Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 30 2018

As the two largest centres on the Sunshine Coast, it's not unusual for residents to regularly

travel back and forth between Gibsons and Sechelt.

But just how far is that trip?

Google Maps says it's a 23-kilometer drive between the two towns.

In normal conditions on a good day, you should be able to make the drive in less than


If you hop on the bus, the trip should take you about 45 minutes.

If you're healthy and fit, riding your bicycle from Gibsons to Sechelt will require an hour-and-15-minutes

of your time.

If the weather's calm and you're really ambitious AND you want to make the trip in a way that most

people never see, you can canoe or kayak that distance in five to seven hours.

But make sure if you do that. you're prepared and that you're going with an experienced paddler.

Whichever mode of transportation you plan on taking, make sure you give yourself a little

extra time.

Weather and the ferry schedule can have a big impact on traffic all along the Sunshine Coast.

For more infomation >> How far is it from Gibsons to Sechelt? - Duration: 1:00.


Afterlife: Is there one? | A Mortal Minute - Duration: 1:21.

What is the afterlife? Is it a place? A state of being? Chemical processes in the

brain that are meant to comfort us as we slide into oblivion? Or is it something

else entirely? If it's a place, where is it? Are we like fish swimming in the

water, completely unaware of an entire world above the surface surviving in a

way that we could not? If it's a state of being, does that mean that after we die

we exist completely outside time and space? And if it is a chemical process

that is meant to gently send us off to nothingness. is that a product of

evolution, and if so what is its advantage? What do you think? Please let

us know in the comments below and don't forget to like and subscribe for more

videos like this. This has been your Mortal Minute.

For more infomation >> Afterlife: Is there one? | A Mortal Minute - Duration: 1:21.


Disgusting Michael Moore Is Back With NASTY Demand For White Males – Forgets He's One - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Disgusting Michael Moore Is Back With NASTY Demand For White Males – Forgets He's One - Duration: 4:51.


Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i LX super nette auto weg is weg - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i LX super nette auto weg is weg - Duration: 0:54.


Melania Trump Is FURIOUS At Donald Over Affair - Duration: 3:38.

It's now been several weeks since it was revealed that Donald Trump, through his lawyer, paid

an adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, $130,000 to keep her mouth shut about an affair that

the two had many years before.

This money was paid to her in October of 2016, right before the 2016 election that made Donald

Trump president of the United States.

Now, the media, the American public, the world at large seems to really for some reason not

care about this story, even though it's likely that this contribution, this payoff, to Stormy

Daniels violated campaign finance laws, and it would implicate both Donald Trump and his

lawyer in a felony offense for making an in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign that exceeded

campaign finance limits.

Nobody seems to care about that.

Nobody seems to care about the fact that he was having an affair a few months after his

wife Melania gave birth.

I mean, if this happened to Obama, if this happened to George W. Bush, we would still

be talking about it today, or at least the media outlets would, talking about how disgusting

this person is for doing this to his wife, but not Trump.

In Trump world, this was just another day of news.

This was just another, "Wow.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.

Move on."

But there's one person, thank God, who's actually not moving on from this story, and that person

happens to be Melania Trump herself.

According to reports of people close to Melania, she is absolutely furious over the affair

that took place between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, and that is why you haven't really

seen too much of her recently.

Yes, she traveled with Donald Trump to Switzerland when he went to go speak recently at Davos;

however, she decided at the last minute to not actually go with him to the events there,

which was the whole reason she even went on the trip.

Instead, she decided to stay back and do her own thing away from Donald Trump.

So, not only is she distancing herself from the press right now, because she's so furious.

She is literally distancing herself from her husband because of her anger over this affair.

I do not fault Melania Trump in any way for what has transpired here, but she is the one

who at this point could stand up.

She could leave him.

She could explain to the world that "This is disgusting behavior by this man, by my

husband, by your president, and I'm not going to stand for it.

I'm not going to stand by him and neither should you."

Hopefully, that is the next step that Melania Trump takes.

I have to admit.

I'm kind of furious myself about the fact that nobody seems to care about this story.

He paid off a porn star using money that was seen as an in-kind campaign contribution,

a clear felony violation of campaign finance laws, and everybody except Melania Trump just

thinks, "Well, that's another day in Trump world.

What's the next atrocity that we have to be shocked by for the next 15 minutes?"

For more infomation >> Melania Trump Is FURIOUS At Donald Over Affair - Duration: 3:38.


What it feel like your PC is a potato - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> What it feel like your PC is a potato - Duration: 2:43.


Is Fruit Healthy? - Duration: 5:47.

- Hey guys, Robby here.

Today we're gonna be answering the question

is fruit healthy?

So I'll cut right to the chase and say yes,

fruit is healthy, but there's some nuance to the answer

that if you're curious about whether fruit's healthy

you may want to stay tuned for.

First thing to say is that we tend to lump

fruits and vegetables together when we talk about them

as a society.

People say did you get your eight to 10 servings

of fruits and vegetables?

And typically, fruits are listed first.

An important thing to say right off the bat,

fruits are not in the same category as vegetables.

They just aren't.

You could go the rest of your entire life

without having another single fruit,

and you could still manage to be perfectly healthy

eating quality protein, vegetables and healthy fats.

The same is not true for vegetables.

If your were to go the rest of your life

without eating any vegetables,

you would be severely deficient,

almost certainly, in certain nutrients.

So while fruits and vegetables are both healthy,

they are not on the same playing field.

Fruits are optional and nice and they're healthy

and they taste delicious and they're great

and they can be added to a healthy diet,

but they are not necessary for health,

so that's point number one.

Point number two is that in,

I would say, the paleo primal world,

there are two opposite ends of an extreme

in terms of opinions on fruit.

One end of the extreme basically says that

no one ever got fat, sick or diabetic from eating fruit.

The other end of the extreme says fructose

is essentially toxic to our body

because it gets primarily metabolized by the liver,

and the more we can minimize it the better.

And even more generally, the types of fruits we eat today,

we didn't eat in the past.

So I would say overall, I'm somewhere in the middle

between these two, probably closer to the first one

that said no one ever got fat, sick or diabetic

from eating fruit.

But that being said, there is something to the other side.

On the one side, I agree absolutely.

No one ever got fat, sick or diabetic

just from eating fruit,

but at the same time there are certain considerations

to take into account with fruit consumption today.

Number one,

historically speaking, we weren't eating fruit year-round.

So from a historical perspective,

humans until relatively recently, like the past 100 years,

weren't eating strawberries in January,

because fruit was seasonal.

Furthermore, historically, the types of fruits

that we were eating tended to be very low in sugar.

So an apple in nature is much more like a crab apple,

which if you've ever had one,

you'll know is really, really tart.

It's almost bitter, and it's just got a little bit

of sweetness, and over the course of history,

we have selectively bred apples to be

like a Red Delicious apple which has a lotta sugar,

a lotta fructose, tastes really sweet

and it's lower in fiber.

These wild counterparts of these fruits tend to be healthier

'cause there's health in the bitter compounds,

and the more contemporary counterparts

tend to be much sweeter.

It's important to keep in mind that while fruit is healthy

and no one ever became fat, sick or diabetic

just from eating fruit the same way someone could

from eating, or from having Pepsi, or from having

fast food, it's also important to remember

that we weren't having Red Delicious apples

every single day from a historical perspective,

and Red Delicious apples didn't even exist.

And that by itself isn't a condemnation

of Red Delicious apples.

It's just to say that an apple in nature

doesn't have 40 grams of sugar, right?

Depending on the size of the apple

and the nature of the apple, it's a lot lower in sugar.

With that all in mind, what are my rules for fruits?

So here are my rules for fruit.

Number one, eat your fruit; don't drink it.

Your fruit should be consumed as a food

rather than drunk like orange juice or something like that.

It's gonna be a lot better on your blood sugar,

a lot better for nutrient absorption, fiber absorption,

all the rest of that stuff, so try to eat your fruit

rather than drink your fruit.

Number two, you're going to wanna have fruit as a dessert

for a meal rather than as a meal itself.

Now, if you need it for a snack,

or if it's between you and McDonald's

'cause you're really hungry and all you have is a fruit,

have a fruit.

But generally speaking, treat fruit as a finisher to a meal

rather than a meal itself.

And number three, tend to prioritize

those lower-glycemic fruits.

It's harder in the winter depending on where you live,

especially in Northern Indiana,

but berries are pretty low-glycemic, meaning lower sugar.

You wanna favor those.

There's nothing technically wrong with a banana or an apple,

but generally speaking, berries have a higher nutrient

component, and they have a lower sugar component.

And then in terms of organic versus nonorganic,

apples, berries, grapes, things like that

you almost always wanna buy organic

'cause they're very high in pesticides,

whereas oranges, bananas and pineapples,

you don't need to worry as much

'cause you end up peeling off or cutting off the skin.

All right guys, so hopefully now you've got a good sense

of whether fruit is healthy.

You've got a better sense of the nuance of the debate,

and hopefully you have some practical tips

to help you with your fruit consumption.

All right guys, thanks so much for tunin' in.

We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Is Fruit Healthy? - Duration: 5:47.


Leman is after her rent - Elif Episode 657 | Season 4 Episode 97 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:38.

Pay your rent on time, only for one time, and I'll break my tooth!

Mrs. Leman, how many times should I tell you? We made some alterations at the store.

A lot of money is gone with that. Give me a couple of days, I'll collect the money.

How could I know if you're betting the money on horses?

Look, I can't stand for these shenanigans, I should tell you.

No, which horses?

I wish I could collect the money with ease, even for a month!

What is this? You're making me beg for the rent every month.

Mrs. Leman, I called you as a man, and told you what the situation is.

Why are you doing this now?

What am I doing, huh?

Look at me,

The store is mine, and you're the tenant.

I want my money, I don't ask for charity!

It should be good for you using the store.

But when it comes to paying the rent, oh, how sweet is that!

I didn't say that I'm not going to pay, I'm asking for a couple of days.

There's no such thing! I don't get that!

Pay me on time, that's it.

I don't have it, I spent the money on alterations, don't you get it?

Look at me, Mr. Osman.

I'm still calling you "mister", just so you know.

If I don't get my rent on time, I'll come to the store and crash it down to-

You'll crash the store on me, huh?

What happened, Mrs. Leman?

I think I can't hear you.

It's not working to threat from a distance, on the phone, right?

Now give me your threats in my face.


Who said a thing about threat?

I was just asking for my rent from you.

It's not working with all that crashing and burning, right?

OK, those words came out with some anger, but...

it is rent for God's sake, you gotta be on time, isn't it?

Let me summarize the whole situation, Mrs. Leman...

Now you think you're intimidating me.

All this "I want my rent on time",

all that "I'll crash the store on top of you" and more...

I asked for a couple of days from you.

But what did you do? You didn't let me, did you?

Am I mistaken?

No, is that true, Mrs. Leman?

True, of course, it's true.

Because of all the behavior of yours, this month I'm not paying the rent at all.


Do you have something to say?

Look at me, don't ever talk to me like this again.

Or else, do you know what I'll do? I'll- click!

cut that tongue!


I'll see you later.

For more infomation >> Leman is after her rent - Elif Episode 657 | Season 4 Episode 97 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:38.


This Is Why Justin Bieber Didn't Sing "Despacito" at the Grammys - Duration: 2:18.

Hit the subscribe button

And press the bell icon to get more take videos this is why justin bieber didn't sing despedido at

The grammys with everyone going on at the grammys you'd think one person not attending could

Fly, under the radar but in the case of justin bieber his no-show, was a little hard to ignore the canadian artist

Was not present on stage or in the audience despite despacio his collaboration with

Luis, fonsi, and daddy yankee being nominated for three awards

bieber's feature on despacio

Helped the already chart-topping, song reach absolute

musical dominance in 2017

And while it was the specific

Version of the song that featured his vocals that was nominated for the awards he left at a

Yankee, and luis fonsi to perform the bieber last version that predated his additional vocals

Tmz reported, that justin bieber opted not to attend the grammys as part of a personal promise not to perform at

Public events until he has finished his new album which has not been announced

Bieber last performed in july of 2017 as a part of his purpose world tour

Which he eventually canceled mid-run with a statement that read due to unforeseen circumstances

Justin, bieber will cancel the remainder of the purpose world tour concerts

Justin, loves his, fans and hates to disappoint, them he thanks his

Fans for the incredible experience of the purpose world tour over last 18 months

He is grateful and honored to have shared that experience with his cast and crew

For over 150 successful shows, across six continents during this run, however after careful consideration

He has decided he will not be performing any further dates

Tickets will be refunded at point-of-purchase it looks like, not even the lure of singing a hit on the grammy stage could

Bring bieber back to performing but at least, there's the promise of a new album somewhere on the horizon

It's also worth it to note that besides the performance bieber didn't

Miss much des pacita lost in all three of its categories

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