Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 29 2018

- For those who are just tuning in

my name is Russell Brunson and the question for today

is how do you get free traffic to the website

'cause I don't have money to spend on ads

which I totally understand.

Now this is kind of the caveat for all you guys.

There's two ways to get traffic.

There's paid ads and then there's free ads.

Typically most of us in business we have

either more time or more money.

So if you have more time than money you should do free ads.


If you have more money than time you should do paid ads.

And so if you're getting started I recommend

starting with the time but always try to move

into money 'cause money gives you more leverage.

Eventually you run out of hours of the day

and if you're like me you got five amazing kids

at home that you don't want to miss them growing up.

That's number one.

How do you get the free ads to come?

So really, the way you get free ads?

A couple things you have to understand about

how the internet works and how life in general works.

So if you go pre-internet, it used to be really,

really hard for people like us who had an idea

who wanted to sell something.

Let's say I wrote my book Expert Secrets.

I'm like this book's amazing, I'm gonna go sell it,

I'm gonna go knock on door after door after door

and my guess is one out of 500 doors will be like

what are you talking about.

I don't want to be an expert.

It makes no logical sense.

So I go to the next door and this is really, really hard.

But what's interesting, I remember this in high school.

So when I grew up in high school,

I went to Hillcrest High School and I was a wrestler.

What's interesting is I was the click guy in wrestling.

Here's all of the wrestlers and we'd hang out

at lunch together, we'd talk together, we'd hang

out in the hallway, in classes,

we were our own little circle.

And then there was the gymnasts and then there's

the volleyball players and there was people

who played Magic the Gathering and there's

all these different groups that group together

based on similar beliefs and values and likes and interests.

And so back then, though, that's how it worked

so if I wanted to sell something to wrestlers

back in the day I'd have to go to every single high school,

where are the wrestlers at and I could go find that group

and like, hey guys, you want to buy it?

And then go to the next school,

hey do you guys wanna buy it?

And keep going to school to school to school.

But what's cool about the internet, the internet

changed everything for entrepreneurs like us

who want to sell stuff online.

So what happened is it connected all of these,

I'm talking about high schools right now

but this is true everywhere

so there's Hillcrest High School,

there's Brighton High School,

there's Jordan High School, whatever, right?

But the group of wrestlers in every single high school

was now able to congregate together

and it's not just every wrestler

in Boise or Utah or wherever you live

but it's every single wrestler from all around the world

can all congregate together based on similar

beliefs and values.

So think about this.

If you go to Facebook, you go to the big fan pages,

for me it's wrestling, or it's this business

or cooking or whatever it is you're interested in,

there's already all the people from around the world

who are interested in entrepreneurship or in selling

or in cooking or in Jane Austen for crying out loud.

Whatever your thing is they've already self-congregrated

together online and they're hanging out in Facebook

groups, they're hanging out in YouTube channels

or on different people's email lists and things like that

and so it's the power of congregations.

Now that's, when you hear the word congregation

I'm curious, what's the word most of you guys

think of when you hear the word congregation?

So for me, the word I always hear,

when I hear congregation I think of church

and so this is the wrestling congregation,

this is the gymnast congregation,

there's all these different congregations.

Think about how many, what congregations you're in,

which groups you're already part of

'cause I can guarantee in your life

you're already in these groups of things

you're passionate about.

And so you start thinking about that

and I think about church.

Let's just say there's like the Mormon congregation,

it's all the Mormon's are here

and then there's the Seventh Day Adventists there,

they're all here, then there's the Catholics

and there's the Buddhists and the Muslims.

Everyone's congregated together based

on similar beliefs and values.

Let's just say I was, I found out that

every Wednesday or every Sunday at two

all the Mormons are congregated together

and I'm selling a product to Mormons.

I would come right here, I would find out exactly

when the congregation's happening and I would go

and I would fish in there, I would set my hooks

trying to grab people from that congregation.

Same thing is true with wrestling.

If I was selling a wrestling product I'd find

where are all the places that all the wrestlers

are congregating today and I'm gonna go and try

to figure out how do I set up my business

where I can go set a hook to try to grab people

from that congregation, from those groups.

And so view is the same thing.

Say, okay, what is it I'm selling?

That's step number one.

What am I selling?

And then where's the group of all the people

who are gonna buy this?

They have already self-congregated

together, they're somewhere.

They're either on Facebook, YouTube, they're reading

different blog posts, podcasts, all those kind of things

and then you gotta figure out how do I get in front

of those people?

Now there's like an ethical awesome way

and then there's an unethical scammy way.

So here's the scammy way.

I'll do a little frowny face.

Scammy way means you come here and you start

spamming these things.

How many of you guys know about the spammers.

They're the worst.

We all hate 'em and guess what we don't do?

We don't give them money.

So don't do that.

And then there's like the happy way.

The happy way's coming to these groups

and guess what, be a servant.

Figure out how you can help people.

If you're in the wrestling market and all these people

are talking about asking wrestling questions

go and answer questions, become helpful,

be in the community, talk about stuff,

try to help as much as you can and become

an actual expert in that community and

guess what's gonna happen?

The more they keep seeing you in there

the more they're like who is that person?

And then they can come back to your profile,

they can come back to your pages,

they're gonna see your products, your services,

and you'll start mining people out of these

communities and they'll start coming after you

but only if you treat them amazing.

So I'm going into a new market.

I have to figure out where's the congregation,

how do I serve these people at the highest level

and give as much value as I can

and when I do that people start getting to know my name

they start coming, they start following me.

If you come in there as spam you're in there

for five minutes, nobody sees your link,

they delete you, they ban your account

and if anyone does actually click on your link

they'll think that person's a spammer

and they're never gonna be with you long term.

If you want to grow a company and build relationships

with people it's about finding your communities,

going and serving, answering questions,

that's how you get free traffic out.

If I was gonna go and launch my Expert Secrets

book today I would go and find out where are

all of the groups of experts, of entrepreneurs,

of sales people, of whoever I think this message

might happen I would go in those groups.

I would never talk about this book

but on my Facebook profile I'd probably have a picture

of me holding the book, I might have a link

to Russell's business, click here to get a free book.

I'd have things around there if I was at Instagram

I'd have a link in my bio.

Then I'd go and I'd just serve.

I'd find all the questions people are asking

that I'm an expert in, I'd respond to those questions,

I would answer them, I'd be helpful

without trying to get something in return.

I would just go and help and serve and by doing that

people will come to you.

It's just how the world works and that's how I start

getting free traffic.

There's the long-winded version of that answer.

Thank you so much for watching.

Every single week we publish new secrets just like this

so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of them

and I will see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Get More Traffic To Your Website For Free - Duration: 6:20.


Justin Hansen asking judge to reduce sentence for 2008 shovel beating - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Justin Hansen asking judge to reduce sentence for 2008 shovel beating - Duration: 2:25.


Beautiful Tiny Home, Perfect For A Family Of Five | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Tiny Home, Perfect For A Family Of Five | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 6:02.


So, the boats due for a clean out.. Ep. 165 - Duration: 15:48.

- Tell me you can see that hanging off your face.

(mellow guitar music)

Off we go, people.

Motoring up the coast.

(ship's horn blaring)


♪ The boy is alone ♪

♪ He can have his own space ♪

♪ He's done ♪

- You joined us last Monday

with our crew of patrons onboard in Miami.

We've got full sails up,

and we're cruising at 10 knots with no waves,

so everyone's really excited.

It's very nice sailing conditions.

Riley's just running the guys

through a bit of free dive theory.

We were so grateful to get to give these guys

a little taste of our lives here on La Vagabonde.

- I am driving the boat!


- I just can't get over how beautiful the sunset is.

(laidback music)

- Where is it, mate?

Just over there?

- Teamwork, woo!

Well, we are the last remaining,

how many are we?

Two, four, six, seven.

Seven people, including Riley and I.

Everyone else has left

and we're going out for one last little drink

and a bit of food.

And then John, on Monoceras,

and Ariana and Christian are sailing back up north

to where John leaves his boat,

and Riswan and Maya are--

You guys are flying back home to Dallas?

- [Riswan] We're flying out tomorrow morning.

- Yep, flying home to Dallas tomorrow.

So it's the end of our patron week

But it's been a blast.

It'll just be Riley and I again alone on the boat

annoying each other in no time.

The reason we love these meet-ups so much

is because we feel like we have a family

for this short amount of time.

Most of our patrons arrive as strangers

and leave as really good friends.

It's always so sad to say goodbye.

- [Ariana] Let us know, please do.

- Yeah, let us know about the boat.

We're there.


- [Elayna] Love you!

(cross-talk, general chatter)

- [John] Wave at the camera while we're at it.

- [Elayna] Au revoir, amigos!

- Adios, amigo.

- [Elayna] Until next time, bye!

And that's it, boo-kie.

- That is.

- [Elayna] We're all alone.

(Riley sighs)

- [Elayna] You wanna watch a movie?

- Nah.

- [Elayna] I am.

- Relax a little.

- [Elayna] Me and baby.

Come on, let's go.

We don't need him.

(Riley laughing)

(rain splattering)

- [Elayna] What's going on?

- It's raining.

We're supposed to go to Just Catamarans today

to get hauled out of the water

and get some stuff done

that you get done when you're on the hard,

but we'll certainly have to wait until this passes.

Maybe even for tomorrow.

- [Elayna] These are the flowers

that Christian and Ariana got us

before they left, so nice.

- He offered to help detail the boat,

if I wanted to do that.

I don't think we'll have time,

but that was nice of him.

He does that for work down in the Keys.

He said that he'd come over and help polish the hull.

In a day, he reckons.

Smash it all out.

- [Elayna] Amazing.

- He's going to bring a buffer.

Can we have an update on my eldest?

- [Elayna] (laughs)

I'm getting a bit more of a stomach now.

Do you wanna see?

- [Riley] Yeah.

- [Elayna] How's that?

- [Riley] That's good, that'll do.

- [Elayna] It's still not very big,

so that's three months.

Three, no, 14, 15 weeks. This is 15 weeks.

- [Riley] Sorry to interrupt.

It looks like E.T. is standing outside

and pretty cold and wanting to come in.

- [Elayna] Aww poor, it does!


Off we go, people.

Motoring up the coast.

The rain has stopped, so we decided to make a move.

We've decided to also not get fuel,

because apparently no one has fuel here,

and the one place that does,

they can't tell us the depth of the marina.

(laughs) No one can.

- "I thought this was America."

Randy Marsh said it best.

- Am I not allowed to stand up for myself?

I thought this was America.

Huh, isn't this America?

I'm sorry, I thought this was America.

- We've decided on some mahi-mahi

for dinner tonight.

This is what we caught coming from Bimini Island

to Coconut Grove.

I was thinking of making a fish soup,

but that's really adventurous for me.

Maybe I'll give it a go.

That's how you learn, right?

Daniele gave me this mango.

Well, she gave me two,

but I cut one up 'cause it was ripe

and I froze it so we can make some homemade ice-cream,

but this one is ready to eat.

Smells amazing.

They grow them here in Florida

and like, honestly,

I can't even explain the smell to you,

it's like--

- [Riley] It's good, is it?

- [Elayna] It's too good.

I just cut my whole mango in half

without even knowing.

Daniele, I love you.

This is honestly the best mango

I've ever eaten in my life.

(mellow guitar music)

- [Riley] Fort Lauderdale has a large network of canals.

There are 165 miles of waterways within the city limits.

The city is home to 100 marinas,

and houses over 45,000 yachts.

That's pretty impressive, mate.

What do you call that one?

- [Other Sailor] Welcome, folks.

- [Riley] Thanks, mate.

♪ I gave up being who I used to be ♪

♪ But yesterday, I thought I'd try something new ♪

- [Man On Dock] Let her come back more.

- What do you reckon, Riles?

Nearly done?

- [Riley] Unfortunately, we didn't get a shot of the lasso.

- No, I got a shot of the lasso.

- [Riley] My lasso?

- Yeah.

- [Riley] Did you?

- I'm a woman of many talents, multitasking.

What have we got here?

- That's an AC unit,

to keep you guys cool at night.

Your AC's not working?

- [Elayna] We don't have one.

- You don't have one?

- No, we're minimalistic.

- Ah, okay, so--

- [Elayna] We don't deserve it just yet,

we're still children.

- We'll use yours.

- Okay.

- [Riley] We'll use yours.

- Rafael will be coming down here to meet you,

in a few minutes.

- So Raf has just come over.

This is Raf.

- How's it going, guys?

- And we just had a little chat inside,

but yeah, we're about to instal,

well, he's about to instal the air conditioner,

which looks like an anaconda.

- It's very hot,

and these little bugs called no-see-ums

light your skin on fire.

- [Elayna] I've been bit all over my legs already

from Coconut Grove, so this'll be great.

- [Podcast Speaker] Oh, you know.

I will say anything.

I mean, what shadow have I not been facing

would be the real question.

I think, I mean, when I woke up on January 1st--

- She's done it again, folks.

And no, I haven't stuffed it up.

I mean, I actually nailed it.

I'm surprised.

This is a tomato chilli fish soup.

I roughly followed a recipe that I found online,

but I definitely, I changed a lot,

so I'll put the link in the description below.

Basically, I sauteed some onion and garlic together,

added in some bok choy,

then I added in one chopped tomato,

a can of diced tomatoes,

and a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Then I chopped the fish, threw that in,

let that all simmer until the fish cooked through,

then I added a pinch of oregano, a pinch of thyme,

pepper, lots of, 'cause I love pepper, salt,

a squirt of tabasco 'cause we like it hot,

and yeah, its just me, Lord of Lightning,

and anaconda air con tonight for dinner,

because Riley's gone over to another boat.

We actually met them a few weeks ago in Turks and Caicos,

but I wasn't feeling up to it,

and I'm doing some work and listening to a podcast,

so I was really in the mood to be alone.

I didn't really want to socialise,

but boy, is he missing out.

(thunder crashing)

- What do you think of my fish soup?

I always need a review.

- It's the first time you've ever followed a recipe.

- [Elayna] Yay, and it worked!

- It's really good.

- [Elayna] I always need a rating, you know that.

- I'm consistently marking you too high, I think.

- [Elayna] I need compliments.

- Nine point nine.

- [Elayna] Whoa.

- It's pretty good soup.

- [Elayna] Thank you.

- You're welcome

- [Elayna] How could it be improved?

- It can't, I don't give out 10s.

- [Elayna] Okay.

Well, then, it's perfect.

Great, that's all I needed to know.

Thank you, good night.


- [Riley] It was really nice

to be able to come down to the beach

in the mornings for a run

before us and the team at Just Cats

would get to work.

- These caterpillars are everywhere,

hanging from the trees.

You've just gotta run in the middle of the road.

(gentle acoustic guitar music)

- It wasn't too much.

We were here to instal some much needed fans,

a mesh net outside for our dive gear,

and some other small odd jobs,

but the main reason we were here

was for the haul out and hull scrape,

which Elayna and I were going to do over the weekend.

I'm just down here with Steve the water maker wizard,

and he's just explaining to me,

he agreed to come over

and just explain a few different things to me,

and I definitely need to change out

the water filter down here.

It's looking a bit, in his words, gnarly.

- [Elayna] Really?


- [Steve] If you put three glasses of water,

lets say one salt water,

one municipal fresh water

and one RO water--

- [Riley] And municipal fresh water

is just fresh water from any cistern in the world?

- [Steve] Correct.

From any dock side water that you get

or any city water that might--

because the city treats it,

so the membranes,

if you're talking about the three glasses of water,

in about three days, salt water,

with the bacterial activity,

is going to be bubbling and have growth in it.

The fresh water municipal,

because it still has dead bodies in it,

even though they are killed,

will reactivate with light after about two weeks

and the bacterial activity will begin

to bubble up and get nasty in there.

The RO water is different,

because the RO water,

only saline goes through the membrane pores.

Calciums don't go through,

sulfites don't go through,

bacteria does not go through.

- [Riley] The most sterile, I guess,

of all of the waters is the RO water.

- Is the RO water in your tank,

and that would be because it doesn't

have the dead bodies.

- [Riley] Yeah.

- So it won't reactivate.

You won't be introducing bacteria into your system

by using RO water.

- [Riley] Amazing.

- And, it's wonderful, yeah,

if you can keep your tank sterile.

So there's obviously going to be

a little bit of bacteria

because your tank is not sterile,

but for the most part,

this removes the dead bodies,

so you'll have water without any dead bodies.

- [Riley] And so, having looked at our system,

all I've gotta to do is

just replace my water filter here?

- Correct.

- [Riley] Beautiful.

- And you're looking real good.

- [Riley] Thanks for having a look at that for me, man.

- Not at all,

and the system's looking real good, real clean.

Keep it that way

and keep doing what you're doing.

Use it often.

- [Riley] Yep.

- Make sure that water doesn't get a chance to stagnate

and keep your filters clean.

You should be good

- [Riley] Perfecto.

- [Elayna] Alright, so who have we got down here,

and what are you doing with my bedroom?


- I am putting holes in your bedroom wall

in order to mount these guys.

- [Elayna] Hooray, I'm so excited!

- The fun part is always running the wires, of course.

- [Elayna] Yeah.

Thank you, Terry.

- You're welcome.

- So basically,

this is what I've been doing most mornings.

I'll pack my backpack

and I'll head into the office,

where its nice and cool and I can concentrate,

because the house is constantly a mess,

and its really loud,

and I don't want the boys

to feel like they're being watched.

I'm going up to the Just Cats office,

where I've been working.

They have a little area for guests,

which is amazing,

and the air con's like, super cold,

so you actually have to wear a jumper.

And Riley's been taking care of a lot

of boat jobs as well with the boys,

so he's been helping out as much as he can,

and yeah, organising all of that stuff,

so that's what I'm doing.

I'm gonna show you the office.

(mellow guitar music)

- I'm gonna go and make a hot chocolate.

I've made it my morning ritual,

to get me started. (laughs)

(upbeat guitar music)

There he is,

and what are you doing in my office this morning?

- In your office?

- [Elayna] Yes

- Researching vazer extensions,

because I just got caught in a worm hole

of storm tactics again,

but I'll get back on task again, I promise.

- [Elayna] Thank you,

- We don't want to get kicked out

before we have the baby.

- [Elayna] No.

- Bahamian delivery rooms would be okay, probably.

- [Elayna] Probably.

- Would you have a baby on that?

- That's probably what they look like

in the Bahamas. (laughs)

It's really funny.

One of the boys just walked in

and referred to Just Catamarans as Just Storage,

because we've been getting like,

all this mail that's arrived,

because its very rare

that we actually get a reliable address,

so when we do, we get all the things that we need.

Yesterday a breast pump arrived.

Today I have some baby bottles.

It's really funny, also very embarrassing.

Yeah, we want to be prepared,

because Riley and I are very unorganised,

and I bet ya, if we don't act now,

the baby's going to be without a bottle, so.

It is so cold in here

that I've had to cook some corn.

That's not the only reason why I'm cooking corn,

we're really hungry.

- [Riley] Hey, save me a piece of that corn for later.

- But it is seriously freezing in here.

I'm wearing a jumper.

It's amazing, it's really fun.

How cold are you out of 10?

- Tired.

- [Elayna] (laughing) Can you see that?

Tell me you can see that hanging off your face.

- What's the terminology?

I got beer brain, dude.

- [Riley] Raf is a huge part of Just Catamarans,

and has been helping us out a lot,

although it probably doesn't look like it here.

La Vagabonde had been on the high seas now

for over 14 months,

and it really was a relief

to be able to go somewhere like Just Cats,

with their expertise and motivation,

to nail a bunch of jobs in less than a week.

It was also good to kick back after a day's work

and talk about some of the more technical issues

with the guys here.

- Especially when they're pissed.


- Can you document the beer abuse?

I'm gonna to call the cops on him.

- [Elayna] Thanks for watching.

Tune in for a bonus episode this Friday for the haul out,

and we reveal the sex of our baby.

Thanks to our patrons,

who are still, please, keeping this a secret,

and have been for the past few months now.

Let us know what you think it might be

in the comment section.

♪ But hey, who really knows? ♪

For more infomation >> So, the boats due for a clean out.. Ep. 165 - Duration: 15:48.


Pence visits W. MI for last minute GOP push - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Pence visits W. MI for last minute GOP push - Duration: 1:56.


JWoww and Estranged Husband Roger Dress Up as Moana Characters for Halloween amid Divorce - 247 news - Duration: 3:01.

 Halloween is a very important holiday for this family of four.  Over a month after Jenni "JWoww" Farley filed for divorce from Roger Mathews, the Jersey Shore star and her estranged husband reunited for a family Halloween costume

 On Monday, Mathews, 43, shared a series of photos of the separated couple and their two children dressed as Moana characters

 "We always try and get into the spirit of Halloween every year," he wrote, adding that it's his 4-year-old daughter Meilani's "favorite holiday

"  "Bubby's is Thanksgiving cause there is a humongous dead bird on the table he can eat and lots of other yummy stuff

Except cauliflower. F— cauliflower" he added, referring to the couple's son Greyson 2

 The pair also made an video giving fans a look at their festive Halloween photoshoot

 "Behind the scenes of the Matthew's annual Halloween photoshoot," Farley wrote on her own Instagram account, alongside a short clip of the video

Sherevealed that they decided on Moana-themed costumes because the Disney film is their son's "favorite movie

"  Over the weekend, the mother of two also shared a sweet — and spooky — video of her daughter showing off all of the festive decorations in their front yard

 "@meilanimathews favorite time of the year 👻 just got home from Spain and we are putting in some werkkkkkk," she wrote alongside the video

 Earlier this month, Farley and Mathews celebrated their anniversary by having dinner together — and then taking a ride in a horse-drawn carriage

 "Rome wasn't built in a day," Mathews wrote alongside a photo of the pair dining together

 After nearly three years of marriage, Farley filed for divorce from Mathews on Sept

12, according to New Jersey's Asbury Park Press.  "The Plaintiff and the Defendant have irreconcilable differences which have caused the breakdown of the marriage for a period of at least six months which make it appear that the marriage should be dissolved and that there is no prospect of reconciliation," Farley's complaint stated

 Hours after news of the divorce filing broke, Mathews shared an emotional video on social media, swearing that he was "not done fighting" for his marriage

For more infomation >> JWoww and Estranged Husband Roger Dress Up as Moana Characters for Halloween amid Divorce - 247 news - Duration: 3:01.


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 Arsenal are on high alert after reports emerged that Ousmane Dembele could be available in January

 There were strong reports in the summer that the Gunners were in the market for the 21-year-old

 And those heightened when he was photographed having a meal with close friend Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Alexandre Lacazette and Matteo Guendouzi

 But a big money move was never really on the cards at such a late stage of the transfer window and Dembele stayed with the Catalan giants

 However, the move could be back on in the January transfer window.  Dembele only moved to the Camp Nou last summer in a deal worth an initial €105 million, but he struggled to make much of an impact during his first season due to a series of injuries

 And things have not exactly gone to plan this time around either.  The youngster has scored three La Liga goals this season and has appeared in all ten of Barca's league games, but has fallen out of favour in recent weeks

 Manager Ernesto Valverde was less than impressed when he called on him to replace Lionel Messi during the game with Sevilla and was not ready, having not tied his boots

 And reports in Spain have suggested that Basrcelona are ready to cut their losses and cash in on the winger in the January transfer market

  According to RAC1, as per Sport , the Catalans are weighing up making him available for transfer after Christmas

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