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The next generation of Filament reviews: This is Filaween 2.0! - Duration: 11:16.What's up everyone, Tom here, and I think the original Filaween series of filament tests
was pretty good, it was pretty decent.
We learned a lot about how the different materials and filaments behave under mechanical stress
and what the differences were in print quality.
But I feel like there are a few things that still needed a bit of tweaking.
So after testing 30 materials, Filaween 1.0 is over and Filaween 2.0 is about to start.
The king is dead, long live the king!
So there are few areas that I worked on.
That is generating data that is more reliable, presenting stuff in a way where it's easy
to understand the results and making the entire thing a bit easier for me, too.
Let's start with reliability.
Filaween 1.0 relied a lot on the manufacturer giving correct information for temperatures
and fan settings and also producing the filament with a diameter as close as possible to the
nominal 1.75mm.
I really didn't do a ton of tuning for any material, and while I still can't spend
a day trying to dial in every material from zero, I at least want to do a basic extrusion
amount and temperature tune.
So what I came with here is this stitched series of prints that does two things.
First it prints these cylinders with 100% infill with 5% extra material for each consecutive
one, so they are 100%, 105, 110 and 115% extrusion multiplier in one go and I'll be able to
feel and visually tell which ones are overextruded and which ones are not.
In this case, you can feel the top layers getting a bit rougher with each step, the
100% one is perfectly smooth, while the 115% one is visually rough and overstuffed on top.
In this case, I'll go with 105% to get a good fill for strength without degrading print
quality too much.
By the way, these parts have a divot on the bottom, which will prevent nozzle height offsets
on the first layer from influencing the rest of the part.
The other section of that print is just three 3DBenchies, the center one at the median print
temperature, the real one colder, the front one hotter.
In this case, 190, 210 and 230°C. I did think about just doing, like, an overhang test,
and ramping up the temperature for that, but the 3DBenchy just has a lot more information
on how things are going.
In this case, the 190°C one looks good, so does the 210° one, but the 230° Benchy does
have a good bit more drooping with bridges, so 210°C it is.
And that is the quick & easy extrusion amount and temperature test that will run for every
single material.
This is almost an 8 hour print, as always, running on the Original Prusa i3 MK2, but
for this season, with updated print settings.
I'm going from the previous 0.2 to the new "Optimal" profile with 0.15mm layer heights.
Prints do look a bit better, and most importantly, are now using the "recommended" profile
for this machine.
We're also switching to 15% cubic infill, the more modern pattern, which will come into
play in a second with the new mechanical test.
Other than that, I will be printing as much as possible as sequential prints on the same
printbed, which means each part is going to be printed at its own pace and not suddenly
see speed changed when another one finishes.
I've done that before, too, but I'll try to consolidate as many prints into one job
as possible so that, after tuning, I only have to hit print once and can then leave
the machine to itself.
Alright, mechanical tests.
What was really bothering me was that I didn't have any sort of toughness test included in
the original Filaween series.
That means that for example PETG and a Nylon would see similar resulting numbers, but the
PETG would crack and shatter much, much more easily than the Nylon, and that didn't have
any impact on the results, but could drastically change how durable a material was under real-life
Thankfully, there are already some standardized test for this exact property, which is impact
So what I did is that I actually built an apparatus that tests like ISO 180/B. Basically,
we swing a hammer from a set height, which breaks the test piece, the specimen, and by
looking at how far the hammer swings up after it hit the part, we know how energy our specimen
absorbed while breaking.
The specimen is this 10mm square bar with a notch in the center, so as the hammer strikes,
there's going to be a stress concentration and it's going to break at that exact spot.
There will be three different prints tested, one printed in each different orientation.
Now if that sounds too complicated, worry not, because in simple terms, we just get
a number for how tough a material is, how much of blow it can absorb.
So in this test, Nylon would definitely get a higher score than PETG.
Of course, I'll keep the classic mechanical tests, the parts for those look slightly different,
the bend test is slightly optimized, it still works the exact same way, but the pull test,
which used to be these octagonal rings, is now more of an elongated ring, which means
there should be less bending and more pulling happening, which should make it a bit fairer
between rigid and bendy materials.
And one new test is for that exact flexibility.
I didn't have a really precise indicator for that so far, so this is what I'll be
using - it's a printed spring, I'll hook a 1kg spool of filament to it and just check
how far it stretches.
It is rather flexible, which is intentional, I did go through a few different iterations
to make this as soft and as repeatable as it is, but I feel like it's actually more
important for the rigid materials to know precisely how rigid they are, because the
softer ones, you're probably not going to use those where you need a very specific hardness.
But the data will be there!
Still, I don't want to base Filaween 2.0 so much on the raw numbers anymore, well,
actually, I just don't want them to be the only final result.
I'll still include the numbers, but the actual "decent or crap" scale is going
to be stars.
From 0 to 5 stars.
Uhm, well, actually, uh, the five-star thing has been spoiled a bit by Amazon reviews,
where it's not like "3 stars is average", but something closer to this.
And I feel like I kinda have to play along here, so 4 stars is going to be average, that
is perfectly acceptable, like with a 4-star filament, I'll print that stuff each day,
every day, no second thoughts.
5-star is going to be your "definitely better than average" rating and for truly outstanding
materials, like ones that I don't manage to break with my setups or that get really
good, consistent print quality through the bank, those will get a flaming 5-star of awesomeness.
I'm 100% serious here, by the way.
A filament will get an overall rating, and that breaks down to aesthetics, which is pure
print quality plus the look and feel of the material, then of course mechanical properties,
and ease of use, which is how much tuning was necessary, how close the tuned settings
were to the recommendations and what hardware you need to successfully print with a material.
So as a baseline, and sort of as a reference of what to expect, here's how some previous
materials would score: ASA and the UniCoFil Rainbow would both get the flaming
5-star for print quality, both print really well, and the Rainbow PLA has, I think, an
awesome look to it on top of that.
On the other hand, many particle-filled materials, including woodfills, do have a unique feel
to them, but print quality is often a bit harder to get right, so they would end up
somewhere in the 3-star region.
For strength, Polymaker's Polyflex, Taulman Bridge, and probably also Polycarbonate would
get that 5+ star, most PLAs would end up in the 4-star region, while the ABS or ASA filaments
would probably get 2 to 3 stars mostly.
Now, for ease of use, to be honest, PLAs are just as easy as it gets.
They need no special nozzles, aren't really affected by moisture, don't need a heated
chamber, and so on, so there's really no reason not to get them the flaming 5-star
for ease of use.
The other extreme would be a carbon-filled Nylon, which will absorb ambient moisture,
often warps a lot and requires a specific build surface, and it also need a wear-resistant
nozzle, so that would maybe get a 2-star at most, especially since you often need to tune
the print profiles a bit.
I'll have to see how the new tests work out over that wide range of materials, but
I'm definitely looking forward to the first material that gets an overall flaming five-star
I'm not quite sure if any of the materials I've tested in Filaween 1.0 would qualify
for that.
The individual Filaween 2.0 episodes are going to be published on Saturdays, all the ones
from that week as a bundle, like some of you have suggested.
Now, if you want to dive deeper into the testing methodologies and scoring rules, etc, that
info is going to be at, the files are also for download, you can get
the full CAD files for the IZOD setup, the test specimen and etc. on Onshape, that link
is also going to be on the website, and I will also try to publish the gcode files that
I use on the MK2 for all these tests.
Different printers might produce slightly different results, so I'm not sure how comparable
the results would be to parts made on a completely different 3D printer.
So as of right now, I don't think crowdsourcing tests results would be such a great idea for
obvious reasons of trustworthiness etc, but you're certainly invited to discuss the
Filaween tests in the comments below here on YouTube or on the forums, at,
and actually, the forums are open to discussions of any kind, hopefully preserving good information
and conversations better than a YouTube comment thread can.
While we're at it, a quick thanks to AlephObjects for supporting the channel.
They're a Free Software, Libre Innovation, and Open Source Hardware company from Loveland,
Colorado, and not only are they the makers of the Lulzbot line of 3D printers, they've
also been working on open-source filament!
Watch my reviews of both LulzBot 3D printers here and check the links in video description
for more info on the machines or on the open-source filament straight from Aleph Objects.
So I hope you'll find the Filaween 2.0 tests helpful, if you do, hit that like button,
get subscribed so you don't miss the episodes, and of course, you should turn on notifications
by clicking that bell next to the subscribe button.
If you want to support this channel, check out Patreon with regular Q&A Hangout, or,
simply use the free affiliate links from the video description below for your next shopping
spree wherever you buy your filaments.
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one!
Donald Trump Is Less Predictable Than Kim Jong Un - Duration: 1:45.Kim Jong Un is supposed to be the madman.
But compared to Donald Trump he's a model of strategic poise.
Mutually assured destruction, the awful rationale
that kept the world from nuclear exchange during the Cold War
depended on preventing surprise.
There were clear lines not to cross.
For most of the last half-century North Korea has been
relatively predictable.
It has systematically developed its nuclear program
during the administrations of four American presidents.
They've done this methodically and publicly
with the clear intention of putting the United States
and South Korea on notice.
The underlying principle is to deter an invasion of North Korea
by steadily upping the price.
Kim himself has been full of cruel surprises.
But in a way, he's been a model dictator.
Each step he's made since becoming leader five years ago
has been to consolidate his power.
Most recently killing his own older brother.
Obviously Trump has not started killing his rivals.
But he's a lot less coherent.
He's impulsive. He's driven by anger.
He prides himself on unpredictability.
He also tends to be heedless of consequences.
Even when they're damaging to himself.
Of the two Trump is by far the more likely to do
something dangerously unexpected.
And in a nuclear environment, surprise can be deadly.
In war it pays to depart from the script.
But in nuclear deterrence, it's key to be predictable.
Of the two main actors in the North Korean standoff,
The United States is the one most likely
to go off-script.
Trump: US patience with the North Korean regime 'is over' - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
PAD: What is it? - Duration: 1:38.Leg pain may be a signal
that your heart is at risk.
Do you sometimes have a tight pain in your leg
when you walk or exercise?
Does the pain disappear when you rest
but return when you start moving again?
If the pain in your leg continues
during everyday routines, it could be a sign of
peripheral artery disease or PAD.
PAD is what happens when
arteries in the legs or feet
become blocked with plaque,
and it is a very painful and serious condition.
I keep having these pains in my leg
when I walk.
Well, you should take a look at this.
People with peripheral artery disease
are at great risk for heart attack or stroke.
Risk factors such as high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, and smoking increase the likelihood
of developing PAD.
Symptoms of peripheral artery disease can include
unexplained leg cramping while walking,
slow healing leg or foot wounds,
and other skin or nail problems with you legs and feet.
I'm thinking you need to make that call
to our doctor, dear.
If you're experiencing persistent pain
in your leg when you walk or exercise,
visit your healthcare professional right away.
Learn more about peripheral artery disease
The pain in your leg could hold a clue
about your heart health.
Book Trailer: The Field Is White - Duration: 1:48.It's taken us 11 years to write it, that's a long time.
And there were times, I think, for both Cindy and I
that we would
wonder if we were ever going to finish it.
In those moments, um,
it's difficult to describe in words but I... I kind of felt
like the people, the converts from
that area back in those 1840's
it was almost like I could feel them saying, "come on,
tell our story. Keep going,
it's important our story is known."
My name is Dr. Carol Wilkinson
I'm a professor here at Brigham Young University
and I'm
one of the authors on the book The Field Is White: Harvest
in the Three Counties of England.
The book
focuses in on the environment that was
taking place in England prior to the arrival
of Wilford Woodruff
in 1840. We talk about Wilford Woodruff's mission there
and we also talk
about other missionaries that served in that area, both American and British
And then we share several of the convert's
stories. Something that I
hope that readers will take away from
having read the book is to see that
God prepares the way in our lives.
He prepares the environment, circumstances,
in this case so the gospel could be preached
and people were ready for it.
And I think he does that in our own lives
today as well.
He can open doors, he can
prepare things so that we
can accomplish the things that he wants us to do.
This Is My Truth | Brandon Truitt '16 - Duration: 2:11.Like many of you, I've been anticipating this moment for a while now.
Its been a trying four, or in my case, four and a half years to get to this point,
but alas, we have made it.
Today is in fact a day to celebrate.
I entered college thinking I knew everything.
I loved this new found freedom. It made me feel invincible.
Along with a strong support system, there is something that is inherently special about this place.
An unspoken, yet agreed upon understanding that what we have in this space is unique
and offers us the comfort and security to find out who we really are.
It was in this place that I took the time to find out for myself who I am.
You see, when I was growing up, I always knew there was something a little different about me.
It was then that I was able to tell myself the three hardest words to ever leave my mouth.
I am gay.
That realisation and accpetance absolutely angered me.
It terrified me that I was something I was never supposed to be, something I never should be.
But at the moment, standing in front of the mirror, I knew for a fact
this is my truth and I must walk in it.
Class of 2016, listen to me when I say
there are going to people in life that are different than you.
People who think, act, talk, and walk differently that you and that's totally okay.
But we cannot fall victim to a political climate that screams
I'm right and you're wrong.
You're about to leave a place that has allowed us to disagree and counter
one another in a civil manner.
Face to face disagreements that have allowed us to come to our own understandings on topics.
I challenge all of us to move forward with the same civility we've kept in our classroom discussions.
A place, where if you're like me, you take the time to discover who you really are.
A place where you might change your major, only to find what makes you excited
to get up and devote your life's work to it.
Or a place where you find out its not all about you.
That we're all just a part of an incredible world that surrounds us.
This is the place that made all of that happen.
Go fearlessly in your approach to life and always keep close to your heart the place
that started it all.
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