Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 30 2017

Beyond The Beers is a different experience. The first hour your mind just gets absolutely blown.

WOW! - Beyond The Beers. Beyond The Beers - Conversations & Cool Stuff for men

is coming back again in 2017.

Men love some banter, even better over a beer, or ten. Sadly, though, for many men it never goes beyond this,

if at all. Men are becoming more disconnected than ever. This is why Beyond The Beers exists.

Listening to things I haven't heard before, just expanding the brain. Sharing and connecting and actually feeling held in a space that,

you know, was safe. I found the whole event very positive, very

educational, very engaging.

Many of the biggest issues we face as a society are caused directly or indirectly by dysfunctional men.

We've become disconnected from personal direction. Consumed by the opinions and approval of others.

Chasing success and validation from external sources, hoping happiness will come as a result.

Beyond The Beers supports men in effectively communicating and confidently navigating their lives.

Getting a room full of guys to actually open up and discuss

the things we've been discussing today is, I think it's quite groundbreaking.

Attendees will leave with tools for implementation and a community of men

who are all on a journey of personal fulfilment and growth.

This is your opportunity to significantly impact the wellbeing and performance

of men in your communitity, by supporting them in becoming a more self-aware,

resilient, empathetic, confident and connected leader.

Learning and learning and learning and learning and learning. Yeah, you find the confidence to open up.

We align with partners who see great value in empowerment of their male staff, team and audience

to the benefit of the individual and wider community.

We have opportunities for partners on a number of levels. To learn more

or get involved, contact us today.

For more infomation >> Beyond The Beers - Conversations & Cool Stuff For Men 2017 promo - Duration: 2:00.


Art For Lawyers - Duration: 8:59.

Have we started?

Yeah, yeah. I like all this stuff.

So you were you saying you're interested in why they would

have this kind of initiative?

Yeah, why am I here?

What am I doing here?

*Boop* You have a new message!

Hi this is a message for Rory Waudby-Tolley

My name is Maggie. I'm an Art Consultant

I have a project which I'd like to put you forward for.

It's an Artist In Residence at an international law firm in the City.

If you could give me a call that would be great

I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks. Bye bye.

There's a very tall building in the middle of the city

where the lawyer's sit and practise law

but when they get bored they like to look at something pretty

and that's what all the art is for

They've commissioned some art

What's it all about?

What kind of stuff do they like?

Let's talk to them and find out!

We're gonna make art for the lawyers!

I'm supposed to make art for lawyers!

I have to make art for the lawyers

But I don't know where to start

I hope the lawyers like my art

Corporate art is a funny concept isn't it

Yes, what was your question? What do I feel about the art that we...

have on the walls? Yeah, I mean, it's a real mix

I quite like the way it's not... too pretty

I've seen so much art come in to this building here.

Some of them get rave reviews

Some of them they get negative vibes and negative views

You know, "when are you gonna get the skip bin?"

"Chuck away the rubbish!" - things like this

But at least you got a response rather than someone just walking past

It's quite interesting, in law the whole point is we're asked for advice.

And it's no good just saying "on the one hand or the other hand" - people don't pay you to say that

You have to have an opinion!

Very rarely will get people who don't have some opinion about art

whether it's because they like it or don't like it

And have you ever known anybody look at something and make no comment?

Just say "it does nothing for me"?

Even saying it does nothing for me means there is a negative response.

We've had talks from visiting artists

We've been to see some exhibitions

and we've had great fun spending our budget and

enjoyed choosing what we what we like

We've also had installations in the in the reception area and on the ground floor

some of which have gone down really well and everybody likes

and some of which have not gone down that well at all

We've had belts and TV screens, smashed up TV screens

and I think the most recent one looks like maybe some sort of lampshade

but what was it? - *A vortex*

A vortex? Oh it's a vortex, right.

It sort of makes people have to look. Some people like it some people find it strange

But obviously like you say it causes causes conversation, so it's got to be doing something right

On July 18th 2016

I interrupted lunch in the lawyers' canteen

and made them draw a picture!

"I'm rubbish! I'm rubbish!" - "Everybody's rubbish!"

"What have we got to draw then?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Drawing? I'm so incapable!"

"This for me is already Picasso

"I don't do drawing"

"I really do not do drawing"

"I do not do drawing"

"Oh crikey, no, not for me thank you. No, I'll pass, no"

"Nah sorry"

"Here we go... I've been doing it in felt-tip, I'll need a bit of crayon as well. Thank you!"

"My crayon is quite light, so... I tried!"

"That is good... yeah very good!"

"Oh look... some are almost as bad as mine!"

*singing* What kind of stuff do they like?

For me art is like a break from everyday life

Something that you can enjoy

As I once told you, I'm from Zimbabwe

When I was growing up, the African guys in the backyard

they used to do soap stone sculptures, and it was so beautiful

They used to do the rhino and elephants

and lions and things like that. That's the kind of thing I like, that's my kind of art.

But each man to his own! So...

One of my favourites is actually Monet

I've actually been to Monet's house in France

Nick, you were talking about the guy with one ear earlier?

*laughs* Yeah, Van Gogh

I've been to the Amsterdam museum, which is pretty good and seen some of his famous paintings

The Sunflower one was there, and a few of the others

But I mean I'm I am interested in art. I've done an art and design course when I was younger.

I'm probably more into caricatures

and, you know, pencil and pen sort of drawings

My art goes as far as probably 'Painting by numbers'

I was very interesting in art at school, but nothing ever materialised from it

Bit sad really!

Are you creative yourself? - No!

As far as art is concerned, I'm hopeless, so I leave that to others

and take vicarious pleasure in the skills and talents of other people

Oh I draw all the time!

I used to be an illustrator. Very low-key very small-time

but when I worked in a publishers, before I became a lawyer

I did some book covers and illustrations for school books etc. just because I liked drawing

I also once resigned from a job to do etching, believe it or not

So I did at one point in my early life think "should I become an artist?"

So one of my questions was just going to be "what is art?"

Everybody has a different view of art

and often you can find, just by looking at a piece of art

If it's beautiful or not, it suddenly makes you think of things

it can make you be quite creative if you spend time just staring at something

and thinking of something completely different to what you normally do

So I think it's very broad. What do you think art is?

Yeah, no, I agree that it is broad, but also I don't know

I like the idea that this film itself is going to be like a discovery to find out what art is

but then questioning whether or not the film I do make is even art

Have I wasted the arts residency by not making art?

Interesting question, quite a philosophical question

I think you will be making art because you've encouraged people to engage in it

so you animate and you...

create something

Is that art?

But it is, isn't it? It's creating something that's different

You have a new message

I am an artist! I am an artist!

I've known it since the day I was born!

I am an artist! I am an artist!

Look it says here on this form!

I am an artist! I am an artist!

Now I've got nothing to lose

I am an artist with the paperwork to prove

If I am artist then you are an artist

and she is an artist and he is an artist

We are all artists and art is important

and art's gonna change the world

Because I am an artist and you are an artist

and we need it now more than ever

more than ever

For more infomation >> Art For Lawyers - Duration: 8:59.


Enough (Equality for Women) - Duration: 6:07.

"I want you back."


"It'll be just like it was."

"No, no."

"Well that's pretty stupid, you know why?

Because if I can't have you, nobody will.

Like that jerk who's here with you?

He'll be fishing for his guts in Lake Washington.

And you know what else, honey?

For murder, they need a body.

Otherwise they're just gonna think you ran away again."

In a frightening and yet realistic thriller, Jennifer Lopez plays the character of Slim,

a woman whose story reveals the agony of being in the hands of an abusive partner.


No, Daddy, no!


Slim is a working class waitress who due to her life circumstances had to quit school

to make ends meet.

During this time, she meets Mitch, a wealthy contractor who ends up transforming her life

by giving her the love and happiness she always longed for.


I love you, yes!"

Wooed and wedded by her apparently perfect husband, Slim is shocked to discover that

he's having an affair.

Disgusted with her findings, Slim threatens to leave and take their daughter with her.

Slim's life then turns into a nightmare when Mitch beats her to show his power and control

over her.

"I can't hit you?"

"No, you can't."

"You want a fight?

I'm a man, honey.

It's no contest.

You have to understand, Slim, and I thought you did-- I make the money here, so I set

the rules, right?

It's my rules, you with me?"

Slim's terrifying plight is well known to many women around the world.

In the United States, one third of women murdered each year are killed by intimate partners.

In South Africa, a woman is killed every six hours by an intimate partner.

In India, in 2007, 22 women were killed each day in dowry-related murders.

Tragically, nearly 603 million women live in countries where domestic violence is not

yet considered a crime.



The Declaration of Human Rights ensures that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and

security of person.

Often, the government fails to protect the rights of the lives of these women by not

providing adequate security or justice for victims.

Earlier this year, Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a law that decriminalizes domestic


For example, a husband who hits his wife or his children will face a small administrative

fine, or community service.

The Russian law only criminalizes abuse that leads to serious bodily injury, such as a

broken bone, or hospitalization.


"Come on."

Even so, the women of Russia don't receive justice because the government fails to reinforce

the already weak laws on domestic violence.

Police officers often fail to respond to domestic violence allegations.

Not surprisingly, in 2015, approximately 10,000 women died as a result of domestic violence.

"Come on, Toots.

Ready for bed."

In the movie, Slim chooses to take her daughter and leave the abusive situation that she faces.

She has friends and family members who put their lives in risk to help her.

However, Mitch stalks her, his henchmen track her down, and she's beaten again.

"It's the information age, sweetheart.

You leave a trail everywhere.

Especially when your best friend rents your room with her credit card."

Although this movie has a happy ending, in reality, the end for many women who suffer

from domestic violence is often the opposite.

Their stories end in brutality and even death.

Such tragic outcomes for women are all but guaranteed in countries where the government

either refuses to criminalize domestic violence or enforce the law.

So we should all say "enough" when it comes to governments that refuse to protect the

basic human rights of the most vulnerable members of society.

"What is that?

Who's banging on the door?"

"I don't know."


What's going on?

Mom, I'm scared!"

"It's gonna be okay, baby."


"Hold the bus!

Hold the bus!

Hold the bus!"

For more infomation >> Enough (Equality for Women) - Duration: 6:07.


Suffragette (Equality for Women) - Duration: 5:25.

Suffragette shows what society looks like when laws perpetuate the oppression

of human beings.

We see this happening in many countries around the world today.

From the stoning of women in the Middle East to the denial of education and economic opportunity

in many societies around the world.

But this movie reminds us that it wasn't very long ago that Western countries were like this.

In this regard, the film is a reminder that the rights of many oppressed people weren't

handed out freely.

They were fought for by people such as the brave women in this film.

This movie also gives us some clues as to how ordinary citizens can harness the principles

of human rights to fight against the powers that be, and sometimes to win against all odds.

"I was made head washer at 17, forewoman at 20.

I'm 24 now, sir."

"You're young for such a position."

"Laundry work's a short life if you're a woman."

"And why is that?"

"You get your aches, and your chest cough.

Crushed fingers, leg ulcers, burns, headaches from the gas.

We had one girl last year poisoned.

Can't work again.

Ruined her lungs."

"What would the vote mean to you, Mrs. Watts?"

"I never thought we'd get the vote, so I've never thought about what it would mean."

"So why are you here?"

"The thought that we might....that this life-- that there's another way of living this life..."

We see many rights violated in this film: the right to fair and safe employment, and

in some cases the right to life itself.

These parallel the lives of modern women in many parts of the world today.

For instance, the laundry workers' lives very closely resemble the lives of the overwhelmingly

female garment workers in sweatshops throughout the developing world.

Their lives are often in danger, and their lives are treated as dispensable by those

more powerful than them.

And Suffragette gives us a sense of what sometimes happens when oppressed citizens try to assert

their fundamental rights.

The government, and other defenders of the status qou, fight back by further violating

their human rights, for instance their right to privacy.

'You want me to respect the law?

Then make the law respectable."

"We are fighting for a time in which every little girl born into the world will have

an equal chance with her brothers."

But the movie ultimately leaves us with a deeply moving message of hope, and an inspiring sense

of what can happen when ordinary people band together to assert their dignity

and rights.

"We have been left with no alternative, but to defy this government.

If we must go to prison to obtain the vote, let it be the windows of government, not the

bodies of women, which shall be broken.

I incite this meeting, and all the women in Britain, to rebellion.

I would rather be a rebel than a slave."

The Suffragette story is so incredible that it's easy to forget that the film is not a

work of fiction.

Women deserve legal equality, and the global fight for this basic right is far from over.

But the example of the women in this film, heroes of human rights in early 20th century

Britain, has some lessons for us all today.

Human rights are worth fighting for, no matter how great the resistance, because they are

the birthright of women and men everywhere.

The dream of equality can become a greater reality if we also have the courage to dream

it together in our time.


"It's alright, this way."

For more infomation >> Suffragette (Equality for Women) - Duration: 5:25.


Get Best YouTube Video Editor Alternative for only $3.99 & Win an iPhone 8!! - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Get Best YouTube Video Editor Alternative for only $3.99 & Win an iPhone 8!! - Duration: 2:57.


Top 7 Best Apps For Learning Guitar Theory Fully Explained | Beginner To Expert Guitar Tutorials - Duration: 7:16.

hello everyone my name is adil and in this video I'm gonna show you about the

best seven apps so that lets started

first app name is ultimate guitar tab and chords and best for learning guitar

Tools Having Chromatic Tools , Brain Training , Metronome And Chords library

Tools Having Chromatic Tools , Brain Training , Metronome And Chords library

and just forgot having beginning guitar lessons what is inside ticket are

talking about you can also prove your video in this - now I'm talking about

the second app

now I'm talking about second app be Good and the name of guitar this guitar

app is guitar pro the name of this guitar is guitar rock the app is best

for beginning musician and because in this term you can easily understand and

write guitar music sheets how to understand like why music sheets you can

learn from this guitar and I think this is the best perfect guitar and how to

open the music sheet I already uploaded a video you can watch my video video

link is in the description and

cost price so you should have to buy get free from website from torrent

so you can download this now I'm talking about the

Guitar Pro

hello I'm not talking about the third bass guitar and you must know and the

name is Coach Guitar guitar and you must know that this is

paid app so and having the great premium pass and get me giving seven-day free

try this have to watch the free guitar tabs and then you cost money so this

happen why did you a platform like you can easily understand how to play this

song on guitar and how to play this like indicia and how do you can play the easy

to share info so that you pass and you can easily seven day free trial so I

think this is the best app to learn guitar for the bingers

hello everyone I am talking about the best app you must know and this is the

fourth plus app for the guitar in my list so I'm not talking about the guitar

tab pro the name of this app is guitar there pro in this tube this is the

pleasure fro understanding the guitar song and chest so you can this video you

can easily understand about the song stores I am giving the example like


now this I provided you are a complete platform like these joists are used in

this song he B minor G and a so this is the very easiest method for you to

easily understand the guitar chores so I think this is the fourth plus for the


totally close totally free of course platform from the bigness and provides a

complete platform for the user who need something for free you know you can

download this removal player from Apple Store so these guitar this I provided

training playground which by tone generator songs artists remain raged

over introduction you can easily download this app so I think see the

fifth-place app in my list

hello everyone and this is best sixth app on my list and in this video I'm

gonna tell you about the six app with the best app I think so it just looked

like a game and I think this is the app I did our to another popular application

in guitar you can easily to make with the help of this tuner and I

think this is the number one for the video tuning for the tuning of your

string and I think this app launched another application is called musician

and it is I think it is the best app for the beginners who want to run guitar and

this is just like a game you want you can learn guitar and about the guitar

Curie from this and this is the complete music and

the biggest musicians that you can compete with the other musicians on this

application and explore musician from a variety of jewelry or upload your own

fee you can download this from there from App store or from google play and

dissenting from care Apple stroll or from Google Play and to selecting the

best record 6 now I'm going to tell you about the seventh app

know other so to is having metronome beats inside future but this happens

last filled with use of so spinning up this app is really cool and

so these are the best apps for the big marketing solution you can like my video

thumbs up and if you don't like my video thumbs wrong

thank you very much for watching my video keep square for my channel and

share with your friends I'm crime and ain't no big Pere videos

I'm gonna basic blocks thank you

For more infomation >> Top 7 Best Apps For Learning Guitar Theory Fully Explained | Beginner To Expert Guitar Tutorials - Duration: 7:16.


(Eng sub) How to speak in front of the camera for the first time - Duration: 2:40.

Assalamualaikum. Hi guys my name is Shasha Sukri. Welcome to my channel. I'm a travel vlogger

I do not speak in front the camera all the time. This is actually my first time recording a sit-down video

I'm pretty nervous, but I'm sure lots of first time vlogger feel the same

So I'm here to share with you my five tips on how to speak in front of the camera for the first time

Tips number one

Write down important points of your content

Let's say you want to make a content about your skincare

Or you want to make a book review or you want to talk about something technical.

It is advisable for you to write down important points that you want to talk about. Tips number two. Look directly into the lens

while you are speaking

You might be using your smartphone or your flip screen camera.

So you are tend to look into the screen while you are speaking. It is important for you to make eye contact with your audience

Speak to the camera as if you are talking to your friends or your family members. Tips number three.

Speak in the language that you are comfortable with. My first language is not English.

But the reason I make this video in English is because English is the most widely spoken language in the world

So I want my audience to understand. My English is not perfect.

But I am very comfortable speaking in English and at the same time

I want my audience to understand what I'm trying to say to them. The most important thing about making a video

is that you can convey your message so that your audience could fully understand what you are trying to say.

Tips number four. Watch other YouTubers and learn from them. You should not copy their style because you have yourself your own

create your own vlogging style and

lastly tips number five just speak casually in front of the camera and keep

practicing. Keep making videos

Because the more you make videos the more you talk in front of your camera, you can improve yourself better. That's it for today's vlog

I hope you enjoy my video if you like my video, please click thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel

Bye bye

For more infomation >> (Eng sub) How to speak in front of the camera for the first time - Duration: 2:40.


Not Without My Daughter (Equality for Women) - Duration: 2:17.

"Where were you?"

"I went for a walk!"


"I told you, we went for a walk!

We went for a walk!"

"Shut up!

You try anything like this again, I'll kill you."

The 1991 movie Not Without My Daughter dramatizes the true story of an American woman named

Betty whose Iranian husband takes her to his country and imprisons her in their home.

Betty tries to leave her husband and run away with their daughter back to the United States,

but due to rigid laws in Iran and a severe lack of women's rights, she is unable to protect

herself and her daughter from the abuse and emotional torment inflicted upon them by her

husband and his family.

"Moody, what are you doing?

Oh please, please don't take her.

Moody, Moody please, please, please don't take her.

Moody, please don't take her.

Moody, Moody, please!


The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that no one should be subject to cruel

or degrading treatment, and provides everyone with the right to personal liberty, security,

and legal recognition.

"Get up!

Get up!"

In 2004, a study conducted by the Women's Center for Presidential Advisory, the Interior

Ministry, and the Ministry of Higher Education in Iran, reported that 52% of married women

in the study have undergone emotional abuse, and 5% of married women have had near-death

domestic violence experiences.

Many non-profits have been working to support women's rights ever since, but they need the

state to back them and eradicate the discrimination that is embedded in the system.

For more infomation >> Not Without My Daughter (Equality for Women) - Duration: 2:17.


What are the benefits for industry in partnering with European Schoolnet? | #eu_schoolnet20 - Duration: 2:21.

I think European Schoolnet's strength lies in creating visions and models for the future.

So experimenting with the next new technologies that are coming onto the market,

that enable impact in the school and in the classroom.

We have been working with European Schoolnet for several years now.

We are a partner of the Future Classroom Lab.

It brings us access to people which we otherwise would not be able to meet.

For instance some policymakers at the European level.

So the biggest challenge we see is that there is so much technology around

that educators are not able anymore really

to take a good decision on what is valuable for the classroom.

So our expectation from the Future Classroom Lab of European Schoolnet

is that the policymakers are well informed about the technologies,

which are not just a fashion thing for today,

but something which really lasts for the next ten years

because this is our responsibility.

Actually working with European Schoolnet enables us

to make those connections with universities and schools across Europe.

And what we are hoping to do is actually link those together through our system

so that individual schools anywhere in Europe

can collaborate effectively with other schools within Europe.

European Schoolnet can facilitate collective discussion

on how curricula should be modified to suit the needs of industry,

so that those in curriculum development can make sure that

the students are educated and given the right ICT skills

so that when they go to industry, they are more self-starters.

Where Microsoft is really happy to be engaged with European Schoolnet

is around what learning impacts can we have on students.

How can we make sure that technology is really giving students all around Europe

the opportunity to build their 21st century skills and knowledge,

so that they have a rich future in front of them

irrespective of their different needs, their different strengths and weaknesses

and the different opportunities that they might have during their educational career.

For more infomation >> What are the benefits for industry in partnering with European Schoolnet? | #eu_schoolnet20 - Duration: 2:21.


My Friends Tigger & Pooh Rabbit's Ruta-wakening Cartoon For Kids Episode 1 - Sofia Bray - Duration: 21:14.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Sofia Bray Channel

For more infomation >> My Friends Tigger & Pooh Rabbit's Ruta-wakening Cartoon For Kids Episode 1 - Sofia Bray - Duration: 21:14.


Lost Girls of South Africa (Equality for Women) - Duration: 4:45.

South Africa's infamous reality of having the highest rape statistics in the world leave

many of its citizens feeling afraid and helpless, especially when a large portion of those being

raped are young boys and girls under the age of 18.

This documentary, titled "The Lost Girls of South Africa," takes the viewer on a visual

expedition of five girls that were victims of sexual assault, and the difficulties they

experience in trying to get restitution for the acts committed against them.

The documentary covers a wide range of scenarios, from sexual assault within the home to young

girls being raped by other minors.

"I was raped two times by a man that was staying in the house.

The second time he didn't come in the home, I was going to the shop and he catch me there."

While police services in South Africa as state actors should be entrusted with protecting

all citizens, it is often the case that victims of sexual assault feel neglected or even worse,

shamed for what happened to them.

This is why so many citizens choose not to report their assault.

Of the cases that do make it to court, only 1% end in prosecution.This low prosecution

rate is a result of a failing system that cannot be blamed on one party.

With understaffed social work agencies and overworked police officers, the time it takes

to close a case can be stretched out by months, lessening the chances

of conviction.

This young girl, Ntombizanele, explains her experience.

A startling amount of accused rapists are minors themselves, and end up being placed

back in the custody of their parents, which often allows them free reign to victimize

their accusers, and this victimization may come from the community at large.

"The cry for help is there, but it takes so long for help

to come."

Approximately 200,000 girls under the age of 18 are raped a year.

For the young boys and girls of South Africa, it is a reality almost too harsh to face.

"A medical research council survey in 2009 found that in South Africa, 1 in 4 men say

they have raped at least once, with half of those admitting to multiple attacks."

The reasons given by men that rape range from traditional superstitions to drug abuse.

Another contributing factor to the high volumes of rape in South Africa is poor sexual education.

In some circles, it is believed that a virgin can cure a person from HIV and AIDS.

It remains troubling that the public cannot trust the police, the courts, and the laws

of the country to receive effective retribution for crimes committed against them.

A national system that does not protect victims, investigate accusations, and punish for wrongdoing

will allow and perhaps even endorse rape culture.

"I feel like I'm not a person, I feel like I'm like a dog or cat, but I am a person.

And I want to be strong, like a woman."

For more infomation >> Lost Girls of South Africa (Equality for Women) - Duration: 4:45.


Aladdin (Equality for Women) - Duration: 3:59.

"I've never been so insulted!"

"Oh, Prince Achmed, you're not leaving so soon, are you?"

"Good luck marrying her off!"





Jasmine-- oh, confound it Raja.

So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out."

"Oh, Father.

Raja was just playing with him.

Weren't you, Raja.

You were just playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed, weren't you."

"Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call!

The law says you must be married to a prince, by your next birthday."

"The law is wrong."

"You've only got three more days!"

"Father, I hate being forced into this.

If I do marry, I want it to be for love."

Decades after the release of Disney's classic Aladdin, the film still speaks to human rights

issues in our world.

This includes the caste system in the movie, an oppressive social hierarchy that Princess Jasmine completely


As powerfully depicted in Aladdin, social caste is used as a pretext to impose forced

marriage on Jasmine.

Jasmine's father is a Sultan, and the law of their city therefore restricts Jasmine

to only marrying a prince, which will be another future Sultan.

"Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore."

"Oh, I, I...

Allah forbid you should have any daughters."

"Jasmine will like this one."

"And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Jasmine."

"Your Highness, no.

I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf.

This boy is no different from the others.

What makes him think he is worthy of the princess?"

"Your Majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa.

Just let her meet me.

I will win your daughter."

"How dare you?

All of you.

Standing around deciding my future?

I am not a prize to be won."

Princess Jasmine's tragic and painful situation should serve as a reminder of the many women

around the world today whose rights are violated through forced marriage.

Princess Jasmine and her father discuss how the law is wrong to require that a person

only marry someone in their own caste.

As Aladdin was born and raised in a poor environment, he is not able to marry the princess.

He is labeled a "street rat," who is unfit for the place where Jasmine was raised.

However, by becoming a prince through the Genie's magic, Aladdin is finally deemed worthy

to marry the princess.

"Genie, I need help."

"Alright Sparky, here's the deal.

If you want to court the little lady, you've gotta be a straight shooter, do ya got it?"


"Tell her the TRUTH!"


How many times do I have to kill you, boy?"

Unfortunately, the real world is not a Disney movie.

In India and other nations, people who have tried to marry outside the caste system have

been killed in what is known as "honor killings."

Murder is seen as a justified response to bringing dishonor on one's family.

So Princess Jasmine and Aladdin's struggle offers a window into a very dark reality in

our world.

May we work together to ensure that people in future generations can also enjoy the happiness

that we see depicted in the predictable happy ending of this Disney classic.

For more infomation >> Aladdin (Equality for Women) - Duration: 3:59.


Syrian Kurds to vote for federal region - Duration: 2:38.

After the approval of elections law in Jazira canton

Lists of nominees are being prepared all over the region's districts

for selecting the communes co-chairs

This is the first round of elections for establishing a federal system in northern Syria

Officials of the Elections High Commission confirmed voting and nominating are open for everybody

and that for political reasons some parties refuse to take part in the elections

Commune elections have nothing to do with politics

the list is open for everybody

Evey body is entitled to vote and nominate

There are no individual lists or political lists

But on the local council and regional elections, we hope all parties participate in the elections

especially for the political parties who refuse to participate, we say the door is open for them to take part.

Officials of Syria's Kurdish National Council (ENKS) see the elections as illegal

They say the vote for federal system has been accepted by one political party only.

ENKS officials point out that they will not participate in the elections without an international recognition

and with the participation of all political parties in the region.

because currently there is no guarantee of transparency and democracy

I see nothing clear in the commune elections.

The administration should be through dialogue and approval of all parties.

An international recognition is needed and Kurds should be united in such cases.

So that we can invite those who are abroad to return to their home country and participate in these processes

Although we do not accept the administration's works, we still seek to work together on a democratic basis

We seek an administration in which all parties are accepted

The deadline for registering nominees for commune elections is August 30

On September 22, the first round of elections starts.

Although officials of the Kurdish administration see the elections for a federal system as a necessary step,

ENKS officials see the elections as linked to one political party,

and this will lead to more troubles among the community groups.

Reporting in Kurdish: Ferhad Ehme, Kurdistan 24, Qamishlo

English subtitles: Hisham Arafat

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