Car toy for kids | Dump truck, excavator, cranes, truck for children videos | Bibikids
Experience Koi Live Stream - YOUNG ADULTS UNITED FOR GLOBAL OUTREACH - Duration: 2:13:08.-------------------------------------------
10 Amazing Benefits of Matcha Green Tea ✦ What is Matcha Good For - Duration: 6:25.ten amazing benefits of matcha green tea
number one high in antioxidants who have
all read this word before antioxidants
are the magical nutrients and enzymes
responsible for fighting against the
negative effects of UV radiation giving
us younger looking skin and preventing a
number of life-threatening maladies
antioxidants are something that all
health conscious individuals seek from
such foods as raw fruits green veggies
and dark chocolate the first amazing
benefit of matcha green tea is that just
one bulb provides over five times as
many antioxidants of any other food the
highest rated by the Iraq oxygen radical
absorbance capacity method number two
loaded with catagen you may have already
heard that not all antioxidants are
created equal green tea contains a
specific set of organic compounds known
as katha genes among antioxidants katha
genes are the most potent and beneficial
one specific cattitude called depa gala
cottage and callate EGCG makes up 60% of
the cata genes in much of green tea out
of all the antioxidants EGCG is the most
widely recognized for its
cancer-fighting properties scientists
have found that much of green tea
contains over 100 times more EGCG than
any other tea on the market number three
enhances calm for over a millennium
matcha green tea has been used by
chinese Daoists and Japanese Zen
Buddhist monks as a means to relax and
meditate while remaining alert now we
know that this higher state of
consciousness is due to the amino acid
elf feeling contained in the leaves used
to make matcha al Fenian promotes the
production of alpha waves in the brain
which induces relaxation without the
inherent drowsiness caused by other
number four boosts memory and
concentration another side effect of
l-theanine is the production of dopamine
and serotonin these two chemicals serve
to enhance mood improve memory and
promote better concentration something
that can benefit everyone
number five increases energy levels and
endurance samurai the noble warriors of
medieval and early modern Japan drank
matcha green tea before going into
battle due to the tea's energizing
properties while or green tea naturally
contains caffeine the energy boost
received from matcha is largely due to
its unique combination of other
nutrients the increased endurance from a
bowl of matcha green tea can last up to
six hours and because of the effects of
l-theanine matcha drinkers experience
none of the usual side effects of
stimulants such as nervousness and
it's good clean energy number six
burns calories drinking matcha green tea
has also been shown to increase
metabolism and help the body burn fat
about four times faster than average
again unlike many diet aids currently on
the market matcha causes no negative
side effects such as increased heart
rate and high blood pressure number
seven detoxifies the body during the
last three weeks before tea leaves are
harvested to be made into matcha
camellia sinensis are covered to deprive
them as sunlight this causes a
tremendous increase in chlorophyll
production in the new growth of these
plants the resulting high levels of
chlorophyll in much of green tea not
only give this tea its beautiful vibrant
green color matcha is also a powerful
detoxifier capable of naturally removing
heavy metals and chemical toxins from
the body number eight fortifies the
immune system the Cata genes in much of
green tea have been shown to have
antibiotic properties which promote
overall health additionally just one
bowl of matcha green tea provides
substantial quantities of potassium
vitamins A and C iron protein and
calcium further studies have even
suggested that the nutrients in matcha
may have the ability to inhibit the
attacks of HIV on human t-cells number
nine improves cholesterol researchers
aren't entirely certain how matcha green
tea has such a positive effect on
cholesterol however studies of different
populations have shown that people who
drink much green tea on a regular basis
have lower levels of LDL bad cholesterol
while at the same time displaying higher
levels of HDL good cholesterol men who
drink matcha green tea are about 11%
less likely to develop heart disease
than those who don't drink matcha number
10 amazing flavor drinking something
just because it's healthy can be a lot
like swallowing medicine it's unpleasant
and you dread it but you feel obligated
to do it after all it's good for you
right sure
but wouldn't you rather look forward to
improving your overall well-being of
course you would fortunately unlike a
lot of other teas which require sugar
milk or lemon to make them palatable to
the average consumer
matcha is absolutely wonderful all by
itself it's crisp vegetative notes are
complemented by the savory taste of the
l-theanine amino acid making matcha a
tea that is truly unique in every way
feel free to look at my article best
matcha tea powder why I chose organic
thank you for watching 10 amazing
benefits of matcha green tea
have a great day
Pakistan must pay for supporting terr0ris@m, says US Congressman - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Desiree Mitchell talks PontiacMadeDDG & Poudii Playing Her THEY WAS WRONG FOR THAT - Duration: 26:21.
Five Melania Trump Dresses that show her Undying Love for White - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
The Manual For Those Who've Been Digged – Gofundme Compaign - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Wrong Colors With Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes For Kids Funny Videos - Duration: 2:15.Oh NO
Which Big Brother contestants are up for eviction? Nominations revealed as Lotan Carter is removed - Duration: 2:19.Which Big Brother contestants are up for eviction? Nominations revealed as Lotan Carter is removed
Lotan Carter was up for eviction before he was removed from the Big Brother house earlier this week. The Dreamboys star was one of the four nominated housemates.
The other three housemates still facing the chop on Thursday are Tom Barber , Hannah Agboola and Isabelle Warburton - who only entered the house on Tuesday.
News of the nominations was met with a mixed reaction, with disbelief that Tom had been mentioned. Meanwhile Isabelle looked downcast as she called her nod a f**king shock.
Lotan was removed the house in a shock exit on Sunday night - after throwing a drink over a female housemate. Channel 5 bosses have confirmed he wont be allowed back in after an argument erupted between him and Isabelle.
It came after a huge argument broke out between the housemates as Big Brother reminded the contestants to remain silent. A Channel 5 spokesperson confirmed to Mirror Online: Lotan has been removed from the Big Brother house and will not be returning.
The events leading up to this will be shown in tonight's Big Brother at 10pm on Channel 5. In a short clip released on BBs Facebook, Lotan accuses new girl Isabelle of being vain before swearing that he doesnt take anything seriously.
When is Big Brothers next eviction?. The next Big brother 2017 eviction takes place on Thursday 29 June at 9pm on Channel 5. Dont worry if you miss it because you can watch the catch up online.
*Big Brother continues on Channel 5 tonight at 9pm.
It's NOT good news for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry horoscope predicts NO engagement - Duration: 3:38.MEGHAN MARKLE, Prince Harry�s girlfriend, has romantic disappointment on the cards,
according to her horoscope.
The Suits actress will not marry the Prince this year if her stars are to be believed.
Jeff Prince, an astrologer and member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain
believes that Meghan Markle, 35 and from LA, will not embark on an engagement with Prince
Harry, 32, this year.
Speaking to he said: "I believe an engagement in 2017 is unlikely."
Jeff claims Meghan will not become engaged to the Prince �until she feels more confident
within herself regarding social expectations, protocols and her ability to strike a balance
between what she is told she must do and exercising her freedom to pursue what feels right.�
However, Meghan will be moving in a positive direction in terms of her relationship with
the royal if the stars are right.
The Suits actress was not pictured this morning at Pippa Middleton's wedding to James Matthews.
It's thought Meghan, who has been snapped walking around London this week, will join
her boyfriend Prince Harry at the evening event.
�Meghan�s seventh house the sector in her chart that rules commitment and lifetime
love is Capricorn,� Jeff explains.
�Its ruling planet, Saturn, commenced backward motion on 6 April 2017 and won�t go direct
until 26 August 2017.
Therefore, the period between April and August will be one of behind the scenes contemplation
and preparation where relationship commitments are concerned.�
This, according to Jeff, means there is something for Meghan to learn during that time when
it comes to her relationship.
However, there are sure signs her ties with the royal family will become tighter and that
he will feel more scrutiny.
�Saturn returns to Capricorn on 19 December 2017 and Meghan�s relationship duties and
responsibilities will become stricter from then until 2020,� Jeff said.
�It is clear from Meghan�s chart that she is becoming aware of an increase in social
responsibilities and how strictly she�s being monitored to satisfy others� expectations
of her.
�In particular, the period between August and November indicates genuine keenness to
ensure she�s seen in a particularly positive light but Meghan is adjusting to a very new
and steep learning curve where her relationship with Harry is concerned.�
However, it does appear that the romance between Harry and Meghan could be written in the stars.
�Meghan was born on 4 August 1981 with the Sun in Leo and the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and
Pluto in Libra,� Jeff explained.
�In many ways, Meghan is more Libra than Leo but if we combine her Leo desire to be
in the spotlight with Libran tendencies to create and enjoy a bit of chaos and controversy
occasionally, then Meghan�s desire for a relationship far removed from mundane, predictable
or orthodox becomes clear.� tell us your thoughts in comments below.
thanks for watching.
please like,subscribe and share my videos.
IMAP mailbox integration for effective email marketing - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
Nina Needs To Go | Nina Needs To Go English | Cartoon Movies For Kids ✔ #14 - Duration: 31:57.I'm going to love a new RV cap it's right pink it has a comfy bed and the
television white even has a lovely bathroom inside speaking of which do you
need to go Nina Kim let's play I spy I'll go first I spy with my little eye
something that begins with No Oh sweetie the nearest rest stop is
still pretty far up the road we're not getting anywhere
pull the car over well if you're sure see you at the rest stop call me when
you get there
that's why I always carry River
we are going to have a I spy with my little eye something beginning there
before your box
oh I love this place no one like the back of my hand it's my
favorite Nina sweetie do you need to use the bathroom yep you're sure you don't
need to use the bathroom oh yeah I'm sure okay let's go find some faith of
course this place has everything follow me Nina oh it sure is a nice one
nice but I need a bathroom I could use oh right no worries I know exactly where
it is
we're almost there Dina
that deficit craftsmanship okay let me think
where is the bathroom beam up climb up
through the store where do you get jump ball very fucked up is it past the
plumbing section I remember
the color that's quite a lot we are looking for this I told you I knew where
they were
Nina do you need to go the bathrooms are at the end of the tour honey so if you
have to go then you should go now
gargoyle hey Nina let's do it excuse me pardon me trying to come
- the
in when you gotta go you gotta go
you need to use the bathroom no I'm okay mom so much I've been all that snow
weighs a lot even more than ten thousand more than twenty Nina are you sure you
didn't need to go no I'm not sure I need to go there are no bathrooms on top of
the mountains looks like the closest bathroom is at
the bottom of the mountain you know you know it is so beautiful up here let's
take some pictures Tina needs to go Nina and the closest bathroom is at the
bottom of the mouth perhaps I can be of assistance
that's alright mom the bathrooms are really managed okay we'll see you at the
bottom alright let's get you to the bottom of the mountain
whose I can
that's why I will always caddy okay to the boss
you know we made that costume especially for
this shirt it's my favorite they're each holes on
that's your napkin oh the napkins should go on your it is good manners to wait
for everyone's food to arrive before you start don't talk with your mouth full
and use your indoor voice okay sorry
coming through terribly sorry dose is to the right yes
we saw we cook spares especially you'll be surprised how often this have to go
easy restaurant mutant EADS to go to sleep alright - time for your bats and
then them ok do you need to use the bathroom yes I'm fine yes you really
look like you need to go
that's why I always carry
don't worry Leena I got a plan it's no biggie I'll just talk to a piggy excuse
me thank you little friends
funny-looking potatoes that reminds me of an old sweetheart time for your bath
and then okay kids are in bed pizzas on the way okay but now it's time for bed
reading what's your eating what dream doctor adventure in the space moles is
it good I don't know you won't let me read it
I don't feel sleepy slab what snacking isn't doing his job read it helps me
fall asleep hmm are you still reading
can I be of assistance yeah I was just doing some possible spotty shouldn't you
be in bed you know you could read something it helps me fall asleep that's
it sorry I thought I heard you out of bed not anymore
because now I know how to go to sleep
Deena needs to go on a play date do use the bathroom okay let me know if you
need to
maybe I do need to use the bathroom mom kind of Guney in just a second sweetie
okay let's go
needs to go well I just came from the bathroom
follow me Mina oh now see this is the quiet Carmina oh we have to be very
hello darling I can take no no how will you get past
all these suitcases
yeah you gave Nina
dinosaurs I want to see the dinosaurs booth or alive come on Frank Nina you go
with that stay close honey you don't want to get lost hey ocean life is right
by geology geology a study of the origin history and structure of the earth rocks
Gog the rocks it sure is Nina oh here's a nice example
of pumice sorry but no touching the exhibits please it could damage them do
you know what yeah he's the last of his kind you know I wasn't really gonna
touch him not on purpose is that so
don't worry Nina I'll get you back I know a shortcut
sure is we have a scene ocean life yet I mind we can look at my rocks hey did you
see everything you wanted yeah I destroyed anything because now I know
how to go to the museum like I don't think was a good idea play I always cry
at these things like big nappy lobster and my craggy little rock that needs to
use the bathroom I'm just a little nervous I'm supposed to say something
like that's your line okay let's get you out of this costume pardon me do you
mind holding the show so my daughter can take a quick bathroom Frank take your
sister to the bathroom what's the show starts in two minutes
Frank fine come on Nina let's go
hmm I'll bounce I'll slide you go first Frank why don't you get
ready for the ship let's get you to the
worry the shoe won't go on without you
our Vic Izzy mom I didn't know you were coming never miss a chance to see a show
it reminds me of my days on the stage
because now I know don't wait to go
there be a party big one with dancing but only after a long ceremony do you
need to use the bathroom you'll I'm fine okay
well off you go then we are gathered here today to celebrate the union if
there's any reason these two should not be Wed speak now or forever I now
pronounce you man and wife you may kiss price come on
everyone please raise your pineapple to toast the bride and groom I would like
to read a small speech that I prepared just through the occasion I first met
Walker many years ago
welcome Peter to the cake it rests next stop the bathroom
ladies and gentlemen it's time to cut the cake
go grayskin what if you don't like me I
don't like them I don't think peace goes a good idea
let's go ha I'm sure if you'd be still indeed hello
you're just in time I'm about to read a story off you go once upon a time there
were two sisters oh I know this one it turns out the prince was the bad guy all
along Oh story time is for listening Nina sorry I was waiting to go next will
around it is full make sure to keep the doors closed
we don't want mr. sham role going outside Nina you can't go outside on
your own okay all right mr. jammer around they're
not you know guy you shall return with the general Wow how long was she under
that cake
everyone who handled mr. janroe with some swords all of you please wash your
head Nina sweetie how was your first day of preschool Nina
needs to go to a fancy restaurant okay
you two are unusually quiet my coloring that's great I just need to pop upstairs
for a sec okay I'm done with coloring
the tornado game was a bad idea mom's not like this we can clean it up
you two have been busy this is why I always carry you kids okay yep that is
so sweet of you I bet it was barely enough to clean I'm
here for Nina I hope she's behaves herself she did
they even cleaned up thank you any kind of play anytime you know I need your
help now I know how to go on play date Nina needs to go to the museum even
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Online Literature for Catholic High School Students - Duration: 1:37.Hello, I'm Joseph Pearce. I teach literature for Homeschool Connections
and I'd like to invite you to the excitement of the Picture of Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde.
Oscar Wilde only wrote one novel. The Picture of Dorian Gray which is one of
the classics of Victorian literature, a period in literature that that
Chesterton famously called the Golden Age. The Victorian age in literature. And
this is one of the best books of that wonderful age of literature. And it's a
Christian cautionary tale of what happens when a man in his pride and
selfishness decides to sell his soul to the devil. To make a bargain with the
devil so that he can live without the dictates of his conscience and do what
he likes. And what are the consequences when we do what we like? When we do our
own thing? What are the consequences to ourselves, to our own souls, and also to
the lives and souls of others? These are the questions that Oscar Wilde asks in
this most profoundly moral cautionary tale. And not only asks these are the
questions that Oscar Wilde offers answers to in this profound work of
literature. Please do join me as we go into the Picture of Dorian Gray.
GST FOR COMMON MAN | EXAMPLES - Duration: 14:04.Hello Friends!!!!
Today I'm going to explain, the most anticipated tax change in India called GST or (Goods and
services Tax), in the language of a common man like me.
This is the most revolutionary step taken in respect to tax reforms which has a potential
to reap huge benefits for India in the long run.
I know, there are tons of information available over the internet and other news mediums.
Some are saying that it will take away the cascading effect, CEOs are going gaga over
the ease of doing business whereas others are churning out slogans about 'one nation,
one rate'.
But what does it mean to you?
Will you end up paying more Or less?
Is it an additional tax burden on you apart for the other taxes?
What is GST?
I'll try to explain all these questions in as simple terms as possible.
But for that, let's first understand the current tax structure in India and how GST
can be a game changer: In India, currently, we have two kinds of
One is Direct Tax and the other is indirect tax.
What is direct tax?
Direct taxes are those taxes that are paid directly by an individual or company.
Like Income Tax.
It's liability cannot be shifted to somebody else.
Ok, so what is Indirect tax?
For these kind of taxes, the liability for paying the tax, can be shifted to someone
In most cases it is the consumer i.e people like us.
Let me explain this a bit more: Have you ever carefully seen your bill from
a supermarket?
It will have a plethora of taxes.
Depending on the groceries in your shopping cart, you could be paying VATs at different
% from 5.5% to 14.5%.
So, for a bill of let's say Rs.5000, you will have to cough up another let's say
475 Rs.
As tax.
The scenario becomes more complex if you try to dine out.
Not only you will have to pay VAT, but also Service Tax, Krishi Kalyan Cess, Swachha bharat
So, on a bill of Rs.1000, you need to shell out Rs. 56 as service tax, Rs. 2 as Krishi
Kalyan Cess, Rs. 2 as Swacch Bharat Cess and a VAT of Rs. 20.
The service tax plus the two cesses goes to the Central Govt. for the restaurant services
that you availed.
The State extracts VAT from you for the food product that you consumed from the restaurant.
In the third scenario, you went for a movie with your friends.
There, you will be slapped with an entertainment tax of almost 30%
So, let's summarize the taxes that we actually pay…..Excise duty, Service Tax, CST, Custom
Duty collected by central govt. and Vat, Entertainment Tax, Luxury Tax, Octroi or entry tax collected
by state gov.
So, to get rid of all these taxes, Central Govt. is bringing in a new unified tax, called
the GST or Goods and Services tax which will abolish, all these taxes.
It is also a form of indirect tax which will be levied on Goods and Services.
To be very clear, it will have no impact on the direct taxes that you are paying.
So, if we go back to our earlier examples, Shopping in a Super market, will be subjected
to GST, same goes for Dine out and movie tickets.
Also, the GST on every transaction within a State will be split equally into a Central
GST and a State GST.
When goods are shipped from one State to another, the Centre will collect an integrated GST
from the seller which rolls both into one.
In simpler terms there will be three types of GST, CGST collected by center which is
replacing Excise Duty, ST, CST and Custom Duty, SGST or State GST is replacing Vat,
Entertainment Tax, Luxury Tax, etc.
Now that we have a basic understanding of what is GST and types of GST, let's see
the benefits: #1) It will remove cascading effect or Tax
on Tax.
Let's understand how it will happen For the sake of simplicity, let's assume
the current tax amount is 10% for every level.
There are generally 4 levels in any kind of supply chain.
Manufacturer, Distributor, Wholeseller and Retailer.
Manufacturer buys raw material for 100 rs.
And creates the product.
So, let's say a value of 50 rs gets added to it.
So the price of the finished product now is Rs.150.
Since there is a tax of 10%, 15 Rs, gets added to the finished product as tax.
The Distributer buys the product from manufacturer at Rs.165 and Adds value of 20 rs.
Price of the product now is 185 Rs.
Again add 10% Tax to it, i.e 18.5 rs, this will make the value of the product as 203.5 rs.
Wholeseller again repeats the same process and now the cost of the product becomes 223.85 +
So now the price of the product is 245.85.
At the final step, the retailer adds his profit and taxes and finally the consumers buys the
product @ 292.43 rs.
Now if we start from the manufacturer at every step there was a tax paid.
And that same tax is again taxed in the next level till it lands into the hands of consumer.
In other words, tax is again getting taxed.
This is also called cascading effect.
Now let's look into the GST System.
Raw material of 100 rs and a value addition of 50 rs.
The product price becomes 150 rs.
But this time the manufacturer has to pay a tax only on the value addition that is on
the 50 rs which will be 5 Rs.
But the selling price will not increase and the purchase price for the distributer will
be 150 rs.
He adds value of 20 and pays a tax of 2 rs.
So, the price will be 170 rs.
Same for the wholeseller and the price of the product now is 190…the retailer adds his
profit of 20 rs and pays a tax of 2 and finally the product price is 210....which is paid
by the consumer.
So in totality, the product that you will be purchasing under GST system, technically,
will be 58.23 rs.
This brings me to the obvious question, will GST bring down the prices?
I would have loved to say 'YES'….but the answer is both 'YES' and 'NO'.
Firstly, if the retailer is kind enough to pass on the benefit to the cosumer rather
than pocketing the benefit, then only you will get lesser prices.
But my common sense says, that will hardly be the truth.
Secondly, based on GST slab, which I'll explain later, some of the prices will go
up and some will come down.
#2) Reduction in black money: Black money is the money on which taxes have
not been paid.
There are certain persons who show less income by not showing all the transactions.
By doing this they not only save indirect taxes but also report very less income.
Since GST provides benefit by eliminating cascading effect, everyone will want to avail
the benefit.
However, to avail the tax benefit paid by the previous person in the supply chain a
transaction document or some sort of proof is required.
Hence, everyone will insist on an invoice.or pakka bill.
This way for each transaction, GST will have a trail right from the manufacturer to the
consumer and this can be accessed by the income tax department.
Also, PAN card and ADHAAR card will be required for filing GST returns
#3) One India, One Market: There are a dozen of taxes that prevents India
from becoming a common market place.
Under GST there will be only a single tax imposed all over the country turning India
in to a common Market.
#4) No entry tax/Octroi Every time goods are moved between states,
the trucks carrying them, needs to be pay, entry tax at the state border.
This is a tax that is collected by state.
If the truck moves between multiple states, it has to pay entry tax at every border.
Also, the counter part of Octroi is CST or Central Sales Tax that is collected by Central
govt. for movement of goods between states.
Some manufacturers refrain to do business between states because of Octroi and CST.
GST will make transportation easier by replacing CST and Octroi.
It will reduce the overall transportation cost for doing business.
#5) Quicker transit Another clear benefit you can expect from
GST is that it will crunch the time taken for goods to move across the country.
Today, if a truck is moving produce from Punjab to Tamil Nadu and passes through 7 different
States, this movement becomes extremely slow due to the entry tax process.
By official estimates, about 6 hours is lost from a 24-hours transit because of this tax
paying process.
GST, by doing away with such hold-ups, may help trucks zip across State borders.
That means products arriving to you in a much more fresh condition, thanks to GST!
#6) Ease of doing business: In the current tax system, every business
has to comply with various tax authorities like Income Tax, Vat, Service Tax, etc. and
file many returns with such tax authorities.
After GST implementation, there will be only a single registration, single return and less
paper work.
So, a business can focus more on their customers, rather than the paper works.
Ok that's about the benefits, but what's in it for Common people like me.
How much we will have to pay?
In the current tax regime, Indirect taxes on Goods are between 27-32%, whereas for Services
it is somewhere around 15% Under GST, Since a lot of the products and
services will come under 18% bracket, cost of many goods should come down, whereas the
cost of some services will go up.
There will be 4 main tax slabs ranging from 5% to 28%
Tax Rates Products Some of the products under 5% Edible oil,
sugar, spices, tea, coffee (except instant) Coal (instead of current 11.69%)
Mishti/Mithai (Indian Sweets) Life-saving drugs
Under 12% we have Computers, Processed food We have 18% on Hair oil, toothpaste and soaps
(currently at 28%) Capital goods and industrial intermediaries
28% will have Small cars (+1% or 3% cess) Consumer durables such as AC and fridge
Luxury items like BMWs, cigarettes and aerated drinks (+15% cess)
High-end motorcycles (+15% cess) Beedis are NOT included here
Other than this, we will also have a category of 0% tax, which is on day to day items like
food grains.
Some of the items that are not included in GST are Petroleum Products like petroleum
crude, motor spirit (petrol), high speed diesel, natural gas and aviation turbine fuel, Alcohol
for human consumption, Electricity, tobacco.
However, this list is not exhaustive, so I've shared links to the entire list of GST rates
in the description box below.
Also, link to all the resources used th this video are also given in the description box below.
Please take a look As I see it, GST is one of the most impactful
changes in tax, that will be implemented from July 1, 2017.
Over the long term it will be very beneficial to the common people like us.
Also, it will fuel the next level of growth for India.
That's all for today.
Enable New Resolutions for Multiple Games in NVIDIA - 🇧🇷 - Duration: 6:07.Hi guys?
Today I will show you how to create a Custom resolution
And how to activate it in-game
Good for this Let's go to the control panel
in your video card Let's click on a monitor
Let's in "adjust the size and position of the desktop"
And here we will select the GPU option
We click apply
We click yes Now let's change the resolution option
Let's click customize Then click on create custom resolution
Good, here you can create any resolution Compatible with your monitor
I'll leave this file In the video description
With some resolutions you can use
If you do not know if your monitor model Is 16:9 or 4:3
You can compare with these images
As I know that my model is 16:9 I'm going to create these four resolutions
To create a resolution Just put the first value here
And the second one here
Click on test
We look if everything is okay. And click yes
Ready, she's already on.
Now I'll do the same with The other three resolutions
Okay, we'll leave it enabled here And we will click ok
Now let's change the resolution of the game Last Man Standing
I'll put in the lowest resolution
For this we go to the folder where Game settings are
To access the folder just copy this link Press Windows + R
Paste here and give ok
Now open the gameSettings file
And here we will change the resolution
I'll put the lowest value
Now let's save And start the game
To change the resolution in the game Warface
Just go into settings, on the video tab And she will appear here along with the others
I'll select the lowest To take a test
Good people, this is it If this video helped you
Do not forget to leave your like and subscrib in the channel.
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