welcome to JGOD gaming in today's video I'll be focusing on a spawn guide
for the new map occupation in the Call of Duty World War 2 this is part of the
first DLC one resistance pack so what we'll do is break down some of
the different spawns so the ones I'm going to go over our team deathmatch
domination hardpoint and capture the flag
the reason I'm be going over these specific ones is because there's another
mode that mirrors one of these or else I would have just gone through and done
all the modes so for team deathmatch obviously kill confirms for gridiron
we've got capture the flag so it's kind of a balance there dominations is own
thing as well as hardpoint so let's go ahead and get into it
so in the background what imma be talking about is a little bit of you
know playing the actual map so for this one I chose TDM to start off with and as
you can see the spawns in the top right corner in red are where the enemy team
and yourself will spawn so based off where you're spawning where you're
positioned where your teammates are spawning where your teammates are
positioned you're gonna have a good idea and predict where the enemy team's gonna
be obviously certain spawns are a little bit more sticky and have a majority
chance to spawn so right here you can see they're still coming out of the
corner still a little bit of respawn delay it looks like and then you can see
them on my mini-map there's three little blips that pop up so they still all
spawn in this corner just a heads-up if you're interested in a particular mode
and maybe you don't play team deathmatch at all you want to check out one of the
other modes i'ma leave timestamps down in description below as well as the
images so you can click on those save those to your phone desktop whatever you
want to do so that you have access to those so go ahead and check that out in
the description below if you're interested in skipping ahead or you just
want to go ahead and check those out as far as for this map goes obviously it's
a remake of a map we've experienced before and it does look and play a
little bit different but the familiar already did help me when I was playing
online just because I was able to play it as if I knew it because I had a
familiarity with it so you can see right there they all spawned in that little
corner on the bottom right of the map so the spawns they this is how they work
you can cut off a lot of different people you can predict where people are
gonna be especially for some of the other modes as you'll see
pretty shortly that when you actually play you can actually cut people off
from actually coming to the objective at all if you just position to three people
in the right spot you can actually do you know some pretty good work and
cutting people off and almost guarantee a victory especially on some of the hard
points it does cut you off a little bit so right now I'm just kind of
maneuvering through the map I know where they're at I know where they're spawning
problem they don't move too fast cuz they're BOTS but at the end of the day
you know real people online they will be coming out of these areas as well the
reason I do with bots in case you're wondering what the heck is this guy
doing playing against bots it's more for a proof of concept that what you're
looking at on screen matches the spawns and then also to show you that what I'm
actually putting out is something that I've tested I put together and I was
able to identify these areas of spawn locations so when you move around the
map it's something you got to keep in mind obviously the interior the map they
can approach you from any angle but if you're coming out around the outskirts
you can have a better idea of where they're gonna be spawning from and then
have an idea when the spawns of cliff also if you're in their spawn if they're
gonna be spawning on sides of you or behind you or wherever the cases because
sometimes the spawns are a little sticky and they don't always flip so just keep
that in mind as you navigate through the map that you should be able to have a
good idea of where all these people are I usually like to do this when new maps
come out or when the new game comes out I'll go into the private matches or
custom game set up with bots so I get a familiarity of where you know movement
patterns are the spawns where I spawn how to push certain angles and just
doing that overall gives you a comfort with the map that maybe you didn't have
just by jumping in and getting maybe smacked around by someone who's already
played at ten fifty or even a hundred times so a lot of times familiarity with
the maps is huge where to move through where to navigate through is huge
especially in objective game mode so as you can see I'm coming up this stairs
area here and they're all popping up in this corner you can see where my red is
popping up on the mini-map so take this guy out and they continue to flood out
of this corner just because that's kind of the way it's designed now that you
see them in that other corner where the other hotspot is for the red zone so
pretty much as long as you can move from point two hot point as far as red zone
to red zone you should be have a good idea of where everyone is on the map
especially if you coordinate that with where your team is so we'll go ahead and
move on to domination now while that's loading up now is a good time to point
out that it's a good time if you're enjoying the video go ahead and click
that like button subscribe if you haven't already and make sure you ring
that Bell so you have the notifications on and you're up to date with the newest
content that I'm putting out again the light goals 75 so hopefully can help me
out with that if you're enjoying the video let's get down to what the map
looks like so as you can see the map is slightly different you can see where
Zone a B and C are and some of the spawns have shifted just a little bit
we're missing some of those left spawns that we had originally in team
deathmatch so for this one is very similar the way you move around the map
but obviously I'm playing solo with some bots again still so what you want to do
is make sure that you have a good idea of where the spawns are which these ones
like I said it doesn't move too much but it's got a hard time holding down the
area if the team doesn't actually pursue the different areas the main objective
you want to hold down here is B just because you got a good sight line from B
into the spawning areas that you can actually hold it down either off of this
little crate here or your teammate could be a little bit further up without
pushing the spawns and catch people coming out of that spawn to protect B as
long as you have a and C or a and B or C and B a combination of the two you
should be able to win this objective pretty good because if you do the a and
C then the enemy team will actually pop out by the bottom right corner where B
is so you can go ahead and control the spawns if your team is coordinated
enough to go ahead and lock down certain areas so pretty much that's all I'm
doing is I'm rotating back and forth because they lost a so I'm just kind of
coming back to it clearing off the areas it's a little bit slower and Dom because
I don't have that recon plane up constantly but as you'll see they're
pretty predictable spawns are all coming from that top area the enemy teams
trying to take over B so I'm just rotating back because none of the team
is on this side but normal normal match you probably have at least one person on
your team contesting B almost all the time just because it's right here out in
the open getting kills and kind of feeding on
this of the map so every time I'm getting
that recon plane I'm continually looking at the overview of the mini-map just
because it shows a lot of information as you can see right here try to run
through mid coming from off of spawn right now I'm pretty much right on the
outside of their spawn so I know they're gonna come out either through this area
where I'm pushing or to the left of me down this little Street area so pretty
much I'm just kind of holding down the areas because I don't want the spawns to
flip usually when you're playing domination you don't really want the
spawns to flip you want to usually hold two of the objectives and then keep all
your enemy team just pinned and aside a specific spawn because if they're only
coming out of a specific spawn your enemy team becomes very very predictable
and you have a good control of the map so that's just a general tip for
domination but as you see this one the spawns kind of flipped a little bit or
we lost control continually because the the computer teammates just kept losing
a or losing C so kind of rotate it back and forth and pretty much just
continually played the match so right here I'm going back and trying to go
ahead and go flank to get B because it looks like all the enemy is facing that
side so you're going to take them out if someone sits inside that room right down
this Lane they can actually have that perfect vantage point probably for a
sniper as soon as someone peeks take them out so this is a huge lane that you
can probably use for sniping or a really good automatic rifle or just rifle in
general if you if you feel comfortable with the semi-autos or my favorite LMG
the lowest light machine gun which is pretty awesome at that vantage point as
well so you can see how the spawns can be used effectively to manage where your
enemies are coming from control manipulate have the map control so just
about positioning again it's always positioning on all the different Maps so
right here I know they're gonna go ahead and try and flip the spawn so I'm gonna
push it anyways just because my teammates are losing a over there by
themselves so I go ahead and push to take over see I know where they're gonna
be coming from they're probably gonna be coming from this right side or the left
so I just got to pay attention since I don't have that recon up right away so I
just gotta kind of watch and wait and it looks like I was able to take it over
looks like some of the enemy team is over there by B so I'm gonna kind of
pushed B in that direction so pretty much you got to do with the
maps telling you every map slightly different because who you're playing
with sometimes they're slower players
sometimes they're campy ER sometimes they're fast paced players
sometimes they're using shotguns sniper sometimes they're running like a chicken
with their head cut off sometimes your teammates are going for
kilos sometimes your enemies are going for kills I don't want the objective at
all so just keep that in mind that not everything is super cookie cutter but
this does give you a good idea of where enemies are where you're at where you
should be going what space you need to be positioned right now we're triple cap
so the spawns are probably gonna be a little bit funky but as you can see I
got a good idea where they're coming from I know they're all coming from this
corner building I just got to kind of wait it out get a better position than
the enemy team that's usually the name of the game patience and positioning
especially on boots on the ground you can't just out reflex your enemy so
you do have to put yourself in the best position or you can get really swept
really quick especially if you end up to be won a lot of times you're gonna lose
that gunfight unless you are able to flank them catch one off-guard so just
keep that in mind you gotta navigate the map smartly and execute effectively for
Damai only one has demonstrate one round just to show kind of how that works
again proof of concept with the bots just demonstrate that the spawn guide is
accurate and effective for what you're looking to accomplish if you're watching
this video I know I'm repeating myself a little bit but this is for the people
that maybe skip the head to the hardpoint I'm go ahead and remember to
drop that like again the goal is 75 likes if you haven't subscribed yet go
ahead and make sure you click that subscribe button turn on that bell have
the notifications on so you stay up-to-date on future videos and future
content so when it comes to hardpoint the spawns are usually pretty different
than the rest of all the spawns in the different modes just because the
hardpoint rotates and because of that there has to be different spawn points
to accommodate two teams having an equal distance to travel to get to that hard
point so for the most part it's usually pretty equal in some cases there's
usually an advantage where you're gonna be have to walk a little bit farther
than your enemy team so let's go ahead and check those out so when looking at
the hardpoint map you can see that I have both the rotations and the spawns
on there the spawns are a little bit different than the past two maps that we
looked at as far as domination and Team Deathmatch but that's just because the
way the hill rotate so you can see it starts in mid
bumps down to the bottom of the map then goes back up the top and then it goes
kind of four and then five where you can see that's towards the middle and then
towards the right the key with holding down four is
actually making sure you got bottom spawns because after that heel it's
gonna rotate to five now look at how far the spawns are from five pretty much
you're kind of screwed if you're spawning there same thing with three if
you get the spawns you need the spawns for hardpoint three because look at how
far you gotta walk if you don't get hardpoint three look at the spawn so
look at they're all the Wigan and the V to the right or the all the way at the
bottom look at the distance you have to travel so this one's very spawn
dependent same thing with two look at where your enemies are gonna come from
they're gonna come from over by hardpoint five that's a little bit of a
walk but look at if they come all the way by hardpoint three gets kind of
crazy so just something to keep in mind the spawns are key and hard point and
especially on this map so you can see in the background this first Hill is
already done with so I'm trying to rotate to the second Hill just so that
we can make sure we get those spawns feeling that the enemy team's gonna be
in this area so as I approach I have a good idea where they coming from they're
frightened I come from the stairs behind me but then again they are when this a
UAV comes out the recon plane so I turn on that guy take them both out now my
teammates are in position and you can see now look at where how far they're
walking from like what I said they're fun gonna have five and they're spawning
by three so that's what's so key is that you you know you're gonna put your team
at a huge disadvantage if you're not getting these spawns early because most
people that play hard point have no clue what rotating early means they're gonna
fight for a five-second he'll never fight for her five-second hail unless
it's for the win so keep in mind that when you're rotating that you need to
rotate early as long as someone is in the hill there should be at least one
person in the hill leave that as garbage time give that to them get your team in
better position so they're gonna actually take over the next hard point
so you can see here now I'm trying to rotate across the map and love the way
cut these people off so I'm going to push this way I know they're gonna be
spawning in this corner so they already have this Hill advantage they should be
jumping in there pretty soon so as I come around here you can see the little
red dots are popping up a little bit closer to me then they
on the other side of the map I just get repositioned take a couple guys out and
then secure the hill after I mean here for a little bit take out a different
enemies then the hill decides to flip as far as spawns so that now my team has
control of the spawns as long as they move a little bit further down here
we'll we'll get those spawns and then we'll actually have the entire hill time
so as I go ahead and take a look at that overview since I got the Recon out you
can see where they're coming from they're all coming from the opposite
side of the map where those spawns are on the bottom so they got a long walk
and they don't even got a good vantage point when they come out there they're
pretty much there for the picking as you can see I picked one off picked the
other one off and they're still coming from that side down the stairs it's a
longer route to go around the other side but you know it is what it is you gotta
come out wherever the best cover is but right here you can see that it's not
good so they're already gonna have the next hill
so we're gonna start rotating and I'm pushing through mid because I want to
get that hill I got to go through here to get there so you can see that they're
all set up over here on this hill because none of our team rotated
obviously I'm playing with bots they don't they don't know any better but all
the enemy team they definitely shut down that hard point pretty quick so we go
ahead and clear it out and then keep in mind again that when I said when you get
this hill you need to make sure you get the spawns on the bottom of the map so
right now it looks like we have those spawns as long as our team doesn't push
forward we should maintain those but it looks like that guy on the red might
know but he's actually still moving towards his own spawn so now we kind of
got him locked in this way as a hardpoint rotate to the fifth and final
rotation as far as time rotation goes you're gonna see that we're gonna have
those immediately we're gonna have it locked down and they're still gonna be
spawning pretty far so we'll just wait out this nine seconds go ahead and move
over to the next hill because I want to make sure I guarantee myself D spawn so
I go ahead and sit up in here and that's pretty much ends up being in the match
we camp out this one there's only one more hard point to go to number one and
then we have enough time to close out because 55 seconds takes up to up to
about 225 and that's kind of where it sits
hopefully enjoyed the video I would appreciate that like rating if you did
appreciate it you're still here sorry for a little bit of the length I just
thought this is probably the better way to cover it I didn't really like the
first way I did it when I did the other one thing I will throw off on screen in
case you are interested is the capture the flag spawns
and just a heads up with capture the flag spawns like always they're pretty
rigid but you can see there's a lot of places to spawn so I don't think this
was a really high potential spawn trap unless it's a super coordinated team but
you can see where they're at on the screen which they will be down in the
description again as well so if you'd like a copy of any of these or links to
the time stamps in case you want to reference these again make sure you
check down in the description below drop that like rating go ahead and
subscribe if you haven't already ring the bell make sure you got the
notifications on stay up to date follow me on Twitter so that's the probably the
best way to keep in contact with me sometimes YouTube's a little funky with
their comments thank you for watching as always
have a great day
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