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aries horoscope //2018 yearly prediction// new best for you - Duration: 3:33.aries horoscope
best horoscope
Mountain lion was chained for 20 years, has priceless reaction after finally getting freed - Duration: 2:56.Mountain lion was chained for 20 years has priceless reaction after finally getting freed
the group animal defenders international performed the wonderful rescue
After 20 years of being forced to perform for a peruvian Circus Mufasa the Mountain lion was set free from his chains in
Peru wild animals in circuses are banned
However most circuses did not follow through with the law when it was implemented and instead Kept wild animals in Their act
This was the case of for Mufasa who traveled chained to a truck?
Animal defenders international was not one to stand for this kind of behavior
Showing Incredible resolve adi tracked down each animal one by one and rescued them from their captivity
Thanks to their firm Determination
Mufasa was the last wild animal to be rescued from a peruvian circus in a dramatic standoff
So intense that riot police were called the final circus was ultimately cornered and Mufasa was able to be cut free from his chains
Mufasa was then taken home to his natural habitat peruvian forests because of the conditions of his life
Mufasa was in no shape to be returned to the wild as a
Result adI built him a custom enclosure at a sanctuary located in the peruvian forest
There Mufasa was looked after and cared for in the most natural Habitat nature could have provided for him
unfortunately Mufasa passed away in December 2015 following a few months of freedom
Mufasa's Life and The Circus
Including being chained to the bed of a pickup truck had done severe damage to his health
along with him dealing with kidney failure and other age-related issues
Though Mufasa did not get to experience his freedom for very long the fact that adi
Still gave him the opportunity to know what it's like is a blessing in disguise
Thanks to Ade d. I's efforts Mufasa was relieved from his forest circus servitude and able to briefly enjoy this forest habitat
The difference in Mufasa is visible from the first photo to this last one
With that knowledge, I believe we can rest easy knowing that he himself is resting in peace
Thank you adI for giving this animal a lovely life during his last few months
Please share this kind rescue with your friends and family
Lighthouse on Chesapeake Bay up for auction - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Jens Joel - folketingsmedlem for Socialdemokratiet - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Chevy offering new program for parents of new drivers - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Funeral held for IMPD Deputy Chief James Waters - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
TAS Indicator tutorial for TAS Boxes: POC line and trading higher areas of resistance and support - Duration: 7:20.hi traders at the end of this video you'll understand and be able to apply
TAS boxes to show you areas of greater resistance or support in the market with
using the blue point of control line now let's get started now if you've been
trading with TAS boxes for any period of time you'll notice that not all boxes
are created equal and one of the more noticeable differences is the height the
width and one of the less noticeable differences is the fact that the blue
point of control line isn't always in the middle and you'll see that in
varying ranges like we can see on the second box right here I'll highlight
that in this box right here we can see the blue component control line is
within 10% of the middle of the box then we can generally consider that to be
right in the middle and on the most n1 here we can see that the blue point of
control it's not completely in the middle we've got actually a lower blue
point of control compared to the low value area here I'm going to talk about
how that can actually give you a better indication of an area of greater support
in the market we've gone over this before but the reason the height of the
TAS box is the way it is between the high value area red line and the green
low value area the green line low value area roughly about 68% of the trading in
the previous area happened in there so you know you've got a lot of volume in
this area there's a lot of institutional traders that would be you know willing
to make trades and the blue point of control line is where a majority of the
trades happen so the blue point of control line gives you a really good
idea of where the most volume of trades at a certain price level happened and
that's you know where it is all based off market profile and that's what we're
working with here so we're market profile traders and I
can give you a lot of information so we're going to scrub back here until we
find an example where we see like this one here all right we see come on there
you go okay so this Box is the perfect example
of this we see the space between the red
high-value area line and the blue pointed control line taking up a
majority of this box or we see the space between the green low value area line
and the blue pointing control line take an apple less of the box so this line
right here going to gives you an idea we've got a beginning in the bottom 20
looks like about 23 25 percent at most of that box so the blue point in control
line is closer to the green low value area line now what does that indicate to
us well that says that there was a lot of trading in this area and when the
blue pointing control line since that's where a majority of the trades happened
that blue line blue point and controlling being closer to one of the
value areas in this case the green low value area that lets us know that this
might be an area of greater support in the market and we see that as well I'm
going to remove the drawing tools here there we go remove all drawing tools
we're just looking the standard boxes you'll see on your chart so we can
actually see that this blue point control line
it was formed right on this bar right here as soon as it was formed we could
take that whole area this lower area between the blue point control line and
the low value area as possibly a higher resistance area than we would normally
consider even the low value area line now this isn't discounting either the
low value area Green Line or red high value area red line but we're just
adding a little bit more certainty onto our trades we're just adding a little
bit more of a trading edge and that's one of the key things when you're
trading as a whole because you know you're just looking for that trading
edge and we'll scrub back and find another example you can see another
example of a higher area of resistance here so again we've got a task box
formed and we have this information as soon as this bar is formed all the way
back here because that's when the height of the TAS boxes are determined and the
TAS box so will not change their height they
have to form an entire new task box in order to change height so we see we have
an area here and then we have the area between the green low value area and
blue point of control line and the smaller area between the red high value
area line and blue pointing control you see this market tried to push up and it
had to do a lot of work to get up and push through that level but in the end
that whole area ended up maintaining even after it did manage to break it for
one to two bars and it was able to be forced back down providing an area of
higher resistance in the market now this can also function for when the markets
broken through these levels because it will happen like you'll see here we're
on crude oil chart and we have a similar set up now the box the box is it's not
to much past 10% here you know we're looking maybe 20% off and about me
maybe 20% off the midmark but we are noticing the fact that the blue point
control line here is closer to the green low value area this market did a hard
push down it pushed its way through this point of support in the market but once
it's there we can almost consider this whole area as an area of resistance
again so instead of possibly keeping our stop well above these prior levels in
their trading Gammons market we can even take a look at possibly putting our stop
somewhere around the blue point of control when we're trying to find where
this market may retest prior levels of resistance now you get these setups on
all different sizes of bulk all different heights of boxes but with TAS
boxes it can go to such extremes of the fact that sometimes the blue point of
control line can actually be physically on top of either the red high-value area
line or green low value area line and that's just a higher indication of an
area of possibly greater support or resistance now we're only looking for
these setups when we have the blue pointing control line either close
close to the red high-value area line or close to the green low value area line
where it could indicate an area of possible greater resistance or support
alright we've gone over how to find areas of even higher resistance and
support than the high-value area or low value area of lines alone by using the
blue point of control line I hope this helped you and as always this is Bruce
bank saying enjoy trading
Funeral for IMPD Deputy Chief James Waters - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Figuring Out What Is Right For Your Child - Duration: 1:22.- [Woman] To any parent going through something like this, we just tell them to
get all the information you can get and do what you think is right for your child.
For us, I like to say that he has the best of both worlds because he can hear,
and at the same time, you know, he can't. And, we decided to bring that together.
He comes here to CSD at school for deaf children, but at home,
he's hearing. We talk to him. We sign. But, when he's at school,
he signs. He doesn't talk. So, I just want everybody to do what works for your child.
What you feel in your heart is going to be best for them.
- [Man] Well, we remember a time when she was at his age, probably two and a half,
she wouldn't do as much the things as he's doing now with the ASL.
He's [inaudible] programs and more. He's talking more.
I believe there was a time when they had to say five words, he was saying ten.
So, I guess, that helped his brain to develop even faster, smarter.
It's just a big help for that.
Plans for SC nuclear reactors fail - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
English for Everyone - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Manchester United considering surprise move for Andre Gomes - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Sofia The First - The Bamboo Kite [Best Cartoon For Kids] - Duration: 12:56.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! THANK YOU!!
Hi, Jen. Hi, Sofia. Welcome back to way leaf. Huh, I thought the festival of kites starts tomorrow it does
That is a new way to fight kites. It's my entry for the festival and it's got all the bells and whistles see
Well there may be a problem with that
There is a rare healing herb. I've read about the compar tune. Good news
I have brought my advisor on all things new if anyone can help you get better it is he
have you a
Diagnosis my analysis indicates the princess has least Nifflas Lux oz Diva the summer
Sniffles the data indicates that if the princess drinks lots of fluids I
Know your heart was set on opening the festival june. I understand father, huh?
It's just not fair, Sophia
She's been looking forward to this all year, then we have to find a cure so june can open the festival tomorrow
But how even the advisor and all things new didn't come up with anything, but I fear the emperor
No longer has any use for my ancient ways. I am like the Bamboo kite
I have no place here anymore, but there is only one place to get it and what are we waiting for let's go away
Well, if there's a chance, it'll help june I'm willing to try anything even old stuff
Please routine. I do what I can
Things we might need to get the job done
Where's the Gate many miles away?
So we must go over the wall
But fear not I know an ancient levitation spell to get us to the other side be patient young ones
This may take some time we don't have all day if we're going to help you
And audience a real audience invade like oh
Okay, you're in a hurry sure I
Understand I was a little lonely. I admitted and I got a little worked up
This is my lucky day, please sit. Look at Rock take a load off
It was dancing that made me feel fine. It's shuffling and kicking and clapping
big finish
That was great. It really was but walking we'll get one farther down the road than talking right?
Thank you. It means a lot. Thanks. So where do we find the men seyn there I?
Move well for my size
Am so sorry you could have been hurt I wanted to prove the old ways were better, but perhaps
They really do belong in the past
It's ok we'll cheng my graveling hopes to reach the top from here to brew a healing tea for princess tool and that
Sunset is back
I didn't realize it was getting so late
We'll never get back with the men sing in time to help June do not feel bad young free
They're one traditional Bamboo kite big enough to carry us hold an old idea and a great one wow
Thanks, Kai. No, thank you. You don't know what it means to me to know someone likes my dancing. We love your dances
Why don't you come with us? It's so lonely out in the Bamboo forest all by yourself
Thanks for the invite Sofia, but I think it's about time I go back to my family. We must be going right?
Okay, everyone on the count of three one two
Sophia I want you to do something for me. I want you to be the one who who
June Listen no wait to your health princess truly
It is a healing t my emperor rude from the rare mincing herb
Thank you. Oh
A most excellent solution honoring the old and celebrating the new I hereby open the festival of kites
release the whaling jargon
May be small I lack in size. I make up for in Spin. Oh
Oh princess must be coming
Sophia would you go?
Um are you sure you're all right. No. I am not all right
What's wrong?
All right here. I am
dizzy and then all of a Sudden
It sounds like you were cursed
I must have been
But I have no idea why and no idea how and no idea what to do and I but it was huge and hairy
Well Forget, whatever reduce
Weight your amulet I used to have one just like it
Of course you did now it all makes sense
It does it is me him you let you had it's just I'm not sure how yet what what is that?
Don't worry, then I'm sorry now turn me back to normal
Sorry can't do that
What why don't you know anything about how curses work go to a goblins house in the woods?
It's the one with the bright red door you can't miss it. Good luck oh, I can I mean that
I may have cursed you, but I'm still running
Wow, right Sofia let's go
Has anyone seen Charlotte because if there is a beast on the loose. I want to make sure she's all right
Anytime now oh I'm so afraid goblins are beasts well at the moment. So are you?
Well, we can use this as a blanket and we can pick some strawberries instant party hMM
Are you a princess?
So I love all things royal big or small cups tea towels tiny spoons
So does this mean you would like to join me for a party any royal party is a party
I can't miss can I bring anything
Thrown out can drinks scented candles tiny silver spoons
She's not here. What if this beast talks Charlotte? No, let's not jump to conclusions dear
So did you know that you both really love parties?
Auntie oh, I do love a nice tease me, too
This sure sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship smee
you see
You're just two people or folks not too different
It turns out with Lux and calm and already I love to dance the Waltz but my partner is my pillow
That's just like me, but when I play catch, it's with that weeping Willow
Thank you. I don't even know your name. It's Morris. Oh
Let me clean that for you. I'll be right back. I think this is going really well, I know
That's the princesses to yura
Where's the princess?
What's going on the Royal guards? Oh?
So I let him down and I'm probably going to be a beast forever anyway, Charlotte
I know this seems hard it does to me the Goblin who took the princess
We caught him red-handed with the princess's Tiara. Where is my daughter?
You don't want anyone is your new gown before the ball. I don't want anyone to see my new gown before the ball. Oh
We lock him up for good. Oh, no, what do I do Sofia?
I can't make a drink for you, but I can tell you you should think about how Morris is feeling right now
That's what a true friend with you
I'm charlotte. I am your daughter and your princess where I was your princess now
I know what it's like to be treated that way, too
It's awful and Morris deserves so much better. He's sweet and generous and funny and
Well, done. Oh
Excuse me. There is one more person. I need to invite
Sofia thank you, sir
I've been looking everywhere for you. Where'd you go? It's a long story? I got nothing else on my schedule
Well with a goblin so did you help her I did I think I really did
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