- What is one thing you have to know
if you wanna make it in this life?
I'm telling you have to know this, listen carefully.
You have to understand how to deal with narcissistic people.
Narcissistic people will ruin your life.
I just did a podcast with Dr. David Bus
who's an evolutionary psychologist,
and we were talking about is social media
making all of us more narcissistic?
And he said, "Well, you know Tai,
"there's no real science that that's actually happening.
"Or atleast it hasn't been documented."
But he said, "I'll tell you this,"
he kinda asked for my opinion and I said,
my answer to him was, "Yeah.
"What happens now is I think narcissists
"were hidden from society.
"'Cause if you lived in the small town a hundred years ago,
"you couldn't reach that many people.
"But now, if you're narcissistic, if you're a machiavellian,
"if you're psychotic,
"you can literally become a social media influencer
"or a star or a movie star."
So you can reach millions of people,
and that's what's happening in this world.
So I don't know if there's more or less,
I don't if social media's making it worse
but here's a tell-tail symptom,
if you wanna know in your life
the people you should get rid of or keep close to you.
I asked Dr. David about this and I said,
"You know, they're called the dark triad traits
"of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychotic, sadism."
and he said, "A sense of entitlement."
So whatever you do, watch out for people
who have a sense of entitlement.
Whether it's dating, business partners, friendship.
What a sense of entitlement means
is I'm entitled to more than I really deserve.
Just because I am who I am.
And we live in a society now
where it's like everybody teaches their kid,
oh you're perfect.
You ain't perfect.
Oh you deserve the whole world.
You know what, no one deserves anything.
People don't understand how this world works.
We are this planet in the middle of a huge universe
just floating around here,
nobody quite can explain it.
Some people have religious answers,
and some people have philosophical ones
and atheistic ones, but nobody really can say,
"Oh yeah, I get how the whole universe works."
We're this little spec
that at anytime can be blown off,
you know, tracked by a meteor an asteroid, global warming,
global cooling, whatever it is,
and we're gone and nobody will really remember us.
Do you remember anybody from the year 1853?
Do you remember anybody from the year 427?
No, nobody really remembers anything.
We remember little Christopher Columbus.
We remember a few dates,
the US declaration of Independence 1776,
stuff like that, but I mean, do we really remember stuff?
No, because we're not entitled to anything
yet there's a whole group of people
walking around this planet
that think the world is theirs and that you should love them
and for no reason.
And the good news is,
you gotta reverse engineer that in your brain and go,
"Okay, what's the opposite of feeling entitled?"
Well the opposite is working for what you want.
My favorite quote, Charlie Munger, the billionaire,
business partner Warren Buffett
says to get what you want,
you have to deserve what you want.
The world's not yet a crazy enough place
to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.
So even though there are people
that don't deserve to be rich
or don't deserve the great blessings they have,
most people in the long run get what they deserve.
So, if you want more, deserve more.
That's just the simplest form.
You want more money, well be better at making money.
In term of skill wise, do you understand marketing?
Do you understand product development?
Do you understand competitive research?
Do you understand the internet?
'Cause you're gonna need that.
Do you understand the social media marketing?
Those are all components that go into making money.
Do you understand persuasion, public speaking?
All those things,
vlogging is becoming important in the world.
I tweeted today,
probably the worst of human's traits,
my traits, your traits,
are our ability to wish things were different.
Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is what?
Anybody know that quote?
It's one of my favorite quotes.
The definition of insanity
is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results.
That's what people do when they wish.
They're entitled, so they go,
"I wish I was making more money."
or "I wish I was in love."
or "I wish I could find the right person."
or "I wish I was happier."
Well, if you wanna be happier,
are you somebody who's putting in,
planting the seeds of happiness today
so that you'll be happier tomorrow?
Because if not, why are you entitled to happiness?
You know the United States is built on this principle of
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And people sometimes forget that word.
They think that because you're born in the US
or in any country,
they demand that they have these things,
but it's the pursuit of those things that's allowed.
And people forget that word, the pursuit,
meaning a good government gives you the chance
and it has a level playing field.
But if you don't play on the playing field,
you ain't entitled to anything.
And that's where people get tripped up.
It's not life, liberty and guaranteed wealth
or guaranteed happiness,
and yeah, I'm not gonna get philosophical
on what socialistic versus capitalistic,
but I'm just saying, think about it
in your individual life.
All we can hope for in life is we get a chance
to go after stuff.
So, get motivated, quit procrastinating.
You wanna make more money,
be somebody that money must stick to,
money must be attracted to,
because you understand that so well.
You've reversed engineered the formula.
I've given you some of those topics you gotta learn,
whether it's business network and public speaking,
social media and marketing,
and psychology and persuasion.
And technical skills,
whether if you're a doctor, the technical skills.
Pay attention to what you're doing.
Continuing education.
Steven Johnson says, "The world's moving so fast,
"everything you learn becomes obsolete
"at the rate of about 20% a year."
Meaning, you gotta be a learning machine.
Pick up some
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