you have enjoyed this video and you liked what I had to say we should leave
a thumbs up button for me what be sure to leave a thumbs up for me
and then also subscribe and turn on the bill now and bill notification button
that way you can get alerts one of our release a new video
hope you have a bit then I'll see y'all next time
For more infomation >> Hurricane Harvey Is Racist? - Duration: 12:03.-------------------------------------------
5 Signs Your Boss Is A Narcissist - Duration: 6:50.
5 Signs Your Boss Is A Narcissist
Most people can relate to having a boss who is a difficult person.
This is just part of working in organizations where there are different people and personalities.
But does your boss seem to be off the charts when it comes to emotional reactivity, disrespect for others, blame,
criticism and the expression of anger, rage or other difficult emotions?
If so, it's possible your boss is a narcissist.
Narcissism refers to an egoistic mode of existing in the world.
(And in more serious cases a personality disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)).
It is characterized by a number of behaviors — ranging from lack of self-awareness to bragging,
to hypersensitivity and more.
These tendencies are ultimately destructive to the narcissist and the people around them.
But these behaviors can feel particularly destructive in the context of the workplace,
which can be a stressful environment to begin with.
At work, and especially in the presence of our bosses, we are understandably predisposed to feeling under pressure.
So having a narcissistic boss can exacerbate these already-unpleasant feelings.
The question becomes: how do I know if my boss is a narcissist?
There are a number of behaviors that can indicate your boss is a narcissist ...
Here are five signs your boss may be a narcissist:
Your boss treats staff like they are dispensable.
A narcissistic boss will use people for his own gain and then discard them, either literally or emotionally,
when he is finished.
In order to achieve his goals or desired outcomes, he will treat staff and suppliers badly and tend to be highly
critical and blaming when things don't work out.
The more extreme type of narcissists can even exploit workers by bad-mouthing them or manipulating others to make
themselves looks good.
What's interesting is these bosses are genuinely surprised when their staff or suppliers decide to leave on their own.
This inability to step outside the realm of their experience is a classic sign of narcissism.
Your boss uses fear and threats to motivate people to work.
You will often feel like you're walking on eggshells if you have a narcissistic boss.
Her emotions are often unstable.
She might be happy and amiable one minute, and then suddenly fly into anger.
The narcissistic boss has an inflated sense of self and views her staff to be there to always meet her needs and
If you let her down in any way, you're in trouble!
As soon as your boss is disappointed, she will criticize and blame you as a way to confront you.
Your boss is obsessed with controlling all outcomes.
A narcissistic boss will be very fixated on controlling all outcomes.
This will include micromanaging, taking over projects when they think they are not going well or needing to know every
aspect of what their employee is doing in a project.
The narcissistic boss is terrified of losing control and will not think twice about cutting off and firing a staff
member who is not agreeing with his point of view on the spot.
There is no remorse, apologies or responsibility taken for his part of the problem.
These workplaces often have an undercurrent of fear because the employees have seen other staff members thrown out at a
moments notice and fear the same could happen to them.
Your boss has little empathy for the staff.
A narcissistic boss has very little, or no ability, to feel empathy for others.
Due to her inflated sense of self-importance, the feelings of others are not something that your narcissistic boss is
concerned with.
Empathy is essential for building healthy relationships.
Because the narcissistic boss has such a difficulty with empathy, she will constantly burn bridges and destroying
She has a high staff turnover and can't retain accomplished and creative staff.
She will go through lots of contractors and suppliers because they are not willing to put up with the criticism and
The bottom line for any narcissist is they struggle to form any long-lasting relationships because they treat people
Your boss rarely takes responsibility for his errors (and loses people along the way).
The narcissist boss protects his vulnerability and fragility with layers of defenses.
He can never admit he is wrong or has made a mistake.
He will almost always blame others for things going wrong.
Many narcissistic bosses have not only terminated staff members, but have also fallen out with friends and family
members across many years.
It's just too painful for most people to be around a narcissistic personality because of the high levels of criticism
and blame, so people keep leaving them.
How do I deal with a narcissistic boss?
The best way to deal with your narcissistic boss is to use flattery.
Speak their language with self-awareness, and you can make what you want out of the situation.
Narcissists will often surround themselves with people-pleasers because they love to have their ego constantly stroked
and affirmed and they only want to hear positive things about themselves.
Even if you need to give negative feedback to your boss, or talk about a problem,
you will be OK if you can do it in a way where your boss feels important and valued.
Have you experienced a narcissistic boss?
If so, how have you dealt with this person?
Leave your comments below.
KennyS is INSANE!! (FAST REACTION) Dreamhack Malmö Finals! Best Moments CS:GO - Duration: 10:19.
Soy Luna 2 | Everyone is worried about Juliana (ep.60) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 2:11.
It's our turn. What are we going to do? I have no idea.
I don't know but I can't believe that Juliana isn't here.
We have to go. We have to risk it. At least, someone is afraid.
I don't want to discuss this, Matteo.
I said someone, I didn't say your name.
I know you perfectly well.
I don't want to start this discussion, this time.
Me too.
Guys, please. Stop.
It's not the moment to fight. What are we going to do?
We can't wait any longer.
What happened? Why didn't she come?
Are we that bad that she doesn't want to train us? What's happening is horrible.
I know but I don't know what's happening with Juliana. It's a problem.
What are you doing here?
Guys, you have little sense of humor.
What are we going to do? Are we ready?
Of course I came. I couldn't leave you now.
I promised you that I would accompany you until the end of the presentaton, right?
I don't break my promises.
Although, there are some people that are convincing me otherwise.
So, what happened?
Nothing. I just left to get some fresh air.
After everything that happened to me.
I'm not my best moment.
But you are.
It's weird to hear you say that, seriously.
When I have to criticize, I do it.
But now, I want you to do your best, that you have everything to shine on the rink.
It's necessary to hear those words from your side.
You're welcome.
The truth is that all of you got a lot better.
I was hard, strict. I got angry when you weren't concentrated.
I said something that didn't get good results and for that I ask for forgiveness.
We're here to celebrate, to beat, I want you to go there and that you give everything on the rink, that you win, that you beat and who is the best team?
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