Grammarly Review, is it worth it?
We're gonna talk about it.
Hey guys, it's K-Ninja here,
and if you're into self publishing at all, in any way shape or form,
Be sure to subcribe to this channel.
because self publishing is all we talk about
We're going to get into Grammarly now.
Now I tried grammarly a few years back,
and it didn't work out so well for me.
Bassically, what happened was
I took one of my books, and I pasted the thing into Grammarly.
The whole book.
Gramamrly found some mistakes.
and this was after I had edited the book myself several times,
and Ihad a few proof readers look at it several times
and we were sure there were no mistakes, but Grammarly found some mistakes.
and then after checking Grammarly's mistkaes,
I realized that Grammarly was wrong!
Grammarly did not know proper grammer,
and Grammarly was showing mistakes.
in sentences that were grammatically correct.
so I've kind of been not so keen on Grammarly for quite a long time.
That's just been my expereience.
But uh, that was a few years ago and many years have passed and,
And you know, technology is advancing really quickly.
and softwares are, you know, updated every day.
So, you know, maybe Grammarly's changed.
Maybe it's different.
At the moment I like to utilize the cloud,
Everything's in the cloud now, hear Grammarly's in the cloud.
I wanna publish everything in the cloud.
I have a new book I wanna release today actually.
and I thought I would try and run it through Grammarly,
and see if Grammarly could find a mistake in it.
because I couldn't find a mistake.
but it's always good to get a second opinion on these things.
Anyway, I'm here at Grammaly dot com.
I wanna try it
and see here, you know, there's a little,
Chrome thing, and I'm in the Chrome browser.
And I like Chrome because it works well with the cloud.
it says here, add Grammarly extension to Chrome,
Grammarly help you write mistake free in
Gmail, Facebook, WordPress, Linkedin and anywhere else
you write on the Web.
Wow! So Grammarly's in the cloud as well.
I just hope that this time that Grammarly's grammar
is correct.
Anyway, let's install this puppy right now.
So I'm clicking on install now.
Add Grammarly for Chrome, it can
read and change all your data on the websites you visit
Oh great!
Display Notifications.
I'm not so keen on getting all these notifiations.
I already get so many as it is.
Okay, let's try it! Add extention.
Grammarly, oh what happened here?
It's opening a new tab, hmmm
Your installation is complete.
Get ready for a smarter Chrome experience.
Wow! It sounds good.
Okay, great.
Let's see what we got here.
It says check Grammarly now, and then there's a little Grammarly symbol in the upper right that appeared.
I wonder which I should click first, okay.
I'll click here.
Check a document now.
and it seems to be loading.
Okay and we're back to the Grammarly website.
I suppose I could just paste a document into the website.
But I wanna see how this puppy works with the cloud.
So I'm gonna go up here and click the little Grammarly icon in the upper right-hand corner of my screen here.
If you can see that, and I'm clicking away
Okay, Grammarly for Chrome.
You can't improve on perfection.
Naturally, Grammarly's browser extension is disabled.
while you use the Grammarly editor.
mmmhmmm, so what does that mean?
Now what happens if I click on My Grammarly?
Okay, it goes back to the same web page.
and what happens if I click on new document?
Okay, so it's basically like a book mark.
and it's basically brining me
to the same page that I could bookmark anyway.
So this little thing in the upper right-hand corner.
doesn't do so much
You know what, I'm just gonna open up Google Docs.
And go into my book, and then check it with Grammarly there.
So, I'm gonna,
Open up.
Google Docs
And uh
Hit that Grammarly button.
Before, uh oh.
What's it say there?
Uh oh!
Tha'ts really bad.
It says um "Grammarly For Chrome."
"Google Drive Not Supported"
We hope to support Google Drive Apps in the future.
but for now, please use your Grammarly Editor.
So, what it's basically telling me,
is um
it can't check anything I have in Google Docs
Which kind of defeats the point
of using Grammarly.
Because, I write all my books in Google docs
and that would just be so convenient if it could crawl a Google Doc
So basically it wants me to
copy my book
go to Grammarly's website
and then paste my book in there.
which is kind of a hassle.
It's not very cloud friendly if it doesn't support Google Docs.
So yeah, that ends this review.
But, it's not really a surprise that something like this would happen
Because Grammarly never quite worked for me.
It never worked in the past.
I didn't have such high expectations now.
True, I could take my document and copy it and
paste it in Grammarly's website.
But, I didn't want to do that, I was looking forward
To making the thing work on Chrome
and having the thing find mistakes in my document
in Google Docs without me having to do anyhing
right? Except just review the mistakes that it caught
in the past it has been wrong.
The fact that it doesn't work with Google Docs, it just kind of
turns me off.
What am I gonna say about grammarly?
I'm gonna say it's not really very cloud friendly.
if it doesn't work with Google Docs.
and that's the end of this review basically.
Am I gonna use Grammarly? No, I'm not.
Okay, so let's uninstall Grammarly right now
Let's get rid of it!
Let's get it out of here.
Uh, remove from Chrome.
Remove Grammarly from Chrome. Remove!
Why's it brining me back to Grammarly's site? What's going on?
Why are they just taking over my computer doing this?
Uh, let's see here, help us improve
Why did you uninstall Grammarly?
I don't want to create an account.
Slows down my computer.
Doesn't work in Google Docs.
They know what's up.
Well I've got to give them credit for that.
Etiher that or they get some many complaints about that, that they're
very well aware of the problem
I'll just let them know that.
We look forward to improving and to winning you back as a customer
Thank you.
Go figure.
So that's so much for Grammarly guys.
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Alright, gotta go now, K-Ninja Out!
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