Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 3 2017

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For more infomation >> Is my channel good? - Duration: 0:03.


"This is My Story" Testimony by Rama Rantedoping - Duration: 3:52.

"As soon as I pray, You answer me;

You encourage me by giving me strength."

I couldn't believe it at first

because I never smoke

and none of my friends smoke.

I was angry with God.

Why did it happen to me?

My first prayer was

"Don't let my daughter & husband be infected."

I hope it's just me.

Thank God,

the doctor said that they were not infected.

I was diagnosed with Tuberculosis

and the virus nested in a pus.

I felt down that time,

though they were not infected, what would happen afterwards?

What should I do?

The only thing I could think of was listening to worship songs.

When I calmed down,

I called my friends from DATE (Cell Group),

asked them to pray for me.

My DATE leader told me to read Psalm 138.

We went to the doctor again for consultation.

He advised for suction or removal.

We thought suction would help,

but nothing changed.

Then we decided to have surgery.

We went to church on Sunday during those times.

Ps. Jose said that hope is a choice;

to stay hopeful in spite of the circumstances.

When I chose hope and surrendered,

I really felt the strength from God,

that enabled me to face this.

I saw prayer team after the service,

holding the prayer request board.

I braced myself and stopped by.

I felt God's strong presence when they prayed.

I couldn't stop crying and felt a surge of strength in me.

God strengthened me through many things;

my friends at DATE, prayers, Sunday sermons…

I believe God let it happened to bring me to next level.

We told the doctor we were ready for surgery.

But he said,

"No. Take the medicines first."

We insisted but he still chose the medicines.

So we followed him and took medicines for 6 months.

We ate healthy food, exercised regularly,

things I have never done before.

On the next visit the doctor said,

"It reduced a lot."

I also felt no pain anymore.

The pain was simply gone.

I could stand, run, and all I couldn't do before,

even sitting was difficult,

but I could do it all again.

A year after, the doctor said,

"You are completely healed!"

I was amazed.

It must be God because...

the doctor said that surgery was the only way.

But that was the moment God came

and said that I was healed.

God said that no temptation has overtaken you.

God is real and He will never leave you.

For more infomation >> "This is My Story" Testimony by Rama Rantedoping - Duration: 3:52.


Is This How Jaime is Going to Kill Cersei on Game of Thrones? | GOTS 7 - Duration: 4:03.

Is This How Jaime is Going to Kill Cersei on Game of Thrones?

Looks like weve got even more reason to believe Jaime will kill his sister, Cersei, on Game of Thrones. This scenario traces back to that dreaded prophecy that came from Maggy the Frog in season five.

Basically, the prediction states that Cersei will marry a king, then become queen herself until she is usurped by a younger, more beautiful queen. She will lose all her children and eventually die at the hands of someone else.

Almost all of this has already come true, except shes still queen and she hasnt been murdered yet. While Daenerys is almost surely her usurper, there are plenty of people who might kill her. In light of another telling hint, were setting our sights on Jaime.

To refresh, the whole reason were not sure about the identity of Cerseis killer is because of the ambiguity of Maggys prophecy. Here are her words: When your tears have drowned you, the Valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.

In Valyrian, Valonqar means little brother, making Tyrion the obvious choice. That said, theres always the chance Cersei was born just before her twin brother, Jaime, which would also make him a younger brother.

At this point, hes the one closest to Cersei, and hes most likely to clock her slow descent into insanity. Taking all this into consideration, Game of Thrones may have slipped a little Easter egg into the season seven premiere. It all boils down to Cersei and her new map.

In the scene, Cersei stands directly on top of a region known as The Neck. You can barely even make out the label just beyond Cerseis feet, and you can also see it on the map that appears in the books. While youre at it, check out where Jaime happens to be standing.

Yep, his feet are just off the shore of an area known as The Fingers. Do you see where were going with this? The prophecy states a little brother will strangle the life out of Cersei, and this particular placement makes Jaime the Fingers to Cerseis Neck.

When you consider how every other aspect of the prophecy has come true, its hard to ignore the evidence: Cersei may not survive the season.

Even more interestingly, we can see little breadcrumbs that fill out the Mad Queen theory that made its way around last year.

Cersei has destroyed a huge part of Kings Landing with wildfire, and shes lost all her children. In the second episode of the season, Euron Greyjoy attacks the Iron Fleet and kidnaps Ellaria Sand and her daughter. And remember how Ellaria Sand is the one who poisons Myrcella?

Cersei gets her ultimate revenge when she poisons Ellarias daughter in front of her, but it may come at a price: Jaime could come to believe that shes not sane enough to keep the throne, just like he stopped the Mad King Aerys Targaryen before. The Kingslayer is about the become the Queenslayer.

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