Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Sep 1 2017

My crystal Patriots I'm sure you are wondering why Princess Cadance would even

allow this election and I will tell you right up front I forced her hoof in this matter

for the sake of peace your wise Empress has agreed to grant me this

one opportunity to speak to you and to give you a choice of who would rule over

you and though you surely won't believe it I tell you the truth I will honor

your will in this matter. As I look at you now, the anger and the fear you

feel towards me is self-evident and it would rightly see that I stand no chance

of victory and given what little you remember about me and our mutual history

I will not for a moment say that your malice is undeserved. I used sorcery to

enslave you and force you to fight Equestria but I will also state the

obvious that not one of you remembers why I did it

your memories are gone my crystal patriots and you deserve to know why they

are gone. But before I go on let me say up front that I bear no malice towards

Princess Cadance she has taken good care of you has she

not? But even so, no matter how hard she tries to be one of you she can never

really understand what it means to be a crystal pony because my Crystal Patriots

she does not share a bond with the Crystal Heart like we do

you were all presented at birth to the Crystal Heart to forge your eternal bond

with it and due to my strange Birth I have the

distinct privilege of being born to that bond, so we share an understanding that

Outsiders like Celestia and Cadance never have. Celestia for her part believes

that it is impossible for me to restore your memories which is why she has no

fear of me speaking with you and she's right I do not have the power to restore

your memories because I am not the one who stole them. And because you have no

members of the time before your enslavement, Celestia knows you can never

trust anything I say to you. Because everything you can remember about me is

evil and that is the only reason she's allowing this election but I do have one

last way to redeem myself in your eyes a choice that Celestia in her ignorance

could not have anticipated I cannot restore what was taken for you

my people but here in the presence of the Crystal Heart I can open my heart to

you and share my own memories with you you will see all that I have seen and

know all that I have known and through my past perhaps even recover some small

part of your own. Search my heart my crystal patriots see the truth of what happened

during the crystal war then judge for yourself whose head should be on a pike


The Crystal Ponies will pay for this outrage I stole their memories to spare their

lives can they not see that? This is the thanks I get for my mercy?

I should have exterminated them the moment they returned from the Shadow

Lands. I will not make the same mistake I made the last time I will raise the army

and return to cleanse Sombra's corruption from the earth before he can recover his

power or rearm the Crystal Empire I am beginning to understand my father's

wisdom some enemies cannot be allowed to live. Those who refuse to bow to the

light and compassion and tolerance must be exterminated it is the only way to

restore harmony to the world. I shall bring Gojira to the crystal Empire he

shall break Sombra and exterminate every last Crystal Pony and leave only blood

and ashes to be buried beneath the northern snow

Come to me....

Are you listening to me Luna Luna

Discord... Ghidra... what do you want Discord? Your father

believed in the Animator I was curious if you did to. The Animator?

Yes Discord I do believe in the Animator. So you really believe there is some fellow

up in the sky that made everything and is making us all dance on his strings? To begin

with, it is not that the animator exists in the sky, it is the sky that exists in

the Animator along with everything else in our universe. Secondly even though we

all live move and have our being in and through the animator it is not correct

to say me dance on his strings. We have a choice Discord. Really? So where is this

Animator of yours have you ever seen him? As the Animator created our universe

he must logically exist outside of it. As such it might be possible to see some

sort of avatar the animator creates in our universe but it will never be

possible to see the Animator directly. Oh? and what does this avatar look like? You?

Such an avatar would have no logical limits on its appearance or nature it

could look like me or you, or something entirely absurd such as a talking bush

spacefaring Spaghetti Monster. We are bound by the laws of this universe the

Animator is not. And have you seen any of those things? To my knowledge I have not

had the honor of such a visitation. So you believe in the animator even though

you have never seen him how can you know he is even real then and not just a

figment of your imagination? Do you really believe it is necessary to

directly observe something to know it is real? Can you can you directly observe gravity?

No you cannot because gravity is a curvature in space-time and not an

actual force or particle, but even so I can very comfortably infer that gravity must

exist on the basis of the effect it has on all things of nature. In a similar

fashion it is impossible to directly observe the Animator because he exists

outside of our space-time however by observing the nature of the universe we

can comfortably conclude that he must exist. That is just ridiculous. Oh? Then

please enlighten me on the not ridiculous explanation for the

inconceivable complexity we observe in nature especially in life itself. Don't

mind if I do the universe arose from the random

forces of nature life is nothing more than a highly improbable event you don't

need some sort of invisible boogeyman to explain the universe just a lot of time

and lucky accidents. The random forces of nature? Well I suppose I should have

expected that from you tell me Discord have you ever seen it? Seen what? A living

creature being created by a series of Lucky accidents have you ever seen a new

living organism arise from inorganic material have you ever seen life be

created by anything other than already living things? Well no. Then how do you

know your explanation for life is real and not just a figment of your absurd

imagination? Oh touche Ghidra, touche but since my explanation is wholly

based on the material world I might be able to prove it someday you will never

be able to prove your theory. To the contrary Discord it is because of

the nature of the material world that I know for certain that your theory is nothing

more than modern mythology you of all people should understand why Discord. Is it not

the nature of chaos to destroy complex systems over time it is certainly not

within its nature to create ever more complex ones do you see this dock Discord

yes is this dock the result of the random forces of nature or deliberate design?

Design obviously. Can you see it's deteriorated condition? Yes. Is that the

result of design or the random forces of nature? Nature, I doubt whoever built

it wanted it to rot. Even though this dock is a very simple structure composed

of materials common in nature it is still too complex for the random forces

of nature to construct we know this instinctively that is why we know this

dock is the result of deliberate design even without ever seeing its creator. We

also know intuitively that nature will not only never build a dock such as this

we know it will in fact be working constantly to destroy it. Even the simplest

single-celled organism is inconceivably more complex than this dock Discord and

living creatures are composed of complex organic molecules that are never created

by the random forces of nature and can only be found in already living

creatures in short natural forces can't even create the nails and boards needed

to build the dock of life much less assemble them correctly. Discord, even

if we took perfectly formed boards and nails and just the perfect number and

size and tossed them into this very pool I will say with absolute certainty the

random forces of nature will never build a dock out of them, not even if they had a

billion billion years to try because every time two boards randomly manage to

arrange themselves correctly the chaotic forces of nature would quickly break

them apart again because it is in the nature of chaos to destroy not to build

chaos is the power of decay not creation. Oh really? Well I use the power

of chaos to create things all the time. Yes discord but it's not because you

possess the power of chaos that you can create no it is because you possess the

one and only true power of creation: intelligence. Consider the power of fire

in nature fire is an absolutely destructive force rending complex plants

and animals into simple carbons and yet when it is harnessed by the intelligence

of a skilled Smith, fire can be used to power the literal forges of civilization

in similar fashion you use your intelligence to turn the naturally

destructive power of chaos into a tool for creation only the power of

intelligence has demonstrated the ability to create meaningful order in a

universe ruled by entropy and because there is no power within our entropic

universe capable of creating intelligence in the first place an

intelligence outside our universe must be responsible for the intelligence we

now possess ironically Discord, the very intelligence you use to argue

against the Animators existence is the very proof of your folly. So while I am

willing to concede that the extra universal nature of the animator is such

that it is in fact impossible to prove that he exists the direct observation I

must state plainly direct observation of the nature of the universe

in fact proves the animator must exist

have you ever lost in argument? I have no interest in winning arguments Discord

I am only interested in the truth as such if you can demonstrate an error

in my reasoning I will bless you for it however I have spent my life considering

and researching the nature of reality it is therefore unlikely that my

understanding of such things will ever be unseated by someone who cannot claim

the same however what I cannot believe is that you are here because of a sudden

interest in the Animator what is it you really want? Well you have all the

answers so why don't you tell me? Really Discord? So be it

you despise my company so you must have a problem you believe only I can solve

and given the timing I expect this problem has something to do with

Fluttershy's ascension. Oh, do go on. Her ascension means that her commitment

to Terror the Abyssal Code are now absolute and it also means her

expectations of you have also changed Until you showed up

things were going rather well for me but now I'm losing her again because of you

Discord, I helped to heal Fluttershy's ancient wounds and raise to the

heights of her potential and all you can see is the cost to yourself even if you

knew the outcome would be losing her, love would dictate did you do everything in

your power to achieve this same result if your feelings for her are truly this

selfish then you do not love her in reality and in truth as such your

relationship was always doomed.

I had to know if you really believed all the things that came out of your mouth

that's why I asked you about the Animator. My dear father was a perfect

hypocrite he would preach the Abyssal Code to me they go out and violate it

whenever it pleased him to do so so I was inclined to believe you were all

hypocrites so I decided to go my own way

and do whatever pleased me from moment-to-moment a choice I have never

had a cause to regret until now Fluttershy's a problem for you then

because you know she speaks from the heart you know that she speaks with the

voice of Terror. I have never known anyone more sincere than Fluttershy and

all my life I've never believed anyone when they said they cared about me until

I met her as much as I want to I cannot believe Fluttershy is trying to

deceive me so I know Fluttershy's Element truly speaks to her and shows

her visions but my element has never said anything to me I've never had any

visions or any indication at all that my elements is anything more than a source

of power for my amusement if it had... Discord I assure you you are mistaken I

promise you your elements not only has been speaking to you it has never ceased

to speak to you. The problem is you are expecting it to speak to you on your

terms and that is not how the universe works the universe does not function on

your terms you function on its terms my element does on occasion reveal things

to me in visions but it is always speaking to me through the reality around me. Discord

it could even be I am the messenger your element has sent to you to tell you the

things that you need to hear. How did you get to be like this Ghidra?

you went to the same school I did we both had Abyssal Lords as fathers we

were both born Abyssal Princes in the same city and in the same era so how is

it that we could be so different? Choice Discord. You chose to abandon the truth

to pursue your own pleasures and avoid sorrow I chose to embrace the truth at

the cost of my own pleasures and eternal sorrows so now I possess uncompromised

wisdom and you possess unparalleled folly make my choices and you will

become like me just the same if I make your choices I

would become like you. Yes I suppose that must be true which now puts me in a rather

difficult position in order to keep my heart's desire I have to become what I

have always despised. A true Abyssal. During Fluttershy's testimony at the

trial I realized she would require me to commit to the Abyssal Code she could

hardly do otherwise so I did the only reasonable thing... I ran away and I

made it as far as the moon I stood there gazing at all the stars imagining all

the lives that could live on those faraway worlds it was then that I

realized the truth I would rather trade every one of those lives for just one

lived with Fluttershy. At last Discord you are beginning to

realize what love really is. I really do hate you right now.

so what do I do now? You know the code discord keep it it

really is that simple I don't have to believe all that stuff about the

Animator do I? My father chose his words carefully Discord, it is called the

Abyssal Code not the Abyssal Creed because those who commit to it are

agreeing to a code of behavior not a set of beliefs. All I have to do is keep the

blood covenants? Well that I can do and for Fluttershy i am willing to do it

then you are no longer Discord the petty lord of mischief you are Drocsid the

Abyssal Lord of chaos just as you were always meant to be

would you mind if I stayed for a while I think I need to sit down on this magic

dock of yours. From this moment you are always welcome to share my meditations

Drocsid, for from this day you are my brother of blood

You ready kid? Just try to keep up

Ghi... Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo we're ambushed by a dragon

Rainbow Dash is badly injured and says that the dragon took Scootaloo. Someone TOOK Scootaloo?

Who would dare? His name is Torch he's the King of the Dragons. The King of

Dragons? Rainbow's in a terrible state she feels responsible for this. This isn't

the fault of Rainbow Dash I've let the ponies called me Ghidra, it

was inevitable that the leader of his wild generation of dragons would

challenge me for that name I should have dealt with him a long time ago but to kidnap

my daughter as the act of a brigand not a king direct me to the seat of this

monster's power and I will teach him the meaning of terror

you lost my little pony? He ain't no pony he's got scales. But he has hooves

and look at the tail he's got to be a pony. I am the Prince of

Terror. I told ya he's not a pony. You're the fool who's been taking the name of

Ghidra? Oh you're gonna lose the bet he's scrawny no way he can take on Ghidra

yeah yeah hey Ghidra! Dinner is served

this is he who would be Ghidra? Pathetic. Where is my daughter?

oh she is still alive I want her to watch me crunch your bones

before she dies sweet as she is she will make a nice dessert. If you had merely

challenged me for the crown I might have spared you but you have laid claws upon

my daughter and for that I can afford no mercy. Look at the horns on this one

talking like that. Just eat him Ghidra no point in draggin this out. I see what

you did there Now I will teach you the meaning of Terror.

He don't know! Hey Prince of stupid immortal magic doesn't work here

you're doomed if that's all you've got haha look around you

Sagira the fraud King you don't even recognize this place do you this place

that you created. It can't be this is Haven. Maybe it was once but now it is

hell and I am its king whatever you did to damn this city has cursed the very

stones they suck up the magical elements like rivers are devoured by the sea

your immortal power means nothing here how do you think we have managed to defy

the Great White Tyrant all of these centuries there is no power here but

dragon power tooth claw and fire just as it should be

and look at you do you even remember what your true dragon self looks like my

father worship Abyssus and he stupidly died trying to protect the son

of Abyssus from Celestious he died protecting you. You of a son of Erabareshimono?

the King's right-hand? I am. Your father was a great dragon who understood

the meaning of honor he died well defending his king and his honor but you

are no king you have neither honor nor vision our people were once known as the

Elders because of our wisdom and grace our civilization shined like a diamond

among stones our magic and technology were the envy of all it was our

engineers who built the great gate that joined the stars into one Empire and

laid the foundations for Haven you have led our people only to barbarism and

savagery you have abandoned your great heritage to hoard a few bits of gold in

a desolate wasteland you have become little more than beasts your father would weep

to see what a pathetic wretch his son has become indeed if it was he who was

here he would snap your neck himself. And what did civilization get us Sagira?

look around you. This is what your high wisdom

and great understanding yielded you call us savages but you have been more savage

than any of us could dream you burn this city into a ruin

you destroyed the very civilization you claim to cherish and then you would mock

me for choosing not to walk in your path? It is because Celestious rejected my

path that the city became a ruin and it is because you rejected my path that the city

remains a ruin Celestious led the mightiest army the

galaxy had ever seen against me and it was not enough and now here you stand

among the very rules of my enemies and you can't see it. See what? That your own

bones shall soon be numbered amongst the millions already here. Enough words the

only thing that comes from a dragon's mouth that matters is fire

So much for the Prince of Terror. Pay up loser. No wait I don't think he's dead

no way

Oh sh**

Is this it? is this all your power? How could it be that you stood before me

without trembling? How could it be that you looked upon me without terror! Only

now do you comprehend the magnitude of your failure but as is all too often the

case understanding comes to you too late

in the heart of every great dragon sleeps a hunger to rage that should never be


You should have let sleeping dragons lie

Pay up


Is... is that you? I am sorry my daughter, I never wanted you to see me like this

Why not? Your awesome! Aren't you frightened?

Those who know true Terror fear NOTHING!

You are not just Ghidra...

You are the Subete-Ra! The King of All.

Woe be unto any who bare their fangs to you.

For they shall be called kazoe musu,

Bones among millions...

For more infomation >> The Terror of Dragons; Friendship is Terrifying; S2E9 - Duration: 32:08.


Lexus IS Cabriolet 250C Executive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Lexus IS Cabriolet 250C Executive - Duration: 0:54.


How strong is a Telescopic Fishing Rod from Amazon? - Duration: 6:11.


What's going on guys, today we are strength testing telescopic Chinese

fishing rod that we got off the Amazon for 40 bucks. We have tested this for

lure fishing and bait fishing a couple of weeks ago and found out that it's

really good for bait fishing. Lure fishing the 9 foot pole not so much

Today we're actually just going to be testing how strong this rod is. So it

starts out probably two and a half feet.... and it goes to over nine over nine feet

long problem that we've encountered when fishing with this with lures is that it

was too floppy it didn't have a good backbone... so my question is how strong is

it for bait fishing then? Would I be able to catch a shark with it? Today we're

testing with 2-liter bottles we've got coke, sprite, ginger ale..let's see how

many liters this this rod can lift. Guys we're running out of things to lift and

strength test with.. comment below some ideas. Ever since my injury I've had time

to design and make some cool t-shirts which I'm actually pretty happy because

I've been trying to make a t-shirt for you guys for a while. They come in all

different sizes. It comes in short sleeves, long sleeves,

tank top and if you guys are interested check the link below. We're so grateful

for your support if you want to show some more love buy some Senko skipper

shirts yeah I got the red one on right here. What else we got? We got a suitcase

Erin design, we got mugs, we got a lot of different stuff. yeah. All in our shop.

So check that out. I'd like you guys to guess in the comments below how many of

these two-liter bottles do you think that this rod will be able to handle

without breaking. Erinn what's, what's your guess? 3? 3-4? I'm thinking 3-4 as

well. Yeah I mean this rod is really flexible so I'm thinking that it will be

able to handle a lot of weight. All right let's see if we can break this rod

we're gonna start with just lifting one 2-liter thing a coke. I bet you'll be

able to do it.


It cracked once!

The rod cracked? The rod cracked.

Time for two - oh this is getting heavy this is getting heavy

Alright ready...?

Oh its cracking, its cracking


Well that was quicker than I thought. Wow

Crap. Wow I did not expect that... we had six more bottles too go!

Look at that it just completely snapped right here so

if you were to hook on to a big fish... I mean even like a big skate...

We seriously had so many more tests.

I thought it was gonna break like around here, where it was most bendy. Okay look this is

where it broke right here. Wow.

So if you're getting this rod in hopes to

catch some big fish. I would reconsider that this is a fun rod for some

medium-sized fish but uh it wouldn't be able to handle a shark or like a skate

or you know anything of size and power because there was only two two bottles

of uh... that was only four liters of liquid

yeah if I were if I were using the ugly stick it would have handled it no

problem but since this telescopic rod has so many different you know weak

points.. It's not a great rod for big fishing. So here's the conclusion

What I was gonna say is if you're trying to go for big fish don't get this rod.

Thank you guys for watching ... I hope this answered some questions that you had

about this rod if not I hope you at least enjoyed yourself..have a good one

guys see you next week.

For more infomation >> How strong is a Telescopic Fishing Rod from Amazon? - Duration: 6:11.


MSP IS UGLY / britney msp - Duration: 15:46.

For more infomation >> MSP IS UGLY / britney msp - Duration: 15:46.


Shadowhunters // Jace & Alec: If This Is Dying - Duration: 1:56.

Jace is a part of me.

Through our rune we're both emotionally and physically connected.

Something is wrong with Jace.

If he dies, a part of me dies, too.



We're bound together for life.

There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have.



I have to get to Alec!

You can kill me

just please, let me get to him first.

He needs me.

And I can't...

I can't live without him.

Please don't leave me, Alec.

We make a great team!

The best team.

In battle, our hearts beat as one.

This whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate if you ask me.

You don't know the half of it.

I'm always gonna be here for you.

Don't ever doubt me.

He's dead.


Bringing people back...

there's always a consequence.

For more infomation >> Shadowhunters // Jace & Alec: If This Is Dying - Duration: 1:56.


Is Main getting a makeover? - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Is Main getting a makeover? - Duration: 2:24.


Hurricane Harvey: How Kelvin Sampson is making a true difference - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Harvey: How Kelvin Sampson is making a true difference - Duration: 1:38.


Mail Order is Out of Order - Duration: 1:07.

These days, all patients care about is convenience.

Time to take your pills, Henry.

I would love to, but I'm out. Have my meds still not come?

I don't think so.

I'll check the mail, you track the order.

But that convenience should never come at the expense of care.

When you need your meds, you should never have to wait.

Hi, I need to track my medication.

We are experiencing a high volume of calls.

Or even worse, get stuck playing the never-ending customer service game.

What are they saying?

Sorry for keeping you on hold. It appears the carrier lost your package.

But I need my meds.

I understand. We'll send a new shipment out to you right away.

And how long is that going to take?

Well, if I put a rush on it... four to five days.

Why does this always happen to me?

Let's face it, mail order is out of order.

You don't have to sacrifice care for convenience.

When you need personal care but can't get to the pharmacy,

your community pharmacist delivers the best of both worlds

right to your front door.

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