Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017

Hi, I am Sophie Kivlehan and this is my

grandfather, James Hansen. We are both

plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed by Our

Children's Trust against the United

States government for violating

constitutional rights of young people to

life, liberty and property. Our government

is facilitating pollution, carbon dioxide

from fossil fuels that threatens to

leave young people climate chaos running

out of our control. The government argues

that it would be economically harmful to

solve this problem. That is a blatant

falsehood. We will explain a simple

honest way to move our country and the

world to clean energy. People will make

money and help their children to a

bright future. Please listen for six

minutes. Economists agree that the public

is best off when energy prices are

honest, so products are made at the least

true cost and the economy is most

efficient. For example, the price of

fossil fuels needs to include the cost

to the public of resulting air pollution

and water pollution. The price of fossil

fuels can be made more honest in a

simple way that allows most people to

come out ahead: carbon fee and dividend,

which my grandfather proposed to

president-elect Obama in 2008. A carbon

fee is collected from fossil fuel

companies at the first sale, at domestic

mines and ports of entry, and the money

is distributed equally to all legal

residents. Fossil fuels burned in the

U.S. produced five billion tons of CO2

last year. Let's say the carbon fee is $55

dollars per ton. That will produce $275

billion dollars of revenue. U.S.

population is 325 million, so that's

eight hundred and fifty dollars per

person per year. However, we should

probably only allow half a

share for each child, up to a maximum of

two children per family, which means that

there are about 275 million shares. So

the result is a $1000

dividend for each adult, $3000

dollars for each family with two or more

children. Of course fossil fuel companies

will increase their prices, passing on

the fee to customers. However, the

dividend will allow most people to come

out ahead. Rich people who have large

houses and fly around the world will

lose money, but they can afford it. For

example, the price of gasoline will

increase. A carbon fee of fifty five

dollars per ton of CO2 will increase the

price of gasoline by fifty cents per

gallon. Let's say you drive 10,000 miles

per year and get 25 miles per gallon.

That's 400 gallons or two hundred

dollars in increased costs. Or, if you

drive 20,000 miles (*See footnote) per year and

get only 15 miles per gallon, your

increased cost is six hundred and sixty

seven dollars. And prices of all things

that use fossil fuels in their

production will rise. However, with the

present distribution of energy use, the

dividend will allow 70% of

the public to come out ahead. Products

that use less fossil fuels will be

favored. People don't even need to think

about it -- just pay attention to prices of

products on the shelf -- that's how the

market works. Economic studies show that

a carbon fee that gradually increases

over ten years to a hundred dollars per

ton will decrease carbon emissions by

thirty percent while increasing the

dividend almost thirty percent. The

economy will be stimulated, increasing

the GNP and creating more than three

million new jobs. This sensible approach

would modernize our energy

infrastructure, restore U.S. leadership, and

provide a bright

future for young people. It has only two

problems: Democrats and Republicans.

Bernie Sanders introduced a bill for

carbon fee and dividend but he would

grab forty percent of the money. When the

government takes the money, it's a tax. It

depresses the economy. The public loses.

On the other side, most Republicans say

climate change is a hoax. They do not

support carbon fee and dividend, even

though it would spur the economy,

increase jobs and revenue, modernize

our infrastructure, and is based on

conservative principles. But there is an

organization, Citizens Climate Lobby,

which is trying very hard to get

bipartisan support for fee and dividend.

They use the democratic process. They visit

Senators and Representatives. They are

very polite. They write letters to the

editor. There are now more than

300 chapters and 50,000 members, growing

rapidly. Please consider joining this

volunteer organization. If CCL cannot get

the two parties to agree on a carbon

fee with one hundred percent of the

money going to the public, it may be time

for a third party that is based on

principles of our nation's founders. This

party would take no money from special

interests and could address other

long-standing issues that the public is

waiting on, such as tax reform. Then,

perhaps, we could again have a government

of the people, by the people, for the

people. We can talk about that in a

future video.

For more infomation >> Sophie Sez #3: "$1000 for You – A Better World for Your Children" - Duration: 6:27.


'Make in India' push in defence starts yielding positive results - Duration: 2:05.

A push to "Make in India" policy in defence procurements by Manohar Parrikar has started showing results after he left as the defence minister to take back the reigns of Goa as its chief minister. Purchase of 32 helicopters to boost the marine security capabilities of the Navy and Coast Guard and the Army identifying 25 Indian companies to supply the ammunition that were hitherto imported are two latest results of the policy pursued vigorously.

A draft proposal left behind by Parrikar for buying ALH Dhruv helicopters worth Rs 8,000 crore from the government-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has been now cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Security headed by Prime Minister Modi. Sixteen of these choppers will go to Navy and the remaining 16 to the Coast Guard. The HAL would not only provide the helicopters but it will also develop the infrastructure for operation of these helicopters in both the services.

It was during Parrikar's tenure that the Army had issued a request for information in November last year for procurement of the ammunition and a request for proposal (RFP) has been now issued to the selected private Indian firms for supplies during the next one decade, with assured purchase of thousands of pieces worth crores of rupees. These incldue 125 MM armour piercing types used to stop tanks and armoured vehicles, 122 MM grad rockets for Pinaka series, 40 MM grenades capable of being machine-launched, 30 MM ammunition used by the armoured infantry carrying vehicles, electronic fuses and bi-modular charge system.

For more infomation >> 'Make in India' push in defence starts yielding positive results - Duration: 2:05.


Q&A - What is the best mulch to use around plants? - Duration: 1:47.

what is the best mulch to use around

plant hey trees what do you think about

that well you know I'm real partial to

pine needles they're going to apply you

get good air movement around them you

know it kind of depends on what you're

doing cypress mulch last longer than

hardwood hardwood is slightly acidic

pine bark isn't actually slightly

alkaline because it's got calcium in it

so it's kind of up to you how much you

want to spend but to me if I think that

pine needles are probably the most

attractive and the less damaging to

blimp you know because we think about

mulch of what we're doing is trying to

moderate the soil temperature and keep

weeds down but mulch doesn't go away you

know people will go out and they'll say

oh I need to remote well it hasn't gone

it's just decomposed into a very fine

powder and then it looks like black

stuff and they go oh I've got topsoil

but it's not it's multi dust and then

you add more mulch and it gets deeper

and deeper and you start slowing your

air movement through the soil which is

critical your zayas will begin to yellow

the leaves will dwarf down and it's

because we've taken a mountain plant and

planted it in flat ground headed clay

and covered it with four inches of mulch

yeah so it just cannot breathe so that's

the main thing is when you feel that

need two remotes get it all out start

over I'll get down to feed arena and do

about two inches of good course mulch

for garden we hope you enjoyed the video

we have hundreds more to subscribe just

click below

For more infomation >> Q&A - What is the best mulch to use around plants? - Duration: 1:47.


Giant grasshoppers attack snow white! w/ Spiderman, Joker in Real Life - Duration: 5:16.

Giant grasshoppers attack snow white! w/ Spiderman, Joker in Real Life

For more infomation >> Giant grasshoppers attack snow white! w/ Spiderman, Joker in Real Life - Duration: 5:16.


Q&A - Why are my Otto Luyken laurels dying? - Duration: 1:31.

Why are my Otto Luyken laurels dying and I'm sure you've gotten that question a time or

two just like I have.

- Almost always, if it's a section dying out, it's starts off as root rot.

- It's root rot.

- And it's too much mulch is a contributor, irrigation systems are a contributor and you

know, they do much better in Nashville where the soil drains faster and it's just, we use

them in too much shade here.

We shear them to make them thicker, which make them wet longer.

You get shot hole disease on them and then once they get stressed, that's when vitofers

really kicks in.

Vitofers are everywhere, it's waiting just to hit a susceptible plant.

It's when it gets stressed that it grabs hold, so, there are other options now like Distyliums

that look very similar that don't have that issue, so I wouldn't think about replacing

them, I'd think about changing them to another plant.

- Just another plant altogether?

- Absolutely.

- Believe or not, I seen Otto Luyken laurels at gas stations.

- Oh yeah, they're everywhere.

- Yeah, just beat up.

The mulch is all the way up to the top of 'em and they have the shot hole disease and

they're planted poorly most of the time.

For more infomation >> Q&A - Why are my Otto Luyken laurels dying? - Duration: 1:31.


Learn Colors and ABC by Painting Pictures of Princesses l Alphabet and Colors for Kids - Duration: 10:51.

Learn Colors and ABC by Painting Pictures of Princesses l Alphabet and Colors for Kids

Learn Colors and ABC by Painting Pictures of Princesses l Alphabet and Colors for Kids

Learn Colors and ABC by Painting Pictures of Princesses l Alphabet and Colors for Kids

For more infomation >> Learn Colors and ABC by Painting Pictures of Princesses l Alphabet and Colors for Kids - Duration: 10:51.


Learning Wild Animals For Toddlers Learn Animal Name Learning Animals Sound ABC Song - Duration: 8:28.

Learning Wild Animals For Toddlers Learn Animal Name Learning Animals Sound ABC Song

For more infomation >> Learning Wild Animals For Toddlers Learn Animal Name Learning Animals Sound ABC Song - Duration: 8:28.


Kinds of Fertilizer - This Week in the Garden - Duration: 1:19.

typically i use three basic fertilizers

in my vegetable garden a first one is 6

12 12 you notice it's nitrogen

phosphorus and potassium on root crops

like carrots beets radishes you don't

want a lot Mexican otherwise you can get

a lot of foliage but no food no fruit so

by having it 6 12 12 more of it goes

into the actual growing of the bulbs

carrots beets 3400 which is all nitrogen

no foster potassium I can use this on

green crops so i use 3400 I'm crops like

lettuce broccoli spinach or your various

grains that you grow thru all else like

squash cucumbers watermelon corn

tomatoes I like a balanced fertilizer in

this case I use 15 15 15 but you can

just use 10 10 10 except when using

tension can use a little bit more views

be 15 15 15 use a little bit less

thanks for watching we have other quick

tips just subscribe below

For more infomation >> Kinds of Fertilizer - This Week in the Garden - Duration: 1:19.


How To CLIMB A MOUNTAIN for the First time TUTORIAL - Duration: 10:52.


Oh my God

Hello, friends

So, I have this raw footage of me and my friends climbing a mountain for the very first time...

Step One

Make sure, that your are Fully aware that the mountain you are going to climb is

2,505 meters above sea level

Also, and I do want to Stress this

Make sure, that you have never EVER even SEEN a real mountain before

I come from Latvia and I live in Denmark

So... I came Well prepared

Most importantly, before you climb a mountain,

make sure, you have No F*cking Idea what you just signed up for

Please do not ruin the fun and Do NOT Google Check

Next step

Make sure you are that Idiot in the car while getting there

Because, still

You've got No F*cking Idea what you just signed up for

We are going to Mountains!

*song playing*

*the victory Giggle*

Wait for it...

da da da da da da da da daaaaa *singing*




Mountaaaains *laughing*




Oh My God *super squeaky voice*

Oh my God *even more squeaky voice*

Oh my God *even more squeaky voice*

Weee *what is this voice*

Weee *Ieva, stop already*

*I am scared*

Last, but not least

Pay attention to what you are wearing

As - Usual

Make sure that you are wearing the most Inappropriate clothing for the mountain climb

Skinny Jeans, a T - shirt and your pink gym sneakers would probably do

Straighten your hair and put a full make up on

Because you are definitely NOT gonna sweat all that off within 4-hours climb

*girls laughing*

Be Goofy about it, how you think how Steep it is at the very Bottom of the mountain

Because, no, you don't know yet

that you will literally gonna have to Crawl at some parts within next few hours

They are telling me, that this is not Steep






Crack yourself up and Make yourself believe

How Sporty and Fit you are for this

Such a great Work out! *lol*

*heavy breathing*

I actually wanted to go for a run this morning

And Zane was like: "Ieva, maybe we shouldn't..."

You are getting nervous, because this is NOT what you expected already

Pick up your Nervous Laugh

and stick to that for the rest of the climb

*nervous laugh*




*nervous laugh*

Yup. Definitely, Not what you expected

Those BLUE DOTS are people climbing and that is not even the top yet

Oh my God

Let's go

Ok, so you have come to realize that the walking space for your feet for the rest of the climb

is going to be about this wide

Also, you just learned that there are no rails, nothing to hold on to, no security whatsoever

So basically, it's a rock here

your walking space here

And.. Nothing there, really

So One wrong step and what happens is, you basically fall off the cliff

from 1.000 meters



*making weird noises*

There is a snowman

I can tell you one thing that is missing here when hiking up


Just look at that

*pure panic*

Have no fear

I do have an expert advice for you

Try to stop your legs from shaking

because that might cause that One Wrong step

and that might cause that Nothing... part I just mentioned

Don't look down

Also, don't look up

When you are up so high, wherever you'd be really looking, it is going to make you dizzy

so an expert advice for this would be

Look down at your feet


You have just reached the Survival Phase

Also, you just came to realize, there is no really way Out of this

*pure panic*

Make sure you are sticking to your survival Kit

Swear all you can and mix it up with the Nervous Laughter

*double wink*

Wow, where are we?

where are we...


We have been hiking for 2 hours now or something

In case of emergency

Do what real best friends would do

When your friend is in trouble and there is nothing really you can do about it

Make sure you stay Supportive

Laugh all you can and keep filming it

No *nervous laugh*


My cheeks are all red

This is a very funny part

Be careful!

Zanchuk (my friend's nickname)


Zanchuk, es nāku (speaking Latvian) Zanchuk - I am coming

Zane: "Noteikti nenāc" "Definitely do Not come here"

ko tur lai izdomā... What should we do



Z - z - Zane *nervous laugh*

Zane is having a trouble


*over-nervous laugh*

I think you gotta go to the left

because these rocks are

Be careful!


You have just climbed your first mountain

*look at that smile*

We did it!

We did it!

As a Bonus (we are not at the top yet!)

Feel free to go and enjoy all the perks that the Adrenaline Rush will certainly provide you with

Such as feeling dizzy, nauseous and Super high


We did it!

Oh My God

What is this now (making our way to the very Top)


2.500 meters


it was the first mountain I have EVER seen in my life


I guess, then you gotta climb it!

*I am definitely high*

if it's the first mountain

just climb to the top

arh crap

nice hands

aww look at that

Oh My God

We did it!

We are up in the mountain room somewhere

It's a mountain room

You can buy like souvenirs and knifes (very Swiss, by the way) and everything

We like knifes (well Swiss people definitely do)


Purely insane!

Purely insane

Oh my God, look at the sky

Ohhh! Oh my God!

Are you kidding me

This might have been the hardest thing I have ever Done in my life


Every single story has a happy ending

And we are all safe and alive *laughing*


I didn't actually believe that you can climb up here

We did it!


I definitely have to stop talking this very weird noise

Or maybe not

For those of you who just stumbled upon...

Thank you so much for watching

And for those of you who just stumbled upon this video or this channel

This Youtube channel is here, because I am writing a blog

and throughout the blog and the Youtube channel I am trying to Encourage and Inspire you

to live a BETTER and more POSITIVE life, really

as I am trying to do

Taking you outside the Comfort Zone a little bit

Encouraging you to be Exactly who you are

and just going for things you want in life.

I see you next videos, bye

For more infomation >> How To CLIMB A MOUNTAIN for the First time TUTORIAL - Duration: 10:52.


"11 miles" Creepypasta Reading - Duration: 20:17.

Do you have something that you truly, relentlessly desire?

Despite your state of life, is there something else that you would go completely to the end

of the world to get?

Well lucky for you, there's a way to achieve what you're looking for, and you won't need

to go to the end of the world to get it.

But you will need to go somewhere, and the place may be too out of reach for some.

It's not far away, closer than one may believe but there're requirements that some individuals

may not meet.

First, whatever it is that you seek, know that you must seriously desire what you want.

In your eyes, it should be something you need.

If you begin the journey without the correct state of mind, you will surely fail, as it

will be near impossible to turn back once the journey starts.

The second requirement is that you will need a vehicle of sorts.

Most use a car, as it's the most comfortable choice.

There have been a select few that have used small motorized vehicle, such as an ATV or

motorcycle, but this has proven to be quite difficult, as the conditions of the journey

can prove to be too bothersome.

Do not use a vehicle too large or noticeable, as you will need some of the cover of night

to be most safe.

Also, while any sort of car will do, you may not want to choose the most expensive or cherished


You can take your slick new black Mercedes for the drive if you'd like, but don't expect

it to come out in a pristine state.

Make sure your vehicle is completely fueled before beginning the drive.

The first task to accomplish is to locate the road.

It doesn't have a name, it's not on the map, and technically, it doesn't even exist.

It will only show up if you're looking for it at the right time, and you will only spot

it if you know what to look for.

Finally, you must be alone during the journey.

You didn't think you'd be able to go with a group, did you?

It must be night when you begin.

Choose the time of the night where you believe the roads are the least populated.

Drive to any area that is just a stretch of road surrounded by woods.

Here's where you want to start paying close attention.

If you're looking for the road, it will turn up eventually, but you need to search for

the road's hint in order to pull down the right one.

Once you're close, you will see or feel its signs but what the signs will be will depend

on what it is you desire.

For example, if you're in search of wealth, you may spot shimmers on the empty branches

of trees as if they resembled the shine of gold or diamonds.

If you seek love, you may begin to see rose petals slowly dance in the light breeze, blowing

in the road's direction.

If you seek revenge, you might sense an ever growing feeling of heat or anger in your body

as you approach.

Just know what it is you really want, and you'll have no problem finding the turn.

Once you're sure you've found the revealed road, take a deep breath, and turn down onto


At this point, you have officially started down the nameless road which brings you through

11 miles, leading to whatever it is you seek.

Each mile will test your desire, and will expose if you really do want what you're searching


Before you go any further, stop the car and be wary of a few advisements:

Do not turn on a radio during the drive.

Do not use a phone during the drive (reception would be cut off anyway).

Do not open the windows during the drive.

Make sure they are closed before you continue.

If you are riding a vehicle without windows or a top, then prepare for the worst, as the

odds are heavily against you.

Do not attempt to leave your vehicle at ANY time.

You'll never want to exceed 30 miles per hour, unless you're desperate to make it through

a section of the road.

And most importantly, as with any drive, buckle up.

Feel free to prepare and make sure you're ready.

Once the road has been entered, time has stopped so you don't need to worry about losing the


Though you may not notice, you're not actually in your own world anymore.

Take one last moment to realize that once the first mile is over there is no turning


If you ponder turning back at all, know that you shouldn't even be on the journey in the

first place.

Once all is done, continue on the road.

On the first mile, you won't see much change.

The road passes through mostly woods with a few miles being an exception.

The air will turn a bit colder, in which you should turn on your heating system if the

vehicle has one.

You won't want to take your eyes off the road later.

Take some time to calm any uneasiness by admiring some of the night sky.

You'll see it completely lined with stars, more than what you would ever believe possible.

If the weather was cloudy beforehand, you'll also notice that the sky is now clear.

On the second mile, the air will become even colder.

This is primarily the reason why traveling in an open vehicle is very difficult.

With each mile, the air will drop in temperature even if the season should be warm.

If the air is too cold to bear, even with the heat on, your only option is to speed


With each mile the road also becomes more complex, taking more turns and showing an

increasing amount of road hazards.

Be sure to always keep focused on the road in front of you in order to avoid as many

bumps or obstacles as possible.

Hitting a few rocks and potholes won't hamper your progress too much, but you'll want to

keep in the best condition for as long as possible.

If you're vehicle is forced to a stop because of damage, then there's nothing left you can

do but eventually freeze to death.

On the third mile, you may begin to spot silhouettes of human figures in the linings of trees.

Pay no attention to them, even if they seem to get closer.

It will be hard to resist peeking at their unnerving, distant appearance but know that

they will reveal themselves later.

At this mile, the road will become dirt if you weren't driving on it in the beginning.

Keep to the center of the path as it will become narrow and wide at random intervals.

On a quick side note, should you ever attempt to turn around (despite the previous warnings)

you'll be left on a path which never ends.

You would simply run out of fuel eventually, and be left to freeze in the cold conditions.

On the fourth mile, you will not only see more of the figures but you will begin to

in a sense hear them.

In the back of your mind, a very faint unintelligible whisper will echo.

These will come and go, but you can't stop them.

If they become bothersome or distracting, try and tune them out by thinking of what

it is you desire.

Attempting to listen and determine what the voices are saying will only attract them to

you, and you want to be as far away from them as you can.

They'll be closer later, so there's no use bringing them near you this early.

On the fifth mile, you will come to a clearing.

The lining of trees to your left will disappear to reveal a lake with no end with a beaming,

great moon over the water.

The illumination from the moon will be so spectacular that the vehicle's headlights

will no longer be required.

Restrain yourself from gazing at it.

If you look at its light for even more than a few seconds the road in front of you will

end, throwing your vehicle into the water in which you will freeze in mere minutes.

The voices will be gone for this mile, but don't rejoice yet.

They'll be back.

On the sixth mile, take into account that you are more than halfway done.

Despite the progress, you may lose hope here.

The stars will have disappeared at this point, leaving the sky an empty, black abyss.

The clearing will have ended, leading you back into the woods.

The only light you will have will be provided by your vehicles headlights, but they will

flicker from time to time even if you're sure they're in perfect working order.

If you have a radio in the vehicle, it will turn on here automatically.

If you didn't turn it off beforehand, it will produce an overwhelming screech that will

send you off the path.

A calm voice will then begin to speak about your greatest fears, what it is you are horrorified

of in your life.

It will speak in a way that will cause you to visualize the words in your mind, so don't

listen to it.

If you begin to comprehend what it's saying, the horrors will prove too much for you to

stay on the road safely.

Attempting to turn off the radio will prove no use.

Speed up if you need to, just keep your mind off the voice as much as you can.

As you approach the end of the mile, the voice will fade out of the speakers, leaving your

ears at peace (for now).

On the seventh mile, the voices from the figures will return.

It won't sound like a whisper this time, but more like distant screams, growing closer

with each second.

At some point on this mile, you'll hear one of them in your ear, as if one of them were

right behind you.

This is because one of the figures have found their way into your vehicle.

Do not turn around.

Their faces will shock you to a paralysis, leading you off the road.

If you don't draw attention to it, it will become uninterested, and hopefully leave.

These beings are said to be ones who have travelled down this road before, but were

not successful.

They live the remainder of their existence suffering, in the darkness with their only

goal being to bring other travelers down with them.

It has been said from experience that these beings can't physically harm you, so as long

as they don't cause you to wreck, you should be fine.

On the eighth mile, slow down if you're going too fast.

The road here takes very sharp turns, which if overshot will throw the vehicle into a

pit through the trees.

The cold is near fatal here.

If you were to have a glass or bottle of liquid in your vehicle, it would be solid in seconds.

The heating system will have become completely obsolete.

Your headlights will flicker more, sometimes shutting off for a few seconds.

You should break if this happens, but do not completely stop.

The figures will be following you at this point, and should you stop for too long, they

will surround and trap your vehicle.

More of their screams can be heard from outside your doors, sometimes even sounding of maniacal


Their hands will claw at your windows, desperate to reach in and feel something living.

Do not look at them.

They won't block your windshield, and the last thing you want to happen is to crash

and be trapped with them.

If you don't make it from here, pray that it's the freezing that ends you.

On the ninth mile, your vehicle will stall.

The headlights will shut off, as will all other systems inside.

There's nothing you can do to prevent this.

What you will need to do is close your eyes and immediately attempt to restart the vehicle.

Keep your eyes closed, as the figures would have surely surrounded you at this point.

The starting of the vehicle will frighten them, and they will all back away temporarily.

This will give you a chance to start moving forward again.

If you begin to hear the windows crack from their struggle, don't lose focus.

The beings can alter the vehicle but remember that they still do not have the strength to

physically affect you.

You will hear nothing but their voices rampage in your mind, as there could be anywhere between

a dozen or a hundred after you now.

Once you start the vehicle, floor it.

Floor it so long as you can stay on the path.

When the mile's done, the beings will retreat.

On the tenth mile, the voices of the beings will stop.

If you were to look in your rear-view mirror (do not actually do this), you will see them

following you but not as if they were chasing.

They're watching you, as if they were seeing you off.

As you go down the tenth mile, the road will be smoother, as if you were back on the first


The figures will be lining the sides of the path ahead of you.

They won't be after you, but they will watch you as you pass.

Some have theorized that the beings are impressed here, that you have come a long way on the

journey to what you desire.

This is false.

They are not impressed, but they are happy.

They are happy you are about to approach the next mile.

They are happy because you are most likely going to your death.

On the eleventh and final mile, everything in your vehicle will lose power, as it did

on the ninth mile.

The vehicle would normally be immobile, but you will still be moving.

An unknown force will be pulling you forward.

In the darkness, you will see a glowing red light up ahead, as if it were a light at the

end of a tunnel.

Close your eyes, and cover them.

Do whatever it takes to make sure you do not see what you are about to go through.

Covering your ears would also be helpful, but keeping your eyes covered should be a

higher priority.

The red light is another clearing, but there's no moon or lake this time.

Once it's entered, unrelenting and inconceivable noises will sound from all directions.

No amount of bravery and conditioning will spare you from these sounds.

The cold will turn to a merciless heat, burning all parts of the vehicle.

You will feel the illusion of the flesh being burned off your bones, that every part of

you is being destroyed as you travel through screams and audible suffering.

As long as you keep your eyes closed, and resist the urge to see where you are, you

will survive through the suffering.

This will last a total of 31 seconds but many fail to keep their vision closed during that

time and are left to the worst fate of the road.

Where is this mile located?

Those who have survived do not know.

Some have named it "the transmission from hell" but whether it's part of hell is debatable.

After the final mile, power will return.

Stop the vehicle.

Take a moment to possibly regain some of your sanity.

Let the screaming in your ears begin to fade and know that you have nearly completed your

journey with the hardest task overcome.

Breathe, and begin to drive forward once again.

After only a kilometer, your vehicle will arrive at a dead end.

Stop here and don't attempt to move again.

Nothing will happen right this second but do not be disappointed.

Relax and close your eyes.

Imagine in your mind what it is you've desired the entire time.

It will most likely still be the same as when you entered, but with some this desire may

actually change through making this journey.

Think about what it was that you went through such terrifying and difficult means to acquire

and imagine possessing it in your hands.

Once you have completely visualized this, slowly open your eyes.

You will then find yourself at the beginning of the unnamed road, where you first began.

This may confuse you, but know that you are finished.

Your task is done.

Your mind will then turn to your reward.

If what you desired was material, check in the back seat or in the trunk if the object

is larger.

If the object was small enough it might already be in your pocket.

If what you desired was nonmaterial, then do not be disappointed if the change is not


Turn back to where you came from, and you will find in your life that what you wanted

is there.

You may have found the love of your dreams.

You may have gained unnatural, unimaginable power.

You may have put your most hated enemy to the most satisfying revenge possible.

You will have no doubt gained what you deserved.

So now that the task is done, what's the catch?

Is your vehicle cursed?

Is there something you're about to lose?

Is your death imminent?

The answer to all is no, of course.

You've done the challenge.

You've proved worthy of what you desire.

As stated before, the sounds of the eleventh mile will continue to exist in your mind,

potentially causing you some vivid and unusual nightmares but these should prove as nothing

compared to what you've gained.

Now, one last question: Is there something else you desire?

Are you not yet satisfied?

After all, you're left right back where you started.

The road's right in front of you, so are you up for another drive?

If so, buckle up, and just move forward.

For more infomation >> "11 miles" Creepypasta Reading - Duration: 20:17.


Kingdom of Heaven | Addendum: Why Balian won the Battle for Jerusalem - Duration: 6:26.

They're here.

It is only one man.

No, they're here.

To understand the Battle for Jerusalem from the perspective of Balian,

we have to go back to the moment when Balian first received the maxims

that have guided him on this journey.

After Balian is knighted, Godfrey once more emphasizes Balian's duty;

Balian's protectiveness over the people is clearly portrayed in the Battle for Kerak,

where he and his knights attack the Muslim army to safeguard the citizens fleeing into the city.

It is also shown in the extensive scene of Balian making improvements to his newly acquired lands.

Thereby laying the basis of what Kant calls the Kingdom of Ends.

He does speak, in connection with the Respect for Persons of what he calls a Kingdom of Ends.

That is to say if you treat people as ends rather than means,

what you're doing is advocating that society should be a Kingdom of Ends.

A kingdom of people of equal worth, value.

This is the basis for his emphasis on human rights.

So the Respect of Persons leads to the notion of Kingdom of Ends.

And in his religion book that we'll be getting into,

he talks of this Kingdom of Ends simply as the Kingdom of God.

This relates back to an earlier conversation between Godfrey and Balian;

Do you know what lies in the Holy Land?

A new world.

A better world than has ever been seen.

A Kingdom of Conscience.

A Kingdom of Heaven.

There is peace between Christian and Muslim. We live together.

Or between Saladin and the King we try.

What we see here is Balian's personal philosophy extended into a larger social context.

It envisions a world that always treats humanity as an end.

A world of perpetual peace.

In the light of that he proposed what he called a League of Nations.

That's where Woodrow Wilson got the idea, straight from Immanuel Kant.

He has a book, Kant does, a little booklet called Perpetual Peace in which he proposes this.

That rational people, acting out of goodwill, should contract together.

Contractual arrangement, contractarian approach.

According to Kant, our natural state is one of war.

Peace therefore, is something that must be established,

which is what Saladin and King Baldwin tried to do.

We can however already see the shortcomings early on in the film

by addressing the first of Kant's requirements for perpetual peace,

which is that;

This requirement is relevant to one particularly interesting scene,

in which Saladin is confronted about a promise he made to the Muslims.

You promised.

You promised to return Jerusalem.

don't forget

If I do not deliver war I have no peace

the King of Jerusalem will die soon,

When he is dead the boy will become king of a kingdom he cannot control.

The Christians will make the war you need.

What this suggests is that a war was coming regardless of Balian's actions.

This might seem like the peace between Christians and Muslims was just a delusion.

The Hospitaler however is a bit more optimistic about it;

If it lives only for a while Tiberius, it still has lived.

Nevertheless, war comes to Jerusalem, and it comes on Balian's watch.

Here again we are shown that this battle is not about maintaining Jerusalem but about protecting its people;

Saladin will show no mercy.

We must hold out. Force him to offer terms.

What terms?

It might be interesting to note that Balian is unsure about what will happen if he loses,

Seeing as he and Saladin haven't actually met at this point.

This is revealed later when Balian seems surprised at Saladin's benevolence.

I will give every soul safe conduct to Christian lands. Every soul.

The women, the children, the old.

No one will be harmed, I swear to God.

He even points out;

The Christians butchered every Muslim within the walls when they took this city

I am not those men. I am Sala-hu-din, Sala-hu-din.

In the end every soul in Jerusalem is granted safe passage to Christian lands.

The city is lost, but the people are not.

And with that conclusion; Balian fulfills his highest duty,

and goes home.

For more infomation >> Kingdom of Heaven | Addendum: Why Balian won the Battle for Jerusalem - Duration: 6:26.


Your Money - What the Fed's interest rate hike means for you - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Your Money - What the Fed's interest rate hike means for you - Duration: 2:30.


OMG! Top 10 Bollywood Actresses How look like today that will surprise You - Duration: 3:28.

OMG! Top 10 Bollywood Actresses How look like today that will surprise You

For more infomation >> OMG! Top 10 Bollywood Actresses How look like today that will surprise You - Duration: 3:28.


READY JET GO! | A Bath for Sunspot | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:13.

't want to take a bath.

- Hmm. That's strange.

He always loved baths back home.

Let's see.

[spits] What is this?

It tastes like soap!

- It is soap. - What?

- Sure, soap and water.

- You know, a bath.

- Well, I see the problem.

On Bortron 7, pets are always bathed

in chocolate shakes.

- Oh, yeah, I kind of forgot about that.

- Chocolate shakes?

Sounds yummy.

- And a great moisturizer.

Look at Moonbeam here.

She doesn't look a day over 480.

- So what do you say, Sunspot?

I know we don't have chocolate shakes,

but water can't be that bad, can it?

Uh, Sunspot?

- [barking]

- Come on down, Sunspot.

- The water's nice and warm!

- If you ask me, Jet, your pet here is afraid of water.

- Um, well, maybe he just doesn't want to get wet?

- Well, that's kind of what water does, though.

- Or maybe there's something else about water

that's bothering him.

Too hot or too cold?

- Well, he's used to chocolate shakes,

and chocolate shakes are really cold.

Maybe if we make it a colder form of water?

- Maybe that would help.

- I know just the thing.

- Whoa, whoa, what?

What kind of water is that?

- I get it. Good idea, Sean.

- I'll help! - What do they mean?

Water is water. Am I right, or am I right?

- Uncle Zucchini, look at this.

See? Water that feels cold and hard.

- What are those little hard squares?

- This is ice.

- Brr! Ice?

You just said it was water.

- Ice is what happens to water

when it gets very, very cold and freezes.

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