Hey guys! Im announcing a Q&A for my channel. Write questions in the comment section of this video. I will answer every question. But don't ask retarded questions. Thanks!
We Invite You to End Bedtime Battles - Click for Full FREE Instant Access - Duration: 0:39."Hey, everybody! This is Sarah from Nest
Happy. I'm here with Karen from If It Were Simple and she's a parenting expert and we're gonna be chatting all about
Bedtime Routine" Karen: "Yeah, so I'll share some simple tips and strategies to help that time go smoother and
Sarah will share her efficiency tips from an organizers perspective."
Sarah: "Yes to hopefully contain the chaos that could be a bedtime"
So we Invite You to watch our entire conversation (it's not too long) by clicking the link - either
above or below and
We will see you on the inside!" :)
Shugoki just wants love :( (For Honor 1v1 w/ArMySgT364) - Duration: 8:48.okay, okay, hopefully
hopefully my shit doesn't mess up again, but um I
don't want to do an introduction because I'm so afraid much, it's Gonna mess up I
Don't know we'll just do one game and see how that goes and uh go from there. Yeah, but uh
Welcome back everybody. I'm sorry I've been so
So late I've been running errands and doing other things but uh oh
It's gonna be a 1V1 me versus Cameron glass is going down boy
All right, now. Are you sure about that?
Okay, okay
No, no, don't say pay the bills son
You know you know what okay, then no no, no, I got you. I got you I got you
hold on hold on oh
my Jesus
You're going up against Granddaddy Mackey
Chop you up to miss meat now
You hear that sound it's sound immediate and lentil cheese
All right
So how do you want me to serve you up man? Oh medium-Rare please?
All right good cuz I got a bunch of hungry people that
Come on. Come on. Oh
On Granddaddy mack. Oh
Tell me yet boy. Come on cameron. Come on. I just want to see like Michael Jackson
Fish that's how you got the holo
Are you sure yeah? I'm sure oh. Oh. I'll be Daddy got me
All right, all right you got that one you got that one
Hey hey hey hey not too close to the head man not too close to the head
All right, so so we're so we're gonna have a cheat match. We're gonna have a cheat match everything's good and cheap match
Make it you don't want to eat cheap. Not me
I'm hobby on the street. I know that all right
I'll eat the tree too man. No way it's it's a pole. You dumbass
Jammer it. Don't run away from me. Oh I see you and he's get the fuck back. Oh shit. Oh
Get them oh, God
Cameron don't do this. Oh shit. All that damage. I just did team
No, oh no, oh
Come here Cameron come here cameron
Wait come here Carrie may I give you more help I?
Don't know it. Just it just does
Come your gary. Oh
Shit, yeah what I could have brought you for some reason I couldn't block it
Yeah, a boy. Yeah, he might he might actually beat the granddaddy Mac novel
Meanwhile my dog sat on the corner all terrified. Oh
Man, you better come over here. I got a serve you say I don't what uh no no. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry
Come here gary. Oh
No, no, no no no no oh
God, oh, God oh, God oh
shit that
Was your chance to kill me I said how's it gonna. Go. How's it gonna? Go? How's it Gonna? Go?
How's it Gonna go?
How's it Gonna go?
Thank you. Thank you. That's what they hate ass to time. I love I love you too, man
What we're supposed to grab you
Know you ain't grabbing this
You kidding me dude. So cheap. Oh
kill me every single round oh
My God no, no that was that was good. That was good. That's good
For the basic principles on how to wash, cut and serve spinach - Duration: 2:51.Hi, my name is Gary, Welcome to Kiwis to Pistachios, in this back to basics series
We are addressing washing, cutting and
cooking spinach in the Instant Pot.
Washing spinach
This spinach can be really dirty, its one of those vegetables that just really needs
To be washed carefully, just agitate the leaves back and forth
To rid the dirt off the leaves
All the dirt
Will fall on the bottom of the sink
I'm going to pull it out
We were lucky this one was relatively good shape, and there's no dirt on the bottom
Now the spinach that's going to be spread out and going for chopping
Some people don't like spinach stems, you see how I put them in all the bundle and then cut them all at one time.
Here's another example
But they really kind of meld down, but melt down with all the other leaves. So you don't really need to cut them
Now set the timer for three minutes press the manual button. It's already at three. That's all you need to do
Digital three minutes
The instant-Pot gives Beeps when ready and finished.
Once the Instant Pot comes to pressure then I'll start cutting down with three to one in minutes.
And you'll vent it
Now vent this steam from the instant-pot. You remove the cover there serve up.
Hi, it's Gary
I hope you enjoyed these videos
click the subscribe button in the comment section and give me a thumbs up if you liked it see you soon for more back to
basic cooking
Perfect Flight App - A system for analysis of aerial applications of agricultural pesticides. - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
5 Tips for Traveling with your Sewing - Duration: 3:53.Hi everybody in this video we're talking about how to bring your sewing with you
when you travel.
I travel a lot for work and for personal trips but it can
really impact my sewing schedule so I wound up bringing a lot of work with me.
It's a great way to pass the time when I'm traveling or in hotel rooms and it
helps me stay on schedule. So I've come up with five tips to help you bring your
sewing with you.
It's not always possible or
practical to bring your sewing machine with you so you're pretty much stuck
with hand sewing when you're traveling. If you don't do a ton of historical
sewing like I do then you might not have a lot of hand sewing on your schedule so
you may want to save any hand sewing steps such as slipstitching
in a lining or turning a hem for when you're traveling. You can also consider
starting a new hand sewing project to bring with you especially if you have a lot of
travel coming up such as during the holidays. Completely handsewn projects
such as a baby quilt or a pillow cover like this one that I made for my sister
make wonderfully sentimental gifts.
Baby quilts and
pillow covers are great because they're small and easy to travel with. Big
projects such as large skirts are easy to bring in a car or for a longer trip
to work on in the hotel room but they're not very airline friendly. I like to keep
my skirts and bodice is separate so I can just bring one with me on the plane
or pack it in my suitcase and bring a smaller project such as an embroidery
hoop or a beading project for the plane.
The very important reason to keep your airline project small is so you
don't get in other people's way. Use shorter lengths of thread when your're sewing and
consider booking your seat on the aisle so that your working hand when you're
sewing won't punch someone in the face on
accident. And while at home we may like to spread out and throw a thread snips on
the ground to clean up later, don't do that in public be sure to keep all your
thread snips with you until you can find an appropriate trash can and put all
your tools immediately back in the bag.
Speaking of the tools you bring you can't bring your whole sewing room. I
only trouble with this small makeup bag and occasionally one or two extra things.
In my bag I've got room for any thread that I need for working on my project,
air and water-soluble marker, a pack of needles, beeswax for waxing my thread,
thread snips and folding scissors, a thimble and seam ripper, and then any
trim or embroidery floss that I'll be using in my sewing. The snips and this
folding pair of scissors are both TSA approved since the blades are less than
four inches. These scissors are sharp enough to cut fabric select to have them
in addition to my snips. Last time I checked you're also allowed to fly with
needles and pins and also crochet hooks and knitting needles but you should
check before your trip. I've flown with metal knitting needles before but I have
heard that people have had trouble with it so if you're worried, make sure you
bring plastic or wood only.
If you really
really hate hand sewing you can still bring another crafty project along
with you as it's a great way to relax, pass the time, and feel more accomplished
about the hours you may have been stuck on a plane or in a car. Embroidery, knitting,
crochet, and even macrame and friendship bracelets are fun and very mobile
projects you can bring with you. I hope you guys like this video and I hope that
it inspires you to go mobile with your projects and show the world that sewing
isn't a lost art! In the comments below tell me about your next trip: Where
you're going and what project you're going to bring with you. I f you like this
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe for new videos every week.
Sorry for Staring at Your Milk - Duration: 2:07.I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for your milk.
I'm not judging.
I promise.
I just...I just.
When I look,
when I look at the gallon of
milk in your and I just I can't
help but think about my
pregnant wife and the hormones
that are going through her body
and the changes that she's
And the thing that's inside
of her that she's getting
attached to and has a nickname
for and being
in the third trimester and
start to feel a little
And to think when the day comes
when she gives birth to this
baby that someone takes
the baby away and then
hooks her up to a milk machine
and it takes her milk for like
a year.
And then when she's out of milk
then impregnating her again
and going through it all over
And this is not even to mention
the fate of of of her baby
that she never is ever
going to see again.
If it was a baby boy.
It's veal.
And if it's a baby girl that
girl is going to suffer the
same fate that she did.
And so I can't help but think
of just like all that
that my what my wife is going
through. My pregnant wife.
And to think of her
going through that and to
having a baby stolen and
getting milked.
And I just it breaks my
And so I get it.
Oh where is my baby going to
get calcium, protein.
Where's my baby going to get
enough calories without milk.
And it's really really
But I can't I can't not think
about my
wife getting hooked up to a
milk machine.
And having her baby stolen.
And so that's what I think when
I see your milk.
But we can still be friends.
There are other ways to get
that stuff.
It is less convenient
but it's worth it.
Thank you for watching.
Like. Subscribe.
Leave a comment below if you
love milk.
Or if you ever thought the same
thing about your wife getting
hooked up to a milk machine.
I just don't want to. I.
She's behind the camera and I
just I'm like I'm picturing,
like... A milk machine.
Saving for Retirement: Conservatively Speaking | TIAA - Duration: 0:31.I take my retirement planning seriously.
Very seriously.
We all do.
With inflation, I'm aiming for about $5,500 a month.
Conservatively speaking.
The market is gonna have ups and downs,
you just gotta commit to saving.
Yeah, you gotta map out all your best-case, worst-case scenarios.
I'm cautiously optimistic.
If only we were born knowing how to retire.
Start planning today. TIAA.org
Trump lawyers give Mueller arguments for Trump, against Comey - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Where Y'at 6 picks for weekend of Sept. 1 to Sept. 3, 2017 - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Where To Sell Gold Coins & Jewelry For Cash - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
Milli Fire: Update for Friday, September 1 - Duration: 2:42.Good morning, my name is Tim Pratt I'm one of the Operations Section Chiefs for
Team 8. We just took it over last night really team before us did a real good
job here you can see where these black lines are that's all contained fire line
here we have a piece of private we're working on here that we're mopping up
and helping them out with that private land there the rest of it just basically
in a patrol looking for smokes real close to the line here and mopping those
up within a hundred feet is what we're trying for now we'll go up here and
where it was burned across the 242 Highway here this is looking real good
here and we're in the process of mopping that up until it hits the lava flow here
that'll probably be a contained line probably at the end of the day today we
have the one spot fire out here is almost a mile from the line and we've
got people on that and that's pretty well mopped up also that's looking real
good we come around here the fire's just
bumping into the lava flow and we're not real worried about that we are putting
people down in here today they're having to drive all the way around do you gene
and backup as the highways closed here and they're going to mop up in this
campground here and probably spend the night in there and then work their way
up the highway we're trying to get the highway open there's a lot of trees
rocks hazard trees on both sides so we're trying to get that safe with
fallers and machinery to take all that debris off the road that's going to take
quite a few days up to maybe another week so we move around here this fire is
just kind of creeping its way into the wilderness here we've got lava flows
here that'll block it off we're not too worried about that not a lot of activity
in there at all and so you come around here it's the same thing but it's burned
into the old pole Creek fire and there's hardly a fuels left there may be dead
trees laying on the ground little brush component
there we go in here we're actively mopping this up also and I think we're
gonna extend the contain line maybe all the way out to here by the end of today
also so this whole end of the fire to be the east end just looking real good and
so the threat to the communities of sisters and the crossroads down here and
even Black Butte Ranch is pretty low right now that's it for now thank you
How To Draw For Kids | Draw A Cute Mushroom For Kids | Art Drawing - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Trump to Ask Congress for $5.9B Aid Package - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Was high school a jail or a school for me? - Duration: 6:35.A few days ago I talked about junior high and said that I was excited to be there at
Lakeview Junior High.
Well, let's move onto high school.
I went to Downers Grove South High School which was in the same school district as Lakeview.
Now some students love high school and some hate it.
So you have a love and hate relationship among students.
Guess where I fell under?
That's right.
I hated it with a capital H. I felt like I was in jail for four years.
Why did I hate it so much?
I will talk about three reasons for hating high school so much.
The first thing was that I had no aides with me in my classes.
You are saying so what.
When you have to rely on other students for notes, you have to listen really well in class
or read the textbook.
Most of the time you couldn't read them at all.
The handwriting was terrible.
Another reason was that the student might not have written something down that might
be important because they didn't think it was important or they knew it already.
So I couldn't do anything about it.
Besides bad notes, I could not start doing homework if the teacher gave us time to start
If it was like ten minutes of class, I could not find a person in the special education
room and start my homework in ten minutes.
So I just sat there and waited.
I did all of my homework at home.
Everything took time.
I was up until midnight or later doing homework.
I was so tired and couldn't think straight.
Weekends were fun.
The answer is a big and fat NO!
I worked on homework Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
I said that high school was a jail for me.
When tests came especially English and math, they always took longer than the class time.
Four of the five days I had therapy during my study hall.
Finish a test instead of going to therapy was against the law.
I felt like education was not important for the staff there.
I had tests waiting to be finished for days.
I had a math test right before Christmas break.
I had to wait for two weeks to finish it.
It was no fun at all.
The second thing was making friends.
That was not on my radar.
I am not saying that I didn't want to have friends rather I didn't have time to talk
with friends.
Between classes, we just had five minutes to get to our next class, and we had three
floors with one elevator.
We had between 3000 and 4000 students in the halls.
The hallway was jam packed so when I used my power chair, I hit students by accident,
some of them called names at me.
Back in the 80's, there was no bullying like today.
I feel bad for the students who are being bullied because it really hurts when students
call you names.
In my high school, the students didn't remember that I hit them so that helped somewhat.
I didn't want to use my power chair because I was scared of hitting people and be called
Like I said before that I had friends in Junior high.
Since we moved to the same high school, why didn't I hang out with them?
That is a valid question.
Now Downers Grove South High School is huge comparing to Lakeview.
You could not find your friends.
I have to be fed so I ate in the special ed room rather than in the regular cafeteria.
So I could not find them during lunch if I wanted to.
Besides that, there were six periods for lunch so I might not find my friends even though
I ate in the cafeteria.
You are asking about parties.
Since I didn't have any close friends, nobody invited me to parties at all.
You see why I call high school jail.
I went to the homecoming dances every year, but they were not fun as in Junior high because
most of the students had girlfriends or boyfriends.
When you saw girls who you liked with guys, you felt lonely and out of place.
I know that all of this sounds morbid, but I wanted to give you a clear picture of what
high school was like for me.
If you are a parent of a child with a disability, your child might have the same experience
as me or it might be worse.
Who knows.
I wanted to give you a clear picture of what I felt like during high school.
Did my parents know how I felt?
The answer is no.
If I told them back then, what could they do?
I don't think they could do much.
If my mom talked to the staff, they would say to drop some classes and go one more year
to high school.
I didn't want to do that at all.
During my Junior year, they asked me if I wanted to stay one more year or two.
I said one more year and I knew that they didn't like it.
I didn't care one bit.
Looking back on high school, I made the right decision.
You will understand why in the next video about college.
I hope that you like this video.
If you are new to this channel, please press the red subscribe button.
I really appreciate it.
Ameya Pawar for Governor: Journey - Duration: 1:46.Oh man!
Can we get this?
Oh man!
This is...incredible!
So in Danville, we stopped at Jarling's Custard...
Which was incredible.
I had vanilla.
My wife had chocolate.
I don't know if the name is big enough.
It's pretty cool.
Whether the state law,
for babysitting,
is fourteen, you have to be a minimum of fourteen.
What do you think should happen?
Well, maybe we can talk afterwards.
I'm not sure what to do with my hands!
Do I?
I'm working on it.
Common, Charna!
That's the best part of the movie!
✅ Review of CALI WHITE Activated Charcoal & Organic Coconut Oil Toothpaste for Teeth Whitening. - Duration: 0:51.So this is the New Activated Charcoal and Organic Coconut Oil
Toothpaste from CALI WHITE and what I absolutely love about this is that it contains only natural ingredients.
So there's no harsh chemicals in this so if you have kids, this is really great news as well.
So this one comes in a large 4 ounce tube and
All you need to do is apply a generous amount to your toothbrush like this.
And then you just brush normally for 2 to 4 minutes, so this toothpaste has a really nice subtle mint flavor
I haven't found it overpowering at all, and it's not gritty like some of the other charcoal toothpaste that I've used
So your teeth are probably gonna look a little black like mine
Which is a bit funny?
But it's just washes away when you rinse
So when I rinse I like to get really close to the sink this stops any splash back with the charcoal and it'll help to
Keep you sink much much cleaner, so I've been using this toothpaste for about a week now
And I can already see that my teeth. I'm much whiter so I'm really really happy with the results.
Symphony for a New Earth - Episode 2 (French & English Subtitles) - Duration: 12:56.Iouri, my son...
As we were travelling increasingly
Planet Earth, our home
was dying...
But, you may be one of the last human race children...
You have to brave, Iouri.
Mom ?
You're not alone...
My house, is your house.
Thank you, but as you know, my mother's grave is here
and I'm not ready to leave it yet.
Look !
Wait, don't be afraid !
And now ?
I bet that's the kind of business which has gone wrong...
That happened only once here...
And those two guys have nothing in common with the prospectors of...
Imagine them
with four eyes and tentacles in their backs...
They look familiar...
That's what I was telling you !
Shut up, please !
It sounds like a fucking day !
Do you mean that's my fault ?
No... But you piss me off !
You always see the bad side !
Obviously, I'm under attack !
So am I !
Enough ! That's your own business !
Can you just shoot an arrow and shup up ?
I'm sure, it's a fucking shitty day !
Hey, what are you doing ?
I think it means she's not going to shoot at us !
Do you wanna chase him ?
Too bad that Timo can't be there...
I know your furry ball has powers...
But against this kind of weapons ?
What ?
Thank you.
Thank... you...
Thank you...
Thank you.
You're welcome...
Don't get too excited...
It's the only thing she can say.
But she kinda like you, doesn't she ?
What do you mean ?
What does that mean, she likes me ?
It's clearly more efficient than a bow !
You have very pleasant friends !
Do we charge ?
All of us ? In the same time ?
Do you wanna our faceoff against the mudworm to start again, don't you ?
That's the point !
It's still cleaner with an arrow...
Mother Earth, take this soul
and give him
forgiveness for his sins...
Even criminals have the right to get a second chance
after death.
So, let's go back to the village.
Ah, you're back !
A hateful encounter, with a happy ending !
Come and have a drink, so you tell me the whole story.
But the main thing is that man
can't no longer hurt anyone.
Yeah, sure. But I wish I knew who he was.
Thanks, my beloved.
Two nights ago, I heard traders
from Sendovar talking about mercenaries
not far from here.
Maybe he was one of them...
Thank you.
We don't know her langage. But you.
Maybe you do.
Do you mean its because I'm older ?
You have more knowledge than us.
And especially more than me...
As if my langage isn't hard enough...
It's not unknown for me...
I may know a similar langage.
I can speak you with...
these words.
My father spoke this langage !
Good !
We're going to be able to communicate !
From what I understood, our guest
stole this artefact from the mercenary
to keep it safe.
It must be pretty valuable !
For sure...
All that stuff for a crystal !
Is unusual...
Is it warm ?
No, I feel nothing.
Show me ?
I don't know why...
but I find this a little bit upsetting
Well, my friend...
You're full of surprises !
After all, I'm not from the same kind...
Many strange things happen.
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