Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jul 1 2017

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Brawl stars is soon to get released on android as the Developers have themselves said.\par

According to the latest tweet by brawl stars which directs us to a reddit post of brawl

stars official account which even directs us to the actual redit post by the brawl-stars

company, supercell itself, says that :\par \par

Howdy Brawlers!\par \par

We want to explain a little more in depth why we haven\rquote t released a beta on Android,

and why Brawl Stars is not available globally. We\rquote ll try not to get too technical,

and hopefully this gives some insight into our game plan.\par

Brawl Stars uses a unique system of local servers. This means that there would be different

game environments based on your locale. Right now, the only alive server is in Canada and

we don\rquote t have servers ready across the world. The nature of an Android APK, is

that it can be easily disseminated across the globe (and very quickly!).... The games\rquote

servers are not prepared for a global release, which is why we\rquote re testing on i O S

only right now.\par Currently the game team is polishing, improving,

changing, and testing Brawl Stars. All along the way we\rquote re gathering information

to see what players love, and what needs to be adjusted. Once the game team feels that

we have enough information, and that the game is in excellent shape, that\rquote s when

we begin to think about a global release. We\rquote re not there yet!\par

We\rquote re so excited for everything that\rquote s coming in Brawl Stars and we\rquote re overjoyed

to share this journey with you. Thank you for helping us improve the game, and we\rquote

ll see you back out there!\par Keep an eye out on our channels for any updates:\par\par\par

and of course, here on reddit!\par \par

So this was the reddit post. I hope you are equally excited for the game to come on android

as we are. We want to clarify that there is no such a p k in the market and all rumours;

of a leaked a p k is hoax. We have to wait, but the wait will be fruitfull as it comes

sooner!\par Please hit the like button and share the video

in any social media platform. Also, please comment as we love to see your positive comments\par

\par Thank you for watching, we'll be seeing you

in the next one\par \par




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For more infomation >> Is Gay Pride Month Still Necessary? - Duration: 2:01.


What is tantra? - Duration: 4:19.

The roots of the tantra are the Vedas.

The Vedas are sound based.

The goal of the Upanishads, the essence of the Vedas

is freedom from our mind.

This is proposed through what is called upasana or meditation.

There are various upasanas

that are proposed in the Vedas.

But primarily, the Vedas propose what is called akshara upasana.

Akshara upasana is simply based on sound and letters.

It is presented in the beginning of the Taittiriya Upanishads.

There are many mantras in the Vedas,

they relate to the various forces of nature, we can say,

like agni - the heat responsible for life,

vayu - the air.

There are no specific deities

that are mentioned in the Vedas

and there is no elaboration

or details about how to do this upasana,

or meditation on these deities.

The only one that is very evident

is the upasana on the sun or surya

and the practitioners of yoga

are very well aware about the Gayatri mantra

that is related to upasana on Surya.

And the essence of the Vedas is presented through

again, a dhwani or a letter,

a phonetic sound called OM.

That is, to silence through sound

is the methodology that is proposed in the Upanishads

which is also presented in the Yogasutra.

Therefore, Patanjali says… "Tasya vacha…"

Tantra expands on this upasana, or meditation,

on various deities and

explains how to do this upasana or meditation.

Therefore, the word tantra itself is from the root 'tanu vistare…"

vistare means expansion.

So, tantra means an expansion of

the methodology of the various meditational techniques

based on various deities.

In this context,

I am reminded of the Samkhya Karika.

At the end of the Samkhya Karika it is said,

there is a book called Shashti tantra.

Shashti tantra means the 60 principles of Samkhya,

the expanded sixty principles from 24,

presented through the ancient Acharyas.

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