- For those who are just tuning in
my name is Russell Brunson and the question for today
is how do you get free traffic to the website
'cause I don't have money to spend on ads
which I totally understand.
Now this is kind of the caveat for all you guys.
There's two ways to get traffic.
There's paid ads and then there's free ads.
Typically most of us in business we have
either more time or more money.
So if you have more time than money you should do free ads.
If you have more money than time you should do paid ads.
And so if you're getting started I recommend
starting with the time but always try to move
into money 'cause money gives you more leverage.
Eventually you run out of hours of the day
and if you're like me you got five amazing kids
at home that you don't want to miss them growing up.
That's number one.
How do you get the free ads to come?
So really, the way you get free ads?
A couple things you have to understand about
how the internet works and how life in general works.
So if you go pre-internet, it used to be really,
really hard for people like us who had an idea
who wanted to sell something.
Let's say I wrote my book Expert Secrets.
I'm like this book's amazing, I'm gonna go sell it,
I'm gonna go knock on door after door after door
and my guess is one out of 500 doors will be like
what are you talking about.
I don't want to be an expert.
It makes no logical sense.
So I go to the next door and this is really, really hard.
But what's interesting, I remember this in high school.
So when I grew up in high school,
I went to Hillcrest High School and I was a wrestler.
What's interesting is I was the click guy in wrestling.
Here's all of the wrestlers and we'd hang out
at lunch together, we'd talk together, we'd hang
out in the hallway, in classes,
we were our own little circle.
And then there was the gymnasts and then there's
the volleyball players and there was people
who played Magic the Gathering and there's
all these different groups that group together
based on similar beliefs and values and likes and interests.
And so back then, though, that's how it worked
so if I wanted to sell something to wrestlers
back in the day I'd have to go to every single high school,
where are the wrestlers at and I could go find that group
and like, hey guys, you want to buy it?
And then go to the next school,
hey do you guys wanna buy it?
And keep going to school to school to school.
But what's cool about the internet, the internet
changed everything for entrepreneurs like us
who want to sell stuff online.
So what happened is it connected all of these,
I'm talking about high schools right now
but this is true everywhere
so there's Hillcrest High School,
there's Brighton High School,
there's Jordan High School, whatever, right?
But the group of wrestlers in every single high school
was now able to congregate together
and it's not just every wrestler
in Boise or Utah or wherever you live
but it's every single wrestler from all around the world
can all congregate together based on similar
beliefs and values.
So think about this.
If you go to Facebook, you go to the big fan pages,
for me it's wrestling, or it's this business
or cooking or whatever it is you're interested in,
there's already all the people from around the world
who are interested in entrepreneurship or in selling
or in cooking or in Jane Austen for crying out loud.
Whatever your thing is they've already self-congregrated
together online and they're hanging out in Facebook
groups, they're hanging out in YouTube channels
or on different people's email lists and things like that
and so it's the power of congregations.
Now that's, when you hear the word congregation
I'm curious, what's the word most of you guys
think of when you hear the word congregation?
So for me, the word I always hear,
when I hear congregation I think of church
and so this is the wrestling congregation,
this is the gymnast congregation,
there's all these different congregations.
Think about how many, what congregations you're in,
which groups you're already part of
'cause I can guarantee in your life
you're already in these groups of things
you're passionate about.
And so you start thinking about that
and I think about church.
Let's just say there's like the Mormon congregation,
it's all the Mormon's are here
and then there's the Seventh Day Adventists there,
they're all here, then there's the Catholics
and there's the Buddhists and the Muslims.
Everyone's congregated together based
on similar beliefs and values.
Let's just say I was, I found out that
every Wednesday or every Sunday at two
all the Mormons are congregated together
and I'm selling a product to Mormons.
I would come right here, I would find out exactly
when the congregation's happening and I would go
and I would fish in there, I would set my hooks
trying to grab people from that congregation.
Same thing is true with wrestling.
If I was selling a wrestling product I'd find
where are all the places that all the wrestlers
are congregating today and I'm gonna go and try
to figure out how do I set up my business
where I can go set a hook to try to grab people
from that congregation, from those groups.
And so view is the same thing.
Say, okay, what is it I'm selling?
That's step number one.
What am I selling?
And then where's the group of all the people
who are gonna buy this?
They have already self-congregated
together, they're somewhere.
They're either on Facebook, YouTube, they're reading
different blog posts, podcasts, all those kind of things
and then you gotta figure out how do I get in front
of those people?
Now there's like an ethical awesome way
and then there's an unethical scammy way.
So here's the scammy way.
I'll do a little frowny face.
Scammy way means you come here and you start
spamming these things.
How many of you guys know about the spammers.
They're the worst.
We all hate 'em and guess what we don't do?
We don't give them money.
So don't do that.
And then there's like the happy way.
The happy way's coming to these groups
and guess what, be a servant.
Figure out how you can help people.
If you're in the wrestling market and all these people
are talking about asking wrestling questions
go and answer questions, become helpful,
be in the community, talk about stuff,
try to help as much as you can and become
an actual expert in that community and
guess what's gonna happen?
The more they keep seeing you in there
the more they're like who is that person?
And then they can come back to your profile,
they can come back to your pages,
they're gonna see your products, your services,
and you'll start mining people out of these
communities and they'll start coming after you
but only if you treat them amazing.
So I'm going into a new market.
I have to figure out where's the congregation,
how do I serve these people at the highest level
and give as much value as I can
and when I do that people start getting to know my name
they start coming, they start following me.
If you come in there as spam you're in there
for five minutes, nobody sees your link,
they delete you, they ban your account
and if anyone does actually click on your link
they'll think that person's a spammer
and they're never gonna be with you long term.
If you want to grow a company and build relationships
with people it's about finding your communities,
going and serving, answering questions,
that's how you get free traffic out.
If I was gonna go and launch my Expert Secrets
book today I would go and find out where are
all of the groups of experts, of entrepreneurs,
of sales people, of whoever I think this message
might happen I would go in those groups.
I would never talk about this book
but on my Facebook profile I'd probably have a picture
of me holding the book, I might have a link
to Russell's business, click here to get a free book.
I'd have things around there if I was at Instagram
I'd have a link in my bio.
Then I'd go and I'd just serve.
I'd find all the questions people are asking
that I'm an expert in, I'd respond to those questions,
I would answer them, I'd be helpful
without trying to get something in return.
I would just go and help and serve and by doing that
people will come to you.
It's just how the world works and that's how I start
getting free traffic.
There's the long-winded version of that answer.
Thank you so much for watching.
Every single week we publish new secrets just like this
so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of them
and I will see you on the next video.
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