G'day guys not my usual video this time. It's about copyright.
I'm about to head off for four days walking the Bibbulmun carrying the Google Earth tracker
on the back with four other people. Now I normally like to post at least once a
week but I am going to be away I normally post on Monday and on Monday I
will be somewhere in the middle of the bush so I wanted to get something out
there I do have something that is what I feel massively important and could have
huge consequences around the globe now if you are new to Epic Drives usually
we're the channel all about four-wheel driving and the outdoors in Western
Australia. There's like a random kid throwing sticks at ducks. Not on! Now I'm sure you guys
like me use places like YouTube to search for content that answers
questions no matter how weird and bizarre that they might be and that's
actually at risk at the moment so this isn't a usual video where I go for
driving I'm sorry for that but stick around because this is important to
So I want to talk a little bit about a funny thing that's happening in the EU
if you haven't heard it already it's called article 13. Intended to protect
creators, but it could have unintended consequences that would dramatically
change the framework that allows services like YouTube to host content
from creators. In practice it could force platforms to prioritise content only a
small number of larger companies that are able to stand behind their copyright
clearance programs but it would be too risky for sites to host content from
smaller original content creators because it would be the sites themselves
that are individually liable for that content. This would dramatically change
the web as we know it and would mean that less content would be shared
enjoyed or even seen in Europe and there are many other unintended consequences!
Article 13 as written, threatens to shut down the ability of millions of people
to upload their content to platforms like YouTube
and this could put hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk including but not
limited to our European creators, businesses, artists as well as the people
that they employ. But even worse than that is the European viewers. You people
you're at risk of losing literally billions of videos from creators all
around the world and that includes the content that is already live right now.
And yes it includes YouTube's vast library of videos. Educational content
such as language classes, physics tutorials and all the how-to videos.
Europeans would literally be cut off from the rest of the world. Cut off from
the latest cultural moments being created and shared on the Internet.
So let's come together for a better solution. We all want to work with the
lawmakers on a better way forward. Now the exact language of article 13 is
still being determined and it is critical that we get this right and we
need to speak up now because this decision may be made final as soon as
the end of the year and so we need to make our voice heard click the link in
the description below and sign the petition against article 13 and most
importantly make your voice heard that you want the internet to remain as it is
and not be taken over by big companies. So that's it for now as always thank you
for watching, I'm Dan this has been Epic Drives Western Australia. Catch ya!
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