Let's make a plan of attack!
Start looking forward-
-And stop looking back!
A week ago on the 21st of March, a chief engineer on an offshore supply vessel in the Gulf of
Mexico witnessed a UFO emerging from the ocean that was measuring 1200 feet in diameter.
The witness filed a report on the website of the National UFO reporting center two days
After Gcaptain, a well-known maritime and offshore industry news website published the
story, numerous news sites have reported on the encounter.
The witness described a dark colored, oval shaped object emerging from the ocean.
No water was dripping from the craft.
It was five times as large as the 240 supply vessel the crew was on.
The event lasted for 40 seconds when suddenly the UFO disappeared with the speed of light.
The National UFO reporting center contacted the witness and stated that he is very reliable.
Throughout the years, many UFO reports have been filed in which the object emerged from
the ocean.
In some cases, witnesses on board of ships reported having seen strange light beneath
the surface of the water.
In 1995 classified photographs were leaked to a French magazine.
These photographs contained images of alleged UFO�s that were taken from inside a submarine.
This submarine, the USS Trepang was on a classified mission nearby the Jan Mayen Island in 1971.
During the mission, the crew of the submarine took these photographs of enormous UFO hovering
above the ocean, and in some cases, the objects can be seen submerging into the water.
It was not clear whether these UFO�s were shot down by the submarine because in some
of the pictures we can see an object entering the water in a cloud of smoke.
sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center.
The NUFORC track any sightings reported of UFOs and record data.
The engineer said that he was working on Thursday afternoon, 21 March, in the Mexican Gulf,
when around 7 pm he along with four members of the crew saw a craft which appeared to
be five times the length of their own craft, which is 240 feet.
The sighting has been highlighted by the National UFO Reporting Center as being of interest
and is one of the 246 recent reports of sightings of UFOs during March this year.
The NUFORC talked with the engineer via phone and was reported as being sober-minded.
In notes, they wrote that the witness seemed capable and reliable and he had estimated
that perhaps up to 50 people might have witnessed the UFO, aboard vessels nearby.
The NUFORC are now urging witnesses to come forward.
To see the video.
The video link is in the article below in our description
Frozen 2 Elsa is a Bad Baby Doesnt Follow RULES with Hans! TV ichibi Parody - Duration: 1:06.Frozen 2 Elsa is a Bad Baby, doesn't want to Follow rules in any Games, Hans didn't like the attitude of Elsa.Tv Ichibi
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The High Knife - A Stoner's Perfect Tool and The Knife of the Party on The Johno Show - Duration: 10:30.Hey Stoners!
Welcome to The Johno Show I'm your host Jonathan.
and today we are talking to entrepreneur and CEO of
the High Knife company George Weddington.
Welcome to The Johno Show George…
check out her product and I thought it was super cool.
Utilizing 15 years of design experience in both residential staging and commercial set
design/styling, High Knife creator Georgiana Weddington developed an overall brand aesthetic
drawing on the architecture of Manhattan.
As New York City is the birthplace of the High Knife (and Georgiana),the knife, its
packaging, and website design are all steeped in the Art Deco style.
When alcohol Prohibition ended in 1933, America saw the advent of high end design in all manner
of cocktail shakers, glasses, swizzle sticks and bar accessories.
The 21st century will similarly see a new era of prohibition ending and the creation
of equally creative accessories.
While utilitarian implements will always have a place in the market, the new-found freedom
will inspire people to seek more elegant solutions.
The High Knife is particularly suited for the modern user, as it serves as a discreet
and versatile multi-function pocket tool.
It is as beneficial for
the 85 year old who lacks dexterity as
it is for the 25 year old who also uses it as a handy beer and wine bottle opener.
It is truly poised to be The Knife of the Party.
That's a perfect description of what
this is and what
I love
is that you and I are on the same page regarding prohibition.
We both understand that the legalization of marijuana is just
the tip of the iceberg for the industry and where the real money is, is in the ancillary
No risk of the DEA kicking down your door or some bozo stealing
your harvest.
You're building a company that
works as a component of the industry.
I love it.
The Accidental Spiral and Recovery Demonstration - Duration: 2:52.if you're in a graveyard spiral, your airspeed is fast, and probably increasing.
A distracted pilot can slip into a spiral while performing steep turn maneuvers.
The first clues are: rapid loss of altitude and a sudden build up in airspeed.
Recovery from this condition is accomplished by following the these actions:
reduce power to idle to slow the airspeed; roll the wings level to stop the turn;
ease back on the control column to raise the nose; and
apply full throttle making sure not to exceed the engine's red line and climb back to altitude.
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