what do you want your legacy to be as a human being but as a generation?
only depends on how we vote as a society. Not who we vote for, but how we vote it
establishes our future and how we will be uh remembered as generation. Maybe some
of you already mentally checked out when I said voting. Um...I...I know everyone on
the news and politics tells us to go vote but it is a necessary thing that we
need. And it's not for one party it's not the Democrats, it's the Republicans
it's not for the Independent voters. It's for every single person. According to my
studies, a lot of um ages from 18 to 24, young people, they don't vote. And
according to President Obama at his U of I speech in Urbana-Champaign, "there are
more uh there are now more eligible voters in your generation than any other, which
means your generation now has more power than anybody to change things." It is our
duty and our right to go ahead and vote. After carefully researching with... with
studies from political journalists and um uh quotes from President Obama and the US
Census Bureau I've seen that voting haaa...as best is the best way to have our voices
and our views heard. I'll go over by covering our voting... voting numbers of the past 50
years, and how that decline has hurt the generation... uh the young generation at
that time, and then ending by how voting is only here to help us, not hurt us.
The steady decline in the midterm elections, and that's when there's not a
president running. According to Domenico Montero, the former
political director and producer for ... politics and law at PBS, "in 2014
we had the lowest turnout and young people since World War two." And this
graph right here shows um...the 1966 to 2014 and the steady decline of uh voting
people voting. Now looking at presidential elections this graph here
from 1964 to 19... uh sorry 2012 shows that there's also been a steady decline and
not only young people, but in people in everybody in the United States. And
according to Tyler Kingkade, senior editor and reporter for The Huffington
Post, out of 2012 only 19 percent of voters were young people. And then this
decline sh...uh shows that incline in unrest for young people in the United States.
Um ... and then looking at protests of the past and the protests occurring today in nineteen...
uh during the 1960's the protest of Vietnam was uh happening on a
lot of college campuses. At that time the voting age was only 21,
but you can still be drafted at the age of 18.
Um and until um not a lot of a lot of it was picked up by people because they just
said that it was stupid college kids because essentially we are stupid college kids, um but
then once people started hearing it, then the older generation actually
helped out and made the younger generation um made their their they their voices
heard from them talking to their congressman and women. And uh protests today, the March
for our Lives protest. Of course you get... uh maybe you probably know the Stoneman
Douglas shooting back in 2017, where 17 innocent children were killed at high
school. The March for our Lives protests started from them uh and it went throughout
the country. Um I actually was part of the March for our Lives back in Illinois
when I was in high school. And uh according to the White House correspondent Michael
Shear the NRA raise money has affected um congressmen and women um to listen to the
NRA rather than to listening to their constituents. He also explains that the
NRA makes people think that March for our lives is not is only there to like
protest the Second Amendment, but it is not really, it is to protest this the easiness of getting guns
Uh and then while young people young Americans have always like stood up to
things they their voices they usually like dismiss because they're not old
enough to vote or that there's another thing behind it stopping them like the
NRA for March for our Lives. Uh and then voting is the future for America. Um and not
everyone can go to Capitol Hill and vote on a single bill because that'd be too
much of um a hassle. Uh and with electing officials that we agree that we agree
with uh it'll just like have our voices heard, and our views um and our views shared
throughout the United States. And then according to Knox County in Illinois
they published an article that's saying that we should vote because it gives
feedback to the current peop... current officials in office and also, um it gives
representation for everyone and the thought of society. Voting was uh chosen
by our founding fathers um because they didn't want n... any royals in... in
... in leading the country, and voting is a privilege that many Americans don't follow and then uh
don't use to their advantage and they go ahead and ask why are my taxes up so
Um our voices are power and not voting uh is essentially censoring us. And so I I
plead to you to go out and vote not for anyone but yourself and vote for
your voice and the advancement of the United States.
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