Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017

MC: What's your feeling when you saw soldiers wearing uniform in DMZ?

Minho: First of all, they are all younger than me

This makes me feel guilty

And then, I am about time to be enlisted my feeling is same with other actors

Yeah, I do feel pity, and also feel the emotion of temporary parting with everyone

It's just like other actors

Actually, I am now in the timing of waiting for my exact enlistment date

I do have a huge desire of doing one more project The feeling of pity is real strong

For more infomation >> 20170329【SSTV/ENG SUB】Lee Min Ho talked about his enlistment in the press conf. of "DMZ,The Wild" - Duration: 1:02.


Nearly 1000 offer backyards for homeless ADUs - Duration: 1:32.




















































For more infomation >> Nearly 1000 offer backyards for homeless ADUs - Duration: 1:32.


It's Okay to be Wobbly | Dylan Marr - Duration: 4:04.

(light music)

(audience applauding)

- My statement of personal belief begins

much like the essay that impacted me the most.

I don't really know what I believe.

I've never been one to be so set in my ways that

I couldn't see the potential upside to one's

side of a debate or another.

And until recently, I thought that was a bad thing.

I've always been very agreeable, maybe too much so at times.

And I tend to frequent the phrases, "effective point and,

I see what you mean."

I would almost go as far to say I'm slightly gullible.

Yearning to place my unconditional trust to people

and what they have to say.

Ted Gup, a writer and teacher of journalism,

at Case Western University wrote the essay,

In Praise of the Wobblies.

And I'm sure glad he did.

While reading, I found myself nodding my head

and letting out an affirmed, "yeah,"

every few lines or so.

He explains how we always seem to stand in the

no man's land between opposing arguments,

longing to be won over by one side or the other.

He explains how, excuse me,

but finding degrees and merit in both.

But in time he came to embrace what he called

his confusion.

He states that he much preferred listening

to speaking and inquiring over crusading.

There's nothing wrong with being ignorant,

which by definition is a lack of knowledge.

But I believe his preference is beneficial,

in that it minimizes the opportunities you have

to look and be stupid.

I believe this philosophy ideally conveys not one but two

of the nine virtues.

These being open mindedness and a love of learning.

At Universities there are a lot of highly opinionated people

who will not hesitate to tell you exactly what

they believe.

I did not realize how true this was until I signed up

for an informed citizen discussion group.

Which is basically an extracurricular weekly conversation

on current events.

I joined this group at the beginning of the semester

with the hope that it would help me resolve

some of the conflict I experienced when I heard,

"you should vote for candidate a, candidate b is the devil,"

or that I would finally have some idea about

what is going on in the world,

and how I should feel about it.

I did learn something, that it was not what I expected.

I attended only two meetings, the very first one,

and the one after the week of the election.

I attended the first meeting unbiased,

ready to discuss and explore different points of view.

I was met by the hands of a very few, strongly opinionated

people trying diligently to force feed me Hillaryism

anytime I showed any uncertainty on a topic.

I left feeling unsatisfied and discouraged

from attending another meeting.

As the election approached, something changed.

I read Gup's essay and was empowered to open my mind

even further, and broaden my horizons even wider.

Like a true wobbly, I voted for a third party candidate.

I had no dog in the fight.

I returned to the group with the intention

to simply sit back and observe.

I left feeling satisfied because I entered

without the possibility of being disappointed.

There was nothing for me to win or lose.

Ted Gup put it best in his essay when he said,

"as a non combatant I was welcomed at the table

of even bitterly divided folks."

I figured out that it was okay if didn't know

exactly where I stood.

I simply enjoyed hearing where others stood and why.

Through this realization, I developed a love of learning

in a way that I could not have anticipated.

Being respectful of others beliefs puts me

in an ideal position to question them in a manner

that does not offend them.

This allows others to feel like their opinions

are being heard and valued while allowing me

to expand my knowledge, perspective,

and understanding to its maximum capacity.

I believe this is the only way I can effectively

grow and become the most understanding and accepting

person I can be.

As the Switzerland, if you will,

of any conflict, I will never again be ashamed

to be wobbly.

Thank you.

(audience applauding)

For more infomation >> It's Okay to be Wobbly | Dylan Marr - Duration: 4:04.


By the Book | Donald Huston - Duration: 4:30.

(upbeat music)

(audience clapping)

- After everything we've heard tonight,

it might sound a bit simplistic,

but I believe in books.

You might think that perhaps anyone

who's inhabited this world,

this small blue marble that we call home,

for almost seven decades,

might have something more profound than books.

Perhaps an epiphany gained while flying combat over Vietnam,

or maybe a lesson learned

through this painful aging process.

Perhaps something my grandfather taught me.

But the more I look into myself,

the more it really all boils down to books.

Books have been a driving force in my life

since grade school when I came down with chicken pox,

followed immediately by the measles.

In those less enlightened times,

they thought that sunlight would damage your eyes

if you had a high fever.

And so I convalesced in a darkened room,

with only my mother reading to me for relief.

But then we know the difference,

suddenly, rather than being a small child

convalescing in a dark room,

I was roaming a castle with Hamlet,

and there were ghosts, and pirates and sword fights,

and all kinds of adventure.

That sense of adventure has never left me,

but I quickly learned

that there's a lot more to books than adventure stories.

Books are in fact the repository of all human knowledge.

Of ideas.

And the beauty of an idea is

that it cannot exist in a vacuum,

alone and untouched by other ideas.

Every idea is connected to other ideas,

and those ideas are connected,

and those ideas are connected,

and this interconnectedness forms a huge web

that contains all human knowledge.

And this web is ever-expanding

as long as we keep thinking and learning.

Einstein described our personal knowledge as

contained in a small circle.

Everything we know, every thought and every dream

is in that small circle.

Everything we do not know is outside that circle,

touched at the circumference.

And the paradox arises as we learn more.

As we learn more, that circle expands,

and so does the circumference of the unknown.

The more we know, the more we know we don't know.

But that web of ideas that I mentioned earlier,

that great web of human intelligence can overcome

that vast unknown that's outside that circle.

Not all at once of course, but relentlessly,

as long as we're willing to think our own thoughts,

and compare them with the ideas of others.

Of course, just reading a book isn't enough.

Socrates, through the voice of Plato maintained that

books are invalid for presenting positions or arguments.

He said that books do not allow a response

and cannot be adequately questioned.

With respect, these limited philosophers,

I think, missed an idea.

I question every book I read, even the bible.

Accepting dogma, without questioning,

is letting others do your thinking for you.

Love of reading requires love of thinking.

Through questioning, even questions unanswered by authors,

new insights and new ideas are developed.

Books, if properly examined,

stimulate the mind and lead to exciting ideas and places.

John Dewey, American educator and philosopher,

declared that all education

is the result of personal experience.

However, in this short life,

a person can only experience so much,

compared with everything that might be accomplished.

The solution of course is, books.

Books are a monument of ideas,

and through a relationship with books,

we can lead to enrich our own experiences.

And when we share our ideas,

the amount of knowledge in the world increases.

Imagine you're on a path, and you have a loaf of bread.

You come upon some strangers and you give them the bread.

They walk away, but you're left hungry.

Now imagine you're on that same path with an idea.

And you walk down that path, and you meet these strangers

and give them your idea.

Everybody walks away with more knowledge,

and the knowledge is spread.

That's the purpose of ideas.

That's the purpose of a love of learning.

That is the purpose of books.

Thank you.

(audience clapping)

For more infomation >> By the Book | Donald Huston - Duration: 4:30.


CalTime for Supervisors - How to Setup a Schedule - Duration: 3:04.

This video demonstrates how a supervisor uses CalTime to setup a work schedule for their


Let's get started.

Once logged into CalTime, go the to the Schedules link on the right panel.

This opens a new tab listing the names of the staff.

As a supervisor, you can set up a schedule for one employee, a select few, or your entire


To set up a schedule for a single employee, just click on their name.

To select multiple employees, hold down the control button on your keyboard and click

any additional names.

In this demonstration, we will add a schedule for just one employee.

Once the selection (or selections) are made, right click on the name of one of the employees

and click Schedule Pattern.

This generates a pop-up window where you set the details of the schedule.

Use either Shift Template or Pattern Template to create the schedule.

Shift Template lists all the available start and stop shifts while Pattern Template does

the same but also includes the days of the week.

For now, let's use Shift Template.

Start by selecting the days of the week to apply the schedule.

Multiple days are selected by holding down the Control button and picking out the additional


For this example, we'll select Monday through Thursday.

Then, click the Shift Template link and pick out a pre-defined work period.

In this example, we'll pick 6:30am to 3:30pm.

Next, verify that you are applying the schedule to the correct date range.

In this example, the schedule begins on March 12 and continues indefinitely.

To erase any future schedules already in place, click on the Override Other Patterns checkbox.

If the schedule pattern is only temporary, leave this box unchecked and instead enter

an End Date.

Suppose you have made arrangements for this employee to work every Friday from 1pm to


To set this up, select Friday, then Shift Template, and pick out the hours of one to


When you are done, click Apply and then OK.

And finally, to apply this schedule to the employee's record, click the Save button.

If later you decide you need to edit this schedule, go back to the Schedule Pattern

and click the "edit" icon.

Or to delete the schedule entirely, click the delete icon.

Deleting a schedule generates a confirmation pop up window.

Click Yes followed by OK.

And finally, don't forget to click the Save button anytime you add, edit, or delete a


This concludes this video.

For written job aids and other CalTime training information, we encourage you to visit

Or, if you need additional assistance, feel free to email the CalTime Help Desk at

Thank you.

For more infomation >> CalTime for Supervisors - How to Setup a Schedule - Duration: 3:04.


Colors Video for Kids Talking Tom Gold Run and Subway Surfers Venice vs Tom Frosty #2 - Duration: 14:56.

Colors Video for Kids Talking Tom Gold Run and Subway Surfers Venice vs Tom Frosty #2

Subway Surfers: Venice,Subway Surfers Venice,Subway Surfers Venice Hack,Subway Surfers Venice Cheat,Subway Surfers Venice Update,iPad Subway Surfers Venice,Subway Surfers,Venice,Colors Gameplay,Colors,Gameplay android,subway surfers,talking tom gold run,hawaii 2017 update,talking tom and friends,talking angela,tom hank ginger ben,2017 gameplay,Talking,Tom,vs,Bangkok,Unlocked,Map,Talking Tom Gold Run,Talking Tom,Wild West,Tom Frosty,Frosty,Funny Colors

For more infomation >> Colors Video for Kids Talking Tom Gold Run and Subway Surfers Venice vs Tom Frosty #2 - Duration: 14:56.


Contagious Compassion | Alicia Allen - Duration: 3:59.

(relaxing instrumental music)


- I recently lost the only person

who has always had my best interests in mind.

The only person who was always willing

to sacrifice himself or things to make sure that I was okay.

In his passing, I learned things about him

that should have changed the way that I felt about him.

However, it changed our relationship for the better.

For this exact reason, I chose the essay,

"The People Who Love You When No One Else Will,"

from the "This I Believe" book,

and I also chose compassion as my virtue.

In the essay, a young woman talks

about her hard life growing up.

Her mother was a drug addict and her father

wasn't as involved as he could be.

She moved around a lot during her childhood,

but a family eventually took her in.

They loved her as if blood couldn't make them any closer.

She felt like she belonged and had a true place

to stay with people who loved her.

I related heavily to this story,

because I, too, had a rough childhood.

My mother battled with drugs and I didn't know my father,

when my grandpa came into my life,

and became the only mother and father

I ever knew and needed to know.

He took care of us and made sure

that we were always out of harm's reach.

He took care of me and my sister from birth

until we were able to take care of ourselves.

When he passed, we learned

that we weren't even blood-related,

that he had taken care of our mother

knowing she wasn't his daughter.

He did what he could do for her,

even when she was battling with her addiction,

but he realized he could do no more for her,

and focused on what would eventually become the future,

my sister and I.

Just like the author of the essay, I realized

that blood doesn't make you family all of the time.

Family consists of those who take care of you,

and love you, and want nothing but the best for you.

Even in his passing, I still have family.

My boyfriend's mom and my god mom teamed up

to help me plan his funeral,

take care of his hospital information, and so much more.

They offered me places to stay

when I thought I was out of luck.

They fed me, took me where I needed to go,

and continued to shower me with love and affection.

Neither of them share any blood with me,

but if you were to see us all together,

you wouldn't be able to tell.

Also, I have family here at OU.

My gateway teacher has been a motherly figure

by giving me a safe place to confide in.

She gives me good hugs and always has chocolate.

(audience laughs)

She's pointed me to people at OU

who can help me do everything, so I don't feel so alone.

I also have great friends on campus,

who all have taken care of me.

Even with my paw-paw passing,

it's as if God put these people in my life

so that when times got hard, it wouldn't be so bad.

The driving force behind everything that has happened to me,

and to the author of the essay, is compassion.

Compassion in the simplest form is caring for others.

The ability to love one another

and show compassion is what makes having relationships

with others so meaningful.

The author of the essay received compassion

from people who took her in, and she was then able

to give all the compassion she was unable to give before.

I am in the same situation.

After receiving so much love from my paw-paw,

I am able to pass that on to everyone around me.

I don't want his passing to be in vain.

I want his virtue to live on forever.

I just plan on making myself

a better person and staying positive.

I want to love all the people

who have loved me through this process.

I want to brighten days and uplift spirits,

whether it be at my job, at home,

at school, and even at church.

I want my compassion to be contagiously spread like the flu,

and that it touches everyone.

(audience laughs)

Thank you.


For more infomation >> Contagious Compassion | Alicia Allen - Duration: 3:59.


RCMP Officer for the Day - Runner up - Duration: 1:06.

I would like to be an RCMP officer for the day because…

Reason 1,

if I see someone going out the store without paying

I would tell them "hey you will have to pay for that."

Reason 2,

when I see someone on the road going too fast,

I would give them a ticket.

If they still go too fast, I would arrest them.

Reason 3,

I would help them if there is a fire.

If I see someone who does not live there,

I would arrest them

and help the people who were in the fire.

I would help them.

Reason 4,

if they are breaking the rules, they would go to jail.

I would put people in jail if they are bad.

Therefore, I would like to be an RCMP officer for the day

because I think it would be nice to help people.

Sincerely, Future Officer Emily

Oh, that's so sweet!

For more infomation >> RCMP Officer for the Day - Runner up - Duration: 1:06.


Download Apps & Games | AT&T Wireless Support - Duration: 2:35.

Download Apps and Games:

Download, Install & Open.

The Google Play Store provides access

to the latest music, apps, games, videos, and more

to all Google account holders.

A Google account must be set up first

to complete this process.

From the home screen, select "Play Store".

Select the Search field.

Enter the desired search item,

and then select the Search icon.

Select the desired result.

For a free app, select "INSTALL".

While the content is downloading,

the Download icon will be displayed

in the notification bar.

To open the app, select "OPEN".

Apps built for Android 6.0 or later

will ask for permissions once you start using them.

Review permissions,

and if you agree, select "ALLOW".

Uninstall an App.

To uninstall an app,

from the home screen, select and hold the desired app.

Drag the app up to Delete, and release.

Select "DELETE" to confirm.

You may be prompted to view app trash.

Select "SETTINGS".

Select the Delete icon.

Select "DELETE".

Some preinstalled applications

cannot be uninstalled from the device,

but can be disabled.

LG SmartWorld.

LG SmartWorld is an app store

that strictly provides free customized content

for LG devices.

To access LG SmartWorld,

swipe to and select the Management folder,

then select "SmartWorld".

Review permissions,

and if you agree, select "ALLOW".

Select the Search icon.

Enter the desired search item,

then select the Search icon.

Select the desired result.

Select "Download".

Select "I agree",

then select "Start with device account".

Select "OK".

The content will take a moment to download.

Select "Apply".

Select "APPLY".

Select "SET" to confirm.

♪AT&T jingle♪

For more infomation >> Download Apps & Games | AT&T Wireless Support - Duration: 2:35.


Personal Users Part 2 - Registration - Duration: 2:57.

In this video, we'll look at registering your personal My Tax Account.

You can only access personal account management if you have received one of these four notices

from the Department of Revenue: Statement of Account, Notice of Amount Due, Notice of

Overdue Tax, or Notice of Referred Debt.

If you have a My Tax Account profile for business, we recommend you create a separate, personal,

My Tax Account profile to ensure privacy and separation between your accounts.

To register as a new personal user, select the My Tax Account icon from our homepage.

Find the link "New user?

Create new username" and follow the steps.

Step 1 - enter your profile information.

Create a Username and password and enter an email address that is not currently used in

My Tax Account.

We may use this email address to send notifications such as system outages and filing reminders.

Enter the requested information and select a secret question and answer to help you log

in to My Tax Account if you get locked out or forget your password.

Unless you are managing someone else's account, select "No" to the "Are you a third party

preparer" question, and click OK.

Step 2 -

Select the identification type you want to use.

Most people will use their Social Security Number.

Enter the last name and zip code as it appears on your letter, even if the letter is incorrect.

You'll be able to change that information once you set up your profile.

Click OK.

Verify the information on the summary screen and submit your registration.

You must agree to terms of use for My Tax Account.

You will receive a confirmation by email that confirms submission of your registration.

It also includes an authorization code you will need to log in the first time.

Click Home and prepare to login for the first time.

In order to Login you'll need to include the authorization code you received in your confirmation


You will now be asked to add a Security Contact cell number or email address.

You will receive a new security code each time you log in.

Use this security code the same way as you used the authorization code in the previous

log in.

Also, enter your options for mail delivery.

We recommend receiving your mail electronically through your personal online account.

Click Save.

You have now set up your profile, contact information, security information, and mail

delivery options.

At this point, you are ready to add access to your personal accounts.

Continue to video 3 for Using My Tax Account.

For more infomation >> Personal Users Part 2 - Registration - Duration: 2:57.


The Strength of My Ancestors | Heather Shotton - Duration: 3:17.

(light music)

(audience claps)

- I believe I carry

the strength of my ancestors.

It is a strength

that has fostered resiliency

within and allowed me to

withstand numerous challenges

throughout my life.

It is an accumulation of strength,

garnered through the collective

prayers of my ancestors,

uttered across generations.

I believe their strength

resides within me

and has allowed me to thrive.

Throughout my life,

I have been taught to

pray in a way that

extends beyond myself

and beyond the present.

In a way that recognizes

those that are here

and those yet to be born.

This type of prayer acknowledges

our connections to both

our ancestors and descendants.

And, it honors a belief

in our intimate connections

and responsibility to one another.

I often hear people

throughout my community say

"we are the answers to our

"ancestor's prayers."

And, throughout my life's journey,

I have developed a deeper understanding

of what that statement really means.

I have come to understand

that my ancestors thought of me

and prayed for me

before I even existed.

They prayed for their desires

for future generations,

for the strength and stability

of our families and communities,

and for the continuation of our people.

And, I am constantly reminded

that we are the manifestation

of those prayers.

I am the result of their collective

strength and resiliency.

I was recently reminded of this

as I passed this teaching

on to my own daughter.

My oldest daughter turned 16

earlier this year.

And, to mark her journey

to becoming a young woman,

we held a ceremony for her.

As the ceremony concluded,

I spoke with her

and explained what had taken place

throughout the ceremony.

The prayers that were said for her

and the collective intentions

of the relatives,

who had gathered in her honor.

I explained that we said prayers

for her future,

for her education,

her happiness, her well being.

And, that we prayed not only for her,

but for her future children,

grandchildren, and even

her great grandchildren.

It may seem odd to pray for

children and grandchildren

who don't yet exist.

But, as I explained to my daughter,

we have been taught to think beyond ourselves,

to always think ahead to

the generations who will come after us.

I explained to her that this

is a continuation of what our

ancestors passed on to us

and that the strength garnered

through those collective prayers

will sustain not only her

but her descendants,

just as it has sustained me.

(audience claps)

For more infomation >> The Strength of My Ancestors | Heather Shotton - Duration: 3:17.


Learning Animals For Babies Learning Animal Names Learning Animals Wild Animals Names For Kids - Duration: 4:29.

Learning Animals For Babies Learning Animal Names Learning Animals Wild Animals Names For Kids

For more infomation >> Learning Animals For Babies Learning Animal Names Learning Animals Wild Animals Names For Kids - Duration: 4:29.


Kevin Horahan: What are Regional Emergency Coordinators? - Duration: 2:20.

Regional Emergency Coordinators or "RECs" are emergency management experts, specifically

focused on their region's public health and medical ability… to be ready for and

get through a disaster. They're the H H S preparedness, response

and recovery "eyes and ears" in each region of our country. There are 10 regions, plus

an additional National Capitol Region, so RECs can cover a few states.

They work directly with the state counterparts in their region to ensure – if there's

a disaster – the federal response will be there when needed, providing public health

and medical care to those people when it matters the most.

But we want to be prepared before any disaster strikes, so RECs work within their regions

to plan, exercise and identify what's in place… and what's needed, before that

disaster ever hits. Each region has its own preparedness concerns…

some may be more focused on earthquakes, or hurricanes, or floods…

Within a region, individual states may have lots of medical resources like hospitals or

ambulances, while others may have limited medical support.

Even areas with large medical capabilities may not have much "surge capacity" meaning

they use all of those resources every day. RECs ensure we know what's available within

each region at ANY given time, so if a disaster strikes, we can quickly help that region with

those medical needs they may desperately need. When there is a disaster and a state requests

help, FEMA rolls in with federal support. H H S is the health and medical part of that

support, and the RECs lead that public health and medical portion. RECs are the ones on

the ground, overseeing deployment of federal disaster medical response teams, medical resources,

and – when the disaster passes – helping the community recover.

Disasters can come with no warning. That's why we have RECs on-call 24 hours a day, every

day to respond to regional and national incidents or events. They identify, validate and execute

missions responding to the public health and medical needs of the community, all-the-while

maintaining regional readiness for additional missions.

To sum it up: Regional Emergency Coordinators are there to help each region support our

national health security.

For more infomation >> Kevin Horahan: What are Regional Emergency Coordinators? - Duration: 2:20.


Why I Care | Lee Roland - Duration: 9:29.


- I am burdened

for others.

Specifically, marginalized people of color

and primarily

because I grew up

in such

amidst poverty, little resources

but worse of all

little hope.

I suffered depravation

without knowing it.

Only to eventually discover

that I was losing

in the race of opportunity

before i even ever got started.


as I speak today


is arguably no less today

than it ever was




A preacher's kid.

I grew up the youngest of six boys.

With a younger sister.

I went to school with all the children

whom were all Black and poor

just like me.

While the more prosperous White children across the street

were educated

in a better facility

that was exclusively

for those of Caucasian descent.


the homes

the cars

the churches

their jobs

were all superior to ours.

Like the television shows

I watched.

Leave I to Beaver,

My Three Sons,

The Brady Bunch,

life was just better for them.




During those same years, I've witnessed

some of the most tragic events

in American history,

committed by other Americans

I think

from the eyes of a small child.

The first occurred when I was just four years old.

I came home

from kindergarten

to find my mother and aunt watching television

viewing the breathtaking aftermath

of the assassination

of the President of these United States

John Fitzgerald Kennedy,

while my mother and aunt

and others who looked like me were hurting

the television depicted

a direct dichotomy of some people

in the south of a different hue than ours

were celebrating.

This horrific tragedy,




The second event occurred some four plus years later.

Again, I came home from school to see my mom


This time,

a Black man was the victim of incomprehensible hate.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

He had just been assassinated.

I did not know who he was at the time.

But I could tell that he must have been somebody

pretty important.

The television images and the footages

are indelibly etched in my mind

as I recall the contradicting reactions from people

all over this country.

Black people were crying,


and just outright distraught.

On the other hand,

there again were some White people,

waving these odd flags

I had seen in Civil War movies,

parading and celebrating,

in the days that followed

and the tremendous upheaval around the country.

The picture became just a little clearer.

Any and everybody that looked like me was horrified,

helpless, and hopeless.

While White people have responses ranging from

genuine concern,

to extreme exuberance.




As time went by,

and I became more news aware

I ascertained why these men were killed.

They spoke and dreamed

about justice for all.

They said that every American had the right

to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And that just made sense to me, a moral boy.

And I couldn't comprehend why any fellow countryman

would kill another for advocating civility

and justice.




Fast forwarding.

Some 40 plus years.

My fate has been in a career in public education.

The vast majority as a principal,

as I've served in our schools,

I've seen many children grow up

just like me.

Not because it was the law

but rather because of systemic issues

in our schools

and society.

Many children of color are still segregated

with much less chance of achieving

the American dream

than others.

How is this you ask

In 2017?

Oh, I'm so glad you asked.


in too many communities,

Black children are living below the poverty line.

Today, in too many cases

children of color are still being suspended from our schools

at a disproportional rate

than their Non-Black peers.


in too many cases,

children of color

with the greatest needs are still in school

with the least resources.

Today, in too many schools,

children of color have very few people

who look like them in positions of authority

and influence.

Today, in too many cases

children of color

are in a pipeline to prison.

Today, in too many cases,

children of color

are still failing

and being failed.




As a principal.

13 years ago

I inherited a school with a predominantly Black

and poor student population.

Replete with aforementioned characteristics

that could've been characterized

as a sinking ship

with consistently low test scores,

lots of suspensions,

retentions and other negative indicators.

The school is now sailing

the uncharted waters of hope and opportunity

for all children

Red or Yellow, Black or White,

they're all precious

in His sight.

With some of the best test scores

and absolutely the fewest suspensions you will find anywhere

one in the last two years.


Because we care.


Because we did not assume the worse about them.


Because of their complexions and their economic status

didn't matter to us.

And we sought to make a difference in their lives.






why are so many

of our schools

still segregated?


why are the least still getting the least

in our schools?


why are so many other schools consitently failing

our children of color?


why don't enough people care enough to change things

for our children of color?


why are there so few schools

like Two Lakes?



do I have to ask





What about you?


For more infomation >> Why I Care | Lee Roland - Duration: 9:29.


Settings Overview | AT&T Wireless Support - Duration: 2:09.

Settings Overview:

Notifications and Quick Settings.

To access notifications,

swipe down from the notification bar.

Notifications will be displayed.

To access expanded quick settings,

select the Expand icon.

Swipe left to view the second page of quick settings.

To change what appears in your quick settings,

select "EDIT".

Select and drag the desired quick settings icon

to rearrange the Quick Settings menu.

When finished, select the Checkmark icon.

Swipe up to close.

Main Settings.

To access main settings,

swipe down from the notification bar.

Select the Settings icon.

Settings are organized into four different sections.

The Networks section allows you to adjust settings

for features like airplane mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,

and mobile hotspot settings.

The Sound and Notification section

allows you to adjust settings

for volume, ringtones, vibration and notification settings,

as well as do not disturb.

The Display section allows you to adjust settings for features

such as home screen layout, screen lock and time out,

font size, and screen brightness.

The General section allows you to view and manage accounts,

adjust settings for features

such as language and keyboard, battery and power saving,

security, storage, location, and date and time.

The General section also allows you

to view device information,

view and manage apps,

and back up and reset the device.

If you cannot find what you are looking for,

you can search your settings.

To search through settings,

select the Search icon at the top of the Settings menu.

Enter your desired search,

and select the most relevant result

to view and edit settings.

♪AT&T jingle♪

For more infomation >> Settings Overview | AT&T Wireless Support - Duration: 2:09.


A Battle with the Truth | Emily Humphreys - Duration: 2:48.

(chimes ring)


- When I was a senior in high school,

I ate lunch with the freshmen.

At the beginning of the year,

I had met a group of girls at a school retreat.

I just really loved talking to them.

They had so many questions and funny thoughts,

and when that weekend came to a close,

I still felt like there was so

much more left to hear and say.

One's freshman year of high school

is the beginning of the rest of their life.

It is like everyone hits the reset button,

making it one of the most influential

times in a person's life.

When I was a freshman, I really

looked up to my older brother,

but none of the girls in his grade

were great role models.

I would've given anything to have

someone take me by the hand,

give me advice and tell me that

everything was going to be okay,

so I decided to be that for those girls.

And they agreed to let a random

senior eat lunch with them.

Throughout the year, the content

of our conversations was relatively consistent.

Cute boys, teachers that were just so unfair,

and the usual high school rumor mill.

Throughout all of our conversations,

I realized one great thing these

girls desperately needed.


They were not speaking it, hearing it

or believing it.

Truth is this currency, spent far more

selfishly than money.

Truth or the lack thereof has the power

to skew reality and fog even the brightest of minds.

Over the course of my life,

I have found that the biggest culprit

of withholding truth is none other than myself.

I believe the exchange of truth

has the power to break chains in

peoples' minds and hearts.

All day we hear lies.

And what's worse, we convince ourselves

that they are truth.

So with every conversation I had with those girls,

I fought to break down the walls

of lies that seemed to surround that cafeteria.

Their mindset of what beauty looked like

and their expectations of what

success meant held them captive

to believing their worth came from

things like their boyfriend or their grades.

And contrary to previous opinion,

their outfits or knowledge of pop culture

would never give them the affirmation

they so desperately desired.

With humility, we talked a lot about

what fills us and what validates us.

When they started to hear and speak

truth about their worth,

those girls started to believe it.

So collectively about all of the truth still redesign,

but now they give and receive it more freely.

They have created an entirely new culture

for their group of friends and to this day

I still believe my greatest lesson

in high school I learned at lunch with the freshmen.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> A Battle with the Truth | Emily Humphreys - Duration: 2:48.


Personal Users Part 1 - Overview - Duration: 2:23.

This My Tax account training series is divided into three videos.

This video is an overview of My Tax Account, focusing on its navigation and help features

for managing your personal tax accounts.

Currently, personal account management is only available to those who have a debt with

the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Each video starts at the My Tax Account Login Screen.

It's located on our website at

Select the My Tax Account icon on our homepage.

Here are three tips to help you get started:

Tip 1: Use the help features

On the login screen, we have links to other help videos and resources for you to manage

your personal accounts.

As you navigate in My Tax Account, you'll see tips in gray boxes at the top or right

side of the screen.

If an entry field is red, there is an error.

Hover over the field for a brief description of the error.

If the corner of the entry field is orange it is a required field.

Tip 2: Prepare your computer

Make sure your web browser is updated.

To avoid issues with My Tax Account, use these minimum versions as your web browser.

Next, disable your popup blocker.

Since My Tax Account opens new browser windows for some functions, you may want to disable

the popup blocker on your browser when using the program.

You may also need an up-to-date version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDFs in My Tax


Tip 3: Use the menu on the left and the tabs in the middle of your screen.

The panel on the left has action buttons that change depending on the screen you're on.

On the tabs across the middle of the screen you'll see your accounts, requests, notices,

mail and balances.

Under "I Want To" on the right side of your screen, you can do things like view your profile,

pay your collection balance, view payment details, add access to an account, and more.

Continue to video 2 to learn how to register for My Tax Account.

For more infomation >> Personal Users Part 1 - Overview - Duration: 2:23.


School Choice | Glenn Davis for Lt. Governor - Duration: 0:35.

Every student should have a solid foundation for education, and that's really where school choice comes in.

You know, school choice really is that rising tide that lifts all ships,

whether it's homeschool and all the new technology and opportunities that are out there to homeschool your children

whether it's charter school, and a lot of those opportunities and a lot of those opportunities that exist,

or whether it's just elevating the playing field with public schools. We need to make sure that all of our students have that solid foundation,

to truly reach their full potential in a 21st century, global economy, and I really believe school choice is what's going to allow them to do that.

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