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Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 51 - Duration: 19:07.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Santa Media Channel
Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Childrens Episode 16 - Duration: 17:01.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Elena Of Avalor Channel
Halle Berry Goes Funky-Boho for the "Hamilton" Opening Night in LA - Mullu TV - Duration: 1:18.Halle Berry Goes Funky-Boho for the "Hamilton" Opening Night in LA
A lot of west coast celebs came out for the Hamilton opening, but the only one who caught our eye was Miss Halle.
Not so much by being fabulous, but by showing up looking like no one else there.
This is actually impressive in its own way. It's very much of the "I'm just here to see the play" low-key style vibe while at the same time being somewhat goofily attention-seeking.
After all, if you don't want to be photographed, you don't show up in an outfit as notable as this one.
We love this more than you might think, though.
Since she truly isn't there to promote herself, we'll keep the critiques light, but for the most part, everything happening above the waist looks great to our eyes.
She loses us with the shitty jeans and nondescript boots.
Still, the hair's so fun we can't be bothered looking down.
Buses ready to go for first day of school despite bus driver shortage - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
10 MINUTE CARDIO ABS MINI BAND WORKOUT | Fat Burning Mini Band Workout For Cardio, Abs & Glutes - Duration: 11:18.Time to get some cardio abs and glutes we're working mini band exercises today
this is a live 10-minute full length mini band workout just for you guys and
I've got Jesse awesome thanks for coming in we're going to get right into this guys
it's going to be a 1 minute warm-up that we're going to do right now together and
then it's going to be straight through four exercises two times through let's
get right into this leg all right get your mini vans out we're
gonna be using a few different sizes and just follow along if you've got a
minivan you can do all these without any man but the first move warm up is going
to be one minute let's start the timer time to get into this are you guys ready
to go cardio abs and glutes all right we're going first boot cut get warmed up
we're going to do one minute warm-up walkout push-up you've got to get the
body primed up this is an Express workout and the walkout push-ups get the
whole body loose ready to go
best push-up you got at the bottom just got some awesome push good good come on
look we're gonna do some squats with space to carry those quads now we're
feeling pretty good so we're going with the jump but you don't have to you can
stay grounded and just squat it out we're getting low get those legs
you go Jessica in ten seconds guys we're going to start this minivan workout it's
going to be straight through and we're going to get the heart rate up in three
two sprinters right here keep going drive the arms oh we love the thumbs up
if you guys get tired March it out March it out but not just in peace though
we're gonna do each exercise fifty seconds and then fifteen seconds rest to
the next exercise four exercises and then look through
straight through no press and before you know it that total body look good three
two one good all right you can use another band a thicker band if you have
in which we do if not you can use that same man there's full workout we're
going plank jacks for some cardio abs
Keep going wooo glutes and abs feel good and get some fat-burning going
notice how jess is keeping the toes down and show them if they get tired they
can step in and step it out but not just she's an animal ooh 15
seconds keep going ten more seconds
nice good work okay next drill is going to be a side shuffle
if you have some room like we do we're gonna use the space the side shuffle and
crisscross but if you have a little bit amount of room that's fine you can just
take a couple of steps side shuffle stay low go keep the toes going straight away
straight ahead touch down on the side and when you touch down butt down inner
outer thighs working nice and glute and get some cardio in now we've got
minibands doing these exercises at the bootcamp all the time if you guys want
to come train with us at the bootcamp just write in in the comment section I'M IN
we'll have you come train with us one time keep going five four three two one
good all right that's three exercises down last move in this round is three
squats and then one scroll hit the deck you can do a quick plank a push-up or a
false wall we're going to show you push-up first three two one go 1 2 3 down
1 2 3 now next time we're going to show you without the push-up it's gonna be a
quick okay good thing is anyway you want to slice it guys we're going down three
two one nice I'm going to switch bands that's
one round down one more round to go 15-second transition between each
exercise guys we do that so we can keep the fat-burning going and I hope you're
enjoying this follow along now different size fans
give you different different resistance just said she really want again she
loves this one done yeah this one's brutal guys really a lot of cardio and
you can see I'm huffing and puffing but you want to put right over the feet on
this one go with a lighter to medium and at the most
next notice how we try the car and if you get tired bridge the legs are where
you feeling the burn try the knees up thumbs up if you guys
like this who is its public along with this workout right now who's going to
follow the long time amazing okay now for these next rows if you do have a
thicker band loving the thumbs up guys great to see you hey Loretta
thick me and if you got it otherwise use the same man no problem
go plank jacks
I asked just what then she wanted and she said purple which one of the bigger
bids for the extra booty yeah you get tired you can hold the plank or step it
in step still game be round advised inspections five four three two one
ah so good okay guys we're almost there last two exercises on this minivan
workout 10-minute minivan work out so great to see you let's keep pushing
three two one go sigh chuckle ah when you touch down but down good small steps
keep working keep breathing how we doing just take 30 seconds we
love this side shuffle whenever you can incorporate movement locomotion into
your workouts so it's good 20 seconds and we work these minivans drills 5 4 3
2 1 oh it's good are you guys last exercise let's finish it up we're proud
of you for getting this thing in three one two three quick one
on two now we're going to have to push up this time if you got it otherwise
keep that quick if you lose
awesome job you guys will feel like that ten minutes live minivan workout dad's
gonna hit your cardio abs and glutes and we are huffing and puffing also February
if you're in the Danbury Connecticut area come train with us at the boot camp
we got do mini band drills kettlebell ropes and we're getting some awesome
results for our clients you can be next so get ready also if you haven't
subscribed to our YouTube or if you're watching this on Facebook like our page
let us know you want to see more of this share with a friend if you found it
helpful you guys and thank you so much for tuning in I want to thank Jess for coming
down we hope you guys liked this 10 minute mini band workout for glutes abs and cardio...have an awesome rest of the day!
Police Search For Surveillance Video Of Child Abduction In Worcester - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Chance for a few showers and storms - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Why You Should Use Oakville Mortgage Agent Pat Palmer, For Your Next Mortgage - Duration: 2:18.Hi, my name is Pat Palmer and I am a Licensed Mortgage Agent with Zoom Mortgage.
In this brief video segment, I will quickly discuss why you should work with me and Zoom Mortgage
First Zoom is an independent brokerage with a vast lender network and unlike the banks
our lender solution pool (i.e. the types of products to meet your requirements) is very
large and offers many options versus the banks where maybe one or two product offerings might
work for you.
Also, all we do at Zoom is live and breath mortgages, there is no upselling on credit
cards, there no upsell on investments or other products and most importantly there is absolutely
no pressure.
We also actually underwrite the pre-approvals which means there are no maybes on your rates
you're locked in and you know-exactly what you can afford and typically this is for a
90 or 120-day window.
Our lender network is comprised of yes, banks but also trust companies, monoline lenders
and private lenders and more.
We don't only do residential and commercial mortgages, but we offer our clients A, B,
and private lending solutions and are considered a one-stop-shop for mortgage lending.
Our approach is simple, we start with listening to our clients and understanding their needs,
we then discuss the mortgage type options that make the most sense for them and then
we shop that mortgage type through our vast lender network and the result is quite frankly
we find our clients the best rates, the best terms and conditions to meet their unique
financial needs.
And finally, our goal is to help our clients achieve mortgage freedom.
That's right mortgage freedom, so if you want to achieve mortgage freedom or after
watching this brief video segment you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me my name
is Pat and I can be reached at pat@zoommortgage.ca or via my direct line at 905-334-6329.
I look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to help you make the most of your next
Have a great day!
Dinosaur Fossil Egg Hunt – Names of Dinosaurs – Learn Colors for Toddlers – NomNom TOYS - Duration: 15:30.NomNom TOYS
Dinosaur Fossil Egg Hunt – Names of Dinosaurs – Learn Colors for Toddlers – NomNom TOYS
Bakersfield man facing 30 years-to-life for fatal Hwy 166 crash - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
Budget committee approves $5 million for renovations - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
The Odyssey For Latin Students - Duration: 13:33.The Odyssey for Latin Students.
The Odyssey is the story of a single man, Odysseus, and his journey home after the Trojan
Many modern readers find it jarring to realize that the Iliad does not end with the fall
of Troy.
The Iliad and the Odyssey, as I've said before, were part of a larger tradition called the
Epic Cycle which narrated mythological events that happened both before and after the Trojan
There were in fact several epic poems in between the Iliad and the Odyssey of which we have
only summaries.
Other literary works from Greece and Rome help to fill in some additional blanks of
the mythology.
Scholars continue to debate why only the Iliad and the Odyssey survive of the epic cycle.
Some say that the other epics were composed later, although this is unlikely if we believe
the evidence that supports a more fluid oral tradition of early composition.
Other scholars say the distinction occurs later during the written phase of the epic
What eventually became the Iliad and the Odyssey as we know them today were committed to writing
earlier than the other epics.
If the other epics were committed to writing later, it makes sense that they were less
It is a common pattern in ancient literature and its modern reception that things written
first were considered the best and later writings were considered inferior.
Think of it like movie remakes or sequels.
Some are just not as good as the original.
As far as we can tell the Iliad and the Odyssey were significantly longer works, another reason
they could have been preferred as originals.
The major theme of the Odyssey is that of nostos or homecoming.
Odysseus was not the only Greek to undergo a famous nostos.
Many of the Greek generals had a homecoming with varying levels of success.
Agamemnon, for instance, was killed by his wife, Clytemnestra shortly after returning.
His death was revenge for the sacrifice of their daughter Iphigenia, whom he sacrificed
in order to sail to Troy in the first place.
On the other hand, his brother, Menelaus had a successful nostos.
After Helen persuaded him not to kill her in the Sack of Troy, they returned to Sparta
and wedded bliss.
Odysseus's nostos was more complicated.
Unlike the other Greeks who returned home in a reasonable time frame.
Odysseus wandered for an additional ten years.
The epic begins in the middle of his story, with Odysseus stranded on the island of Ogygia
with the beautiful nymph Calypso.
He has in fact spent seven years with her, and while it was fun at first, Odysseus begins
to his wife Penelope and his home Ithaca.
Luckily for Odysseus, the goddess Athena is looking after him.
She has Zeus send Hermes to Calypso.
Hermes forces Calypso to let Odysseus go and Odysseus sets sail on a raft.
Meanwhile, things are not well back in Ithaca.
Penelope, Odysseus's wife has been left relatively unprotected for the last twenty
While the war at Troy raged on, she was left unbothered because everyone still believed
that Odysseus would return.
However, with the war over and most of the other Greek heroes returned, many begin to
believe that Odysseus has died.
Penelope is therefore in possession of all Odysseus's fortunes and becomes highly sought
after by over 100 young men who desire her money and power.
Penelope and Odysseus have a young son, Telemachus, who was born shortly after Odysseus sailed
for Troy.
He is about 20 years old and quickly becoming a threat to the suitors who wish to marry
The suitors camp out in Odysseus's home, drinking and feasting while they wait for
Penelope to choose one of them.
She has put them off for several years, claiming that she cannot remarry until she has finished
weaving the funeral shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes.
She weaves during the day and at night when everyone is asleep she undoes her weaving,
stretching out the project for years.
Odysseus is not the only one with a goddess looking after him.
Athena also goes to aid Telemachus, his son, who knows that the only thing that can save
his mother and his own inheritance, is the return of his father.
Athena disguises herself a family friend, called Mentor—yes this is where the word
"mentor" comes from—and helps Telemachus go visit some of his father's allies to
find out what happened to him.
First, he visits Nestor, king of Pylos, who was the oldest and wisest of the Greeks at
Nestor's son Peisistratus accompanies Telemachus to Sparta where they meet Menelaus and Helen.
The two recount their adventures home, including a run-in with the sea god Proteus.
According to legend if you wrestle Proteus and win, he must answer your questions.
From Proteus, Menelaus learned that Odysseus had been held captive by Calypso.
Back in Ithaca, the suitors have just discovered Telemachus's journey.
Realizing he is a threat, they plot to capture and kill him when he returns.
Back on Odysseus's raft, the god of the sea, Poseidon, discovers his escape from Calypso
and shipwrecks him in an act of revenge.
More on that in a moment.
Odysseus eventually swims to shore and is discovered by Nausicaa, princess of the Phaeacians.
She brings him back to her family's palace where he recounts his journey.
The first of the major episodes is his encounter with the Lotus Eaters.
A tribe located somewhere in North Africa who eat a hallucinogenic fruit that almost
makes Odysseus's men forget about their return home.
From there they sailed to Sicily where the Cyclopes live.
They entered the cave of Polyphemus, who sealed them in with a giant boulder.
Each night he ate another of Odysseus's men as Odysseus's plotted their escape.
He cleverly told Polyphemus that he name was "Nobody."
Then one night, he sharpened a stick in the fire and tricked Polyphemus into leaning close
enough for him to stab him through the eye.
Blinded, Polyphemus stumbled outside of his cave.
The other Cyclopes asked him who did it.
Polyphemus replied "Nobody did it."
The laughed at him and left him to his pain.
Polyphemus returned to the cave but could not find Odysseus.
Odysseus had strapped himself beneath the belly of one of Polyphemus's sheep.
Unable to see him, Polyphemus unwittingly let Odysseus escape when he sent his sheep
out to graze the next morning.
Polyphemus eventually realized he's been tricked and rallied the other Cyclopes to
throw rocks at Odysseus's ships as they sailed away.
Unable to help himself, Odysseus taunted Polyphemus as they escaped revealing his true identity.
Polyphemus, who is a son of Poseidon, used this information to curse Odysseus.
From that moment on Poseidon was out to avenge his blinded son.
Odysseus would wander for ten years, lose all of his men, and return home only with
the help of others.
From Sicily, Odysseus visited Aeolus, the god of winds.
Their stay was pleasant and Aeolus gifted him with the bag of winds.
They made it almost all the way home, but Odysseus's men were curious about the bag.
While he was asleep, they opened the bag thinking it contained gold.
Instead of receiving treasure, they were blown wildly off course all the way back to Aeolus.
Aeolus refused to help them a second time since they were so foolish, so Odysseus set
sail again.
Next they encountered the Laistrygonians, cannibals who destroyed all but one of Odysseus's
With one ship left, he escaped only to encounter the witch, Circe, who turned all of his men
into pigs.
But Odysseus was protected by Hermes, who gave him a magical plant called moly.
Odysseus forced Circe to return his men to human form.
They stayed with Circe for a year before setting sail again.
They do not make it far before realizing they are haunted by the spirit of one of his crewmen
who was drinking on Circe's roof and fell to his death, unnoticed by the others.
The crewman, Elpenor, makes Odysseus promise to go back, find his body, and bury it.
Odysseus also communicates with several other dead people, including the seer Tiresias,
who told him how to appease Poseidon, his mother, who died of grief during his absence,
Agamemnon, who warned him to be careful returning home after he was killed by his own wife,
and even Achilles.
From Agamemnon, he also learned about the suitors who are plaguing his wife, Penelope.
Odysseus eventually returned to Circe's island to bury Elpenor and she advised him
on the final stages of his journey.
As he set sail again he encountered the Sirens, mythical bird women who sing so sweetly they
lure wayward sailors into their cliffs and to their death.
Odysseus has his men tie him to the mast of his ship while they wore beeswax in their
ears so he can hear their song as they sail past.
They also encounter the sea monsters, Scylla and Charibdys.
Charibdys, the whirlpool, they avoided, forcing them to encounter instead Scylla.
Scylla was a six-headed monster with a serpent's tail and dogs for feet.
She snatched six men off Odysseus's ship as they sailed past.
Finally they land on the island of Thrinacia, where they hunted the sacred cattle of the
sun god Helios because they were short on food.
Enraged, Helios demanded that Zeus punish them for the sacrilege.
Zeus shipwrecked Odysseus.
All of his men drown and Odysseus washes ashore on Calypso's island.
His story told, the Phaeacians help Odysseus return to Ithaca.
Wary of the situation at home due to Agamemnon's warnings, Odysseus has Athena disguise him
as a beggar.
Meanwhile Telemachus has also returned home.
He manages to escape the trap laid by the suitors and discovers his father, who reveals
his identity to him.
They hatch a plot of deal with the suitors.
Telemachus returns home, followed shortly by Odysseus.
Odysseus still in disguise tests his wife to see if she is still loyal.
The next day, Penelope announces that she will finally choose a suitor but only if they
can win an archery competition.
They must use Odysseus' bow, a massive thing that is difficult to string, and shoot an
arrow through the holes of a dozen axe heads.
Odysseus the beggar wins the competition and reveals himself.
With the help of Telemachus and some other allies, they then slaughter all of the suitors.
At last, order is restored and Ithaca is at peace.
The story of nostos is paralleled in the first half of the Aeneid.
Aeneas wanders for many years trying to find a new home, rather than to return to one.
He encounters several of the same monsters as Odysseus and finds himself relating his
trials and travels to an audience of admiring foreigners.
Like Odysseus, Aeneas is also suffering the avenging wrath of a god.
In many ways Odysseus is different from Aeneas.
Odysseus is clever but also prideful.
Many of his failures are of his own making.
Aeneas is not without his flaws, but he is idealized for the Roman audience.
He is better than the Greeks because the Romans believed they were better than the Greeks.
Vergil establishes clear connections with the Odyssey and the epic tradition, but the
Aeneid is more serious than the Odyssey in a way that is uniquely Roman.
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