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And don't forget your shoes
Wait, LI One more thing
Well, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it yeah come meet me in the hall, and I'll show you
See you later
It's the castle Jewel room Sofia my favorite room in the whole kingdom
Wow, there are so many beautiful things in here. Oh, but how will I ever choose?
Should I pick these crystals or this ruby ring? Oh?
Thank you. Did you just thank the griffon no? No? I uh I was uh
Thanking you for telling me about them. The search is over. I found the perfect necklace
And I promised I'd never take it off. Oh
Just before a minute. I don't know just one itsy-bitsy little minute. Oh
Okay, but just for a minute
What are those?
They look like scratches, but how did they get there? I don't know but I've got to find my amulet. Oh don't worry
I'm sure it just fell on the floor
Can't let Dad see I lost it. I'll go get someone help us look I
Just have to find my amulet. Maybe you can help me search for it
What was that? I'll be right back
All right, you two okay clean off we to set the table for the ball
So I put the golden goblets here here and here, but now they're gone
It appears we have a thief in the castle. Oh cool thief. I'll put all the guards on lookout
We must find the thief before the guests arrive for the ball
No, snacking or else. We won't have enough for our evil potions
Look what it's Princess, Sofia's amulet. How did that griffin get frozen?
Mark my words if life ever
It's Gotta be around here someplace
It's one of the castle griffins, and he's got Sofia's amulet
We'll see about that. Don't break fit pretty shiny thing right this way, huh?
We better go tell Sofia about the gryphon. We can't tell Sofia anything
Yeah, she can't understand us, then we'll just have to show her
Where is he?
Any luck no, and I've looked everywhere
This is one sneaky thief. I'll find him nothing gets past me me neither
I'll go check the library and I'll go check the parlor. Hi, I still haven't found the amulet yet
Why is she yelling at us we can understand her she just can't understand us
She think a thief took it, and that's why I always win at Charades. Huh, I was just warming up
What is it mom's new Tiara is missing it was here on my dressing table. I looked away for a minute
Your amulets been stolen. I'm sorry dad. I just took it off for a moment
Miranda the Guests are starting to arrive review an Amber mind going to greet them but
You had just arrived at the castle, and I wanted to give you something special
I had chosen a lovely ruby necklace, and I was just I
Know it sounds hard to believe, but it was almost as if the amulet chose you that day, and if that's true
I'm sure it'll make its way back to you again
and Princess Sofia
I've got you in my sights
Mr.. Ceedric are you okay?
My Tamara he's telling the truth
Very Clever, Sophia yes, well done now
You know why we keep the griffin in the jewel room if he gets out? He'll grab any shiny thing in sight
Excuse me. I'll be right back
You really got to get better at Charades kid we were trying to tell you all about the griffin go over
I miss you all so much. Oh us too. It's so good to hear your voices again. Oh
Let's talk over dinner. I'm sure dad won't mind a few extra gases
winters yet
Happy Wassailia clover what a great present. Oh that reminds me. I made a gift for Mr.. Cedric
It's a case for his life
Oh that fuss and bother and for what a lot of gushy
Sentimental songs and then I'll be presented with some useless token of a gift
Someone will give me a gift worthy of a royal sorcerer something
Maybe my gift isn't special enough. Are you happy now? Let's go make this castle
Unbearably married there must be more magical gift I can get Mr.. Cedric
You could get him some sorcery lessons magical flowers that give off a lovely glow
They used to grow in the icicle forest every winter but no one has seen any in years. Oh well
Violet I know great
Where are you going, Sofia to get a last-minute present for Mr.. Cedric? I'll just make sure you're back. Yo, where's good looking for me
Well, if it isn't my old pal clover
I haven't seen you since you took off to live the cushy life up at the castle. What brings you back here, buddy
Mm-Hmm. Yeah, okay, thanks
Word in the woods is there's an ice lilly patch in the iCicle Forest could you show us Mr.
Whiskey yeah, whatever you say let's go get those ice lilies princess both you're welcome, but I was talking to clover
Hi there. I hope I wasn't bothering you. I can keep it down or just that was so pretty
Hey, you just like a princess
Oh, you probably are one aren't you I mean why else would you be wearing a Tiara and poufy gown?
Oh, I'm talking a lots. It's amazing no
It's awful
when I say everything I touch gets covered in ice I mean
Everything I even had to leave my family because I kept forgetting and trying to hug them well anyway every year on Wassailia
Glacier dispels for people but only if you bring her gifts, so I gathered all the wood crystals
I could find which took me weeks because you know so I took my wood crystals and I climbed up to Glacius palace there
She was sitting on her throne I
Gave her my gift and she and that's when I realized that the ice touch was really a curse
I went back and begged glacier to take it away, but she said I had to come back next Wassailia with another gift
See you think wait it why not cuz if I touch you you'll turn into one big ice Cube and I can't let that happen
Now don't worry winter we just don't get you close you promise
Yeah, you have to tell me twice
But how are we going to get over there swim I guess swim ah?
Is it too cold for the castle bunny you kidding a tough world like me isn't afraid of a little this is
Magical ice it won't break and it's super sparkly
Hey, hey, it's like I'm skating
Alright, and now where are those ice lilies at let's spread out and start looking?
Are you sure this is where the ice lilies are supposed to be Mr.. Whiskers is your little birdies aren't so smart after all
You wouldn't want to get your dainty Castle paws all dirty
Thanks clover. Hey, Castle bunny
We'll bring her the ice lilies and ask her to freak over
I'm going to I got you into this old buddy, and I'm gonna get you out of it
We're almost there hang on clover think warm thoughts buddy. Ha ha ha chocolate mashed potatoes
It's tomato soup
You certainly have a high opinion of yourself. Don't you why have you come here?
I've come to ask you to remove my ice touch you're going to have to get a much better gift if you want my
Another gift, I'll never find another gift before the end of the day. Oh, please can you just undo it?
No, why not?
I'm in a bad mood, and how long is this bad Moody years gonna last why don't you check back in a few centuries?
God, I know
I'm so sorry clover
Hmm, so what's troubling you Sophia?
Well if we don't come up with a special gift to give the mountain which then winter we'll have to spend another year all alone
And clover will be stuck inside. This ice maid with a whole lot of love you see when it comes to finding the perfect gift
It doesn't matter if it's a large or small
I understand, but how can winter find a gift like that before sundown?
Well, she may already have the gifts you need sophia my cooking is my kids
I know what to do you already have the perfect gift for Glacia. I do your music
It's so beautiful and appeared us up when we were feeling down my music
We did well let's have it
go on oh
There goes my back are you okay? Okay? I?
haven't felt this good in a long time, so
So thank you for that. I will grant your wish
It's done now. You're just as ordinary as you were before do you know what this means Sofia
Would you mind I'm freezing my friends? Ooh? Oh, why not you want the hopkins good?
Guess I kind of missed you I missed you too whiskers, but we can still be pals. Yeah of course
Hey, why don't you come back with us for what sell your dinner?
You really do have connections don't forget these for your special gift. Oh, wait. Do you want to come with that?
I wish I could but I've got to get home and see my mom and my dad and my some of the brothers
These are for you ice lilies. They're even lovelier than I remembered
I know, it's not magical, but I need it myself
I'll never lose my wand again. This is the best happy holidays, Mr.. Cedric
Yes, what it is big, isn't it?
Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 54 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 17:22.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMEMT & SUBSCRIBE
Professor pancake brave dragons love camping out even if it's just in box room
Okay, campers camping out was fun, but it's time for this camper to head to bed
But not tired not tired
Well, if he can't sleep I can't sleep why not cuz he's steppin on my tape I
Think a bedtime story sounds right as raisins
And there's nobody better at reading bedtime stories than professor, Hootsburgh sits up here with my books
Huh, where could she be I don't know
Professor, Hootsburgh, where are you?
purpose this time
Professor look and her mother were cleaning the room. That was a few days ago
We move the toy box to sleep under it, and you must not deceive me because you sit there
Oh, I know that dog you are the best toy doctor in the world
You always help toys
No, can you have a bedtime story?
Thank you, these toys want a bedtime story I
Intend to read one
Why ever do you ask cause you're flapping around like a flounder with the flip eligible is what?
- I'm a professor of this story my favorite part is the elephant no wait
Maybe it's about the spaghetti
Elephant spaghetti spaghetti
My apologies everyone that's not the way to start a story professor. Are you sure you know?
I really think you should let me give you a checkup so I can you're correct stuffy the elephant did not actually say
Instead of reading stories is the thing that I do best and now the time is flutters
How would you say it before flat has a peanut brittle pancake?
If you were checkup, then she can find out how to fix you and then you can read me a bedtime story
You're right. I suppose. I mean if you're scared
Professor, Hootsburgh I have a diagnosis. We better write this down in the big book of Boo-Boos
you have a case of
Mm-Hmm ptosis is that a cure will she be squished forever
There's nothing seriously wrong with you. You just need to get back into shape
That's not how it works
my imaginary balloon popped
wow, I'm Gonna take my chances -
You're just taking a little break. Oh
I feel so
Fantastically fiddly and great that I'm going to make getting up and moving a part of my daily life from now on
That's what I like to hear
Can we have a bedtime story can we go can we can we can we can we please please please oh?
Now that I'm back in shape there was an elephant and a giant bowl of spaghetti one day the elephant said
my feathers good night, Doc McStuffins
Bubble monkey blew your nose Doc. Look let's play dress-up. Oh
No this dragon dress-up
No book can be so important that you don't have time for dress-up
Bubble Monkey Emmie and Alma invited Donny me over for a bubble popping party really
I love great cuz it's gonna be a bubbler
photographic time
Wow, those are I think you're coming down with something can I still play with bubble monkey?
I'm sorry, sweetie, but I can't let you go you'd spread germs and Doc and Emmie and alma Billy who?
If only there was a way to bring the bubble party to Donny great ideas stuffy. Uh it was oh yeah
Sheiter him up with your bubbles. It would make me feel so so good if I could help cheer up Donnie
Hey, Donnie. Oh, I wanted to cheer him up, so
Now it looks like you need to be cheered up. What do you say we go see hide? Oh? Yeah?
Like we need something
Lambie three cheers for your pink hat
while we're waiting for Donnie to wake up well, that's too bad because
Well slighty Slippers all at once
Bubble monkey you've been stifling and sneezing since you got here
Well your heartbeat sounds fine now could you say all for me?
What's that brown for dock and hearing a gurgly gurgly sounded? I don't like bubble monkey
I'm gonna need to open up the panel on your back to take a look inside
inside ah
I see the problem you. Do there's a tiny hole in one of your tubes
That's leaking bubble saves for the bed buck Abobo's I've ever heard one
The bubble Soap is dripping on your insights, and that's what's making you all Seesee and drippy. Just like toys. Don't get cold
There your leak is all fixed now
Could you try to blow some bubbles for me so I can chip?
How I wish I had known to blow my nose in the first place. I might have still been all
She's not Gonna
So bubble monkey how do you feel now is if everybody thoughts popping your bubbles. Oh?
You know else likes popping bubbles oh?
Donny do you think he's up from his nap like he's awake, okay gustav
Hey, Donny. How you feeling okay? Did you go to the party?
Thanks, Doc
sir Kirby and the Plucky princess
I've been stuck in this tower for ages. Oh, thank you. Thank you brave knight. Oh, honey
It's time for ballet, okay mom. Be right there. Sorry Doc. I gotta go
Then after ballet we can finish playing okay, okay? Thanks Doc. You're the best I
Want to get down from this tower? Hi princess persephone? I am doc McStuffins. I'll be still my beating knights
Hostage get him down from here
Amateur princess myself I have to admit. I didn't know princesses could do that
Oh yeah, princesses can do all kinds of things. It's pretty sweet. Oh, yeah
Let's do it. I
Meant for us to do that in my clinic
Me oh my mercy. There's nothing like watching a brave knight in action
Well good, because I didn't need to be rescued. I was already on the ground, but I
was merely but
nice rescue princesses
princesses historically don't rescue
oh Well, really
Anyone until me so what if a princess wants to do everything a knight can do and what if we?
Good old-fashioned show us what you got play like you mean it bustling jessalyn princess and knight play
You took the words right out of my mouth Perry is no ordinary princess
I like that very well since you all insist
I shall prove to you that a knight and only a knight can do uh
Why don't just go over what the braves wire does again? You know for swingers ah?
Well the squire helps the night all right Lambie will you be my squire?
Thank you, sweet. Hallie. We could use you to winning against a dainty princess is no fun for a brave knight
Oh, I'm sure and boy am I gonna love beating you
I'm gonna show you that anything knights can do princesses can do better? Oh?
Nice moves knight. I thank you. I must say you had nice moves as well. I can do that in my sleep
Oh, yeah, well bring it on knight. Oh, I shall
Sir Kirby Don't Move
I'm fine. Just fine. It's just a flesh wound I
Parry will you help me carry sir Kirby back to the clinic of Course I?
Feel awful. I'm a squire
It's pretty obvious you have a case of break apart a pTosis or Kirby Ray composite ursus is it belt?
Wait, please Otto Doc
Squeakers, I need you
They're all fixed now try to sit up alright
How do you feel thank you, lady McStuffins?
My pleasure sir kirby, and thank you for rescuing me penny. You're quite the rescuer indeed
Perry from this moment forth. I vowed to include you and any and Knightly activities sir Kirby
I vow to always be your equal I
always get serious these things
What if finished playing with princess persephone and sir Kirby let's do it?
Here comes the brave rescuer princess persephone to save the brave Knight, sir. Oh
I'm thirsty too here Donny Luca your lunch is ready
I so got you
nice, splash do
It oh come on. Nothing's gonna happen ah you're always joking Sam, not this time
That's it although squeaks just to say it's on
You're not supposed to get wet. Are you who says Sam's Gonna be able to splash?
That's who liked it
So come on key, and I put on water wait nothing a little strong sun won't fix is more
Okay, you guys go on Sam's team and we'll be on squeakers team the rules of the game
Are you get splashed Europe? Oh?
You forgot to protect yourself. It was my knightly duty, but now I shall royally chill you um
You are kind of a big Target
Okay, got a Philip Sam use the one with the water
And that has never happened to me before I think you need a checkup, holly your doctors back
Here always learn Hip-hop. Ahead of me. You better believe will I ever splash again
I'm not really here
You seem fine, but there has to be a reason why you sputtered instead of splashed was there anything unusual about that?
Nope nope
nothing weird
Sam try to splash again
Seho, is there anything you want to tell me it sam. You drink green apple Soda instead of water
It's true. I did drinking too much of a sugary. I have a diagnosis the full moons coming, right?
Serpent Sam you have sticky itís
Actually, I've never said that before but still I just need to clean you out, and you'll be ready to go the next one
But that soda sure was good a little sip won't hurt me I
Lost the game for you. We don't care about that. It was just a game and we all had fun playing
I just want to make sure you're working okay. I'm not sure I'm so good at moderation
It's hard, but as good as things taste now. They can make you feel pretty yucky later. Tell me about it
Next time I'm going with water all the way because the most important thing is to make sure I'm always
Ready to play haha nice. Game Little dude. I
Think serpent Sam is even splashy Earlham before
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