She is The Light of Your Life
She is The Light of Your Life
She is The Light of Your Life
Is Your Sunblock Still Good? - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
What is Hair Porosity? - Duration: 5:52.Have you ever wondered what hair porosity is?!
Uhhh I don't know.
Girl, does it look like I'm talking to you?!
Uh hello, you are me!
Today I'm going to be answering the question, what is hair porosity?
I'm going to be telling you about low porosity, medium porosity,
and high porosity. That's coming up next so don't go anywhere!
Hi, I'm Sandy, welcome to another video!
If your new here welcome! And if you have wavy hair
and want to learn proper hair care and get tips
on how to keep it frizz free naturally, subscribe and hit the bell so you don't miss anything.
Ok, so hair porosity is a fancy way of
asking you how porous your hair is. Really?! That doesn't help anyone!
Well actually theres more to it than just that.
It's essentially how well your hair is able to retain
and absorb moisture which is essentially determined by
your hair cuticle. Just for reference I forgot to say that
I got this information from Naturally Cury
dot come in an article titled Hair Porosity.
So first were going to talk about Low Porosity. And with
low porosity your hair has a really really hard
time retaining its moisture. So this blue line
right here, outlines the hair cuticle.
This is basically a reflection of one of
your hair strands on your head. The orange part
is your hair cuticle. Now as you can see the cuticles
look like they are stuck to the hair strand, they are not
protruding at all as opposed to this.
Compare these two picture. Which one look more compact?
This one right? This is low porosity. So what happens is these
black arrows right here is the moisture bouncing off of your hair.
The moisture tries to get it, it won't let it in
so it just bounces off, which is not really good because your
hair needs to stay moisturized in order for it to be healthy.
A lot of people don't think that knowing your porosity level is
important, but it actually is. Your porosity levels gonna
help you greatly understand your hair even more,
but not only that, it's gonna help you really really be able to
narrow down which styling products including your conditioner
and shampoo that your hairs gonna work best with.
If you have low porosity hair your hair is going to dry very very
slowly more so than your body, your body is gonna dry first.
Also when your in the shower you might notice that water
just sits on top of your hair it doesn't really go anywhere.
Also certain products can be too thick for your hair and just
sit on top of your hair strand making your hair greasy or
oily. And when you get your hair wet, it might seem like it
takes a long time for all of your hair to get fully
saturated. Most peoples hair porosity is determined
by genetics, but it can be altered by
chemical treatments, straightening treatment or just a lot of
sun exposure. Ok so moving onto medium porosity.
So if you have medium porosity hair you
basically have no trouble with your hair at all. This is
the hair type that everyone wishes they have. These people
don't really have any problems with their hair,
your hair is able to retain the moisture that it needs
and absorb it and release it normally and
better than someone with low porosity or high porosity.
If you watching this and you think you have medium porosity hair,
everyone is jealous of you. You can see that
now the hair cuticles are opened slightly
more than someone of low porosity. See
this one right here is someone with low porosity, their hair is compact.
So now you can really tell the difference. So you hair cuticle,
absorbs the moisture, and then retains the amount that it
needs and then lets it out, and then again.
It absorbs the moisture, retains the amount that it needs
for whatever time period it needs to and then it lets it out.
So medium or normal porosity level actually requires
the least amount of maintenance. Lucky!
If you think you have medium or normal porosity level you
basically won't have any problems with deep conditioners, it handles
it like a boss, boss, boss. But you need to be careful.
because if you use too much then this won't be good for your hair
at all. So now we're going to talk about high porosity.
High porosity is usually found on somebody that has a lot of chemical
damage. Their hair easily absorbs moisture,
but the problem with this is that it doesn't retain it, it
actually lets it go, which makes your hair super dry!
This is why 9 times out of 10 somebody that has
chemically treated their hair a lot and has not taken care of it,
has very very dry hair. Okay so this is what their
hair cuticle looks like. As you can see their hair cuticle
is open a lot more than somebody with
medium porosity. So you can see the difference there.
So it absorbs moisture and it releases it very very
easily and very very fast. Moisture is absorbed
and then it's passed through and not retained for very long.
Most people that have high porosity
its either inherited genetically, or is as a result of chemical
damage and they have really really dry hair.
So some characteristics of somebody that has high porosity hair
is that it dries really really fast and its
really frizzy because its so dry. They might
have problems with breakage, split ends.
It even breaks really really easily because of its
fragile state. So see these gaps right here?
These are the problem right here. These
are the gaps that let the hair pass through so fast.
With high porosity hair you want to be very very careful in what you do,
because something just a simple as swimming
or shampooing you hair can damage it and cause breakage, so you
wanna really really make sure to not use harsh product on it.
And that means to go the sulfate and silicone free way.
So the next question that you might be wondering is how do I know for sure
what my porosity level is? Well theres a lot
of different ways out there, but I'm gonna focus on the one that
gives you the most accuracy. But your just gonna have to stay
tuned because thats what coming up in my next video. I'll
be going over exactly step by step exactly
how to do this and i'll even give you product recommendations
on what to look for. Plus I haven't even done mine
so I thought it would be really fun to do it together!
Thank you so much for watching, I really really hope you enjoyed this video,
and don't forget to subscribe if you have wavy hair
that you want to learn proper hair care and get tips
on how to keep it frizz free. I'll see you next time! Bye!
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