Coloring Pages
Coloring Pages
How to Draw Watermelon Banana and Orange for Kids Mixer and Fruits to Create Juice Coloring Pages - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Don's Excited for His New Hellcat! - Duration: 0:18.My name's Don Majore
I bought myself a Hellcat!
One of one
globally made thanks to my salesman Jerry!
What more can I ask?
Long live Dodge!
Thanks Don
Search for Houston-area realtor who vanished before Hurricane Harvey - Duration: 0:17.-------------------------------------------
Talk Pretty To Me - NOW OFFERED FOR SALE - Duration: 1:03.TALK PRETTY TO ME 2016 APHA filly
Ask an Upperclass Student: Fun Tips for Frosh and Transfers - Duration: 3:33.There's a library on campus that nobody goes to. It's called the Auxiliary Library
and it's right off of Serra Street. I highly recommend checking that out.
The librarian there is the sweetest guy and nobody really comes and visits him.
I definitely say not feeling pressure to do everything at once
or try to get involved in too much all at once
because just even navigating through first year is a load upon itself
so just definitely take your time
and find things you're interested in
and then opportunities will open.
It's quite easy to study abroad, I think,
it's easiest if you plan in advance
so if you anticipate wanting to study abroad somewhere
maybe freshman year or sophomore year
thinking about what the logistics of that will be.
I didn't plan my year abroad, it happened
serendipitously in a way
I knew I wanted to go to Washington and I'd had
friends who did Washington and Cape Town,
and then I didn't want to come back
senior, no junior spring
so I just stayed and went to Oxford
so it can happen multiple ways
organically or planned in advance
I think either is fine and either way will
work and is worth doing.
Interact, don't just like close your door at the end of the day. The best thing people remember
about your first year and the thing you miss is like the open-door policy.
Yeah, leave your door open like all the time.
Don't worry about being efficient with your time
because I think that some of the most meaningful parts of my freshman year
were times that maybe traditionally
would have been seen as time wasted but it was having
conversations with people or trying new things and I think those are things that
are those will be things I'll remember a lot more than like p-sets and classes.
As a frosh, I wish I knew that
time management is important. It's a skill that I thought I have acquired and
gotten very good at in high school, and I realize when you come here,
it's a new environment and it gets all thrown out the window so you really have to work to
re-adjust your schedule, re-adjust your life, and re-adjust the way you approach all
these different opportunities, so take time freshman year to really explore
what time management means in this whole different context, and with that make
sure you build in time for yourself, build in time for your friends and
build in time for office hours and classes.
It's important to have a good balance all over and not focus too much on any one area.
Be present. I think freshman year comes with
a lot of change and adjusting, and I think in the midst
of all of it, it's really important to be present in everything you're doing.
So if you're making new friends, be there,
really get to know them and try to be open
to meeting new people.
With classes, I'd say be present there too
I mean we've gotten into Stanford for a reason
and I think taking the time to really be in class
when you're there, learning the material
you'd really be surprised with what you find interesting
and what you really enjoy.
So yeah I think being present and just really soaking up
the experience because you blink
and it's over.
Hurricane Harvey houston texas aftermath: Houston 'open for business'; other cities suffering - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
'Rite On Point: Tips For Cleaning Your Prosthetic Gear - Duration: 2:34.Hi guys, this is Tanya! Having a clean liner, prosthesis,
and prosthetic socks is very important for many reasons,
but the main reason is to avoid future infections
or issues with your limb. First of all, always clean the
gel liner daily. The inside of the gel liner is in constant
contact with your skin. And because of this constant contact,
you'll want to make sure your gel liner is kept clean to
prevent health issues, and make your liner last longer.
Cleaning the liner is a simple process and can be done
by following these steps:
First, you remove the liner from the prosthesis.
Secondly, spot clean the outside of the liner
if needed and turn the liner inside out.
Next, you wash the gel section of the liner with
anti-bacterial soap and warm water.
Then, you fully rinse the soap off of the liner
and dry it with a clean cloth. And finally, turn the liner
right side out, and store it for future use.
Another thing to wash daily is your prosthetic socks
or sheaths, just like any other sock or undergarment.
Wearing a prosthesis sock or sheath for more than a
day can cause the sock to quickly wear out
and may pose a health risk. Although daily cleaning
isn't necessary for your socket due to not actually
coming in direct contact with your skin,
keeping it clean is still very important.
Cleaning the socket will keep your artificial limb
functioning properly and can help reduce unnecessary wear.
Here are some steps to completely clean
the inside of the prosthetic socket:
First, you clean the inside of the socket at least
once a week with soap and warm water.
Then, you lightly spray the socket with an
alcohol-based cleaner, and then wipe the socket dry.
And finally, you make sure to keep any locking or
pin mechanisms clean and free of obstructions.
Always be careful when cleaning your prosthesis.
Your prosthesis may have certain parts that could
be damaged, broken, or otherwise ruined during a cleaning.
Bodies stink! It doesn't matter if you have legs,
or if you don't have legs, our daily movements
generates sweat, and it smells! Sometimes badly!
Let's help each other by always washing our socks,
cleaning our sockets and gel liners.
We aren't just helping our neighbors, but also helping
to keep skin free from infection and increasing
the life of our prosthetic gear! It's a win-win! Have a good day!
Vice President and Samaritan's Purse Team Up for Cleanup - Duration: 1:00.[SIRENS WAILING]
Our top priority right now is dealing with Hurricane Harvey
and its aftermath and making sure
that the people of Texas in this region
have the resources and the support that they need.
This is Franklin Graham in South Texas and so grateful
that the Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen
came today to help and to be a volunteer, just
to work in someone's home and encourage that family.
You don't know what that means to them.
But it's like that with every volunteer when
they come in and work in someone's home
to help them try to put their lives
back together-- the encouragement that that gives.
So we're thankful for everyone who comes.
And we need volunteers.
We need an army of volunteers.
We can use 1,000 volunteers a day
down here in South Texas, five different locations.
If you want to do something and you got a little bit of time,
come to South Texas and work with Samaritan's Purse.
And we do it all in the name of God's Son Jesus Christ.
So, thank you.
God bless.
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