I know it's fast ;-; but uhm pause it If chu want Lol
Why You Keep Attracting Narcissists & How To Break The Cycle For Good - Duration: 3:39.Why You Keep Attracting Narcissists & How To Break The Cycle For Good
Over the course of several years, I attracted one narcissist after another.
No matter what I tried, I couldn't seem to stop inviting these unfulfilling relationships into my life.
The vicious cycle finally ended once I realized why these narcissistic personalities were there in the first place:
to show me the wounds I needed to heal on my own.
They were meant to teach me how to trust my instincts and intuition, to point me where I needed to go to work on my
self-worth and self-esteem.
When you realize you are worthy of more and embody that knowing on an energetic level,
you will no longer attract narcissists.
When you begin to understand that your most important job is to simply take care of yourself,
your life will begin to rapidly change.
These three tools can help you break the cycle and define your own worth, once and for all.
Find your truth and generate the motivation to make changes.
It takes tapping into your truth to break out of a cycle in which you have been made to feel worthless.
The truth is that you are worthy of more.
All it takes to make the necessary changes to attract abundance is a little motivation.
So listen to motivational videos or use grounding meditations on a daily basis to generate the energy you need to take
Own your anger—and then release it.
Often, when we finally realize we have been manipulated and used by narcissists,
we are left with a lot of pent-up frustration.
It is natural to feel strong waves of anger as you release the emotional trauma that you have experienced,
so allow yourself to feel it completely.
The worst thing you can do is to try to push it back down.
That will only prolong the cycle of attracting narcissists, as you will still be an energetic match with them.
One way to release your anger is to write about it.
When I was processing my anger, I would take pen to paper and write furiously;
it was a safe way to explore these feelings without harming others.
Build up your self-worth.
In order to build up the emotional energy to manifest healthier relationships,
you need to begin to build up your sense of self-worth.
When you finally believe you are worthy of more, you will be able to break out of the energetic dynamic that is at play
between you and the narcissist.
Over the period of time when I was building up my self-worth, I focused on things such as improving my self-care
routine and eating food that nourished my body fully.
You may not have control over what others do outside of you, but you can control how you feel about yourself.
Eat well, exercise, and make taking care of yourself a high priority.
Learn Water Sea Animals Real Life and Cartoon Characters for Kids Children Toddlers - Duration: 8:42.Learn Water Sea Animals Real Life and Cartoon Characters for Kids Children Toddlers
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How to build a Star Fire for cooking - Duration: 2:56.Hi, I'm Dieter from FYRO and today I will show you how to cook on an open fire only with three rocks.
We head out to the forest and collect what we need.
For tinder we can use birch bark or fat wood, and
here we found some fat wood, and I already started cutting it off.
Check out our other video on how to find tinder and firewood even in wet conditions.
Here you see the core, that is fat wood, it looks a bit glassy.
Here we found some birch bark. Let's also collect some of that.
As firewood we collect about six branches like this, they should be dead and dry and
standing upright and not on the ground, so that means they stay dry.
And they also break easily.
We take everything back to the fire site.
We set up three rocks so that we can put the pot in the middle,
and we check with some water that it is really horizontal.
I will now set up the branches in a star-like pattern around the middle. This is where the name "Star Fire" comes from.
Now we put the tinder in the middle and then start the fire.
I will make some shavings of the fat wood. The fine shavings catch the sparks.
Of course you can also just use a lighter.
The tinder quickly catches fire.
So we keep feeding the fire with kindling until the bigger pieces are burning.
I think now we can start cooking.
You can control the heat of a Star Fire almost like a stove.
To reduce the power, pull out the branches and then the fire dies down.
To increase the power again, push the branches back in, and then fan the flames.
Now it's time to enjoy.
Thanks for watching, like and share if you enjoyed it, and subscribe to our channel for more videos on outdoor cooking!
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