Spiderman MONSTER TRUCKS USA Cars for Children and Toddlers. (Nyrsery Rhymes Songs - Cartoon)
HiyA's TvZ Guide ( Lesson 6 ): Sim City for Your Natural ( on Fighting Spirit ) - Duration: 8:58.All my SCV's are mining right now.
I'll put up an Academy, so that I can get a Comsat Station.
At the 11 o' clock, against Mutas..
There are lots of Terrans who lose their minds, because they didn't build enough Turrets at their natural to fight off the Muta harassment.
I'll show you where & how to build Turrets.
At the 11' o clock, place your first Turret to the left of your CC, diagonally.
The next 2 Turrets should be to the right of the other, in this way.
The 4th Turret should be placed slightly to the right of the top mineral patch.
Because the Mutas usually hover around here, you'll be less vulnerable to damage.
Another note is, the final Turret is built here.
This last one is pretty annoying to build.
To build this last one, just stack your SCV's away, and build.
As far as I know, this is the best Turret placement out of all layouts.
There are some who place their Turrets here, but you won't be able to gas properly.
We'll move onto the 1 o' clock position.
The 1 o' clock actually has a nice layout.
The 1st Turret is built to the right of the bottom mineral patch, diagonally.
The 2nd Turret is built to the right of the top mineral patch, diagonally.
The 3rd & 4th Turrets are placed directly to the right of the first 2 Turrets.
The last Turret is built in the center of the mineral line.
In the map Fighting Spirit, the 1 o' clock actually has the best layout for Turret placement.
Your SCV's can actually gas through the top Turrets as well.
Building the 1 Turret between the SCV's & CC is actually easier, than doing so in the 11 o' clock position.
Let's move on to the 5 o' clock.
The layout is similar to that of the 11 o' clock.
The 1st Turret is placed above the CC, diagonally.
The 2nd & 3rd Turrets are directly to the left of the 1st.
The 4th Turret is to the left of the bottom mineral patch.
Because the Comsat Station is added here, your 5th Turret can't be placed here.
Because of this, there's some cases where the natural is destroyed from good Muta micro.
In this case, just built 2 Turrets here & here.
Because you're building more Turrets than usual, you may take a hit on resources.
Wow, the Computer builds faster than I thought.
Finally, we'll move on to the 7 o' clock position.
The 7 o' clock is a bit uncomfortable because your Turret placements are a bit weird.
The 1st Turret is to the left of the top mineral patch.
The 2nd Turret is to left of the 1st.
The 3rd Turret is below the bottom mineral patch.
The 4th is placed above the 3rd Turret, at a slight angle. The 5th is to the left of the 4th.
Because of the Comsat Station, you're unable to build a Turret in the middle of the mineral line.
Thus, if the Mutas destroy the bottom Turrets, the top 2 won't be able to attack.
Likewise, if the top 2 Turrets are destroyed, the bottom 3 won't be able to reach the Mutas.
Moreover, there's not much room to place other Turrets in the mineral line.
You'll probably get really stressed when your SCV's are all caught by the Mutas.
This is why a lot of Terrans don't like the 7 o' clock position.
Anyways, this is the layout for the 7 o' clock.
And this is the layout for the 11 o' clock.
This is the Turret placement for the 1 o' clock.
And finally, this is the placement for the 5 o' clock.
There are some players who have asked why I don't build Turrets behind the mineral line.
Turrets aren't the tools to kill Mutas. They're there to buy time for your Marines.
If the Turrets were behind the Mineral line, the Marines wouldn't be able to support the Turrets.
Turrets do a damage of 20. However, this is only the case on large units.
Mutas are considered small units, so Turrets will only do half damage ( 10 ).
This is why it is difficult for Turrets to kill Mutas. On top of that, Mutas heal HP.
Thus, Turrets aren't the tools to kill, but to buy time for your Marines.
Building Turrets behind the mineral line is ineffective, as your vision is limited.
The Turrets would just be destroyed by the Mutas.
To give you another tip. On Bunkers..
Relative to the CC, your Bunker should be placed above the Comsat Station.
Also, you should build a Depot at the location right when the left plant is covered.
This building layout, will only allow the Lings to pass either through the Bunker, or below the CC.
By blocking the passages through the Bunker with your Marines, the Lings won't be able to pass through.
The 1 o' clock has a similar layout.
Build a Depot to the left of the wall.
Your Bunker is then placed directly to the left of the Depot.
Likewise, Lings will only be able to pass through the Bunker 2 ways.
You'll be able to block the passageway with your Marines.
Place some Marines between the CC, Bunker, & Depot. The rest of the Marines should be in the Bunker.
At the 5 o' clock, place the Depot here.
Your Bunker should be directly above the Depot.
Place a Marine between the Bunker & Depot, & another 2 Marines to the left of the CC.
In this case, Lings will only be able to run above the CC. But because there are SCV's, they won't be able to run past.
The 7 o' clock position is similar as well.
Your Depot should be placed diagonally to the wall sticking out.
The Bunker is placed to the right of the Depot, slightly diagonally.
Place a Marine between the Depot & Bunker, and 2 Marines above the CC.
Like the other layout, Lings won't be able to pass through your natural.
With these placements, it will be easier to block Lings.
Some will ask how Tanks will be able to pass through if the confinement is so tight.
In that case, simply build the Bunker directly next to the Depot, and block the opening with 3 Marines instead of 2.
Likewise, build the Bunker 1 step below, and block the opening with 3 Marines.
The same here. Place the Bunker 1 step to the left, and block with 3 Marines.
At the 1 o' clock, you won't really be able to move much.
Anyways, this is how you should build your Sim City,
Up 'til now, this was the tutorial on how to block Lings from running to your main, and where to place your Turrets.
Minister Sinodinos talks country of origin labelling for food - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Overwatch - Prepare for PLACEMENT - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Emergency Departments are for emergencies - Duration: 0:31.Emergency Departments are for emergencies
Like heart attacks or strokes
If it's not an emergency, go to sahealth.sa.gov.au for other care options
If it's gastro or flu, consider seeing your GP.
For minor cuts or grazes, try your local pharmacy.
And for a cold or runny nose, you might just need rest.
If it really is an emergency, we'll be here if you need us.
Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano Mora, aged 18 from Ecuador wrote Prepare to Meet Your God
and in it, she talks about being dead for 23 hours and finding herself in hell among
many celebrities that include Michael Jackson the singer and Pope John Paul II.
The woman testifies (watch the original video testimony at the end of the article) that
she was taken by Jesus to pay a visit to Hell and Heaven and talks about the famous people
that she saw in Hell, about the glories of heaven and the rapture and end of times VISIT
The woman said that the Lord had told her that there were many famous people in Hell
and many who had known about the Lord and he had said that he was going to show her
another part of the furnace.
She went on to describe a place and seeing a woman surrounded by flames and she was tormented
and begging for mercy from the Lord
The woman said how the Lord had signaled the woman with his hand and said to her you see
that woman there in the flames, it is Selena.
They then walked closer to the woman and she was shouting and screaming to be shown mercy
and to be taken out of the place.
The Lord was said to have looked at the woman and said that it was too late to repent.
MORA WAS TOLD TO TELL HUMANITY ABOUT HELL Mora then said that the woman asked her to
go and tell the whole of humanity about what she had seen and tell them not to venture
to that place, she said that Mora should tell people not to listen to the songs the woman
had sung or sing any of her songs.
Mora then asked the woman why and was given the reply that every time people listen to
or sing her songs she was tormented even more.
She also said that people who listen to the songs she recorded when she was alive would
be coming to the same place.
Mora then said that she had looked far away and that she had seen many demons, all of
which had been spilling out what looked to be rain.
She asked the Lord what it was that she was seeing and he said that it was people in flames
and they were shouting to help them.
The demons were said to be laughing and their flames kept increasing.
Mora went on to say that there was brimstone and this helped to multiply the flames along
with increasing the anguish of the people and this made the demons laugh even more.
The Lord told Mora that it was the wages of people who had not repented.
She went on to say that the Lord had taken her to a place where there was a man who was
very well known.
Mora said that she had lived a life of a young Christian girl and had the belief that when
people died they went to heaven, but that she had found out she was wrong.
MORA SAID SHE SAW POPE JOHN PAUL II IN HELL After the death of Pope John Paul II she was
told that he was now in heaven and he was resting in peace with the angels.
However, she reported that she had seen him in hell and he was being tormented as he had
not repented.
Mora said that she had asked the Lord why he was there and the Lord said that while
he used to preach to many people, he did not speak the truth and he preferred money to
preaching about salvation.
The Lord said that the Pope had refused to believe that hell was real and now he found
out that it does.
Mora then said that the Lord had shown her a big screen that showed the life of Pope
John Paul II and the Lord said that there were many idolaters in the place.
She went on to say that while she was talking she saw a great deal of money and the pope
had so much of it.
The Lord then told her to tell humanity about what she had seen and told them that it was
time for them to turn to him.
Mora a tunnel and there were lots of people walking through it all with chains on their
feet and hands.
They were also carrying loads on their backs and the Lord told her that the people did
not know him yet.
Mora then noticed that some of her family members were in the line and the Lord told
her to go and tell them that they were walking to hell.
He said that he had chosen Mora to be the watchman, so she had, to tell the truth.
The Lord then said that many famous and very important people were coming to hell and one
of them was a man that had been known around the world and that in actual fact he was a
This man was said to be Michael Jackson.
The Lord said that he had made agreements with the devil so that he could have fame
and fans.
The Lord said that the dances that Jackson was known for were the way demons walk when
they are tormenting the people in hell.
Mora insisted that the Lord had shown her Michael Jackson and he was being tormented
in the flames.
The Lord said that people should not play his songs and sing them.
Mora said that the Lord had told her that she should go and tell people that he was
waiting for them and that they should surrender to him and he would provide them with rest.
He then showed her a tunnel into which many thousands of people were dropping into an
abyss and souls were falling at a rapid pace.
The Lord told Mora that that was how humanity perishes and he cried.
The link is below
in our description.
Tangled Pregnant Rapunzel Mommy Birth Disney Full Movie Cartoon Game for Girls in English mp4 - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
HiyA's TvP Guide ( Lesson 9 ): Sim City for Your Natural - Duration: 6:45.In this tutorial, we'll be using the map Fighting Spirit.
I'll be showing you the Sim City for your natural, in a 1 Rax, FE build.
I'll go over the 11 o' clock last.
I'll go over the 1 o' clock position first.
Place your Barracks next to the wall sticking out, diagonally.
Not exactly next to it, but a step above diagonally.
Build your CC at the natural.
You'll see that the Zealot can't pass through the buildings.
At the 1 o' clock, you won't even need a Depot. You can block Zealots with just a CC & Barracks.
The Marine can attack & retreat using this pathway.
This is how you build the Sim City here.
In some cases, the Protoss will proxy 9-9 Gate, or send a lot of Zealots.
In that case, building a Depot here will completely block off your main.
The Zealot can't intrude at all.
Though the Marine can go back & forth, the Zealot won't be able to.
This layout is used very often against 2 Gate builds.
Let's move on to the 5 o' clock.
The Barracks is placed above the cliff.
It's not directly above the cliff, but slightly to the right.
The Depot should be to the right of the Barracks, at a slight angle.
The CC is placed in its usual position, above the Depot.
It's the same concept here. The Marine can pass through, but the Zealot won't be able to.
It's only choice is to pass along the mineral line.
In the case of many Zealots, simply build another Depot here.
The Zealot won't be able to enter your base at all.
To the 7 o' clock position..
Place the Barracks next to the cliff, not directly to the right, but slightly below at a diagonal.
The Depot should also be to the right of the Barracks, but at a slight diagonal.
Your CC should be in its natural position.
Just like the other layout, the Zealot won't be able to enter through the buildings.
To prevent the Zealot from walking by the mineral line, just build another Depot here.
With the 7 o' clock, you can actually block off the natural with a straight double CC.
It's possible to block the entrance with a straight double CC.
Build the CC slightly above the cliff, at a diagonal.
The CC should be just above where the Barracks were.
Build a Barracks directly next to the CC.
The Zealot won't be able to enter at all.
SCV's & Marines will all be coming out from the same side.
You can even build a Bunker below them.
Once the Bunker is completed, you can lift the CC and place it in its natural position.
Although this block is possible, there aren't many cases where Terrans go for a straight double CC.
To the 11 o' clock position.
There's actually 2 different layouts to this position.
I actually build my CC below the ramp, but I'll show you the other layout first.
Build your Barracks so that it covers the right crater. Match the top of the Barracks to just cover it enough.
Your CC should be in its natural position.
And you can actually build the Depot anywhere near the top of the Barracks.
Only the Marine, not the Zealot, will be able to pass through.
To prevent the Zealot from passing by the mineral line, just build the Depot here.
This is the 2nd method. I'll show you the 1st.
Build the Barracks here.
The Depot should be to the right of the Barracks.
Assuming you've seen the Protoss' Gate in the center, build your CC here.
The Zealot won't be able to enter at all.
In proxy Gates or 9-9 builds, Zealots arrive before your 2nd CC is completed.
Because of this, you're not able to complete your Sim City at your natural sometimes.
That's why I use this layout over the other, specifically at the 11 o' clock.
This was the tutorial on the Sim City for your Natural ( 1 Rax, FE ).
Trump faces shrinking talent pool for new hires - politics - Duration: 6:26.Trump faces shrinking talent pool for new hires
President Trump faces serious challenges in restructuring a White House, from getting
experienced Washington hands to work for him to whether his own premium for loyalty will
block otherwise qualified candidates from working for him.
Republicans say the problems mean that Trump, an outsider who basically took over his party
and is still viewed with suspicion in establishment circles, will face even more trouble in trying
to refashion his team.
�The talent pool is shrinking, because who wants to sign up for crazy?� said Michael
Steele, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
�Nobody wants to step into a situation where you�re flying by the seat of your pants
and don�t know whether what you just said will hold up from one news cycle to the next,�
he added.
�Nobody is going to be lining up for positions with that much uncertainty.�
The abrupt resignation of White House communications director Michael Dubke, who handed in his
papers before Trump�s foreign trip, highlights the president�s dilemma.
Dubke�s departure, which was only announced on Tuesday, comes amid hand-wringing by Republicans
over the trajectory of the GOP president, who has seen his approval numbers sag.
Investigations by congressional panels and a new special prosecutor looking into Russia�s
role in last year�s presidential election have slowed Trump�s agenda and repeatedly
thrown the administration off balance.
So has the general turbulence on Team Trump, which has struggled to put together a consistent
message � in part because of the president�s own tendency to go off script.
Rumors that big changes could be coming for Trump�s team have circulated for weeks.
Most of the reports have focused on the communications team once led by Dubke, though everyone from
senior strategist Stephen Bannon to chief of staff Reince Priebus and Trump�s son-in-law
and top adviser Jared Kushner has been mentioned.
Critics of Priebus have floated GOP operative David Urban and Andy Card, former President
George W. Bush�s chief of staff, as possible replacements.
Outside advisers to Trump say Priebus bears responsibility for not bringing in a deeper
talent pool to the White House, something they said he should have been able to do given
his experience as RNC chairman.
�I have never seen it before where people came in to work in the West Wing and had never
met the president � it�s unheard of,� said one former Trump adviser.
�There are plenty of people who would give both arms to have one of these jobs.
What they need is a chief of staff or someone else with a Rolodex of 5,000 names and a broad
network to come clean this up.�
Card, who worked as Bush�s chief of staff for six years, would certainly fit that bill.
Yet there are real questions about whether someone like Card, a loyalist to Bush, would
take a job in Trump�s White House.
There are questions about whether Trump would want him.
And if he won the job, there would be questions about whether Trump would listen to him.
Corey Lewandowski, Trump�s combative former campaign manager, and ex-deputy campaign chief
David Bossie are rumored to be under consideration to operate a so-called war room to deal with
the deepening Russia controversy.
This would bring back figures solidly aligned with Trump, but it is unclear whether they
would be able to get the administration on track.
Some observers doubt it, arguing Trump himself must set the ship straight with his own behavior.
It was Trump who launched bad news cycles for the White House with his unfounded accusation
that former President Barack Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped and his claim that he has
secret recordings of his conversations with ousted FBI Director James Comey.
�I don�t foresee any staff changes having an impact on the trajectory of this administration,�
said Ryan Williams, a former adviser to 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
�You cannot retool the communications operation unless the principal retools.�
Trump has repeatedly undercut his own team, sending advisers out to defend impossible
positions or contradicting his spokespeople on key issues, often resulting in days of
crisis management.
Some of Trump�s allies blame his senior aides for keeping his universe small, saying
they�re fearful of relinquishing influence over the president by bringing in heavyweight
Dubke, a respected communications expert who worked on several Republican Senate campaigns
before joining the White House, quit after reading rumors of his firing in the press.
In doing so, he became a cautionary tale for longtime Washington hands.
�It seems difficult for outsiders to come in and gel with the existing structure that
has been put into place,� Williams said.
�President Trump doesn�t seem to trust people who haven�t been loyal to him for
a long time.�
The political climate surrounding the president has even hurt the search at Cabinet agencies,
such as the State Department and Labor Department, slowing the process of rolling back Obama�s
policies and implementing Trump�s own.
The steady stream of criticism aimed at the communications shop has put press secretary
Sean Spicer in a tough spot.
On Tuesday, he got into a heated debate with reporters at the briefing over questions about
a looming shake-up and whether Trump has confidence in his team.
Spicer fired back, accusing the media of peddling �fake news� before abruptly leaving the
�I think he�s very pleased with the work of his staff,� Spicer said.
�I think he�s frustrated, like I am and so many others, to see stories come out that
are patently false, to see narratives that are wrong and see quote-unquote fake news.
When you see stories get perpetrated that are absolutely false, that are not based in
fact, that is troubling.
And he�s rightly concerned.�
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