Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 3 2017

Disney Doll Story

Ben, you are a human again.


I'll make sure you get your magic back.

Ben, you are more important to me than magic.

Mal, it's a promise.

I'll go to the ends of Earth if I have to.

We cleared out most of the zombies out of the castle.


The gate will stay closed.

Nobody comes in or out.

I have a good news.

Tell me the cure worked.


Ben is fine.

With Mal's blood, we were able to make about 100 doses.

We need more.

We need to round up everyone with magic.

Which 99 people should get the cure first?

Distribute them first to rescue workers.



I need to get my city back.

I'll coordinate the rescue.

There are still 99 doses left.

Who will get them?

Rescue workers.

I helped make them.

Can I get one too?

Who is it for?

My mother.

She is infected.


She is not on the priority list.

But but. you couldn't have made it without me.

Sorry, Lonnie.

But your mother is not on the list.


You have to help me get one of them for my mother.

Prince Charming is taking care of the distribution.

You need to talk to him.

Mal, it's made with your blood.

Shouldn't you have a say in who gets those 99 doses?

I'll see what I can do.

There are too many zombies.

I'm too tired to use my magic anymore.

Mal has to be here somewhere.


Is that you?



What happened?

I lost my magic.



Oh, Maleficent isn't going to like this at all.


Go to the Isle with us.

There are no zombies there.

No, Evie.

Ben needs me.

I'm staying with Ben.


You can't take my magic away.




This is madness.

We have no choice.

You need to let go of my daughter.

You never wanted people to use magic in the first place.

But I never said take them away by force.

Fairy Godmother, this isn't easy for me,

but I have to make tough decisions.

We rounded up everyone with good magic, but people with dark magic ran away.

Find them.

Find every last one of them until we have enough cure for everyone.

I can't believe Mal decided to give up her magic.

We have to get out of Auradon.

There you are.




I'm sorry, but you will have to come with me.

Oh no.

I'm have to stop King Beast.

Evie, come with us.

Your magic can save everyone.




McKeyla, you can't do this.

You think I want to do this?

I wanted to abandon Auradon and go back home.

But I decided to stay and help.

This is wrong.

Taking magic away from people by force.

And you know it.

I am not evil.

If you have to tell yourself that, then you are probably being evil.

What should I do?




Get him.

How did you get in here?

You are not my king and you never will be.

Get him.

Ben, King Beast and Belle just turned to zombies.

You are next in line.

How did zombies get him?


I can't do this.


What's wrong?

I didn't become a scientist to make people miserable.

We are going back home.

No, you can't go.

What about the people of Auradon.

Evie is right.

If I have to tell myself I'm not being evil, then I probably am.


What is it?

99 doses made from Mal's blood.

Use it wisely.

I hope you save your people.

For more infomation >> Evie is Captured for Her Magic - Part 11 - Zombie Outbreak Descendants Project MC2 Disney - Duration: 6:10.


12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged - Duration: 7:03.


12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

The liver is the largest solid organ in your body.

It is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen and partly protected by the


You need your liver for many important bodily functions and cannot live without your liver.

For this reason, you should know the early signs of liver damage and take care of your

liver as much as you possibly can.

12 Early Signs of Liver Damage

There are more than a hundred different kinds of diseases of the liver.

Each has its own set of symptoms.

Some of these diseases include alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and

cirrhosis of the liver.

The early signs of liver disease tend to be easily overlooked and are non-specific, related

to any number of different conditions.

Here are some common early signs.


Upset Stomach

You are likely to get nausea and vomiting.

They can mimic other diseases, such as migraines, food poisoning, vertigo, motion sickness,

early pregnancy, depression and vomiting.

It can mimic kidney problems as well.

Those who suffer from early liver damage often feel persistently nauseous, because the liver

has a decreased ability to rid the body of toxins.

The nausea can also be due to ongoing metabolism and changes in digestion.

If you have these symptoms for several days and don't know why, seek the attention of

your doctor.


Fatigue and Overall Weakness

One of the early and obvious signs of liver damage is constantly feeling tired and weak.

When the liver is not in great condition, the body must work harder and you will need

more rest.

This is due to an increase in toxins in the bloodstream that can't be cleared out because

the liver can't get rid of the toxins properly.

If the symptoms persist, especially with other early signs of liver damage, seek medical

advice as soon as you can.


Lack of Appetite

This happens due to a lack of production of bile that helps digest fat in the diet.

When food isn't properly digested, it can lead to a lack of appetite and a severe loss

of weight.

See your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms for a long period of time.


Digestion Problems

The liver is important in digestion because it makes bile that helps the nutrients be

better processed and absorbed by the small intestines.

If the liver is failing, you can develop an increase in indigestion and diarrhea.

If the bile is not produced properly, you can also experience irritable bowel syndrome,

fatty food intolerance, alcohol intolerance, abdominal bloating, constipation and gallstones.

If this becomes severe, you need to seek the medical attention of a doctor.


Alterations in the Color of Urine

If you think you are drinking enough but still have a dark color of your urine, this may

be one of the early signs of liver damage.

The urine may look brown, amber, or orange in color because of elevated levels of bilirubin

in the bloodstream.

The bilirubin is elevated because the liver cannot get rid of the bilirubin and it is

excreted through the kidneys.

Dark urine may also be due to dehydration, side effects of taking antibiotics, taking

B vitamin supplements, urinary tract infections, enzyme deficiencies or kidney abnormalities.

The doctor can help sort out the cause of dark urine.


Changes in Stool Coloration

Because the bile is not made enough by a malfunctioning liver, the color of the stool changes.

Instead of being brown, it can become pale yellow, clay colored, or gray in appearance.

If this happens periodically, it is not dangerous, but if it happens often, seek the advice of

your doctor to check out your liver.



Jaundice is a yellow coloration to the skin, tongue, fingertips, and eyes.

Jaundice is from an increase in bilirubin in the bloodstream and in the bodily tissue

that would normally be excreted in the bile.

Bilirubin builds up when old red blood cells are broken down inside the liver.

It causes the skin to become yellow.

Jaundice can also mean you have a problem with the pancreas or gallbladder, so you should

seek medical attention as soon as you can if you develop this symptom.


Abdominal Changes

If you experience pain or cramping in the lower part of the abdomen or feel especially

bloated, this can mean that you have ascites and a malfunctioning liver.

Ascites is one of the early signs of liver damage and basically means that fluid has

built up inside the abdominal cavity.

It can happen whenever there is damage to the liver or liver cirrhosis.

You often get portal hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the arteries and veins

of the abdomen from liver disease.

You can also get ascites from disorders unrelated to


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For more infomation >> 12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged - Duration: 7:03.


Cookameal is fond of fresh & local food - Duration: 1:45.

I'm Amylia from Belgium, and I am a food blogger.

I write recipes and food stories on my blog Cookameal.

For you, the symbol of French cooking is ...

When I think of Paris and France I always think of the baguette.

So I think that might be one thing that's

so typical about France.

You see people everywhere walking around

with a big bread and so I think that might be it for me.

What do you think of France, its products and cooking ?

I've always thought that the French food is really nice.

You have your history so that's one thing,

but now I think we've seen and we've tasted that you put local food

in advance and that you really try to work with local farmers and that is really

important for France and I love it.

What did you expect from this Food Tour ?

I did get the briefing quite late so I didn't know what to expect actually

a lot of things were a surprise but I expected to taste a lot of different things that all have

something to do with the French cuisine but are slightly different and

that's exactly what we did !

Your advice for the first time in Paris ?

I would definitely tell people to go to the market

take some local products, smell them taste them, so you can really get a taste of

what France is really like.

The way you see France Bon Appétit in 3 words ?


Simple as well because we've tasted a

lot of simple dishes that were really great and

Lots of fun

Like our Facebook page to discover the full parisian Food Tour

For more infomation >> Cookameal is fond of fresh & local food - Duration: 1:45.


Game of Thrones: This Is Why Jaime's Savvy Battle Tactic Seemed So Familiar | GOTS 7 - Duration: 3:37.

Game of Thrones: This Is Why Jaime's Savvy Battle Tactic Seemed So Familiar

Warning: Spoilers for Game of Thrones below!

The third episode of Game of Thrones, The Queens Justice, has a few shockingly memorable moments (like Daenerys and Jon Snow FINALLY meeting, for starters), but the quiet scene in the episodes final minutes is by far its most affecting.

The celebration of Daeneryss Unsullied army easily taking Casterly Rock from the Lannisters is short-lived, since Jaime fakes them out by having Eurons fleet burn most of the Unsullieds ships and moves almost all of the Lannister forces to Highgarden instead.

There, they quickly overpower House Tyrell, and Jaime has a tense one-on-one chat with Lady Olenna. Its during this conversation that Jaime reveals that he actually stole the savvy tactical move from one of his former enemies: Robb Stark.

After Olenna notes that Jaime took his army and went where they werent, he replies, As Robb Stark did to me at Whispering Wood. There are always lessons in failures. (Which prompts a signature quip from Olenna: You must be very wise by now.) The incident he references is the Battle of the Whispering Wood, which takes place in season one.

As you might recall, Catelyn Stark negotiates with Lord Walder Frey to allow Robbs army to pass across the Trident at the Twins, as long as Robb agrees to marry one of his daughters.

They strike a deal (which is eventually broken and leads to the blood-soaked Red Wedding), and the Stark forces cross the river and split in two, with one half moving south to fight Tywin Lannisters army in the Battle of the Green Fork, and the other half going on in secret to confront Jaime.

Since Tywin thinks the whole Stark army is on its way to attack him at Green Fork, he has most of his men at the ready. The Lannisters defeat the Starks, but its not until its too late that Tywin realizes Robb outsmarted him.

Jaime, unaware of what happened to his father, is lured into the Whispering Wood by the rest of Robbs forces, northwest of Riverrun, and is swiftly defeated by the Starks. Hes soon taken prisoner, and the Lannister armys presence within the Riverlands is almost entirely destroyed.

Although Jaime pulls the same clever maneuver in season sevens third episode, hes going to need a lot more tricks up his sleeve to defeat the Dragon Queen once and for all. For her part, Dany will have to learn from her own failures next week, judging from the nail-biting preview for episode four.

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