Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 3 2017

This program contains violence, sex, and inappropriate

or provocative dialogue.

It is intended for mature audiences.

Viewer discretion advised.

The characters and situations in this program are fictitious.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.

Did you understand what the guard said?

Answer me!

Don't yell at me.

I yell at whoever I want.

And I won't take lip from you.

So you'd better watch your tone.

That's unless you want a beat down.

Do you know what that is?

You don't want to know. Trust me.

What do I do?

Mom, please come back. Mom, I need you.

What are you looking at, you rats?



Where you able to catch Diabla?

Yes, I did and I brought her straight to the US.

Good! That's my G.I. Jane.

She's finally going to pay for everything she did to us.

I'm glad.

I love that you're happy.

Of course I am. It's what she deserves.

I know the way things work here in prison.

I know what's going to happen to her

and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Where are you from?


You're Colombian?

I like Colombians.

I've heard they're pretty...

and sensual.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

You think I'm wrong about you?

I'm not a lesbian.

I don't care. How about that?

I'm in charge here, if you hadn't noticed.

If I want you to be a lesbian, you're going to be.

And if I want you to be my bitch...

Guess what? You'll be my bitch.

Dream on.


You leave me no choice.

I'm glad we're celebrating your return to City Hall.

That's right, honey.

Finally, those Diablas won't be bothering me.

I'll finally have you all to myself.

I know, but be careful. You'll make me crash.

Hello, Captain.

<i>Mr. Mayor, I have news for you.</i>

It's about your stepdaughter, Daniela.

Captain, get to the point. What is it?

It seems Diabla was taken to the US.


The TEA.

How'd you find out?

Daniela told me herself.

She said they were put in a truck and kidnapped.

<i> She was let go,</i> <i> but they took Diabla.</i>

Interesting. What'll happen now?

She'll start ratting people out to reduce her sentence.

And I'll be one of those people, right?

Yes, sir.

Get over here!

Look, just so you know, toots, I'm in charge here.

I decide who gets to live and who doesn't,

who eats and who doesn't.

You're going to do what I want. Are we clear?


Oh! And I almost forgot.


Then we have to find a way to keep her from talking.

<i> Any ideas?</i>

We could take Daniela

and warn Diabla that if she betrays me, Daniela dies.

That's not half bad.

She'd probably rat me out too.


Is Daniela at my house?

That's the other thing.

She went to the house and Marcial Barrera kicked her out.


<i> Sir, I told you that</i> <i> Marcial Barrera came back</i>

and claimed back his properties.

I'm just worried about our inheritance though.

I don't like the idea of working this hard

-for nothing in the end. -Don't worry.

That won't happen.

I won't let that money get away

after putting up with that demon woman for years.

What can we do?

If Marcial Barrera's the one who's in the way, kill him.

Mr. Marcial, don't you think it's unfair

that we're enjoying this thanks to our eldest Catalina

and that she's not here to enjoy it with us?

Mrs. Hilda, wherever she is,

I'm sure she's happier than we are.

Well, I have to go.

Tomorrow we have to get up early to reinforce our security.

Titi says Diabla's a nobody now

because she has no men or money, but I know her.

She could turn up again.

We can go if it's that much trouble.

Albeiro, how can I make you understand?

Stop being afraid.

You're going to have problem wherever you go.

This is my house. I'm letting you have it.

You have to stay here and fight for what is yours.

And you, missy, tomorrow we'll start your driving lessons.

Yes, sir.


I asked him to teach me how to drive.

Catalina, aren't you embarrassed?

What have I taught you?

Don't worry, Mr. Marcial.

We'll talk later, sweetie. Let's let Mr. Marcial rest.

Yes, sir.

Yes, I need some rest. Good night.

You too.

I'm happy you caught her.

Now you can leave that part of your life behind for good.

I'm not so sure.

What do you mean? We made a deal.

After we caught Yesica and put her in the truck,

as we were leaving, I saw my mom and Albeiro.

It was painful, Santiago.

I understand, but...

Hey, don't worry.

I'm not saying that I'm going back.

I'm just telling you how I feel.

Seeing my mother after 20 years wasn't easy.

Aren't you embarrassed?

Mom, he offered to do it.

It's fine, but I wanted to teach you.

Which car would we use? Jotica's car?

It's too hard. It's stick shift.

Mr. Marcial told me

it's easier to learn how to drive in an automatic.

It's fine.

Besides, can you imagine me driving to the neighborhood

in that yellow car?

Careful, Catalina. You're too old for that.

Mom, I don't want to show it off to our neighbors.

-Who then? -Daniela.

It'd be super fun.

Imagine the look on her face!


Sweetie, that poor kid must be doing terribly.

Seeing you in the truck won't make her feel worse.

She's already hit rock bottom.


She'll feel a little something.

Alright, good night.

-Good night. -She's just like you.

She is pretty.

What about him?



What about Albeiro?

That's what I'd like to know.

What'd you feel when you saw him?

Silence speaks louder than words.

What do you want me to tell you?

That I felt love?

I didn't, Santi.

But it was the first time in 20 years that I saw him.

It wasn't easy.

Some loves last forever. If this is one of those...

Good morning, babe.

Did you sleep well?

It's time for breakfast, baby. Come on.

Wakey, wakey.


Don't you dare be anyone else's bitch.

It's the little Diabla.

What is it?

You don't have a toothbrush? Do you want to use mine?


I think it'll be hard to go to school

and not see Adriana there.

Sweetie, don't be sad. It's hard for all of us.

She was so pretty and such a nice friend.

I don't think this pain will ever go away.


I know what you mean.

That kind of pain never goes away.




Open up!

I wonder who it is!

Go see.

-Alright, but drink that juice. -Yes, Mom.

Hey, Ms. Ximena! How's it going?

I'm good. You're making a racket.

-Is Valentina here? -Yeah, she's having breakfast.

Want to come in?

Just tell her I'll see her at school.

-She won't be long. -Can you do me a favor?

Tell her to walk by the Diablas girls' house

before school. She'll love what she sees.

What is it?

Just tell her to go.

Okay? It's a surprise.

I have to go. We're late.

Tell her to hurry. Alright.

See you, Mom.

Who was it?

It was your friend Carmen.

She said to walk by Diabla's place to see something.

-Mrs. Imelda's house? -Yes.

-What for? -I don't know.

Come on. Let's go.

Fine, but hurry. I'm late.

Wait. The gate.

I wonder what's going on. I'm so curious!

What are you waiting for? Get in the driver's seat.

Careful, Catalina!

Oh, no!

I'm learning, Dad!

Watch the road.

-That's it? -You're driving.

I'm driving!

-She'll wreck the engine. -How will we pay for it?

I don't understand what Carmen wanted me to see.

I don't see anything.

I don't know.

She said we'd see something, but I don't see anything.

-What is it? -Look at this.


It's Daniela.

-What's she doing there? -What do I know?

You go to school. I'll tell Vanessa about this.

And I'll tell Catalina. She'll be ecstatic.

Hurry up and leave.

Oh my!

We're going to do things your way.

We'll take the last of the evidence to the lawyer.

-It's that easy. -That's more like it.

I'll get the documents and we'll go.

Meanwhile, I'll drive around again.


Get out of that car.

What's the harm in a little ride?

You can't drive on your own. You could crash!

She won't be alone. Chucky can ride with her.






It's great to see you.

You're looking great and tall as always.

You're silly.

Is Vanessa here?

Yes, we're making an Italian-Ecuadorian breakfast.

There's something I need you and Vanessa to see.

What is it?

Tell her to come.

Vanessa! Wait here.

-Don't take long. -Vanessa!

I said hold my hand!

I don't want to.

Don't get on my bad side.

Do whatever the hell you want.

For more infomation >> Without Breasts There is Paradise | Episode 7 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:15.


Is F-Secure SENSE a Firewall? #AskSENSE - Duration: 1:45.

Hi, I'm Anni, and I'm here to answer the question "is F-Secure SENSE a firewall?"

Putting it simply, SENSE includes a firewall, but it's also so much more than that.

It is a security product for your connected home, that protects all your connected devices at home and on the go.

The security analyses of SENSE happens in all elements of the system:

the router, the app and also security cloud.

We have optimized the system so that the analyses happen in the elements of the system

where it can be done the most optimal way.

We have also optimized the system so that the least amount of data leaves your home,

so that we can preserve your privacy.

Deploying a high-end router, SENSE revolutionizes online security

by protecting your entire home network, not just specific devices.

It allows you to protect devices on which security software cannot be installed.

But that's not all there is.

F-Secure SENSE comes with a lightweight security software, the SENSE app,

that allows you to monitor your home network.

It also protects your Windows and Android devices outside your home.

For more infomation >> Is F-Secure SENSE a Firewall? #AskSENSE - Duration: 1:45.


Man who teased a bear by dangling food in its jaws is gored - Duration: 3:42.

Tourist who teased a bear by dangling food in its jaws is gored and dragged inside the beast's enclosure but miraculously survives

This is the horrifying moment a bear brutally mauls a tourist after he teased the beast by dangling food in its jaws.

PHOTO: This is the horrifying moment a bear brutally mauls a tourist after he teased the beast by dangling food in its jaws

Naiphum Promratee, 36, hung bowls of rice into the animal's enclosure using rope while visiting the temple in rural Phetchabun province, Thailand. But he angered the bear who stood on its hind legs and dragged him into the enclosure, knocking him unconscious before tearing off his flesh with its teeth.

PHOTO: Naiphum Promratee, 36, hung bowls of rice into the animal's enclosure using rope while visiting the temple in rural Phetchabun province, Thailand

Horrifying footage showed spectators trying in vain to scare away the bear as he mauled Promratee. His friends hit the bear with poles and threw cold water at it, to no avail.

The bear continued to bite and scratch Promratee for almost a minute before it started dragging him across the dusty enclosure. But one of the group ran into the enclosure and battered the bear in its cage with a pole while friends rescued Naiphum.

PHOTO: Emergency services arrived just after 11am local time and rushed the bloodied man to hospital

The day before the attack, the head abbot at the Wat Luang Phor Lamai temple said some of the creatures were 'hungry' because they were not being given enough food.

PHOTO: Horrifying footage showed spectators trying in vain to scare away the bear as he mauled Promratee

Emergency services arrived just after 11am local time and rushed the bloodied man to hospital, where he is now recovering and able to talk. Bpae Permpoonsap, 60, from the Khon Khao Koo Pai rescue service, said: 'We received a report today of a bear attack at 11.10am.

PHOTO: The bear gored Promratee for almost a minute before it started dragging him across the dusty enclosure

'The bear was among other creatures being raised by monks at the temple. The man had gone to the temple with four or five friends and he was toying with the bear. 'It pulled him in and attacked him. We arrived and found the man injured seriously. He had been with his friends and wanted to feed the animals. 'He was lucky to survive and he is in hospital now and able to talk.'

PHOTO: The man's friends hit the bear with poles and threw cold water at it, but could not scare it away

The monks keep around two dozen wild boars in a small enclosure and a bear in a cage which they care for and allow guests to feed. Bpae said the boars were outside in a nearby field while the bear roamed around the enclosure as it was fed.

Promratee is said to have made the trip to the temple after hearing about the plight of the creatures. The temple had appealed for donations from members of the public to feed the animal.

PHOTO: The monks in Phetchabun keep around two dozen wild boars in a small enclosure and a bear in a cage

A spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) told MailOnline: 'If you taunt a hungry bear, you're likely to get hurt. 'Bears are powerful predators who, in the wild, spend most of their time foraging and exploring home ranges that may cover thousands of miles – and smart people respect them enough to leave them alone.

PHOTO: A spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) condemned the captivity of the bear. Pictured is the victim being driving away from the scene

'They suffer immensely when they're trapped in barren concrete pits, denied everything that's natural and important to them and left with nothing to do but pace back and forth and beg for food, often slowly going out of their minds with frustration. 'While this man got away with his life, bears around the world will continue to live and die in misery as long as humans still incarcerate animals in the name of entertainment.'

For more infomation >> Man who teased a bear by dangling food in its jaws is gored - Duration: 3:42.


Matic boots ball in woman's face on Man United debut but is quick to rush over and apologise - Duration: 2:52.

Nemanja Matic boots ball in woman's face on Man United debut but is quick to rush over and apologise

NEMANJA MATIC certainly made his presence well known to one unfortunate fan on his Manchester United debut. The £40million midfielder booted the ball at a females face in frustration during a pre-season match against Sampdoria.

Nemanja Matic says sorry to a fan after kicking the ball in the crowd.

Nemanja Matic gave the woman a hug after the ball struck her in the face. Keen to impress, Matic had failed to keep the ball in play and attempted to kick it at the advertising hoardings.

But unbeknown to the 29-year-old, the ball flew into the crowd and connected with a woman who clutched her face. The ex-Chelsea man quickly realised his error and rushed to comfort the woman.

Her friends appeared to find the funny side as they cracked up with laughter whilst even Matic shared a slight grin. But it didnt appear to affect his performance on the field having impressed in Uniteds midfield.

Jose Mourinhos men won the game 2-1 thanks to goals either side of half-time from Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Juan Mata.

Juan Mata was on the scoresheet as he bagged the all-important winner.

Nemanja Matic had a solid debut in midfield for United.

Manchester United have enjoyed a successful pre-season.

And after the clash Matic said: It was nice, it was nice to play in front of our supporters and that was special to me and I am happy to make my debut for such a big club such as Manchester United.

I trained alone in London and it was strange for me, but my first game was good for me and I will be getting better and better. The guys helped me become part of the team and they are all nice guys.

Mourinho will see this as job well done as they ended their pre-season with just one defeat to Barcelona.

Next up is a Super Cup clash against Real Madrid in Macedonia on August 8 before their Premier League curtain raiser at home to West Ham.

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