W. Eggenhuizen aka Massie (NL) recording podcast for Puinzooi playing 160 bpm hardtechno vinyl ony session recording 7 may 2017
Prescription for Hope - Duration: 10:43.-------------------------------------------
5 Incredible Brain Teasers for All the Geniuses Out There - Duration: 5:21.5 Incredible Brain Teasers for All the Geniuses Out There
5 Incredible Brain Teasers for All the Geniuses Out There These cunning brain teasers will help evaluate your logical reasoning. Puzzle 1 Police hire a detective to find an escaped prisoner.
The detective narrows his search to one of three different houses. After taking a closer look at an aerial photo of the three houses, the detective instantly knew which house the prisoner was in.
Do you already know the answer? Here's the answer The prisoner was hiding in house A as this is the only house where the car was pointed towards the street for a quick escape. Puzzle 2 A genius can crack this one in just 10 seconds.
Bill Gates is said to have solved it in 20 seconds. Harvard University alumni can do it in 40 seconds. If you've found the right answer in two minutes, you are among the 15% of people who are the most intellectually gifted. 75% of people found this puzzle impossible to solve and asked for a clue.
Here are five different shapes. The question is simple: Here's the answer Shape 1 Explanation: At first you feel like the odd one out is the only green one. BUT.
What about the lonely circle? Or the single small square? Or the only shape with no border? In the process of elimination, you'll realize that the odd one out is the shape on the left, because it's the only one that is not an odd one out! The leftmost shape is special because it is not special.
Congrats to those who found the solution! Make good use of your keen eye and extraordinary logical abilities. Puzzle 3 To solve this riddle, you must know that there are 5 houses of 5 different colors.
There is a person of a different nationality in each house. Each person drinks a certain drink, smokes a certain brand of cigarettes, and has a certain pet.
But no one drinks the same drink, smokes the same brand of cigarettes, or has the same pet. The question is: The British man lives in the red house. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet. The Danish man drinks tea.
The green house is to the left of the white house. The owner of the green house drinks coffee. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk. The Norwegian lives in the first house. The person that smokes Blend lives next to the one that has a cat. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill.
The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer. The German smokes Prince. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house. The person that smokes Blend has a neighbor that drinks water.
Tip: The key to finding the answer is to discard all possibilities progressively until you reach the final solution. Here's the answer 1.
The Norwegian lives in the yellow house, drinks water, smokes Dunhill, and has a cat. The Danish man lives in the blue house, drinks tea, smokes Blend, and has a horse.
The British man lives in the red house, drinks milk, smokes Pall Mall, and has a bird. The German lives in the green house, drinks coffee, smokes Prince, and has a fish.
The Swedish man lives in the white house, drinks beer, smokes BlueMaster, and has a dog. The German is the owner of the fish. Puzzle 4 John is trapped in a room. There is a table, a chair, 2 doors and a small hole in the ceiling (6 inches in diameter) there.
Behind the first door there's an extremely hungry lion that hasn't eaten for a couple of days. Behind the second door there's a glass tunnel that magnifies the sunlight, and it creates such a high temperature that even opening the door could kill John.
How will he escape? Here's the question: Here's the answer: He waits until it is night (he can see it through the hole in the ceiling) and then leaves through the glass tunnel. Puzzle 5 This one is very tricky: Here's the answer: 87 Just turn the picture upside down.
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5 Children's Puzzles That Are Too Difficult for 95% of Adults - Duration: 2:59.5 Children's Puzzles That Are Too Difficult for 95% of Adults
5 Children's Puzzles That Are Too Difficult for 95% of Adults Сhildren look at the world quite differently from adults.
Otherwise how can we explain those tasks which kids solve easily and quickly yet puzzle adults so often? We at Bright Side decided to stretch our brains a little and found some children's puzzles. See if you can cope with them.
Chess players Two people are playing chess. According to the results of five games, each player scored three wins.
How could this happen? Answer This could happen only under one condition: if they did NOT play against each other. How much does the brick weigh? One brick weighs 1 kg plus half a brick.
Calculate the weight of one brick. Answer To solve this task, it's better to write an equation.
Let the brick weigh x kg, then: х = 1 + 0.5 * х х — 0.5 * х = 1 0.5 * х = 1 х = 2 So one brick weighs 2 kg.
Task of intelligence A bottle of water and a bar of chocolate cost $11. Chocolate costs $10 more than water. How much does water cost? Answer This task can be solved in the mind or with the help of an equation.
Let the bottle of water cost x dollars, then: х + х + 10 = 11 2х = 1 х = 0.5 Hence, a bottle of water costs $0.50, and chocolate is $10.50.
A missing letter Would you guess which letter is missing here? Answer This is a row of letters that lists the first letters of the days of the week from Monday to Sunday. So the missing letter is T.
Holey T-shirt It is believed that only 17% of people can answer this question correctly. Answer This task has two correct answers.
There are 4 holes in the T-shirt, because through them we see the background, meaning they're made on both sides. There are 8 of them if we count holes for the sleeves, neck, and body. Preview photo credit nikolae / depositphotos.com Illustrator Ekaterina Gapanovich for BrightSide.me .
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Buhari On Life Support For 20 Days, Needs Prayers - Fayose - Duration: 3:56.Buhari On Life Support For 20 Days, Needs Prayers - Fayose
The Ekiti State governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose, has claimed that President Muhammadu Buhari has been on life support since June 6 at a hospital in West End, London. The governor made the claim in a personally signed statement issued on Wednesday.
. According to Mr Fayose, the President needs prayers to surmount his health challenges and called on him to resign from office to attend to his health.
He also called on the Presidency to be honest about President Buharis health status, saying it has been handled with a lot of opacity. .
Gov. Ayodele Fayose He noted that Wednesday makes it 53 days since President; Muhammadu Buhari left Nigeria for treatment abroad and there has been no official information as to his whereabouts and his state of health.
Mr Fayose said he does not wish the President dead, the reason he claimed to have maintained a dignified silence since the President embarked on his second medical trip abroad this year.
He described the recorded audio message released by the Presidency as a damage control strategy, one which moved him to set the records straight with his statement.
No doubt, the audio message was only a damage control strategy aimed at further deceiving Nigerians.
The audio message does not represent the truth as our President does not only have voice impairment, he has been on life support since 6 June at a West-End, London, Hospital, Mr Fayose said.
He similarly claimed that the Presidents wife, Aisha, was not allowed to see her husband during her last visit to the United Kingdom, but she is unwilling to admit what happened.
Only three Nigerians, who are of the President's cabal, are allowed access to the President. I will keep their identities for now.
Anyone with a contrary claim should produce the President to Nigerians within the next 48 hours. It is obvious that Nigeria is drifting like the last days of the Yar'Adua government, the governor said.
He stated that he warned Nigerians against electing President Buhari on the account of his age, health and mental capacity.
He also claimed that when the Presidency released pictures to the press claiming that President Buhari had an interview with Kemi Fadojutimi of "All Eyes on Africa" TV Show in London, on 23 February 2015, he proved that the interview was conducted in Suite 881 at Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja.
Hate me or like me, again, I am putting Nigerians on notice on the present state of health of our President. Let me state that I am not unaware of the various attempts on my life.
I am undaunted, as I remain committed to truth and fearlessness because a mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.
It is time that the President takes the interests of Nigerians above his own and resign from office so that our country can move forward, Mr Fayose stated.
President Muhammadu Buhari in London State House, Sunday Aghaeze.
Widebody S15 Drift Missile - Need For Speed Cinematic - Duration: 2:14.Song: Rare - Going Quantum & Psychic Type
For quality communication access, Automated Speech Recognition doesn't cut it - Duration: 1:22.Automated speech recognition software claims to flawlessly synthesize each orated syllable
with the sweet serenity of perfection.
Think about it.
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See? It's spot on almost every time.
A live conversation, however, is a different story.
You end up with something that looks like someone fainted while playing Scrabble.
If you need access to in-depth conversation, automated speech recognition doesn't cut it.
You need something better.
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You need TypeWell: Clear, concise communication access.
TypeWell trains professional transcribers to accurately capture every part of a class,
meeting, or phone call… in perfectly understandable English…
AND it all happens in real time.
It's like live closed-captioning for your day-to-day life.
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If you or someone you know is deaf or hard-of-hearing or needs immediate access to spoken conversation
in classes or meetings, don't waste your time with automated software.
Try a professional TypeWell transcriber today and see the difference for yourself.
ASL FEMA - Reasons to Apply for an SBA Loan - Duration: 5:37.Reasons to Apply for an SBA Loan
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has an important responsibility
in helping disaster survivors recover.
If you have experienced damages or loss from the recent disaster
and have registered with FEMA, you may be referred to SBA.
If you are contacted by SBA regarding a low-interest disaster loan application,
it is important to complete and submit the application as soon as possible.
This will make sure your recovery process
moves forward and you have possible options for more help.
Even if you do not believe you need a loan, you should complete and submit the application.
If SBA decides you can get a loan, you are not required to accept the money.
Homeowners and renters who submit an SBA application and have been denied for a loan
may be referred to FEMA and could possibly get other
FEMA grants and program assistance for disaster related car repairs,
clothing, household items and other expenses.
Insurance can help, but it is SBA's, a government agency, responsibility to loan money to help
with long term rebuilding of disaster damaged private property.
SBA offers low-interest disaster loans to businesses of all sizes,
most private nonprofit organizations, homeowners and renters.
A homeowner may be able to get a disaster loan for up to $200,000
to repair or replace disaster damaged private property.
Homeowners or renters may be able to get up to $40,000
to repair or replace disaster damaged personal property.
SBA may be able to help homeowners and renters replace important personal items such as
personal property – including automobiles – damaged or destroyed in the disaster.
SBA also offers low-interest working capital loans (called Economic Injury Disaster Loans)
to small businesses and most private nonprofit organizations
having difficulty paying bills as a result of the disaster.
To apply for an SBA low-interest disaster loan, you can apply online using the
Electronic Loan Application via SBA's secure website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela.
You can also visit a FEMA disaster recovery center (DRC)
and meet with an SBA representative in person.
SBA has staff at all recovery centers to help with your applications.
To locate the nearest center, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 (VRS)
(TTY call 800-462-7585),
use the FEMA app for smart phones,
or go online to www.fema.gov/DRC.
For additional details on the locations of recovery centers and the loan application process,
you can call the SBA Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (VRS)
(or TTY 800-877-8339)
or send an email to disastercustomerservice@sba.gov.
You may be able to get additional money to help pay for the cost of improvements
that will protect your property from future damage.
Examples of improvements include retaining walls, seawalls, sump pumps, etc.
SBA mitigation loan money would be in addition to what your previously approved
disaster loan amount was, but it may not be more than 20% of the total amount of damage
to your private and personal property that has been verified by SBA.
SBA's approval of any improvement is required before any loan increase can happen.
You should not wait for an insurance settlement before submitting an SBA loan application.
You can begin your recovery immediately with a low-interest SBA disaster loan.
Your SBA loan amount will be lower depending on what amount of money your insurance company
or other sources pay you for your losses.
SBA can help businesses and private nonprofit organizations with up to $2 million
to repair or replace disaster-damaged real estate and other business assets.
Eligible small businesses and nonprofits may apply for economic injury disaster loans
to help meet working capital needs to help pay bills or replace business items lost in the disaster.
FIITJEE: Some Must Read Books For FIITJEE Students - Duration: 0:31.FIITJEE: Some Must Read Books For FIITJEE Students
fiitjee career,fiitjee entrance exam,fiitjee online
Transit For The Win – Celebrating riders – 2017 - Duration: 1:01.Good morning everyone. I'm Jonathan Hopkins with Commute Seattle. With the support
of Challenge Seattle, King County Metro, and our entire community we're here to
thank you for riding transit today. To thank you,
Starbucks, the Gates Foundation, COSTCO, Puget Sound Energy, and Chateau Ste. Michelle,
and Nordstrom have provided surprises. If you open your envelope and find a golden
ticket, you've won a grand prize! So please take a look. I commute to the college
and downtown every day, on the Metro. Yeah, its very nice. The service is very good.
I just been clean and sober five months of my life and I've just been riding it everywhere.
It's really crazy because I've been homeless for seven years and I
just got an apartment yesterday and I just moved in yesterday
and its five hundred dollars towards your rent.
I'm new to this place I just got three months ago.
I must say that the commute is very awesome, super here in Seattle with the help of this bus.
Thank you all for riding transit on behalf of the entire community.
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