Open the Mods folder and copy the modSharedImports folder to the Mods folder in the root folder of the game.
Massive Vigil For Massacre Victims - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Sofia The First Dads and Daughters Day 4 - Top Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Yes, we did Lakshmi oh
Sorry, I tried to jump at the same time as you guys. Don't worry about it Sophia. It's just a silly game
Follow me everyone. We are moving on to our next activity Oh
Sophia is something wrong. I feel like I keep getting in the way you and Ted are better at doing everything together
Well, of course we are daddy and I have been on this trip three times
So we've had lots of practice rowing and racing together. I
Guess you just haven't had as much time to do all this stuff with him. Oh
Why don't I sit out the next activity? So you and Daddy can spend some time just with each other Wow
That's really nice of you. Amber Oh Sophia. It's nothing. Come on. Let's go
All right, everyone take a sweep in the circle we have one more activity before snack time our father-daughter
Sing-along. Oh my favorite. I hope you've been practicing daddy. Of course. I have sweetums. I love
Are you sure it's okay for just me and dad to do this? Mm-hmm. So girls ready to sing our hearts out actually daddy
Why don't I rest and he was Sophia Singh together just the two of you oh, all right then
All right everyone. It's time to see
Can we do the dads and daughter song first good choice, I love that one
Absolutely, you will each take turns around the circle, but I don't know that song. Just listen to everyone else
You'll pick it up by the time it gets to us. No problem princess Cory. Why don't you go first?
When I was three the dark scared me
Hurry up from midnight. See now. He loves the starry sky
Don't worry Sofia we'll be fine
Sorry dad sorry everyone Sofia wait
Perhaps we should keep going
Right what
Look at that big beautiful egg daddy
I want it of course you do and I'll fetch it for you straight away
No, no
Nick Henrik do not take another step that egg belongs to a pelican and you do not want to make a pelican
Angry and you do not want to make my Hilde angry
See everything's fine
Sophia what's wrong what you run off like that?
"Karishma Tanna" Wore A Bridal Lehenga For The Ramp At Wedding Junction | Sanju - Duration: 2:09."Karishma Tanna" Wore A Bridal Lehenga For The Ramp At Wedding Junction | Sanju
George of the Jungle For the Love of Sloth Episodes 2 - Laura Harris - Duration: 3:59.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!
hey neighbor put her there remind him about how you save the baby owls so
George sure saved those baby owls huh
say that George have quiet talk all by themselves
okay you quiet I'll start nice day out you know what
no I'm kidding man just king of the jungle has had it with you mister are
done d u n G done Wow glad we worked that out now slapping George can just be
soften George V ups
George doesn't know how to say this but I think we need some time apart
whoo that was hard it's not forever
George promises glowed so make sad face you're breaking George's heart I'm just
gonna okay hey George oh hey other best friends how's it going
with sloth he wants to do everything together I'm like whoa
too much really George sorta wanna play you betcha
George has to take his mind off from sauce and all the fun things we did
running with slaw and eating with slaw laughing George if you're that obsessed
with sloth why don't you just hang out
there you are George is Oh No
they'll become block buddy let this todor don't panic okay just stay very
still that's good
nobody messes with slide
Ubisoft Club - Daily Login: Your In-Game Progression and Tips for Tom Clancy's The Division - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 601 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
a very mystical Assyria
Sophia is everything. All right. Oh, I'm just a little nervous a little grumpy
Sometimes maybe a little I'm sure it'll be fine
Wassailia is full of surprises
I'm already surprised it was Sayle a day race and on the Isle of font. What's that big cookies?
Of course who wants one? I'll take one Garrett speaking of surprises
Apologies everyone, but we've just heard there's trouble on one of the aisles for a fairy feast
Doesn't seem fair can't you all take turns we've tried but you know krysta and so live Crysta
I'm coming with you and I won't take no for an answer great now call your unicorn friend
We got to get to the Isle of frog khun's and quick happy wassailia
Which reminds me here's a little something for you sky
When my herd displays their holiday ice sculptures, that sounds beautiful. I
Am determined to stay on schedule. How is that that is elf alva for you?
I'm Sophia nice to meet you Sophia
Okay, of course, but first some holiday I will say Lea tree got stolen
Dainty holiday like you in Queen Anne
Upside down holiday cake
Where did you get those ornaments? Oh, they grow right on the branches
I'll be right Sophia wait
I'm Sophia. So are you
Yeah, she's still at home you're home we were safe in our branches sleeping
So I came up with an escape list we waited until the Robins weren't looking that big galoot mistook us for pushovers
You see that he's not scary at all. Oh
No, I'm so far and yours was so beautiful we don't need
Okay, you're done yes I wrong
What are you doing
My brothers and sisters help me sounds beautiful
It's alfalfa he has fallen behind again in its deliveries and needs your help. Oh
Hello krysta, you don't seem so behind you hardly have any gifts left? No
Here's the who the what and where to deliver to
these places
Give your magical hooves arrest my good reindeer. I
Love I love crystal during with celeea. All of the lights are Krista. I'm a little worried
It's getting late and our families will be waiting for us. You won't believe yer
Wanna see what I mean, and that was the last package Milady's see Sophia I told hmm
I can almost taste the plum bread and banana pudding. Oh
Speaking of which I forgot to give you
It's as daughter alphabetty. They were delivering a package on the Isle of forever Frost
When did you see the last when we delivered a package to the Arctic condors, what are we doing?
What a protector always does bring a little light to the situation
And we'll search the whole aisle if we have to please hurry we must find her
I think we're in for another wassailia surprise
You take her home we'll deliver your last kiss. I can't wait
Yeah, I guess it is that's it for what celeea for another year
Anything else? Teeth all is quiet. Thank you both go
Are you ready to return to the ever L?
My princess sky brush you will soon be cured by a little caroling and opening your gifts tis my honor on
To the Isle of fairies. I think it's that one
Crystal lives there. I am perplexed. Where is Krista's family? I
Forgot to give you this I made it myself. Oh
Is everything okay? Where is your family?
Okay. Okay, the truth is
Is that why you always volunteer? I'm açelya so you can celebrate with everyone else
No, one's a bother me. I can just relax
But no one should be alone on mahalia. Listen princess. I'm a protector. I help people. I don't need people to help me but
Well my princess at least you tried. She's got it all wrong
so many
Come on Skye. Where are we going everywhere?
And that makes you our family, well, what do you know
Um bread and banana pudding do it was Sophia suggestion
Well, what are you
Through the looking back glass
Can you help me with the school assignments
I need to do a magic spell that will shrink a watermelon down to the size of a ghoul here
Is dwindle the teacher's shrink a sorcerer. Mr. Sex at all
You on the other hand look like you've just walked through a windstorm have you forgotten how to cast a simple iron Cedric
I know you find most spells rather tricky to pull off
It'll be just like the old days
Mummy and uncle ceddy. Are you trying to say that I bungled spells dear sister? Maybe we can help with your luggage
Now settle into your room Calista and I'll see everyone at dinner
What do you mean my own sister doesn't think I can cast the simplest of magic sooner?
She'll be taking over my workshop in my world telling me I'm not shooting mud. Sure. Mr
Cedric sometimes messes things up, but I've seen him do lots of great magic and then she'll have to be nicer to him
It's worth a try call the sorceress get a little privacy. Yes, of course. Sorry, I
Think I can explain
This is such a nice picture. They were practically inseparable if they used to be close. Maybe they can be close again
Soon after this portrait was painted. It was the day of
Cordelia's sorcerous balls
When all of a sudden, excuse me, your majesty
Ah, don't tell me
Mommy gave it to me for my birthday. It's magic take my hand
There's mr. Cedric's father Goodwyn the great and my grandfather king Roland the first I never met him
That's the way the looking back glass works. We get to see everything but they can't see us
Future Queen, but yet Tilly never became Queen Bess mummy and uncle ceddy
Okay. Now ants Paco will this help it might city
Smashing enough to make a big entrance at the ball. I think so. Well, I don't not yet at least
The trumpets Goldie it's time for you
Can't Oh set. I know the perfect spell Cordy. I can you smug him to create a big blast of colourful smut
I can do it. I really can
Goldie and Bear Memorable moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episode 13 Part 3 - Lauren Bake - Duration: 3:49."PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!"
About it that my jokes couldn't turn him down
Yeah, have a nice day. Oh
He's a tricky one. All right, he's even got granny helping him. What? Why would Big Bad meet a ball of yarn?
Thanks guys
He's even got the pigs helping him. Hey Bailey. What a big bad one
Well first we thought Big Bad was here too, you know blow our houses down
but then he said he just needed that old crate and some plungers and he asked nicely so we figured
Why not? Thanks Bailey. He's even more clever than I suspected
Yes, he managed to completely fool the pigs why it's as plain as the nose on my face
Okay, let's go over what we've got so far first he borrowed the great pie robbery book then he collected
hay some yarn a crate and
I've got a bear big bad is building a super effective pie swiping machine. You can't possibly be anything else
Okay, so what do we do while we put a stop to it right now?
There we have it the sweetie pie rubbing contraption itself, yeah, let's go get I
Can't wait to try it out
We bake beds put brother. Phil isn't on this - he's gone bad power detective skills
Don't lie bear. I'm afraid this thing is way bigger than I even
Suspected we need backup
So clearly big bad and
Sneaky plan together good thing we outsmarted them
You sure about this? We don't want to jump to any conclusions. Oh, sure. All right
No doubt in our minds. Oh
Hello, what a nice surprise, hello Phil mind if we come in course not
Hang on slow down
Yeah, we know all about the pie robbery and all about your pie robbing device
Yeah, all we need to know is who your victim was gonna be was it?
Ready just a minute kids. Come on, big bad deserves a chance to tell his side of the story
Hi robbing device
You're right. I'm so guilty. Gosh. Oh, I guess you kids were right big bad. You ought to be ashamed of yourself shame? Yes
oh, I'm
What what is going on here? Sorry bill your brother already gave you away, but nobody's stealing any pies
Why don't you just tell them what you're up to?
Well, I was huh. What was that? I didn't you're getting I mean, it was my stomach knowing. Oh, wait a minute sounds like
I've been playing with these
Are awfully cute
Yep, I brought him over to show big bad, but he liked them so much. He wanted to play with them
What about the book the great pie? Robbery what this book humpy? Thought I'd like it
But this is the one I went there to get meow meow meow. A beginner's guide to kitty cat care
Well, what about the pie stealing device? And the yarn? Oh, it's a kitty cat Playhouse
And the yarn what?
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Regular Show A Skips In Time Part 2 Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 3:01.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much! New muscle man, you'll tend to know a guy
With time machines he's real good
Dad basically invented him. All right. So what are we waiting for? You get cash. I'll do you one better
You know, who else is easily impressed by cat chicks?
All right you guys go we'll keep an eye on walks
This grows tiresome what say we have a bit of fun you there? What do you enjoy doing? I like to read
Yeah, whatever events led me to be such a bore I hope to never find out
Hey lay off skips is cool. Yeah, you should see that work you guys work
general upkeep
Repairs landscape being manual labor helping people around the park helping people
I'll never help people. My name is walks as in walks never help people. You can't leave
Why do you arrest me? So if you learn too much about our time you can alter history
Nonsense. Hey
Release me. That's for your out. Good leave me not my father
To think I should turn into you a doddering old fool with no sense of adventure
I'll never change my name to Skip's
Hmm. It's okay. You can't help being like this. You'll grow out of it one day
You there chaps
What are you doing playing video games
my word
Yeah, man, give it a try
Unbelievable this device. Is it powered by Hamer as well? Totally here slam one of these
Future I can get behind. Hmm. Are you alright? Yeah, I'll be fine. But oh
No, the time line is catching up
No, go bro. Turns out my boy went back in time and bumped into his dad and then his parents never met
I guess he faded from existence or something. You know how it goes? No, what do we do? We've got some ideas
Yeah, we could order one. It only takes six weeks to ship or was it six months
I've heard good things about the Bermuda Triangle. No. No, the only way is to catch up to the storm
Send them back the way he came. I was totally about to suggest that yeah, let's do that
It's impossible without state-of-the-art storm-chasing equipment. Oh, I've got some
No, there's only one person who has what?
Tangled - Rapunzel Great Expotations #8 Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - ICE RED - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Hey Cassie, oh
Hey Varian, did I tell you that my invention can create an entirely new element? You should see some of the inventions on display
I haven't seen you since we since your last invention almost killed us
Please I wouldn't miss a chance to promote the merits of alcomate be here right now that I'm doing this for Cassandra
we'll put guards here and
This exposition of Sciences is spreading our ranks too thin
So you want your first guard assignment dad I've been training with the guards as I was sick sides me being your daughter
I'm all ears
but there's always a but
Including setting up for the expo. May you help?
Or should I say pancake bring loaded
Fresh for this ghost body and into by dummy. Thank you. You may ask yourselves. What?
Revolution ibly. It's an handsome. Morsel. Dr. Alcott st. Croix. I'm gonna go invent something right now
From earlier
I did be pretty impressed with my invention yet. The only thing is hey want to be the assistant for my demonstration?
Fearian thanks for stopping by but I'm raw, huh? Sure acidic by combining the alkalinity
So you've got a knack for this kind of thing. I mean, I'm not - hey if I help you
Deal let's not put a label on it
Okay, so for my first invention I wanted to start off with something yeah
Catch by myself using a ball and string it's powered by potential and kinetic energy
Rapunzel that's really amazing, but it's already been invented good thing. I have lots more amazing ideas
Really you sure you want to put a label on it today? It's kind of a big deal for me
Yeah, my dad's
kind of hard to impress - Oh
Who am I kidding none of it matters anyway, it's hey I have an idea. I'll finish your chores for you
So then maybe you can take a few minutes to be my assistants. The kind of thing friends do right
I don't eat them. No. Wait. Don't tell me that's why I invented the safety slicer
Besides I think they have something like that already I don't know maybe something a little more practical
automatic laundry carts now that
What are you doing, I'm helping Kass with her work so she can pull guard duty
Plus I just have that one little belly Oh in that room. Oh
That won't do don't worry Kass agreed to be my assistant during my presentation Jer case
Master doctor say Troy welcome. I assume you are to be my personal security job
Who me not dis fainted I mean finished finished now I um if you'll excuse me, I have a contest to win assistant
Great drinking flipped on the floor Stan what happened?
Cassandra are you up for this Cassandra?
My proof
Listen Varian, I'm really sorry but things have changed. I have moved my person in this direction
Don't worry about me. I am sure I the next five minutes
No, sir
You got it in the bag blondie
Dangerously wet hallways too dry. All of those things are yesterday's problems
I'm all about the wet. Look the result. What you to take powers to dry now take second
Think I still had it calibrated for my next
Behold the power of alchemy the power of oh
50 pounds of sand I
Call this new element
Despite its lack of flair
Nearly the last my nasal cavity. I've no chore you can't disqualify him because of his assistant you stick first
Job prepare to drop because once I unveil my marvel tacular creation 2 wins. Oh my gosh
The real question kid is what doesn't it - I see no need to continue this contest
You should have won Choji what I was capable of you might see something in me something
Very and you're a great kid, you're smart. You're compassionate Oh looks like st. Croix liked your invention after all
Don't flatter yourself kid now come on we've got a job to do
Introducing counter centrifugation to the magnetism could result in its angular momentum is rapidly approaching critical velocity
Okay, so very bad. How do we stop it?
Where do you think you're going? You're gonna need some mega drive. So making sure I can generate that kind of wind stirs critical velocity
Blondie hands down your best invention yet
Master sainte-croix this still counts as a win right? No take-backsies, I believe this was meant for you
Thanks and variant
Hey call me Cassie you help prevent what could have been a disaster for all of us well done
I'm gonna set this aside for now. I think my friend needs my help. But as your dad, I'm proud of ya
For me, I'll find a way to make it up to him besides
It was amazing, I have never seen anything like it
The rocks are demonstrating an actual physical response
I need you to promise to keep this because my dad has forbidden me from talking about these rocks
But I need to know that I can trust you. Wish my new neighbor. Good luck
Had to be one of his first customers Ben Barry better not
They're my specialty either Barry terrific
They're out of this world
No, thanks. Uncle Bansi. Are you worried? I tell of the bun is gonna be just as success right guys
Who can for me change whither the good step
Free samples who wants some free samples. Come on. No listen pal
You're in the mood to buy cakes Q on a resplendent walking tour of the corona Art Museum
What is more welcoming for a bakery than a giant cupcake to get people's attention being a state's person is like helping Attila
What happened excuse us princess, it's the captain's orders
Yes, I was right some folks just ain't allowed there I
Know he didn't I'm sorry your highness
Not only does there were two puncture marks in one of Monti syrup questioned Attila. I found one of Uncle Monty's
Not to mention when they call to him he ran off
Ha are you sure you don't want to rethink the whole
Hey, here's Monty see they're all over the sidewalk, huh? Yeah, someone did some damage
All the syrup in here must be that foot from your mouth shall we
But it's not looking good for him. I know it's not
Why don't you go get some rest no no
That's not him
How should I know?
Attila will be exiled to the prison barge of the Lost sea
Being put on a ship that will take him away forever look other
Stink Prison barge. You should be there in 3 days time
You have two minutes, that's all I need captain
Something bothered me about the broken it was like someone didn't break into Monte shop more like
until I noticed that the door had
Prints, where is this going? I
believe who's next the mine
magical sugar fairies
Sofia The First King for a Day Episode 32 | Megan West - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
King for a day
Show everyone what's the surprise that he's late because
That's the call of rolling wheelie shoes
What do you think of that? Great idea James if you watch where you're going you're responsible and generous brave polite
I'm totally all those shit. But how would that work? Dad? You're the king
Well, your mother and I are going to the rule the kingdom James for one day
Boom goes the tan. Daddy gee isn't that great member I should still be first baileywick?
Let everyone in the castle know is a big responsibility
I know I know this is gonna be so much fun. Yes, and I want you to help him out
I have to take orders from
for the day brilliant Oh
Daddy can I go with you?
Sure. Why not? Why certainly Amber's huge mess the kingdom and I'm going to make sure daddy gets back in time to see it then
Okay baileywick reduced to nothing more than a royal babysitter
Cedric we do scroll. All right baileywick. What'd you get these? Proclamations need approval? No proble day
It doesn't look that bad
And you have to choose a new coat of arms for the Royal scribes do and not enough time to do it all
I know how they feel is that it? Excuse me, your majesty. We have visitors. Oh hi Sofia
Hi submiss by a cave outside the village. There must be a giant inside the cave
Many stops
to the list snoring giant
This is ridiculous
no one cares if we're having fun Sofia not solving royal problems who says your ideas can't abide a kingdom to run and
to do
Very impressive no the kids
They'll see what I can
They'll see what I can
I'll adviser I would be honored King James then it shall be so he's leaving we no longer
Have to take orders from the king no flop there. It's a fire to Phoenix look
Shh why do we have to be so quiet because loud noises startled back together after King James is done making a mess of it
Maybe we should go back
The snoring giant
Super fun it does sound fun, but I don't see how it's going to stop the giant from snoring
Oh no more dangers house and we won't have to worry about making enough cookies for the party. Boom Cedric
Please turn that house into gingerbread
You want me?
Zoom so easy
I just might be begun. No
Declare it
Mmm got it. Crank up the music guys. What's the difference as long as we don't hear the snow?
But the sleeping giant why not if he wakes up he can join the party
How does fireworks you've ever conjured as your royal adviser advise you not to do this?
Well, what if he starts making the real cannons go boom, oh, I don't think there's any need to worry amber
Why don't you sketch with for the whole day? We have to let him do this on his own
It's the only way he'll learn what it takes to rule a kingdom
The king of the snoring problem
In James
House isn't very sturdy. I was told to make a desert. You're the king
Not a real game I'm just the king of fun
Games there. I guess I got a little carried away
Carried away
James you know how we sometimes have a snack to make us sleepy before we go to bed. No
Candy out Pogo me
Just have to finish the tail I new sketch -
That's not what the castle looks like after James is king for a day. Amber. Surely. It couldn't hurt to hop a what right?
Let's go
He's getting sleepy
Do you think he's sleeping there's only one way to fight
Coachmen land here, please
There was a baby giant who woke up, but we got him sleeping again well done James problem, not me
She was the real leader today, but James bravely dispute what?
Next your majesty. Yes baileywick. I thought you'd like to know almost every problem. I have an idea Cedric
Yes, you conjure up a really heavy door well as King James wishes
Good job. You're you're welcome your majesty
But not today
Enchanted science fear
Leads to the test. We are having an enchanted science fair
next year the winning team made an enchanted prism
Will get this lovely trophy
No for the teams
Are gonna win right Vivian we might then again we might not but hopefully be badgered
What kind of project for the enchanted science fair our friends are coming over to work on our project? I entered the fair every year
But I never won one year. I always wanted to win that trophy
But you want all these other ones. Yes, but never then try your best
I'm going to tell your mother about the fair. I can't wait to see what you all do
None of these projects have anything that explicated
What about left us enough then maybe even have to lift anything off the ground look at Cannon, huh?
I guess then let's do it. Okay
Well, that was a potion making it I am one drop of Griffin sweat away from getting that so many of you old. Mr
Cedric we need ingredients for our science project the ingredients we need. Oh, yes
good point
It's very hard to find the real and hocus-crocus
Oak scraps all our home
Thank You Cedric yes, I do that door
Is it working?
Hey we were using that
Amber the book says a pinky focus
Looks like we have to start our projects all over again
No, well
Is there anywhere else we can get more there is only one place to find hoops just one and that project will be ours
Come on earth, and we can't let them get it Vivian
To win the trophy for daddy coachman
We're in the lead now
James what are you doing? Making sure racing off without us wasn't nice slowing her down with carrots is baa-rilliant
The best project and to do that we need the hocus-crocus
LeSean McCoy Injury: Bills' RB Is Good to Go for Week 8 | - Duration: 3:09.LeSean McCoy Injury: Bills' RB Is Good to Go for Week 8 |
Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy has had a rough week, as he has now spent a week in the NFL's concussion protocol.
Although he had a minimal work week, the Bills were optimistic, but unsure of his game status for Monday Night Football as the Bills are set to take on the New England Patriots.
The Bills have it rough right now, as their starting quarterback, Josh Allen remains sidelined due to an elbow injury.
Now, the offense is struggling with both, Derek Anderson and Nathan Peterman getting opportunities on offense.
And with McCoy out of the picture, there really isn't any star power on the Bills offense.
Fortunately for the Bills, McCoy will be able to play on Monday night.
ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter reported on Sunday afternoon that McCoy has officially cleared the NFL Concussion protocol, and will suit up and play against the Patriots.
Could This Be a Showcase?.
With the trade deadline coming on Tuesday, LeSean McCoy is one of a handful of players who are rumored to be traded from their respective teams.
While many expected the Philadelphia Eagles to make a call for a reunion with McCoy, it has been reported that the Bills do not plan to move McCoy before the deadline.
So, McCoy's performance against the Patriots on Monday night will most likely not be a showcase for teams that are in the market for the running back.
Although McCoy has had multiple injuries this season, he could be a boost to a competitive team that is in the hunt for an upgrade in the backfield.
It would most likely take a high draft pick for McCoy, somewhere within the second-round in order for them to budge on an offer.
Considering that McCoy is 30-years-old and pretty banged up this season, it's doubtful that any offers that come to Bills within the next few days won't be enough for them to want to depart from one of their best players.
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - A Guide for Professionals - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Doc McStuffins The Big Storm Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
The big storm
I don't know
Could you come inside sure mom be right there?
Eddie there was a weather report on TV that says a big storm is coming our way and if the wind knocks the power out
We've got flashlights. We've got plenty of food and water stored up in case of an emergency
Right, so we'll all be fine. I better bring them inside so they'll be safe, too
No, but I want you back inside before it starts raining. I didn't expect to see thee out on such a stormy day
Squeakers. I'm calling an all time eating because as the earth gets warmer and warmer big storms get so it might not be see
For you here in the clown so we can hear Doc's plan
That means I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Oh and hurry the storms coming
Everybody got that you can't just run around all day
Someone who will make sure you don't get left behind I
Declare that you shall be my buddy
Just stick with me and you'll get through this dog safe has appeared in purple pajamas
- buddy of all
You can be my storm buddy
How are we doing present unaccounted for okay, let's go
It's right here Julie you are a very we should look for rose
Let's get a quick head count to make sure everyone's here surfer girl
Me professor hootsburgh. Are we missing anyone? I don't see chilly
Baby, they must have fallen off the wagon
We're in a safe place and we have you choppin me draw a picture in the big money
Howie until you're still there, I don't want you to go up, okay?
The storm just knocked the power out that's why we have all these flashlights the McStuffins are champs at being prepared
I think it's time for a big McStuffins family bear hug
The McStuffins family is here together woman. I'm glad I'm a McStuffins
So are we I have an emergency clinic kit right here, and I'm even more glad you're one too
You find Hallie and chilly, but I'm sure they're okay how he's a great nurse
We're all gonna get through this storm together
Don't be afraid
Looks like the storm blew past Wow
Scared why are you wearing a superhero cape? Chilly? You did a great job of looking after chilly
The clinic is a big mess
Doc said I was okay. No, and here's one where oh you have a diagnosis doc
I sure do if during a scary storm Hallie Oh
Shucks. We were a little nervous during the storm
I'm glad you're feeling better
Little but we had each other how we're just grateful to have you snack
And and I'm feeling fine
Time to open the clinic
Have you guys seen Lambie? Oh is here? No, go haven't seen her. Oh
That's not true I love playing with you just I can't right now, okay, okay, okay
I've been better. This hat does not go with my outfit. Come on Lambie and stuffy. Let's go
Doc who are you talking to?
Doc, it's a hot one out there. If I melt before you come home just want you to know
Okay, sweetie
Can't believe I'm saying this but
It's even - I'm a dragon. I'm supposed to be protecting castles not having tea parties
Besides I have nothing to wear
I'll give you one
Okay nine do your stuff
I'm gonna miss you
Oh, I know something you can do to cheer him up this is the pile of toys Donny doesn't play with anymore
I can't stand to see a fire engine running out of water a fire engine
They can't put out a fire even a pretend one isn't that much fun to play with?
Plenty, I think you need a checkup
You're gonna be Donny's favorite toy again, I promise we have a new patient and it's Lenny
Wow, what is all this stuff these are my doctor's tools
Happens when I get nervous. I know why don't you listen to my heart first?
What are you hear?
Sounds perfect. Okay. I'm going to use this light to look in your eyes and your ears
Well, I've been feeling kind of tired and my head sort of hurts sometimes but mostly when it's really hot outside
What do you think doc? I like how you didn't panic
Hey mom, what's up? Hi sweets. Oh, it's a hot day. So I brought you a glass of water. I
Have a diagnosis Lenny you have dried out a ptosis
Oh ma. That sounds like it should what's dehydrated again?
I'm asking for the Leinster here. It's when you aren't drinking enough water. I didn't know drinking water who is so important
Gosh I hope you're right
He's a lucky kid to have a fire engine like you to play with big stuff though. I miss you, buddy
Now come on you gotta fire
Come on, guys. Let's go bloom Donny and Lonnie soft. Thanks for playing with me. You're the best sister EVER
Donny I love hanging out with you almost as much as our toys do
So, how'd I do doc great you're good as new
Great topics
Come on. Oh, thanks Lambie. I couldn't have done it without you guys
Oh, no, that sounds like papi spent a week again. Yeah, I don't know how it happened. Oh
Yeah, I still got it
Papi, I want to know why you keep springing leaks. You're not the only one. I'd like to know that too
papi stuffy
Did you fix poppy, yep, he's all fix oh
But you might want to play with him someplace away from the rosebush way to go Bobby look at him bounce
Stuffy being quiet now
Baby Goat | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Videos | Cartoon For Children by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 15:42.oh! Isn't the baby goat naughty?
Baby goat baby goat yes mama!
Change your diaper?
No mama...
You'll fall ill
No mama...
Come right here
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Baby Goat, baby Goat,
Yes, Mamma,
Finished your milk?
No, Mamma
Aren't you hungry?
No, Mamma
Want some ice cream?
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Baby Goat, baby Goat,
Yes, Mamma,
Take your bath
No, Mamma
Leave your cradle
No, Mamma
Wanna stay dirty?
Ha! Ha! Ha!
PJ Masks Cute Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episode 25 Part 4 - Charlie Day - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Okay, no more supersizer time to put it back in HQ and tidy up my other messes PJ masks all shout
It looks great in here Greg it took forever but now everything's put away and I'm ready for the parade
At least Lionel from my camera
Take to the skies, I will let I
Can't wait for the loop-de-loop air show later
There will be a hot air balloon and lots of old-fashioned planes soaring through the sky just like I do
Hey where all the planes I don't know they were here last night ready to fly but this morning they were gone
We'll have to cancel. We're so sorry
This is terrible, oops still a bunch of planes over here
Look at these little footprints. They were made by ninjalinos night net just made a big mistake
No one's going to help find me on a PJ masks mission PJ masks
Night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day
Amaya becomes
Greg becomes
Connor becomes
To be a glider
Gasping geckos
Night ninja
Those planes are meant to be in the loop-de-loop
Ninja, what's the boys what no one can fly them as well as me. Catch me if you can
Don't worry PJ masks. I can outfly those naughty ninjas with my eyes closed. I will gladden turbo
How facile them with our gliders light beams to make them land careful wallet knight ninjas always got a tricky plan up his sleeve
He's got no chance against a fantastic choir like me
Aerial maneuver 77
Release us black forevers
Bose® Støjmaskerende Sleepbuds - Små Earbuds for en bedre søvn - Danmark - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Creative rangoli designs with dots for diwali | easy muggulu for beginners | TNBN Tv Live - Duration: 1:39.
Creative rangoli designs with dots for diwali
Signing former star would be a backwards step for Arsenal as they head into new era under Emery - Duration: 2:16.According to the Daily Express, Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas has claimed he would not be against a return to Arsenal when his contract expires at the end of the season
What's the story? Fabregas is yet to appear in a Premier League game under Maurizio Sarri, as the Italian boss demands a high-tempo game that the Spaniard just cannot keep up with now
The 31-year-old has had an extremely decorated career and has won a World Cup and two European Championships at international level and two Premier League titles with Chelsea, but he is now limited to Europa League and domestic cup appearances for the Blues
After joining Arsenal from Barcelona in 2003, Fabregas spent eight years in North London and helped the Gunners win the FA Cup in 2005, before returning to the Spanish giants in 2011
A new era Arsenal though have had a fantastic start to the season under new boss Unai Emery and they should not be tempted to look to the past and sign Fabregas, despite his fantastic time at the club previously
The Gunners are also trying to implement a higher tempo pressing style than was the case under Arsene Wenger, and Fabregas simply doesn't have the legs to put in the work that is needed in central midfield
Although he will be available on a free transfer, Emery must look for younger signings who better fit the philosophy that he is trying to instil at the Emirates
So, Arsenal fans, would you back a move for Fabregas next summer? Have your say by voting in the poll below
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