Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 30 2018

In today's lesson, we'll talk about the core of traditional Chinese medicine, that is Qi and blood.

What is Qi? Does it really exist?

And what about 'blood' in Chinese medicine? Is it same as the blood in our blood vessel?

So let's answer these questions in more details.

During our last lesson, we talked about Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine is actually metabolism in modern medicine.

And Qi and Blood is actually the substances that flow in our circulation system during metabolism

OK, let's explain them in more details using the metabolic map

They are the substance in the circulation system

Qi is the special gas substance

And what about blood in Chinese medicine?

It is absolutely not the blood components in our blood vessel.

Absolutely not!

Then what is 'blood' in Chinese medicine?

It is the liquid substance in our entire circulatory system, apart from blood in blood vessel

It has a fixed flow law

Such as lymph fluid and tissue fluid

And a lot of students asked me

"Dr Liu, does Qi and blood in Chinese medicine really exist?"

I can assure you that they 100% exist

How can I be so sure?

Because we can hear the sound of Qi and blood flowing in patient's circulation system very clearly during our clinical treatment.

It is very loud and flows in a particular order

And the speed is very fast!

And you might ask, so what does it sound like?

You can listen to the sound of gas and liquid flowing in the pipe. It's quite similar

And not only does the doctor hear it during treatment,

Our patients can also hear and feel these gas and liquid flows in their body very clearly.

For more infomation >> What is Qi and Blood - Scientific TCM - Duration: 3:12.


Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document - Duration: 2:01.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

When you open an image in Photoshop, one of the following errors occurs: Could not complete your request because it is

not a valid Photoshop document. Solution 1: Make sure that the filename

extension matches the actual file type. Filename extensions are hidden by default. To turn them on, perform the following steps:

Open Windows Explorer. Choose Tools > Folder Options > View. Deselect Hide Extensions for Known File Types.

Click Apply, then click OK. Solution 2: Make sure that the file has only one

filename extension.Turn on filename extensions as in Solution 1, and view your images in Finder or Windows Explorer.

Then, check to see if there are two extensions on your files. If your images have two

extensions, such as: filename.pdf.jpg Remove the last extension so the file is named:filename.pdf

Solution 3: Open the file in another photo app and save as JPEG

Open the problematic image in a photo app such as Preview (on mac OS) or Photos (on Windows). Now save the file again as a JPEG

image from within such an app. Try opening the file again in Photoshop. Solution 4: Make sure that your hardware isn't

damaged.Validate your hardware to make sure that there are no hardware failures, such as with an external hard disk or network.

Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document - Duration: 2:01.


Loving The Narcissist Is Like Taking Poison & Dying | Spoken Word by Anna Szabo #NARCISSIST [2018] - Duration: 1:11.

Loving a Narcissist is like taking poison and dying slowly.

He is so miserable and he can't stand that you are not.

He hates you for your joy and wants to make you feel so lonely

That you forget anything good or positive you ever thought.

The Narcissist has a very fragile ego.

He is full of insecurities, self-hatred, and shame.

For him, to manipulate you into darkness is very intriguing,

And to make you feel confused and doubtful is his primary aim.

You can't help the Narcissist by loving him, Because he doesn't just feel by you unloved.

From his childhood, he feels fundamentally unlovable -

That's not anything you can get for him resolved.

Loving the Narcissist leads you not just to dead end -

It takes you quickly to the real hell on earth.

And as long as to genuinely care you tend, The Narcissist will hate you vigorously and

intensely for all he's worth.

For more infomation >> Loving The Narcissist Is Like Taking Poison & Dying | Spoken Word by Anna Szabo #NARCISSIST [2018] - Duration: 1:11.


How is this frustating - Duration: 2:58:51.

For more infomation >> How is this frustating - Duration: 2:58:51.


Yes Yours Is No Disgrace (Legendado) - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> Yes Yours Is No Disgrace (Legendado) - Duration: 10:48.


Ceci n'est pas une burqua (This is not a burqua) - Short Film - Mobile Film Festival 2018 - Duration: 1:20.

This is not a burqua

You have to stop wearing this shit, the clients are complaining

This faggot must die!

Undress him! Kill him!

For more infomation >> Ceci n'est pas une burqua (This is not a burqua) - Short Film - Mobile Film Festival 2018 - Duration: 1:20.


Why is it so difficult to talk about some things? - Duration: 9:09.

Hello welcome back to my Good Enough Mum page and today what I thought I'd talk

about is why it's difficult to talk about some things particularly as this

Thursday is Time to Talk day where we we're encouraged to actually talk about

mental health. When I was thinking about this talk it's so easy to think that

mental health is something, something that maybe, is something we don't come

across very often - people who are really not very well with their mental health -

but I think actually mental health is something that affects all of us and

we're all either mentally healthy or somewhere further along the scale where

we're not feeling terribly well mentally but we don't really talk about it and I

think to normalize it would be really helpful for people so that we can talk

more openly about what life is really like for us as individuals. Something I

was listening to this morning on my headspace app was talking about how

really we're all in this together. When we're in traffic it's so easy to think

we'll look at all these people causing a traffic jam without actually thinking

"yes I'm part of the cause of the traffic jam" When we're all trying to do the same

thing - I was thinking about Christmas when I was in ASDA

and there were just hundreds of people queuing for the tills

and trying to get their their goods for Christmas - it's so easy to think what are all

these people doing here when I'm trying to do my shopping and of course we're

all trying to do the same thing we're trying to do our Christmas shopping, all

part of the same endeavour but it's very easy to separate ourselves out from

other people - and I think the same can be true when we're thinking about mental

health is to think that it happens to somebody else whereas of course we all

have challenges to our mental health and it can be things like feeling anxious or

feeling depressed or perhaps drinking more than we should or

perhaps over indulging ourselves eating wise. There's all sorts of things that we

do in a way to serve our needs for mental health but perhaps those ways

that we do it aren't always healthy. But how can we talk about it? Something

that's really struck me was something I heard this morning - I'm listening to a

live feed a conference on working with children - and one of the things it said

that really really struck me is about we have to trust when we talk about

something that's difficult that the listener will be kind to us and that is

a real act of trust I think and I think that's why it's so difficult to talk

about things because we don't know what sort of reception we're going to get and

so talking about difficult things it might be that we can only think about

talking to someone who is a very close friend and even then we don't know how

our conversation and our revelations about ourselves might be received and

that makes it really difficult to talk. And part of what happens I think is

because nobody talks about the difficulties it becomes almost accepted

that those difficulties don't exist or that somehow if we are encountering a

difficulty that there's something wrong with us because somehow we don't fit in

with the rest of society because we look around us and we think that everybody

else is doing just fine. But I'm in that very privileged position because I'm

a counsellor I do get to hear a lot of stories and a lot of people coming

to me and telling me that in actual fact they are struggling with life and these

are just normal ordinary people and a lot of what I do is helping people to

realize that this is this is actually part of what happens to us - we all

struggle in various ways and we all have different challenges that we have to

meet but nevertheless we all have difficulties and sometimes they're not

very easy. There isn't an easy answer and we have to struggle on and we have to go

through the difficulties but the problem is, is often we find it very very hard to

be confronted with difficulties and we try and escape from them and it's very

hard to feel pain and it's very hard if we're somebody who's listening to

someone else to feel their pain as well and we find it overwhelming especially

if we haven't got very good ways of dealing with pain and so not only is it

difficult to talk I think it's also difficult to listen it's really

difficult to truly listen to someone's pain and not to rush in and try and help

them feel better and personally I found it very difficult if I've tried to share

something and someone's trying to make me feel better

"well at least" they'll say "at least it's like this" or "other people have found

that they've have found this particular thing has helped" and that's all very

well for other people but if it's you sometimes all that does is it induces a

feeling of shame in you because you think "oh well you know I should be

coping, other people cope better" "well at least you know this hasn't happened to

me so who am I to complain about what is happening to me?" and it sort of acts as a

stopper in a bottle you just feel that you can't continue to talk about

whatever it was that you wanted to share because somehow you feel that you're

different and unacceptable to others because of the feelings that you've got.

The fact it is your feelings are your feelings

they are there and they're there for a reason and it doesn't matter what

anybody else is thinking they're your feelings and you're the only one with

your unique history and perhaps other people can cope better perhaps they've

got better support or they've had better support when they were younger they were

very lucky to have adults around them who were able to help them to learn to

tolerate anxiety and distress but for a lot of us we we

perhaps didn't have that learning and we do find it difficult to tolerate anxiety

or sadness and so it's hard for us it's both hard for us to talk and it's also

hard for us to listen but if we can try and and just help ourselves be kind to

ourselves in allowing ourselves to be whoever we are with pleasant or

unpleasant feelings if we're able to allow ourselves to be that person I

think that also enables us to listen to other people as well and so I think the

Time to Talk is actually a really important concept because it begins to

break down the shame as more and more people come forward and say this is the

way I feel and more and more people are honest then I think it gives everybody

else the permission to be honest and say me too and I think ultimately that's

going to help us to be kinder to ourselves and kinder to others so it is really

helpful to talk. That's what I wanted to share today and just to let you know

that I do have availability in my counselling slots so if you would like to

have a chance to talk I will do my best to listen to you and I will enable you

to talk about what's really troubling you and that's what counseling really is

it's a chance to let you talk it's a chance to have someone who will listen

to you and won't judge you who won't try and make you feel better and in the

process make you feel bad about what you're feeling it's about truly

listening so that you can have a chance to express what's going on for you and

learn ways in which you can tolerate the anxiety and distress that you feel so

please do feel free to contact me. You can contact me by my Facebook page or

you can email me at any of my many email addresses but you can email me at, I'll put it in the comment section so you can see. It is all

confidential when I receive emails no one else will see them so if you'd like

to talk to me please do get in touch thanks so much for listening. Bye

For more infomation >> Why is it so difficult to talk about some things? - Duration: 9:09.


Karma Is A Bitch Challenge Compilation #6 ||NEW|| 2018 - Duration: 10:11.


For more infomation >> Karma Is A Bitch Challenge Compilation #6 ||NEW|| 2018 - Duration: 10:11.


Your Netflix is Special - Duration: 7:27.

Your Netflix is Special

When you go to or pull up the netflix app on your phone, you're not looking

at the same Netflix as everyone else.

You're looking at a special version of Netflix, just for you.

Almost everyone watching this will already know that Netflix customizes what shows and

movies it displays based on your viewing habits.

Netflix has said that they know if they don't get most people watching something within

90 seconds, they'll loose interest and move on to something else.

So when you look at this page you're looking at a complex system of multiple AI's working

together to help you find something you want to watch as quickly as possible.If you're

like me you might have noticed recently that there are multiple versions of the artwork

for a lot of show and movies.

I found this interesting, but didn't think much of it, thinking that possibly they just

rotated through various images to make the library of available shows and movies looking

fresh and interesting.

The Netflix streaming homepage used to look something like this.

Artwork for videos was adapted from or very similar too the poster or dvd cover artwork.

But what's designed to grab your attention on a large poster or dvd case, isn't usually

the best for a small thumbnail on a website, Netflix realized this has been making custom

artwork for shows and movies for a couple years now.

But it's not enough to just customize things for the site.

In December 2017 Netflix released an article detailing the way they use machine learning

to personalize the images displayed for each user.

The idea is simple, show users the image that will show them what aspect of a piece of media

they'll be most interested in.

Here's one of the examples they use, do you watch a lot of Uma Thurman movies?

Then you'll probably get this artwork for Pulp Fiction.

Never watch anything with Uma in it, but have watch everything with John Travolta that netflix

has to offer?

You'll probably get this version of the artwork.

It can also be customized based on genre.

Prefer romance movies?

You'll probably get this artwork for Goodwill Hunting.

More into comedies than romance?

You'll probably get this artwork instead.

There are a lot of different versions of each image, and you might see certain ones depending

on what country you're from, if you're using netflix on your phone, computer or TV,

generally the type of design ascetics that you like, and many other factors.

In practice its not as simple as just showing the image that's most likely to get you

to click.

There are a lot of things that complicate the selection process.

To predict what you'll prefer Netflix is tracking everything you do one the site, what

you click on, what you watch, how long you watch it, and the key thing they're looking

for is called a "quality engagement".

Netflix wants to you to find something you actually want to watch, so if you click on

something, and then stop watching it, that defeats the purpose.

Because of this, they try to avoid clickbait images that misrepresent the piece of media.

Netflix also has to take into consideration the look of the page as a whole.

A certain image might stand out just because it's different from the rest of the artwork

on the page.

For example, images with a large emotional face generally get the most clicks, but if

all the artwork is of a large emotional face an image might stand out and get a click just

because it's unique.

You can learn a lot about what netflix thinks you like by looking at your home page.

Glancing over mine and my wife's it's clear we like to watch a lot of crime dramas,

documentaries and historical fiction.

Look at on of my brother's home page and you'll see a lot of action adventure, animation,

and fantasy content.Each of these have a unique look and feel and it's not just the images

that netflix is customizing.

Each row is selected and arranged algorithms, and the contents of each row are chosen to

help you find content that you're interested in watching.

Even the number or rows shown is personalized based on your viewing habits.

Netflix is trying to balance showing you new things, and changing the layout so that it's

fresh, with staying consistent enough that you can find something you saw before.

Change a show's artwork, and you might re-consider watching it, change it too often and you might

have trouble finding it the next time you're looking for it.

They're trying to show people videos like the stuff they already watch, but they also

know that everyone wants to branch out and try something new at some point.

There are thousands of variables, and infinite combinations, but the result is a unique page

for each user.

An interesting rule of thumb is that the stuff found in the top left corner of the page is

what Neflix thinks you're most likely to watch, and the stuff found in the bottom right

corner, is what netflix thinks you're least likely to watch.

And this personalization is everywhere.

Search results are personalized.

Think what shows up in your trending now row is the same as everyone else?

Nope, those are trending items chosen just for you.

These three screenshots were taken from different profiles on the same day at the same time.

They even show you the "continue watching" row based on whether or not they think you're

in the middle of binging something, or if you're in the mood for something new.

I wanted to conduct an experiment to see how easily you could influence this system.

I started up a fresh profile, and decided to only click on artwork that didn't have

people or faces.

This proved to be difficult as almost all the artwork initially contained a person.

But if I kept choosing only images without people, would that change?

This kind of personalization in services is an interesting phenomenon.

It's easy to imagine a future where almost every element of a service is personalized

for you, right down to the interface design, or the copy used to describe something.

And this might be great thing.

For the most part we all love it when something we use fits how we use it.

But it's also easy to imagine a future where this could go wrong.

If Netflix bases their personalization on certain assumptions, like "if you spend

more time watching netflix, you're less likely to cancel your subscription."

There could be some unintended results.

What if the personalization get so good that you start watching too much netflix, and in

an effort to be more productive you cancel your subscription to remove the temptation?

You can see things like this happening already with Facebook.

Facebook has gotten very good at showing you things, and giving you the notifications that

keep you coming back to Facebook.

But the more time people spend on Facebook, the more many people realize they don't

want to be spending a lot of time on Facebook.

And often it's easier to just leave altogether than it is to try to cut back.

Hopefully companies and personalization AI's will realize this, and they'll start to

customize things so that you watch enough, but not too much.

Even if they're motivated purely by profit, hopefully Netflix will realize that the best

netflix user isn't one who watch Netflix for 6 hours a day, but one that has a healthy

active lifestyle.

Because not watching netflix so much could ad years to your lifespan effectively allowing

you to subscribe to netflix for longer.

Back to my experiment, you can see that after just a few days Netflix began showing me many

more images without people or faces.

The algorithm responded quickly to my fake preferences, even going against what works

for the majority.

It's good for us to be aware of how things are being personalized and customized for


It's fairly innocent when it's just Netflix helping you find a show you'll like.

But what happens when our news is personalized for what we like, or our search results.

I can already imagine a Black Mirror episode where Wikipedia is personalized to contain

the facts that you find interesting.

Don't get me wrong, I love what Netflix is doing.

It's why there app feel light years ahead of most of the other stream video apps out


But we can't be naive to what's going on behind the scenes and how it might effects


I'd like to thank my patreon supporters for helping make this channel possible.

I've recently started up a patreon exclusive podcast where I talk about upcoming videos,

review movies and TV I've been watching and answer questions.

Head over to to hear it for yourself, or to explore the other patreon

rewards I have available.

For more infomation >> Your Netflix is Special - Duration: 7:27.


Can you guess who is Bisexual in this video? - Duration: 4:39.

My name is Jack and I'm the co-chair for National Student Pride

Hi I'm Georgie and I identify as a Lesbian

My name is Nikki I identify as a transgender woman

So do you know what you are about to do?

No I don't

I do not and I'm a little scared

I think I'm gonna have to write something

okay I'm sorry I'm just judging you

Hi what's your name?

Q: Do you listen to Britney Spears? A: I have listened to Britney Spears...

Q: Do you like Britney Spears? A: She's alright

First off, can I hug you?

Q: Cher or Christina? A: Neither

Okay a quite manly hug – the trainers I don't know I have a thing with white trainers

Please don't be offended

Q: Hi what's your name? A: I'm Hatti

The boots are a little lesbian-y

Q: Do you have cats? A: I've got a cat yes

Q: How many cats do you wish you had? A: Hundreds...

There is a masculine presence

So if I'm sterotypical I'd say straight

Q: What's you name? A: Marzia

Can I get hug?

Q: Batman or Wonderwoman A: Wonderwoman

I'm seeing slightly different coloured hair – I'm seeing the nose piercings



God saves the queers top, love that as well

again I'm judging

posture as well quite relaxed

so a lot of young people I feel identify as queer if they're a little alternative and the green hair screams alternative

Bi – Bi – Bi – Bi

I'm shocked that I was so wrong on some of my answers


WellI got one of them right – kind of

I am interested in the difference between the bisexual and the bi+

Not a lot of people know what pansexual is. Sometimes when you are haveing a conversation about sexuality

it can be easier to say bi because it's 'in the acronym.' But pansexuality – I see it as a branch of bisexuality

I like people for that personality rather than their gender or anything like that

I'm like Hatti, identifying as Pan and you were right because I also identify as queer

in that wider arcing way – but pan because you can be attracted to multiple people

Does that mean those who identifies pansexual – are you attracted to trans people?

Yeah, yeah! 'Oh...'

I think it's nerve-wracking because you make judgments about people about their

appearance as soon as you see them but you don't usually tell them to their face

just because somebody is dressed a certain way does that mean that you

should judge them and their sexuality

Have you ever found that when you've been with someone isn't the same gender

for example if I've had a relationship with a woman and then had arelationship with a man – it's like oh so

you are straight yeah? no that's not how it works! – Sorry guys

What was it few guys growing up there because for me it was really

confusing because one day I was a guy and the next I want a girl and I'd be

like well I don't want it and eventually I was like you know what I like someone

I like someone full stop. At that age there's that pressure and like puberty

is like running a mop – like my lord

I came out as bi, then had relationships with both men and women

for years – had a really bad relationship with a man defined as

lesbian for a couple years I think pansexual defines for who what I am

But I think it's also quite easy like I've probably done it myself where I see a woman

with another woman I'm like oh she's gay they're lesbians and it's not always the case

I'm not why, because he's rather softly spoken? 'Okay'

For more infomation >> Can you guess who is Bisexual in this video? - Duration: 4:39.


L'Église est à 15H30 (Church is at 3:30pm) - Short Film - Mobile Film Festival 2018 - Duration: 1:21.

Max, buddy.

Well, buddy, I should say brother.

Max, buddy.

It's a fucking special day today.

She: Listen, he is still your best friend!

He: Yes, but I don't want to be late. And the church is at 3:30PM

Although we haven't seen each other so often lately.

She: You'll be the most handsome of the ceremony!

She: What's the name of his wife again?

He: Juliette... Hello?

And when you met Juliette,

beer-foot-pizza parties...

... they became more scarce,

but now, I think it's definitely over.

She: Your suit is a little stained, but you're handsome

Same for the after work appetizers, evenings with friends, we're gonna have to do without you.

You've let us down dude, for the sake of Juliette.

But we can't blame you, that's love...

It's beautiful.

This accident while returning from the wedding, it's so stupid

Such a shame.

Farewell my friend.

I love you.

For more infomation >> L'Église est à 15H30 (Church is at 3:30pm) - Short Film - Mobile Film Festival 2018 - Duration: 1:21.


'Little People, Big World's Jacob Roloff Is Engaged To GF Isabel Rock — See The Announcement - Duration: 2:30.

'Little People, Big World's Jacob Roloff Is Engaged To GF Isabel Rock — See The Announcement

Congrats are in order! 'Little People, Big World's Jacob Roloff announced that he and girlfriend Isabel Rock are getting hitched!

They're making it official! Little People, Big World's Jacob Roloff shared on Saturday, Jan

27, that he asked his girlfriend Isabel Rock to marry him and she said yes! "…we got ENGAGED!" the 21-year-old TV star captioned a photo of himself and his brand-new fiancee

"It happened in Iceland on the frozen pond, Tjornin, late on Christmas.So much love for this beautiful soul @izzysofia_

Here's to many more Christmas' , you n me."Awww! Pass the Kleenex! Jacob also shared another candid of Isabel that appears to be right before she said yes

The image shows her apparently wiping a tear from her eye as they stood on the frozen pond at night

"A few moments and a brief conversation later…," he captioned it.Clearly Jacob is a full-blown romantic because he did this engagement right! Head here to look back at all the celebrities who got married in 2017! Naturally, Isabel also shared an engagement announcement with another snap from their engagement photo shoot with this caption: "We are finally ready to share with everyone… WE ARE ENGAGED!!!" she wrote

"Thank you so much to @moniqueserraphotography for the photos taken in the place we both grew up

"Obviously the photos were taken in Oregon! Congrats, to two! Celebrities World, share your best wishes and congratulations in the comments section below!

For more infomation >> 'Little People, Big World's Jacob Roloff Is Engaged To GF Isabel Rock — See The Announcement - Duration: 2:30.


Lugano Airport is struggling - Duration: 1:55.

-Tough times for Lugano Airport:

flights to Geneva have been suspended.

Other airlines no longer use Lugano Airport at all.

Only scheduled flights to and from Zurich are operational.

Despite this, the airport's fans believe it will survive.

-For 37 years,

we've operated as part of a

global reservation system.

Thanks to that, Lugano is accessible to everyone.

These reservation networks are also

in Internet search engines.

That puts Lugano in a global context.

-Tourists, however, seem to favour other means of travel,

and Milan's Malpensa Airport.

-Overnight tourist stays

have increased by 7% in 2017.

Paradoxically, airport passenger numbers are down 20%.

-Flights to the airport have to continue, says the management company.

-A lot of foreigners

live in Ticino.

They want to be able to get to Lugano quickly.

-Lugano Airport SA has invested

30 million francs,

in part to plug the gaps in day-to-day management.

-Not including the 20 million

invested in a kick-start project that's been halted.

What happens next depends on the Geneva flights.

Bern-based SkyWork

could take over the Geneva flights from January.

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