LEARN COLORS for KIDS LIGHTNING McQUEEN Disney Cars Color Monster Truck Videos for children to learn
Best Essential oils for Skin - Six Essential oils to Eliminate Pimples and Make Beautiful Skin - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
Easiest Nail Art on a "Party Fingernail" for a Beach Trip This Summer - Duration: 9:55.this summer I am guiding it's the easiest and the smartest way to create
your own nail art for a beach trip or a flamingo inspired nail art design on
your one party nail that is one nail that is having its own party and all the
other nine finger nail polishes are one solid color which ocean are you going to
free go to the Atlantic off the California coast the Bahamas the US
Virgin Islands popping with me and let's go on a beach trip of each girls trip
and make some nail art for this summer three things pop in my head when I am
planning a beach nail art design or a beach party nail I want to make about
what colors match my bathing suits some of you do not care if your nail polish
does not match your bathing suit sometimes I do something else so that's
one thing to think about never to what glitter do I have now
we've had glitter that will go more with oranges and coral colors or do you have
glitter that would go more towards red or pink look through your case and see
what glitter do I have I might need to go through the dollar store or my risky
store and grab a bottle of glitter number three do I want my party nails to
blend with the other nails that I have painted or draw want it to stand out and
have a major party a sweet-16 an extravaganza you want it muted or do you
want to have some sad I want to not really stick out so when I was making my
flamingo inspired party nail I thought of what colors will go with gold and
then I've decided I really like from my recollection stickers from a planner
that I was just using last week I wanted to use fuchsia with the gold or really
think that looks good together and I didn't even think about that this whole
entire summer if you want to try a coral color next to gold I don't really care
for the coral next to this goal the coral that I'm using is
I eat mainly Lobster about OPI and it is a great coral color more orange than I
like I like the elephant tactic pink that has more like pink in it but anyway
what decimal pull over story I really appreciate ya'll watching my
videos thank you sincerely thank you for popping over it makes it fun to continue
to create these videos for y'all and let me know if you have any other ideas that
might pop into your head that will also pop into my head when I decided I wanted
fuchsia I had to decide between kiss me or tulips which is what I ended up in
one and a rose at Charlotte let me tell you a thinking process for a rose it's
almost broke by noon it has a silver underlying tone to it do you think do
you see it I didn't really want to go with that one so that's what it helps me
narrow down my color to kiss me or less Hulett since I wanted my party they'll
really stand out I wanted to go into my gold heart gold color and Tyla - color
that's in that glitter I went through for researching of the best whites to
use back in December when I was doing some New Year's Eve party nails and I
found sinful colors just because that was the cheapest one that my Heb carry
at the store and it's way too milky you can see it on a thumb here you can
probably tell it Oh which is fun you're going to just wear a white neutral
fingernail polish then another top recommended one is out kind of snow by
OPI and it is much better but this stuff is like whiteout that we use in the 80s
raise your hand if you've ever really painted your nails with whiteout you're
in tiny class this girl guilty guilty it's called white and it's
Sally Hansen's hard-as-nails extreme where I'll try to find that below but
you can see it goes on like whiteout underneath that goal so this goal is
going to go on a clean slate of bright white and I think after one coat you can
see how neutral it is not uses a be another two bowls so if you
want to go to gold that's totally fine you just need like one coat but the more
cook you put all of the heart of gold it gets darker and brighter and brighter
and just more cheerful and in the sunlight it just sparkles like crazy
love this goal while we are talking about glitter I wanted to share with you
the best glitter to get you want the glitters that are going to be condensed
it's almost like there's a power in your varial polish those are going to go
along with the most impact you're going to see more glitter when you look at
your nail it's kind of like when a friend gets engaged and you don't know
it and you're talking to them and you're like wait a minute what's on your finger
oh okay you know but when you're talking to friends you're like oh yeah I'm going
to leave since only on one Beach this weekend they're like wait a minute what
what's going on here what's gonna be on here oh it's it's a hearty meal I'm
having a party on this nail it's just something fun to express your creativity
on it can be as loud or as muted and the mirror and you want it to be the glitter
you want to get is condensed glitter it doesn't say in a bottle but there are
some glitters out there that look like consent you do not want those first of
all they use really really sticky sticky finger nail polish and it is almost
impossible for you to get off the finger nail polish by yourself you have to go
get a manicure to just take it off and also hardly any of the glitter showed so
it doesn't make an impact really at all to make in my opinion so some other
colors that you might see in gold are the orange color more of a purple purple
and gold minnesota vikings LSU those totally go but do you want the gold to
really pop if you want the cool to really pop you need to paint the other
nail that dark dark purple and let you just
get one sparkly gold then you can play around with what colors go with your
skin tone or in your mood and your bathing suits in the beach location in
your nail art this is Sally Hansen harness nails extreme we're rock star
pink is the glitter that I'm using for this and so of course I put it on top of
a light pink color to start with I don't know what you think about this at this
light pink is a very beautiful bright light pink but you don't have to put on
three coats of it you can just put on a light base I don't really think it makes
that much of an impact this glitter it's not as brilliant as the gold is so it's
going to let make less of an impact this is Hawaiian orchid my OPI and then also
try this purple color this is a great fit look how her believe that did take
me an Easter lunch this is really good on top of it you can
see how a light purple really just makes it look so cozy cute not a whole lot of
impact but it's absolutely gorgeous then I tried a little pop of my just me
my tulips and I think it looks really good on that too again not making too
much of an impact but these are easy ways smart way that you can think about
what your nails are going to look like before you paint your blends party nails
for what kind of impact you want it to have so then I tried my base white white
on and then I put this Rockstar pink glitter on top of it in it you know what
I didn't like this glitter at all I'm glad I did not try that at first it
looks goofy and blue and not like even but what if I painted all the nails a
bright red or my OPI favorite red color from another video so I'm not really a
waitress of the color what if I painted all their nose red
and then had this white nail as my party nail with the glitter on top I think
that would look so so good for July 4th right one thing I found in my research
was that if you paint all your nails a solid color first inevitably you're
going to have to fix the glitter around the edge or the white that really bright
white around the edge but you're going to need to scrape your nails to clean
around the edges so you might not want to paint every single nail that solid
color yet until after your party veil is done also if you have not seen this
trick you use an eyebrow brush that you get in a kit they put them in all I
shadow brush tip and you only need one pretty much but take one of the cheap
ones and use that dip it in the fingernail polish remover and then rub
that around the edges of your cuticle and up your fingernail to clean up the
excess party that's happening after hours I also just had an idea on whim
some girls from Iowa City are going to eat for dinner tonight and so I invited
them back to my house to paint one party nail when we're going that's it so it's
a great girls night in girls night out idea for any of you want to try it
anyway this idea just popped into my head and so I thought I would share it
with you if you were wondering how to make your own party nail for the beach
how to do your own nail art that is flamingo inspired or certain motion
inspired let me know what colors you knit and if you try and do it yourself
alright thanks for popping over and have a wonderful party on your nail
Daughtry - Waiting For Superman & Battleships Live @ Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve'14 with Rya - Duration: 8:07.-------------------------------------------
Daughtry Waiting For Superman & Battleships Live @ The Hollywood Christmas Parade 01 12 2013 1080i - Duration: 7:59.-------------------------------------------
Date With Karen | SNAKES + BUGS FOR DINNER?!? [CC] - Duration: 8:09.good morning everyone, so today I'm heading off to a meeting right now
and I'm going to have a girl date with karen
I know I've been living in richmond for almost ten years I would say
but I still don't know my road really well
I really hope I get there on time
just got back from the meeting and I wasn't late so, very happy
meeting went really well and we're going to eat lunch now
so sunnnyyy
hey guys so this is karen
she's my friend haha
yeah I'm her friend
it's like I couldn't say anything more....you're my friend but
yeah how did we meet?
we met at church and I only got to know you this year though
so it's like a pretty recent thing i would say
who needs a boyfriend when you can go on girl dates
girl dates are always better
I actually don't know where the place is
I haven't even seen it before
yeah so we're trying the crepe + me restuarant well I saw it fb and I wanted to try it
today we are actually having this asian food tour
yeah well I mean I always eat asian food so....
well if you're in richmond then you're in for chinese/asian food
and it's like cheaper right?
well the places I go to at least
that's true, usually it includes drinks that's what I like about asian restuarants
I'm so confused.... yeah me too
should we just park here and walk?
went to get wet wipes and uh look what it looks like.....
they're like do you wanna date or are you free? LOL
our food came! yaay
it's like a parcel!
so cute omg
this is original and then this is the beef
and then we have the tea infused egg and
a soybean milk
bc we added the combo
which one are you going to try first?
so excited!!
I'm going to try this one
it's still steaming hot inside
idk if you can see it
it smells like chinese sausage
it smells like omelette
preserved sausage but sausage is already preserved LOL
chinese preserved sausage...
i'm going to try
it taste like chinese sausage
but it's beef though
it's really interesting cause the the crepe itself is really thin but the inside of the crepe is kinda crispy
it has a lot of texture
I think we are going to be full cause right now mine + hers is 1 serving
I thought the crepe would be more thick
oh really I thought it would be more chewy like the japanese crepes
what's the most ridiculous food you've ever had
okay in hk?
in a soup.... it taste like chicken right?
Ithink so,
I don't really rmb it
I don't really eat ridiculous food because I always see those people eating frog legs and Ijust get so grossed out
I'm okay with chicken feet and ox tongue
when I was younger, my mom tried to let me try chicken feet
I was like nooooo it looks like baby hands
so chubby right? cause like the palm of the chicken feet.....
idk have you ever tried bugs?
I say it as if it's nothing haha
this girls not normal
pretty good
when I was little, my fav thing to eat was the fish eye
take out the steamed fish eye and just munch on it?
you just bite down the the part where it's just the little bead that's see through
so do you swallow it?
oh no you spit it out
you eat that layer of white thing
yeah I was werid
that's pretty gross
okay shall we go?
cause we're going to dance after and I don't want to sweat in my regular clothes
that's why I'm wearing a tshirt
we're going to grab jugo jucie!!
I haven't had jugo juice in sooo long
we got the mighty kale
taste like pine apple juice right?
or like orange juice?
it kinda tang-tang- tingling??!
is that what you say??
tangy! is it tangy??
idk why are you asking me ?
I like it. it's really refreshing
look so cute it's a little girl holding a little dog
what is happening?
oh what if it's those shoe line ups?
the line from here.......... all the way over there
people usually line up for nmds and stuff like that
lining up for adidas I think
I wonder how long they've been lining up for
we're here
ugh the stairs
you probably can't tell but it's suuuper steep
we just finished dance class, that was the most cardio i've done in a dance class
ooo fresh air!!
a lot of cardio but it was really fun like
it's pretty fast.... it was SO fast!!
if it's slow, I feel so awkward
I feel more comfortable doing it slower because I can actually rmb the moves and make it look a little bit better
whereas the fast, I'm just like.....what am I doing, I don't know what I'm doing
today was a huge class.... it's like a regular classroom size
we're almost stepping on each other
the people are still waiting in line
I knoooow
i'm so tired
you want to say hi?
it's brian, karen's boyfriend
our girl date has been intruded.... lmao
we're going to eat right now and then we are going to eat more dessert
we're going to eat and then going to eat!
I was so hyper after dance but now i'm just like on a down-cline........
is that what you say...? down-cline??
no.. down-cline?!?!
in- DECLINE!!!!
okay I can't english today I'm sorry.....
i'm so hungry
our food is hereee
hey guys so after dinner... I almost said lunch...
after dinner, we're extremely full
so now we can't even have dessert anymore
even though I usually have a 2nd stomach for dessert, today is an exceptional day
bye karen!!!
see you!
I'm homee
look at my little doggie!!
where are you going?
hey buddy
you're so cutee
look at the puppy eyes....
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