Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 1 2017

Who's got the power?

The power to recover data.

Who answers the call for friends in need?



He's the guy, he's PROTEGENT!

Who's got the power?

The power to recover data.

Who THINKS BEYOND ANTIVIRUS for the answers we need?



Super Antivirus, we're gonna fly,

Come along

With the Super Antivirus.

Data Recovery waits when you're with Protegent!

Protegent and the DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE yeah!


Antivirus waits when you're with Protegent!

Yeah P R O T E G E N T !

For more infomation >> Super Why theme song but Super Why is replaced with Protegent - Duration: 1:01.


Your Cobweb is Bugging Me - Random Encounters 105 - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Your Cobweb is Bugging Me - Random Encounters 105 - Duration: 4:18.


What is UM/UIM insurance Coverage? - Duration: 1:58.

Uninsured, underinsured motorist insurance is most typically referred to as UM.

Let me say to you, that UM is the best money that you can spend in an automobile insurance


It costs very little but yet it gives you substantial protection.

And what UM does is it protects you against the other, less than responsible, individual

out there who does not carry insurance at the time.

Or, who is carrying only a minimal type of insurance policy.

And what it does is, it is insurance that you buy to protect yourself against them.

It's a value.

It's a bargain.

And it is, it's really an important thing to do.

I would say to you this—that it's common for, and sadly I'd offer, that an individual

go and buy an insurance policy for six months, and they pay for the first month.

And they walk out of the office with their little insurance card that they can put in

their glove compartment.

And they pay for the one month and that insurance card indicates that they're covered for six


And in the fourth month, but an accident, they rear-end my client.

And I go to confirm the insurance of that other driver and the insurance is lapsed.

And let me tell you, that is not an uncommon thing for people to encounter and it's very


And it could have been corrected, or at least, you can protect yourself from those types

of people when you buy UM insurance.

For a free consultation, give us a call.

We're Galloway Jefcoat Law Firm, Lafayette, Louisiana.

A telephone number is (337)984-8020.

Or, you can also reach us at

For more infomation >> What is UM/UIM insurance Coverage? - Duration: 1:58.


What is the Immigration Process for Permanent Residents and Green Card Holders? - Duration: 1:22.

There's two ways you can come into the United States.

Either on an immigrant or a non-immigrant visa.

Non-immigrant visa means that your intention is to come and to return back to your home


An immigrant visa means you're coming to stay, that you're going to make United States your

residence or your domicile.

So, when you're adjusting your status, you enter into this country with the intention

of returning back to your country.

But, while being in this country something changed.

It could be you came on a work visa and you got married.

Or it could have been you came on a temporary work visa and decided to take a permanent


So, when you do that you have to go back to USCIS.

Which is United States Citizen Immigration Services.

And request for your status to be changed or adjusted.

The form I-485 needs to be filed with the company.

Documentation and evidence.

Every case is different.

It depends if you're doing adjusted status for a work visa, or for marriage purposes.

But essentially there's always the 485 that's filed.

It's filed nationally and then it's relocated here, to the New Orleans office.

Which is the closest immigration office

to us.

For more infomation >> What is the Immigration Process for Permanent Residents and Green Card Holders? - Duration: 1:22.


cc THE WORLD IS A BUSINESS - Network - Duration: 4:44.


NETWORK (1976)

Ned Beatty

You have meddled with the

YOU have meddled with the

You HAVE meddled with the

You have MEDdled with the

You have medDLED with the

You have meddled WITH the

You have meddled with THE

PRImal forces of nature

priMAL forces of nature

primal FORCEs of nature

primal forceS of nature

primal forces OF nature

primal forces of NAture

primal forces of naTURE

Mr. Beale, and

MR. Beale, and

Mr. BEALE, and

Mr. Beale, and

Mr. Beale, AND

I won't have it!

I WON'T have it!

I won't HAVE it!

I won't have IT!

I won't have it!

Is that clear?

IS that clear?

Is THAT clear?

Is that CLEAR?

Is that clear?

You think you merely

YOU think you merely

You THINK you merely

You think YOU merely

You think you MEREly

You think you mereLY

STOPPED a business deal.

stopped A business deal.

stopped a BUSIness deal.

stopped a busiNESS deal.

stopped a business DEAL.

stopped a business deal.

That is not the case.

THAT is not the case.

That IS not the case.

That is NOT the case.

That is not the case.

That is not THE case.

That is not the CASE.

That is not the case.

THE Arabs have taken

The Arabs have taken

The ARABS have taken

The Arabs HAVE taken

The Arabs have TAKen

The Arabs have takEN

BILlions of dollars

bilLIONS of dollars

billions OF dollars

billions of DOLlars

billions of dolLARS

OUT of this country,

out OF this country,

out of THIS country,

out of this COUNtry,

out of this counTRY,

out of this country,

AND now they must

and NOW they must

and now THEY must

and now they MUST

PUT it back!

put IT back!

put it BACK!

put it back!

IT is ebb and flow,

It IS ebb and flow,

It is EBB and flow,

It is ebb AND flow,

It is ebb and FLOW,

It is ebb and flow,

TIDal gravity.

tidAL gravity.

tidal GRAVity.

tidal gravITY.

tidal gravity.

IT is ecological balance!

It IS ecological balance!

It is ECOlogical balance!

It is ecoLOGIcal balance!

It is ecologiCAL balance!

It is ecological balance!

It is ecological BALance!

It is ecological balANCE!

It is ecological balance!

You are an old man

YOU are an old man

You ARE an old man

You are AN old man

You are an OLD man

You are an old MAN

WHO thinks in terms of

who THINKS in terms of

who thinks IN terms of

who thinks in TERMS of

who thinks in terms OF

NAtions and peoples.

naTIONS and peoples.

nations AND peoples.

nations and PEOples.

nations and peoPLES.

nations and peoples.

THERE are no nations.

There ARE no nations.

There are NO nations.

There are no NAtions.

There are no naTIONS.

THERE are no peoples.

There ARE no peoples.

There are NO peoples.

There are no PEOples.

There are no peoPLES.

THERE are no Russians.

There ARE no Russians.

There are NO Russians.

There are no RUSsians.

There are no RusSIANS.

THERE are no Arabs.

There ARE no Arabs.

There are NO Arabs.

There are no Arabs.

There are no ARABS.

THERE are no Third Worlds.

There ARE no Third Worlds.

There are NO Third Worlds.

There are no THIRD Worlds.

There are no Third WORLDS.

THERE is no West.

There IS no West.

There is NO West.

There is no WEST.

There is no West.

There is only one holistic

THERE is only one holistic

There IS only one holistic

There is ONly one holistic

There is onLY one holistic

There is only ONE holistic

There is only one holistic

There is only one HOListic

There is only one holIStic

There is only one holisTIC

SYStem of systems!

sysTEM of systems!

system OF systems!

system of SYStems!

system of sysTEMS!

system of systems!

One vast and immane,

ONE vast and immane,

One VAST and immane,

One vast AND immane,

One vast and IMmane,

One vast and imMANE,

One vast and immane,

INterwoven, interacting

inTERwoven, interacting

interWOven, interacting

interwoVEN, interacting

interwoven, INteracting

interwoven, inTERacting

interwoven, interACTing

interwoven, interactING

MULtivariant, multinational

mulTIvariant, multinational

multiVARIant, multinational

multivariANT, multinational

multivariant, multinational

multivariant, MULTInational

multivariant, multiNAtional

multivariant, multinaTIONal

multivariant, multinationAL

DOminion of dollars!

doMINion of dollars!

dominION of dollars!

dominion OF dollars!

dominion of DOLlars!

dominion of dolLARS!

dominion of dollars!

PETrol dollars,

PetROL dollars,

Petrol DOLlars,

Petrol dolLARS,

Petrol dollars,

ELECtro dollars,

elecTRO dollars,

electro DOLlars,

electro dolLARS,

electro dollars,





REICHSmarks, rins, rubles,

ReichsMARKS, rins, rubles,

Reichsmarks, RINS, rubles,

Reichsmarks, rins, rubles,

Reichsmarks, rins, RUBles,

Reichsmarks, rins, rubLES,

Reichsmarks, rins, rubles,

POUNDS and shekels!

pounds AND shekels!

pounds and SHEKels!

pounds and shekELS!

pounds and shekels!

It is the international

IT is the international

It IS the international

It is THE international

It is the INternational

It is the inTERnational

It is the interNAtional

It is the internaTIONal

It is the internationAL

SYStem of currency

sysTEM of currency

system of currency

system OF currency

system of CURrency

system of curRENcy

system of currenCY

system of currency

WHICH determines the

which DEtermines the

which deTERmines the

which deterMINES the

which determines the

which determines THE

TOtality of life

toTALity of life

totalITY of life

totality OF life

totality of LIFE

totality of life

ON this planet.

on THIS planet.

on this planet.

on this PLAnet.

on this plaNET.

on this planet.

That is the natural

THAT is the natural

That is the natural

That IS the natural

That is the natural

That is THE natural

That is the NATural

That is the natURal

That is the naturAL

ORder of things today.

orDER of things today.

order OF things today.

order of THINGS today.

order of things TOday.

order of things toDAY.

order of things today.

That is the atomic

THAT is the atomic

That is the atomic

That IS the atomic

That is THE atomic

That is the Atomic

That is the aTOMic

That is the atomIC

That is the atomic

AND subatomic and galactic

and SUBatomic and galactic

and subATOMic and galactic

and subatomIC and galactic

and subatomic and galactic

and subatomic AND galactic

and subatomic and GAlactic

and subatomic and gaLACtic

and subatomic and galacTIC

and subatomic and galactic

STRUCture of things today.

strucTURE of things today.

structure OF things today.

structure of THINGS today.

structure of things TOday.

structure of things toDAY.

structure of things today.

And you have meddled with

AND you have meddled with

And YOU have meddled with

And you HAVE meddled with

And you have MEDdled with

And you have medDLED with

And you have meddled WITH

THE primal forces of nature!

the PRImal forces of nature!

the priMAL forces of nature!

the primal FORCEs of nature!

the primal forceS of nature!

the primal forces OF nature!

the primal forces of NAture!

the primal forces of naTURE!

the primal forces of nature!

And you will atone!

AND you will atone!

And YOU will atone!

And you will atone!

And you WILL atone!

And you will atone!

And you will Atone!

And you will aTONE!

And you will atone!

Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?

AM I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?

Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?

Am I GETting through to you, Mr. Beale?

Am I getTING through to you, Mr. Beale?

Am I getting THROUGH to you, Mr. Beale?

Am I getting through TO you, Mr. Beale?

Am I getting through to YOU, Mr. Beale?

Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?

Am I getting through to you, MR. Beale?

Am I getting through to you, Mr. BEALE?

Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?

You get up on your little 21-inch screen

YOU get up on your little 21-inch screen

You GET up on your little 21-inch screen

You get UP on your little 21-inch screen

You get up ON your little 21-inch screen

You get up on your little 21-inch screen

You get up on YOUR little 21-inch screen

You get up on your LITtle 21-inch screen

You get up on your litTLE 21-inch screen

You get up on your little 21-inch screen

You get up on your little 21-inch screen

You get up on your little 21-INCH screen

You get up on your little 21-inch SCREEN

You get up on your little 21-inch screen

AND howl about America and democracy.

and HOWL about America and democracy.

and howl about America and democracy.

and howl About America and democracy.

and howl aBOUT America and democracy.

and howl about America and democracy.

and howl about AMERica and democracy.

and howl about AmerICA and democracy.

and howl about America and democracy.

and howl about America AND democracy.

and howl about America and DEmocracy.

and howl about America and deMOCracy.

and howl about America and democRAcy.

and howl about America and democraCY.

and howl about America and democracy.

THERE is no America.

There IS no America.

There is NO America.

There is no America.

There is no AMERica.

There is no AmerICA.

There is no America.

THERE is no democracy.

There IS no democracy.

There is NO democracy.

There is no democracy.

There is no DEmocracy.

There is no deMOCracy.

There is no democRAcy.

There is no democraCY.

There is no democracy.

THERE is only IBM and ITT

There IS only IBM and ITT

There is ONly IBM and ITT

There is onLY IBM and ITT

There is only IBM and ITT

There is only iBM and ITT

There is only IbM and ITT

There is only IBm and ITT

There is only IBM and ITT

There is only IBM AND ITT

There is only IBM and iTT

There is only IBM and ItT

There is only IBM and ITt

There is only IBM and ITT

AND AT&T and Du Pont, Dow,

and aT&T and Du Pont, Dow,

and At&T and Du Pont, Dow,

and AT&t and Du Pont, Dow,

and AT&T and Du Pont, Dow,

and AT&T AND Du Pont, Dow,

and AT&T and DU Pont, Dow,

and AT&T and Du PONT, Dow,

and AT&T and Du Pont, Dow,

and AT&T and Du Pont, DOW,

and AT&T and Du Pont, Dow,

UNion Carbide and Exxon.

UnION Carbide and Exxon.

Union CARbide and Exxon.

Union CarBIDE and Exxon.

Union Carbide and Exxon.

Union Carbide AND Exxon.

Union Carbide and EXxon.

Union Carbide and ExXON.

Union Carbide and Exxon.

Those are the nations

THOSE are the nations

Those ARE the nations

Those are THE nations

Those are the NAtions

Those are the naTIONS

OF the world today.

of THE world today.

of the WORLD today.

of the world TOday.

of the world toDAY.

of the world today.

WHAT do you think

What DO you think

What do YOU think

What do you THINK

THE Russians talk about in

the RUSsians talk about in

the RusSIANS talk about in

the Russians TALK about in

the Russians talk About in

the Russians talk aBOUT in

the Russians talk about IN

THEIR councils of state?

their COUNcils of state?

their counCILS of state?

their councils OF state?

their councils of STATE?

their councils of state?

KARL Marx?

Karl MARX?

Karl Marx?

THEY get out their

They GET out their

They get OUT their

They get out THEIR

LINear programming charts,

linEAR programming charts,

linear PROgramming charts,

linear proGRAMming charts,

linear programMING charts,

linear programming CHARTS,

linear programming charts,

STAtistical decision theories,

staTIStical decision theories,

statisTICal decision theories,

statisticAL decision theories,

statistical DEcision theories,

statistical deCIsion theories,

statistical deciSION theories,

statistical decision THEOries,

statistical decision theoRIES,

MINimax solutions and compute

minImax solutions and compute

miniMAX solutions and compute

minimax SOlutions and compute

minimax soLUtions and compute

minimax soluTIONS and compute

minimax solutions and compute

minimax solutions AND compute

minimax solutions and COMpute

minimax solutions and comPUTE

PRICE-cost probabilities of

price-COST probabilities of

price-cost PROBabilities of

price-cost probAbilities of

price-cost probaBILIties of

price-cost probabiliTIES of

price-cost probabilities OF

THEIR transactions and investments

their TRANSactions and investments

their transACtions and investments

their transacTIONS and investments

their transactions AND investments

their transactions and INvestments

their transactions and inVESTments

their transactions and investMENTS

their transactions and investments

JUST like we do.

just LIKE we do.

just like WE do.

just like we DO.

just like we do.

We no longer live in

WE no longer live in

We NO longer live in

We no LONGer live in

We no longER live in

We no longer LIVE in

We no longer live IN

A world of nations

a WORLD of nations

a world OF nations

a world of NAtions

a world of naTIONS

AND ideologies, Mr. Beale.

and IDEologies, Mr. Beale.

and ideOLOgies, Mr. Beale.

and ideoloGIES, Mr. Beale.

and ideologies, Mr. Beale.

and ideologies, MR. Beale.

and ideologies, Mr. BEALE.

and ideologies, Mr. Beale.

The world is

THE world is

The WORLD is

The world IS

A college of corporations

a college of corporations

a COLlege of corporations

a colLEGE of corporations

a college OF corporations

a college of CORporations

a college of corPOrations

a college of corpoRAtions

a college of corporaTIONS

a college of corporations

inexorably determined by the

INexorably determined by the

inEXorably determined by the

inexORABly determined by the

inexorabLY determined by the

inexorably DEtermined by the

inexorably deTERmined by the

inexorably deterMINED by the

inexorably determined BY the

inexorably determined by THE

inexorably determined by the

immutable bylaws of business.

IMmutable bylaws of business.

imMUTable bylaws of business.

immutABLE bylaws of business.

immutable BYlaws of business.

immutable byLAWS of business.

immutable bylaws OF business.

immutable bylaws of BUSIness.

immutable bylaws of busiNESS.

immutable bylaws of business.

The world is a business, Mr. Beale.

THE world is a business, Mr. Beale.

The WORLD is a business, Mr. Beale.

The world is a business, Mr. Beale.

The world IS a business, Mr. Beale.

The world is A business, Mr. Beale.

The world is a BUSIness, Mr. Beale.

The world is a busiNESS, Mr. Beale.

The world is a business, Mr. Beale.

The world is a business, MR. Beale.

The world is a business, Mr. BEALE.

The world is a business, Mr. Beale.

It has been since man

IT has been since man

It HAS been since man

It has BEEN since man

It has been SINCE man

It has been since MAN

CRAWLED out of the slime.

crawled OUT of the slime.

crawled out OF the slime.

crawled out of THE slime.

crawled out of the SLIME.

crawled out of the slime.

And our children will live,

AND our children will live,

And OUR children will live,

And our CHILdren will live,

And our chilDREN will live,

And our children will live,

And our children WILL live,

And our children will LIVE,

And our children will live,

Mr. Beale to see that perfect world

MR. Beale to see that perfect world

Mr. BEALE to see that perfect world

Mr. Beale to see that perfect world

Mr. Beale TO see that perfect world

Mr. Beale to SEE that perfect world

Mr. Beale to see THAT perfect world

Mr. Beale to see that perfect world

Mr. Beale to see that PERfect world

Mr. Beale to see that perFECT world

Mr. Beale to see that perfect world

Mr. Beale to see that perfect WORLD

Mr. Beale to see that perfect world

in which there's no war or famine

IN which there's no war or famine

in WHICH there's no war or famine

in which there's no war or famine

in which THERE'S no war or famine

in which there's NO war or famine

in which there's no WAR or famine

in which there's no war or famine

in which there's no war OR famine

in which there's no war or FAmine

in which there's no war or faMINE

in which there's no war or famine

OPpression or brutality.

opPRESsion or brutality.

oppresSION or brutality.

oppression or brutality.

oppression OR brutality.

oppression or BRUtality.

oppression or bruTALity.

oppression or brutalITY.

oppression or brutality.

One vast and ecumenical

ONE vast and ecumenical

One VAST and ecumenical

One vast and ecumenical

One vast AND ecumenical

One vast and ecumenical

One vast and ECUmenical

One vast and ecuMENIcal

One vast and ecumeniCAL

HOLDing company

holdING company

holding COMpany

holding comPAny

holding compaNY

holding company

for whom all men will work

FOR whom all men will work

for WHOM all men will work

for whom ALL men will work

for whom all MEN will work

for whom all men WILL work

for whom all men will WORK

TO serve a common profit

to SERVE a common profit

to serve A common profit

to serve a COMmon profit

to serve a comMON profit

to serve a common PROFit

to serve a common profIT

to serve a common profit

in which all men will

IN which all men will

in WHICH all men will

in which ALL men will

in which all MEN will

in which all men will

in which all men WILL

HOLD a share of stock

hold a share of stock

hold A share of stock

hold a SHARE of stock

hold a share of stock

hold a share OF stock

hold a share of STOCK

hold a share of stock

all necessities provided

ALL necessities provided

all NEcessities provided

all neCESsities provided

all necesSIties provided

all necessiTIES provided

all necessities PROvided

all necessities proVIDEd

all necessities provideD

all necessities provided

all anxieties tranquilized

ALL anxieties tranquilized

all ANXieties tranquilized

all anxIEties tranquilized

all anxieTIES tranquilized

all anxieties tranquilized

all anxieties TRANquilized

all anxieties tranQUILized

all anxieties tranquilIZED

all anxieties tranquilized

all boredom amused.

ALL boredom amused.

all BOREdom amused.

all boreDOM amused.

all boredom amused.

all boredom Amused.

all boredom aMUSED.

all boredom amused.

And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

AND I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

And I HAVE chosen you, Mr. Beale

And I have CHOsen you, Mr. Beale

And I have choSEN you, Mr. Beale

And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

And I have chosen YOU, Mr. Beale

And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

And I have chosen you, MR. Beale

And I have chosen you, Mr. BEALE

And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale

TO preach this evangel.

to PREACH this evangel.

to preach THIS evangel.

to preach this Evangel.

to preach this eVANgel.

to preach this evanGEL.

to preach this evangel.

Why me?

WHY me?

Why ME?

Why me?

Because you're on

BEcause you're on

BeCAUSE you're on

Because YOU'RE on

Because you're ON

TELEvision, dummy!

teleVIsion, dummy!

televiSION, dummy!

television, DUMmy!

television, dumMY!

television, dummy!

Sixty million people watch you

SIXty million people watch you

SixTY million people watch you

Sixty MILlion people watch you

Sixty milLION people watch you

Sixty million PEOple watch you

Sixty million peoPLE watch you

Sixty million people WATCH you

Sixty million people watch YOU

EVery night of the week,

evERY night of the week,

every NIGHT of the week,

every night OF the week,

every night of THE week,

every night of the WEEK,

every night of the week,

MONday through Friday.

MonDAY through Friday.

Monday THROUGH Friday.

Monday through FRIday.

Monday through FriDAY.

Monday through Friday.

I have seen the face of God.

I have seen the face of God.

I HAVE seen the face of God.

I have SEEN the face of God.

I have seen THE face of God.

I have seen the FACE of God.

I have seen the face OF God.

I have seen the face of GOD.

I have seen the face of God.

You just might be right, Mr. Beale

YOU just might be right, Mr. Beale

You JUST might be right, Mr. Beale

You just MIGHT be right, Mr. Beale

You just might BE right, Mr. Beale

You just might be RIGHT, Mr. Beale

You just might be right, MR. Beale

You just might be right, Mr. BEALE

You just might be right, Mr. Beale

For more infomation >> cc THE WORLD IS A BUSINESS - Network - Duration: 4:44.


Who is at Fault for a Motorcycle Accident? - Duration: 1:26.

I think that the main reason that motorcycle accidents are so frequent is that people are,

again, distracted driving.

Maybe not paying attention.

Playing with the radio.

It's easy to see a big 18-wheeler in front of you out of your peripheral vision, and

know, okay, there's something there I need to stop.

Versus a motorcycle is much harder to see.

And I think one of the main causes of why motorcycle accidents are so frequent is just

distracted driving.

People not paying attention.

Just get lost in, you know, thinking about their day.



Whatever it may be.

And then you look up.

And oh man, there's a motorcycle there that I didn't see.

And then, you know, everything goes haywire from there.

I think that we've all been on the roads, and obviously motorcycle riders, sometimes,

are not safe.

I think generally what happens though is they're not seen.

So, if you hold a pencil up at arms-length—you can't see a motorcycle rider at 100 yards

coming down the highway.

So, it's a very small window.

And generally, when we drive, we're trained to look for cars.

We don't necessarily look for motorcycle riders or pedestrians.

I think generally we're looking for cars, lights.

Those types of things.

And we drive in a habitual manner, which means, we glance and look.

And we don't really look to see.

We have our main phone number.

Which is (337)984-8020.

For more information, go to

For more infomation >> Who is at Fault for a Motorcycle Accident? - Duration: 1:26.


What is Premises Liability? - Duration: 2:30.

Premises liability includes cases that are on someone's land.

Or in their store.

Or on their central, their premises.

And premises liability cases, I would have to say to you, are quite difficult.

Just from the jump.

The law is not too, say, skewed in the favor of the landowner.

But there are certain obligations that the injured party has to carry in order to prove

a claim versus a premises owner.

And those obligations, oftentimes, even though it's simple to the injured party or, in their

mind said, they believe I got hurt on that person's premises, that they owe me something,

that is not really the essence of the law.

In a premises liability case, you have to demonstrate that the owner of the property

or the people that oversee it had some kind of knowledge or notice of the problem on the


Which we would call a defect in the premises.

And that they should have known about the problem and done something to repair it.

Or, that they in fact themselves caused that problem to exist.

In conjunction with the knowledge element, is an issue of time.

And how long did this particular thing exist?

Oftentimes, we'll have people come to us and say, I was in a store.

And I slipped and fell on water.

Or on a piece of fruit or whatever it may be.

If in fact, a customer had come along only minutes before and spilled the water.

Or, a child was playing in the store and spilled his water bottle or a cup of something.

And then you come along and you're injured thereafter—doesn't necessarily mean that

the store is on the hook for that.

So, it's a time requirement.

That the store owner, you know, had an awareness such that he could have done something, or

she could have done something to have corrected the problem and didn't do so in a timely fashion.

Now, in the event that an employee of the store was mopping the premises and didn't

properly warn or properly clean up the mess that they might have created.

Then, certainly, the store is going to bear liability more likely than not.

For a free consultation, give us a call.

We're Galloway Jefcoat Law Firm, Lafayette, Louisiana.

Our telephone number is (337) 984-8020.

Or, you can also reach us at

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