Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017

I'm on my way to my doctor's office

because I have to do the dreaded

physical but I kind of like Gina doctors

women's first thing in the morning

because my work pays for a two hours

doctors women and it never takes two

hours so then I get a little extra time

off during the day which is a guys like

my help it don't worry I'm not showing

you my toe nails match my outfit today

we have this thing it's like a look at

Curtin just waiting for the doctor so

attractive alright so i'm back in the

car physical done good with that looks

like i might be getting another minor

surgery though i haven't really talked

about it was so disgusting but I had a

little wart on my foot that and it's

like a planners once was like in my foot

and I've had it for over 10 years it

will not go away I've tried duct tape

I've tried the doctor has freezed it off

I'm not even kidding like a dozen times

it does not want to go away so I have no

idea where I got it from but she

referred me to someone who's going to

cut it out she sounds half amazin a

house disgusting because I just want off

my damn foot also I got my blood drawn

it's already falling off the stupid

band-aid but anyways I'm going to head

back home I'm going to spend this time

doing some video editing because I don't

have to be at work for another like hour

or so because as you guys know I never

have enough time i'm home now and yeah i

went to go get some lotion and whacked

my arm so flipping hard that i was like

in shock you know when you're like the

pain is so severe that you're just

literally like in shock there's no tears

there's no like I was like frozen in

pain i'll show you what i just did so

here's the lotion and then i have this

stupid towel rack right here and it was

like this and they came down and I

pulled straight back and hit the corner

of my elbow right here anyways now on to

the next problem we'll have to take this

thing off oh oh my god

oh that did not feel good it is now time

to get the kids so I gotta leave this

cutie pie oh good baby oh baby p great

day bye they're going to go it's

actually dinner time right now I made

these two I love maybe zissou it's so

delicious and I can do it really fast so

this is so good I usually make this a

couple of times during the colder months

and it is almost summer time now it

feels like here so I wanted to make it

one last time not so yummy looking so

woke up a little bit early this morning

from the sound of what sounded like wood

slapping against each other open my

blinds and the neighbor dog is chewing

our friends posts off so she's grabbing

the signs full of pulling it back and

when she lets go it was slapping back

down so this is a problem like the dog

is literally destroying suncoast right

now like is this seriously happening

right now the dog is chewing our fence

and every time I tell her to stop she

just keeps doing it so she's pretty much

just making her own door all right seems

like she's done I took a shower and I

came back out she was gone so now I

should go outside and try to fix it so

here we've got pieces of woods and when

I can use I see what shell hole and then

this one is not even attached anymore

and she worked out

so you can kind of see I mean this is

not attractive it looked horrible so it

definitely needs to be fixed Matt got a

smoker yesterday are you excited ah so

he's going to try it poking me for the

first time so we're going to start it

shortly and then flooded smoke all day

so I'm excited to see how that tape

there's no vienes mama no mama turn no

yes oh noes just to make sure like

obviously it works everything and then

I'm getting supplies for another DIY

videos and we're going to start doing

some freaky DIY to my other channels oh

wow I cannot talk you guys are

subscribed oh you should call do it so

we went into walmart to get a couple

things there's one walmart that I don't

mind it's pretty nice and the stuff is

cheap so we went in there to get just a

thermometer for his most meat stuff and

ended up buying two bikes one for me and

one for Gracie so I've needed a vice for

a while but it was just funny that I

didn't think we were going to bed right

now I also had to get a helmet and

totally forgot about the fact that

there's no helmets that look good on

people like no matter what you wear Matt

thinks that he looks good with healthy

burns but for the average person like

there's no attractive looking homeless

they just they make you look that that

there's just so I got one whatever he's

got the cheapest one because the most

expensive line is you just one they both

made me look kind of dumb so I just

thought the cheapest one now ebony

really really healthy lately but this

morning I kind of forgot to eat so we

have to stop it we don't have groceries

right now is reverse dropping and so I

just like deal with a breakfast for

trying out this new place it's called

our taco it was focus alright so this is

what we just got it's kind of small but

good for me so if you like a lot you

have to get more you can see it so it's

like a little taco and then you just

kind of like pinch it and eat it like

this but look at the inside yummy so

Matt got brisket you said right let me

get closer oh it's not focusing here we

go that looks good too

so it's all like mash up in a ball what

are you doing that is a piece of matts

taco just feeding this little random

stray cat that's out here in the middle

of this parking lot at the gardening

store look at these I love these flowers

rhododendron making something like that

where these on a purple girl wrote a

minute merrimette that knows a lot about

plants yeah I know you're so far this

year have some basil because I like to

take these into them in my shake the

delphinium this one is lavender it's not

blooming yet though this one is the

Columbine so this one also attracts be

so got all the plants on my lap we were

leaving I saw this little baby elephant

as you can see it it was right by the

entrance or the x-ray what everyone

thought and it said lucky elephant and I

immediately as soon as I saw it I

thought of my dad my dad had this

obsession with elephants he had a shelf

it was just filled with elephant

figurines of all different sizes shapes

colors like summer wood stone so this

made me think of him he passed away like

four or five years ago and I just

thought it's kind of cool to it says

that you carried around in your pocket

or you can keep it in your purse or like

putting on a shelf but if you have it

with you it's supposed to be lucky so I

just kind of made me feel like maybe I

kids like carry him around with me i

guess like feel like he's with me all

the time so that was kind of cute so we

just went for a bike ride with Hannah

and greasy I couldn't really record it

though because I was too free to bring

my camera so I thought I would drop it

but these are the all of our bikes now

that we've got so this one's mine Gracie

and Hannah we got Hannah's at the thrift

store for 25 bucks

yeah we gave it to you because we got

her a bigger one in generally said be to

be bought at the store this is my bike

in my dorky helmet this was a basic bike

I don't need anything fancy I'm not

doing like mountain biking and I'm not

doing any crazy sell them literally

staying on trails and going with the kit

so I don't need anything crazy but I

like it so my butt hurts so bad like I

feel like I have a but Bruce I don't

it's had bit smoky over here what is the

reason why it's not on the patio and why

it's over here hey I guess it smells

like good and horrible at the same time

whoa smokey I know you're bringing it

down oh I can close enough okay I mean

right I know oh my gosh dog stew she's

almost out go go back in your house go

back in look where you guys doing I

don't want to encourage it say no that's


she's so gonna get out yes she is she's

already halfway out alrighty so it is

pretty late getting ready to go to bed I

don't know why it looks like of a

spotlight or like a light on my face I

don't it's actually pretty dark in this

room with cameras just like amazing I'm

going to go ahead and end this vlog if

you guys liked it please give me a

thumbs up it helps more than you know

and if you want to see more videos for

me then don't forget to subscribe I'll

talk to you later peace


For more infomation >> THEIR DOG IS DIGGING A TUNNEL INTO OUR YARD! | VLOG #67 - Duration: 10:14.


Who is Devin Nunes - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Who is Devin Nunes - Duration: 2:18.


RoR: Fuuka Review - Duration: 8:21.

What's up people! Welcome to Ray of Reviews, where I, Rayden, bring you an array of videos

form the anime world and geek culture.

Today, I'll be reviewing the anime Fuuka.

Fuuka is a twelve episode high school drama romance.

It is based off a manga of the same name by Kouji Seo and is kind of a spinoff sequel to his other series


This anime is created by Diomedea production.

The same people behind other anime works such as: Girlish Number, Handa-kun, and The Lost


Fuuka is rated TV-14, most likely because of its sexual Fanservice.

This show is available to steam legally on both Crunchyroll and Funimation Now so no

matter your anime viewing preference, sub or dub, they got you covered.

Ironically, there is a Fuka in this show, but she isn't the protagonist of this tale.

Instead the story is told through the prospective of Yu Haruna.

Yu is a bit of a shut in, who interacts more with people on twitter than in the real world.

He recently relocated to a new high school due to his parents suddenly departure to America

because leaving your kids behind to raise themselves or dying is your only two options

if you're an anime parent.

Luckily, Yu doesn't have to live all by himself.

He lives with his three sisters, who all apparently don't mind walking around naked.

I guess that's just what families do in Japan?

Oh Boy!

Not just one, but two over used anime cliches and I haven't I've gotten to the main plot.

So Yu's life is kind of boring until one day he literally bumps into the energetic music lover Fuka

Akisuki or rather she bumps into him.

Okay, make that three cliches.

Turns out she goes to the same school as Yu and somehow over night these two become friends.

I guess because they both don't know what they want to do with their lives and kind

of have the same interested in music?

Their relationship is baffling if you really stop and think about it.

Anyways, Yu mentions to Fuka that she a nice singing voice and that small compliant was

all she needed to hear to finally decide what she wanted to do in life, which is to create a

rock band with Yu and their new friends without even consulting them.

Think of Haruhi Suzumiya, but not as entertaining.

Oh I almost forgot to mention.

Yu also has a childhood friend named Koyuki Hinashi, who is a famous idol singer that

conveniently reenters his life just in time to make a perfect love triangle.

Hold a sec!

Nerdy protagonist, absent parents, over sexualized sisters, instant friends, and a love triangle.

We have Anime Bingo people!

Yeah, this show isn't winning any points for originality.

Okay, let me try to be positive here.

The band members are a well assemble group of characters.

There is the easy going pretty boy keyboardist, who isn't interested in girls, Makoto Mikasa.

There is silent gentle giant guitarist Sara Iwami, and on drums is the comedy relief punching

bag Kazuya Nachi.

These personalities work well together and there is a bit of band drama here and there,

which I did appreciate.

And I'm struggling to add anything else in the positive column relating to story and


The anime doesn't really focus on music or the process of learning to play an instrument.

It does show the music process more than shows like K-ON, but not by much, which a total

shame, because I'm a sucker for stories about small time bands trying to make it in the

music scene.

*Coughs* Beck!

Continuing my list of complaints, the pacing of this series is bad to down right awful

at times.

I suspect the writers were trying to incorporate as much of the original manga into these twelve

episodes, but this story seems just too ambitious for a single anime season.

And the whole romance drama just seemed forced and not even remotely realistic even by anime


And on that high note, let's move to the next section.

The character designs are just ehh.

They are so stereotypical with the anime media that if it wasn't for Fuka's blue hair, I

doubt I'd remember what show these characters are from in a bout a year's time from now.

The background artwork and use of lighting is well done in this show.

Most of this story takes place in the summer and artists do a good job at making feel the

summer heat by using the bright contrast between day and night.

The overuse of the embarrass red marks on characters' face got a bit old for me though

maybe that's more of the original mangaka's fault.

The actual animation is by the the numbers for this kind of series.

Sure, there is a couple still backgrounds here and there and they use a couple of montage

shoots to help speed some things along and save a few dollars in the animation budget;

however, most of the time, nothing looked to out of place to me.

My only compliant animation wise would be during the musical performance scenes.

The lip syncing with character vocals was good, but the connection between the

music and instruments left much to be desire.

Only a few instrument sequences matched in time with the music and rest of the time was kind

of sad.

They would move the camera in just the right angles so you don't see the characters hit

the strings or move their hands on their fretboards.

I know it might not be fair, but K-ON and Kids on the Slope is what I think about when

I think of anime musical performances and for a show that is about music, I was not

impressed what Fukka had to contribute to the genre.

The opening is a generic J-rock song featuring the Japanese voice cast.

The song is okay; however, they also use this song multiple time in the show so it lost

its impact rather fast for me.

The opening visuals depict a colorful rock performance even if the music parts to perfectly

match in time with the animation.

I was more entertained with the Fuuka's ending.

The prominent fast tempo drum beat accompanied by soft piano and female vocals really struck

a cord with me and the high contrast illustrations of the show heroines was a nice touch in my


I did not recognize most of the Japanese voices used in this anime yet the cast was exceptional

from I can tell as a native English speaker.

Yu came off just with right amount of wimpiness.

There are so many times I end up screaming at the TV with these kinds of characters.

However, I didn't catch myself doing that when it came to Yusuke Kobayashi's performance

as Yu. Lynn, who plays Fuka in Japanese, was loud and cheerful enough without ending up

being on the annoying side.

My favorite voice actor or actress would be Koyuki who is played by Saori Hayami.

I'm not sure what it is, but there is just something about her voice that I really like and

is super recognizable to me and it doesn't hurt the fact that she has played a lot of characters

I have really liked in the past.

Switching over the English dub, it was alright.

On the plus side, Funimation doesn't use their go to actors that they have been know to do

in the past.

The only voice I knew for sure was Aaron Dismuke, who is probably most known for playing Alphonse

Elric from the original from FullMetal though he voice has changed since then, but he is

still indeed a great actor and steals the show as Yu.

Everyone else's performance was serviceable even if its not the exciting dub I've heard.

The weird thing about the English dub is that the musical performances are not translated


Instead the audio track switches to Japanese without subtitles and then returns back into

English after the song is over like how Sentai Films handle Angel Beats in its first episodes.

I know casting someone to act and sing is very difficult to do, but Funimation has done

this in the past with shows like Beck so I am disappointed to see they didn't do the

same thing here.

Because of this, I wouldn't recommend watching this anime with English subtitles.

I'm hoping Funimation only went this direction because of the time constraints with doing

an English simulcast and hopefully they can redo these scenes for their home release.

However, I did enjoy that Funimation brought back some English voice actors who played

the same characters from Suzuka even if they don't have huge parts in this series.

I love that level of detail and I'm sure it made a lot of fans happy.

I'll make this last part quick.

The original soundtrack music is easily one of the best things about this series.

The music helped even made some of the more boring or annoying parts of this anime tolerable

to watch.

They embrace the mood of each scene exquisitely.

It's just solid music arraignment done right and hope more anime titles out there follow

in those show's example in this regard.

To recap, the plot is nothing, but a humongous pile of anime cliches and they aren't even

ones I like.

The relationship building and musical process were nonsensical most of time due to its poor


I ended being more attracted to the support cast than the main leads.

Character designs were uninspiring though the details in the environment were much appreciated.

The animation was adequate until the musical performances came up.

I preferred the Japanese voice cast thanks to Mrs. Hayami's performance and I am hoping

Funimation will deliver the same quality in the near future.

The soundtrack and ending theme are amazing even if the opening didn't get me excited

to watch this high school drama.

So with that all in mind and based off my own enjoyment and preferences, I give Fuuka

a 2 out of 5 and a recommendation to skip it.

If you want to see a good version of this concept, I highly recommend watching Beck:

Mongolian Chop Squad.

It soars in almost every aspect where Fuuka fails.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

What do you think about Fuuka?

Is there any other anime series involving music you would recommend?

Leave me your thoughts in the comment section.

Got an anime you would like me to review?

Then feel free to put your request down below and I'll try to make that happen.

If you like what I do here, please share this video amongst your friends and hit that like

and subscribe button.

That stuff really does help me out and I truly appreciated all the help that I can get.

Look me up on social media if you're into that kind of thing.

And last, but most importantly, thank you so much for watching!

I was Rayden and I'll see you guys again on the next episode of Ray of Reviews.

For more infomation >> RoR: Fuuka Review - Duration: 8:21.


GUERILLA Short war film - Duration: 7:51.

Sir run!

Why are you now?

Where's the others?

I'm the only one who survived

and the others who fled are already dead!


Bataan has fallen!

In 1941...

Ten hours later

after the Japanese force bombed the Pearl Harbor

They crossed the Pacific

And they attacked

The Philippines

Ten thousand US forces

Including sixty thousand Filipinos

Pulled back to Bataan

And without any rescue from the navy

They trapped.

Because the other of President Roosevelt

General McArthur

Escapes to Australia

And vowed to return.

After four month of fighting in Bataan

Without any supplies...

Starving American and Filipino troops

Surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army.

But some other soldiers

Kept fighting and become...

Four hours later

After the Japanese captured Bataan

There are two Filipino guerillas

Fired by the Japanese soldier

Let's go over there.


After the shoot out...

The two guerillas

Is looking for a place

To take a rest

Inside the woods.

(Jap #1) Wait a sec!

(Jap #1) What was that?

(Jap #2) I do not know.

(Both speaks in Japanese)

Put your gun down!

For more infomation >> GUERILLA Short war film - Duration: 7:51.


Top 5 Health Benefits of Broccoli You Should Know - Duration: 1:47.

Welcome to Health Wisdom YouTube Channel.

In this video, you will learn about the top 5 health benefits of Broccoli for our body.

Keep watching.

Broccoli is a very nutritious vegetable.

Broccoli is full of anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and anti-cancer nutrients.

Broccoli is helpful in improving the circulation of blood in our body.

The top 5 health benefits of Broccoli are: 1.

Good for Heart Broccoli contains nutrients which helps in

slowing down of the thickening of arteries and therefore reduces the chances of heart

disease and stroke.


Prevents Cancer Broccoli contains anti-cancer substance which

helps in preventing the risk of cancer in our body.


Good for Eyes Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin A which

helps in the formation of the retina.

Broccoli also lowers the risk of cataract.


Boosts Immune System Broccoli contains zinc, beta-carotene and

vitamin C which helps in boosting the immune system of our body and protects it from illness.


Reduces Inflammation Broccoli contain anti-inflammatory nutrients

like omega 3 fatty acids which helps in reducing the effect of allergic substances in our body.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.

Wishing you good health in your life, bye.

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