Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017



As many are feeling the impact of what is happening in their daily lives, very few know

the source.

It is like the world has gone mad yet the world has always been mad.

People are now becoming more aware of it.

The rabbit hole is a place few dare to venture, and the deeper one goes they have two choices:

total denial and stay with the status quo or brutal honesty; which also means they have

been willing participants in a very sick and twisted world, some knowingly, some unknowingly.

Almost everything the societal engineers and programmers have told you is wrong.

Your history you have been taught is wrong.

Your religions have failed miserably to bring inner and world peace as well as a closer

connection to God.

This includes many new age philosophies � which have also been usurped and compromised.

Your politicians have become self serving and failed to protect your basic human rights,

help the planet evolve and live in harmony with each other and the Earth.

The schools have failed to educate the children concerning their divine heritage, moral values,

higher ideals, cooperation verses competition, and critical innovative thinking.

The science in most schools is for the better part barbaric; some teaching Darwinism � random

mutation totally unsupported in the fossil record.

Others are teaching a singular God with a beard created the heavens and the Earth in

6 days.

�Of course the Earth is 6000 years old�, rather than the 7.5 billion with extremely

advanced civilizations going back more the 600 million years.

We have not evolved much beyond the be lie f it is flat.

By the way, I have flown around the Earth, never saw an edge?

�The chain of succession� mainstream archaeologists and scientists would like us to swallow is

there has been a progressive evolution from Apes to modern man.

This is despite the fact that ancient builder races built stone monuments that cannot be

duplicated to this day by modern methods.

They are built upon leylines; which in many cases have even older ruins beneath them.

Let�s not mention the star gates and wormholes left behind � that�s �conspiracy stuff�

certain agencies don�t want us talking about.

Most doctors have become businessmen and drug pushers: ignoring many of the cures for most

diseases, altogether ignoring preventative measures and dietary options.

Food should be your medicine and what has happened to the food industry?

This is all by design.

It is all interconnected and governed by an ancient force that has suppressed, �genocided�,

and enslaved humanity even longer than your recorded history.

When you climb the ladder of power, position and wealth in �every� institution it gets

darker and more corrupt � leading into unseen negative entities, energies and forces most

would find unimaginable.

There is a Great War, transdimensional in nature, occurring as we speak.

Most are just seeing the physical, social and economic aspects of it.

When you understand the vibrational continuum, you will understand the participants in this

Great War.

Everything begins in consciousness then lowered into light, followed by energy and eventually

becoming mass.

There are different dimensions and each dimension holds a frequency.


Characteristics like service to others, practicing kindness and love, operating in alignment

with Universal Law; which basically are adhering to principles necessary for a healthy civilization

and environment.

Principles like Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, individual Freedom and Prosperity for

All are all within Universal Law.

These higher planes of existence that adhere to Universal Law are pressing hard upon the


Everything of a lower frequency must rise and heal, be released or implode, transform

or collapse.

This is the simplistic view of what is unfolding yet it is much more complicated.

Until this point, the Earth has been governed by the controllers, some call enslavers.

They have created a grid partially with technology and also with societal programming what many

call social consciousness.

If you are not part of social consciousness you will be punished, ostracized or even killed

in extreme cases.

Societal programming is done by the media and religious, political and business institutions.

They are governed at the highest level by unseen negative influences often referred

to as �the controllers�.

The controllers can be demonic, degenerate aliens and fallen ones obsessed with power

over others.

In the lower levels it is those who lust for power, wealth, fame some of whom have sold

their souls to get it.

This falls into the Satan worshiping, blood sacrifice rituals, pedophiles etc.; which

are now being exposed and finally dealt with.

This consciousness is not frequency specific to the awakening and healing process now underway.

Thus their days are numbered which is creating much of the chaos the planet is now experiencing.

The swamp will be drained � yet do not be so na�ve to think there is just one level

other than the physical to deal with.

We are all living in the swamp to one degree or another and with brutal honesty we have

to look at how deeply we are submerged.

Most resist change and fear the unknown.

This is something we are all going to have to let go of.

We need to make the unknown known and learn to flow with the changes.

Now considering the fact that almost all institutions have failed miserably why continue with them?

? The religions have failed miserably to bring Universal Peace and a closer connection to


In fact they have in most cases been used to demonize others and promote war.

? The defense industry in truth should be named the �offence industry� having been

used in the past by the corporate elite as their brute squad.

? The �Just us� system, The EPA, the FDA other alphabet agencies are all operating

in opposition to their mandate.

How does any of this serve humanity and the Earth?

There is a corporate elite who�s lust for power and wealth is insatiable � making

windfall profits at the expense of humanity and the Earth.

They are the puppets of unseen negative entities that care nothing for humanity and the Earth

� in fact many feed off the pain and misery.

Inhuman acts are done by non humans or humans in most cases programmed by or under the influence

of non humans.

These nonhumans and their puppets are the source for all the pain, suffering, and destruction

of Earth.

They are at war with the Creator and all Creation.

The Creator is omnipresent within all Creation.

So the 60 million dollar question is � are you human?

Are you walking your talk with impeccable integrity?

How deeply entrenched in the swamp are you?

How much of the societal programming have you accepted to be your reality?

Do you even know there is a swamp?

Does a fish know its in water if that is all it has known?

Does it ever get thirsty?

If the fish was in kool-aide how much of the kool-aide can it drink before it becomes deadly?

How do you feel about those living above the swamp?

How do you feel about the boat rockers, the swamp drainers?

How about the pioneers, free thinkers, whistle blowers those that rock your boat and your

comfort zones?

Those that know a higher path � one that is sustainable unlike the course we are presently


Did you know there are those on high that view the Earth as a failed experiment and

want to wipe the slate clean and start over as has happened in the past?




The puppet masters and the elite have been given an ultimatum: Either shift the power

back to the people, stop the enslavement through dependency, the gross uneven dispersal of

wealth, the wars and destruction of the environment or a reset will occur.

You will loose everything and there will be no place to hide.

The ultimatum included their underground bases, going into space and colonies on other planets.

Now that ultimatum is being enforced.

The psychopaths even at their own demise refused.

Most of their underground bases have been destroyed.

Their ships were also sent back limping to the planet.

Their allies, the negative ETs have also been for the most part eliminated.

Their grid � draconian in nature and supported by technology and social programming � is

being dismantled.

Not all at once: most people could not handle the shock.

This is the chaos now and the chaos to come.

The individual and collective impact will be directly related to the choices and actions

taken individually and collectively.

The 5th dimension is here, all that which does not resonate with it and is not frequency

specific will not continue on the Earth because the Earth has chosen to ascend.

You cannot pass the barrier into the 5th dimension unless you have an open mind, loving heart

and pure intent.

This is also the prerequisite for contact with the Spiritually and Technologically advanced

Off Worlders, Ascended Masters and those advanced beings within the Inner Earth.

The intellect is a drop in the sea of consciousness.

The emotional body and spiritual bodies are far superior.

Those trapped in the intellect will not far well in this transition.

Nature does not care about your be lie fs.

Will they feed you, clothe you, keep you warm?

Love is not in the intellect.

Neither will one find God through the intellect or happiness.

Material objects do not possess emotions.

If you attach your emotions to material objects what happens when they fade or leave as they

always eventually do.

What happens when that shinny new car you attached your self worth to gets smashed or


What happens when the people you attached your love joy and happiness to leave you?

What if through the heart you could make your own personal connection with God, Great Spirit,


What if you become love, joy, find total acceptance and appreciation within?

What would happen to seeking, leaking your energy like a battery, how self empowering

would that be � to go within and find yourself?

The true self � not the social programmed self.

You would be free, you will look around you and ask do I really need all this stuff?

Do I want to surround myself with what now feel to be zombies?

Do I really want to be part of this herd and is this herd sustainable?

Am I frequency specific to my surroundings or do I need to make a change?

Am I being supported and fed spiritually?

Then, sadly, most will wake up in the morning, go to their cubicles and fall right back into

the herd of zombie consumers.

For more infomation >> JAMES GILLILAND – THE LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH - Duration: 12:09.


Middle East Explained - The Religions, Languages, and Ethnic Groups People Are Fighting About - Duration: 9:02.

This video is going to summarize the

main languages, religions, and ethnic

groups of the Middle East, and briefly

explain some of the minority ethnic

groups. Where the Middle East exactly is

and why it has that name could be its

own video but for the purposes of this

video the Middle East is a region at the

crossroads of Europe Asia and Africa it

has no strict definition but usually

includes Egypt Turkey Iran Syria Iraq

Israel Palestine Lebanon Jordan Saudi

Arabia Yemen oh man united arab emirates

qatar bahrain and kuwait afghanistan and

cyprus are sometimes included in the

definition but those countries could be

their own videos technically every

country could be its own video but since

the ethnic groups often span multiple

countries this video will put them in a

broader context ethnicity is a

complicated concept for when groups of

people identify one another based on

shared language religion and cultural

traditions the main religions of the

Middle East are Islam Christianity and

Judaism Islam is by far the most common

religion in the Middle East but most

Muslims live outside the Middle East

some of the countries where the majority

of the population is muslim are in North

Africa the Middle East and Central Asia

a significant number of Muslims live on

the east coast of Africa but they're

only the majority in Somalia albania and

Bosnia has slight Muslim majorities with

the Christian minorities and the

irreligious making up just less than

fifty percent of the population Kosovo

is a Muslim majority country which is

not recognized by the United Nations but

it is recognized by many UN members

Pakistan Bangladesh Malaysia and

Indonesia are also muslim-majority

countries do these countries high

populations Indonesia Pakistan and

Bangladesh our first second and fourth

in the world by total number of Muslims

the country with the third highest

Muslim population is actually India

despite only about fourteen percent of

the population being Muslim it's just

that India's population of over 1.3

billion is so high that fourteen percent

is over 180 million the country of the

fifth highest number of Muslims is

Nigeria with a total population of 190

million which is about four percent


mostly in the North representing over 90

million people in the Middle East most

of the countries are majority Muslim but

Israel is majority Jewish as well there

are significant Christian minorities all

over the Middle East most notably is

Lebanon where over forty percent of the

population is christian it gets even

more complicated though Islam is divided

into two main groups Sunni and Shia the

majority of Muslims worldwide are Sunni

but she Muslims are concentrated in the

Middle East it is common for Sunni and

Shia Muslims to live in the same country

but in general Iran azerbaijan and the

south of Iraq are Shia with north of

Iraq is Sunni Shia Muslims are also

concentrated in the interior of Turkey

and Afghanistan and the coastal region

of Syria and Lebanon the people of the

island of Bahrain and the nearby study

coast a Shia for the royal family of the

rain and therefore the politically

powerful class is Sunni northern Yemen

and neighboring parts of Saudi Arabia

are Shia while the rest of Yemen is

Sunni this divided couple of the fact

that the north and south have only been

unified since 1990 contributes to the

tensions in the Yemeni civil war the

country of Oman has its own sect of

Islam called a bit ism which predates

the sunni-shia split Iran and Saudi

Arabia used the sunni-shia divide to

compete for influence in the Middle East

with Iran generally supporting Shias and

failure a bia generally supporting

Sunnis the religious divide is

accompanied by a language divide with

Rand speaking Persian and the rest of

the least except Israel and Turkey speak

Arabic overall the most common languages

in the Middle East Arabic Turkish

Persian Kurdish and Hebrew which can be

split into three language families of

related languages persian and Kurdish

are both in the Iranian branch of the

indo-european language family this means

they are closely related to each other

and distantly related to some of

languages of Europe and India Persian is

the official language of Iran though

many other languages are spoken such as

Kurdish which is also spoken in parts of

Turkey Iraq and Syria but is only an

official language in Iraq along with

ravick the official language of turkey

is Turkish

the Turkic language family Turkish is

closely related to Azerbaijani and

Turkmen and more distantly related to

the other languages in Central Asia in

Israel the majority language is Hebrew

for both Hebrew in Arabic artificial

languages Arabic and Hebrew are related

Semitic languages which are part of the

afro-asiatic languages and Lee there are

certainly minority languages all over

but erratic is the official language of

the rest of the countries of the Middle

East except terrific isn't really a

single language it's a bunch of regional

dialects that are often barely

understandable to one another Arabic

speakers will often know their own local

dialect as well as modern Standard

Arabic that is used in writing and with

speakers of other Arabic dialects this

is similar to the situation in China

where there are many regional dialects

all considered to be Chinese but the

Mandarin dialect is used in formal

contexts the difference being that

Standard Arabic is not any reasons local

dialect while Mandarin is local to some

parts of China most Arabic speakers are

Arab but there are plenty of non arab

ethnic groups which speak Arabic Arabic

originated in the Arabian Peninsula and

many minority ethnic groups exist in the

rest of the arabic-speaking world in

some cases such as in the North African

Maghreb the local Berbers mixed with the

Arabs though the Berber language and

identity still exists in some regions in

other areas the local groups remain

distinct and they live alongside Arabs

and have adopted the Arabic language for

convenience for example the cops are

predominantly Christian ethnic group

living in Egypt that represent about ten

percent of the population in Lebanon

most of the Christians are in a group

called the maronites though other

Christian groups exist the current

President of Syria is an ally wheat

which is a Muslim group that speaks

Arabic and lives near the coast of Syria

but they are Shia and a country that is

majority Sunni this contributed to the

tensions which led to the Syrian civil

war the main cause being that the

President refused to step down following

mass protests for democratic reform the

Druze are an ethno-religious group that

lives in Syria Lebanon Jordan and Israel

and speak arabic they had their own

distinct religion which is similar to

but does not fit in with any of them

main three religions of the region some

minority languages also exist the

Assyrians are predominantly Christian

ethnic group in Iraq and Syria that

speak a Semitic language called Aramaic

the Kurdish language is a minority in

all the countries the Kurds would have

it but rocky curse and has recently

gained high levels of autonomy due to

the Iraq war to the Iraqi Civil War who

caused by the Syrian civil war spilling

over into Iraq and stressing

pre-existing tensions between the Sunni

north and the Shia majority the curbs

are linguistic group and can belong to

any religion although the majority are

Sunni Muslims some Curtis speakers

called Yazidis of their own religion

which is similar to but distinct from

the main religions of the region they

live primarily in Iraqi Kurdistan the

Kurds Assyrians and you cities are often

the victims of mass killings and

genocides most recently carried out by

dash in the Iraqi in Syrian civil wars

dash is also telling Shia Muslims the

third largest group in Iraq are the

Iraqi Turkmen who represent less than

ten percent of the population and speak

a dialect of Turkish in the Gulf states

there are many migrant workers from

foreign countries like India Pakistan

Bangladesh and the Philippines who are

not citizens and thus have limited

rights but can sometimes be the majority

of the population there are many more

ethnic minorities in the Middle East

notably in Turkey Israel Palestine in

Iran which again would require their own

videos to explain but two summers were

has been covered in this video most of

the countries of the Middle East are

majority Muslim with the exception of

Israel but most Muslims live outside the

Middle East the Arab League is an

organization composed of arabic-speaking

countries and includes all the countries

of the Middle East except for Israel

Turkey and Iran but also includes the

arabic-speaking countries outside the

Middle East in North Africa and the

Comoros Islands additionally many

minority ethnic groups exist all over

the Middle East if any other videos

hinted at in this video are ever made

they will be down below but until then

you can watch one of the other videos

I've made


For more infomation >> Middle East Explained - The Religions, Languages, and Ethnic Groups People Are Fighting About - Duration: 9:02.


Happy Marriage Ep 9 Subtitle English and Indonesia - Duration: 34:44.

For more infomation >> Happy Marriage Ep 9 Subtitle English and Indonesia - Duration: 34:44.


Conveyancing Matters Staff Bio - Alana Piannezola - Duration: 0:42.

- Hi, I'm Alana Piannezola.

I've worked here for almost eight years in May.

And the things I enjoy about this industry

is the variety of job roles that I do.

It's something different every day.

I also enjoy attending settlements.

And we have a great team environment.

So I enjoy turning up every day.

For more infomation >> Conveyancing Matters Staff Bio - Alana Piannezola - Duration: 0:42.


Is William Blake relevant - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Is William Blake relevant - Duration: 2:33.


Conveyancing Matters Staff Bio - Frank Graney - Duration: 1:00.

- Hi, I'm Frank Graney.

I've been conveyancing for 20 odd years,

the last four at Conveyancing Matters.

The most satisfying thing about being a conveyancer

is handling the most important transaction

that a person goes through.

And even more satisfying now is I've been here for a while,

and being conveyancing for a while

is I am getting plenty of return business,

which means my clients have been happy with me.

And now I'm getting new generation,

their children, working with me.

So I'm pretty happy about that.

For more infomation >> Conveyancing Matters Staff Bio - Frank Graney - Duration: 1:00.


🌈🐥🐝🌴💕 Zebra helping is my mission 🙏🦋🦄🐲🌸 - Duration: 0:59.

hi my name is Cat Payen, if you're

watching this you probably got high IQ

kids lordy Lordy lordy we know that

means okay there's a very...- full time job

let's just say anyway and they're

probably having trouble with l'Education

National or just you know

getting to mix with other people anyway

so I found myself the best way I could help mine,

was to stay at home. I needed a digital

education and I needed to use my brain

if I was going to stay at home so I

searched online I found this amazing

company which, not only teaches you

digital skills that you can use you know

in the outside world well in the

internet but it also enables you to use

your whole brain and as a high IQ person

let me tell you that is some friggin

good news!! So if this is what any

interest to you so that you can stay at

home be highly intelligent help your

little zebras get through lid you l'Education National

honest tonight so they can fly on their

own little wings then please put your

name and email in the box below and I

will see you on the other side I've now

For more infomation >> 🌈🐥🐝🌴💕 Zebra helping is my mission 🙏🦋🦄🐲🌸 - Duration: 0:59.


Conveyancing Matters Staff Bio - Fiona Baverstock - Duration: 0:44.

(mellow music)

- Hi, my name's Fiona Baverstock.

I've been here at Conveyancing Matters in the city office

now for 11 years.

Probably the thing that I find most rewarding

is being able to help clients out

when it's a really stressful time in their life,

buying and selling property.

And it's really pleasing also when clients keep coming back

because they appreciate what we do.

(mellow music)

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