Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez here from

I got a question about writing for different companies.

This is a blogging question.

A lot of you have taken my free blogging course.

If you haven't already, you can check it out here.

It is a course to teach you how to create a blog.

I give you the best tips and tricks that I have learned from blogging, even how to make

money from your blog.

You can check that out.

it's totally free.

I get a few questions on that.

This question is kind of old.

He says, "Hi John, I hope you enjoyed Europe."

You can tell how old that was.

I think that was like 2 years ago.

Sometimes I leave questions on my board for a while and I get around to them eventually,

but I do get a lot of questions every day.

"It seems like you left it just at the right time, politicians and different political

groups seem to be getting crazy over here."

Oh yeah?

Well, guess what's happened in the United States in the last 2 years?

It's gotten a little crazy over here.

Anyhow, "Half a year ago I was contacted by someone from SitePoint if I want to write

posts for them.

Now half a year later, I have a great topic and some time at my disposal and am going

to write 2 posts, just to see how it goes.

However, generally, do you think it makes sense?

After watching one of your videos earlier this week I realized, writing for them is

just like contracting.

And if I can't write the post fast enough I shouldn't do it in the first place and instead

focus on my job and contracts.

I wrote a post on Air Pare" and he gives the post there.

"Which brought me plenty of new visitors and probably also a better Google ranking for

my own blog, however, I'm not sure SitePoint will have the same effect.

I'm surprised to see that you had written one post from them."

Essentially he wants to know, "Do you think, writing for SitePoint is good for ones career,

or is my time better on contracting/consulting time and some side project?

Regards, Peter."

Okay, so Peter, I'm going to boil this down a little bit for everyone that's watching.

SitePoint is just a site that does—a software development site that has a lot of different


I wrote a post for them on creating a Chrome plugin in 15 minutes, 5 minutes, something

like that, I think in 5 minutes.

You can check it out here.

In general, I don't write posts for a lot of other sites even if they pay me money,

but—so the question really is should you write posts for your own blog or should you

write for another blog and then get paid to do that?

Isn't that just like contracting?

Would it be better to spend that time just doing consulting work, just making money or

just writing blog for your own blogpost?

What makes sense here from the perspective of getting the best success with your blog

and your career?

There's a couple of ways to look at it.

You don't want to just be writing posts for other people's blogs because unless you're

going to be a professional writer which there's not much money in that, I'll tell you that

right now, because I hire professional writers for really cheap a lot of times.

People will write for free, honestly, and it's worth it for them to write for free.

Now, I have people who write on my blog and they get an advantage of writing on my blog

is that they get a huge exposure to my entire audience so there's some value in that.

The reason why I'm saying that is because I wouldn't write for someone else's blog

for the money because they're not going to pay you a lot of money or they're not going

to pay you anything and it's not going to be worth your time.

You're going to make way more money consulting and doing contracting work, not worth it.

But for the exposure it is totally worth it and that's why I wrote that article that you

reference on SitePoint.

I've written a few different articles for different blogs.

Now, it depends on where you're at on how effective that's going to be.

If you're just starting out your blog, one of the best things that you could possibly

do to gain traction on your new blog is to write for other blogs and have a bi-line that

links back to your blog or have some reference to your blog in that guest post that you write.

A lot of people not guest post and they say it doesn't work, it doesn't work for SEO,

that's bullshit.

It does work because it gets your name out there and it does help your search rankings.

I guarantee you that it does.

Spammy stuff where people are doing these kind of fake sites and guest posting on those

or like spammy kind of stuff, that's not going to work.

But if you're writing quality articles for someone else's site that's valuable.

People are going to click the link to go back to your site.

I know it because I look at the links on Simple Programmer for my writers who write on my

blog and I can tell you, they get a lot of clicks.

It depends on what they write and how good of a writer they are, but a lot of them get

really—quite a number of clicks especially if their article is popular.

I think it's a good way to get exposure to other audiences, to build up your name and

reputation and to get some traffic and some domain ranking on your—some Google juice

on your own domain, but you should definitely be writing on your own blog.

Don't just write on other people's blogs.

I would say that you want to do something like—when you're starting out and you don't

have a lot of traffic, you want to spend a decent amount of time writing on other people's

blogs, maybe 50% of your time.

That would be a good way to get a jumpstart if you can do that, if you can line those


As your blog becomes more established and you start to get more traffic of your own

and you're already getting much more SEO it's not going to make sense because—or it's

not going to make as much sense.

It doesn't mean that you shouldn't ever do guest posts, but those guest posts are

going to have lesser and lesser impact, if that makes sense, over time.

But don't write for money, it doesn't make sense.

That definitely doesn't make sense because you're going to make more money in other places.

Do it for the opportunity.

Even things like, you know, if you wanted to write an article MSDN Magazine, that's

a whole crap load of work.

I went through the process and kind of vetted out.

They don't pay you jack shit.

I mean really, I think it was like 500 bucks or something like that.

It's like not for all that work, it's the exposure.

The money is nothing.

That's trivial.

It's the exposure for your 3 weeks' worth of work, it's the exposure that you're getting.

That's what you should keep in mind.

All right, if you like this video, if you want to get more videos about how to improve

your career, how to blog, how to get fit, get in shape, everything that we do here at

Simple Programmer to help you to become a better software developer and a better person,

go ahead and click that Subscribe button if you haven't already and I will talk to you

next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Guest Blogging: Is It Worth It? - Duration: 6:48.


Prime Minister's Questions: 29 March 2017 - Duration: 34:58.

For more infomation >> Prime Minister's Questions: 29 March 2017 - Duration: 34:58.


Ancient book contains detailed drawings of a fourth pyramid in Giza - Duration: 4:00.

Ancient book contains detailed drawings of a fourth pyramid in Giza

According to ancient texts there was a fourth pyramid located at Giza plateau and it was

made of a dark or black granite-like stone.

During the 1700�s, Frederic Norden, a Danish naval captain, and explorer, made extensive

notes, drawings and maps of pyramids, ancient monuments and the architecture, etc. which

was published in his book Voyage d�Egypte et de Nubie.

On page 120 of his book Norden describes the mysterious fourth Pyramid:

"The principal pyramids are at the east, south-east of Gize.

There are four of them; that deserve the greatest attention of the curious.

For tho we see seven or eight others in the neighborhood, they are nothing in comparison

to the former.

The two most northerly pyramids are the greatest and have five hundred feet perpendicular height.

The two others are much less, but have some particularities, which occasion their being

examined and admired."

"It is without coating, closed and resembles the others, but without any temple like the


It has however, one particular deserving remark; which is, that its summit is terminated by

a single great stone, which seems to have served as a pedestal.

The fourth pyramid has been made, upwards above the middle, of a stone more black than

the common granite, and at least as hard.

Its summit is of a yellowish stone."

"I shall speak elsewhere of its top, which terminates in a cube.

It is, moreover, situated out of the line of the others being more to the west�it

makes a series with the three others."

Although Norden�s descriptions are very detailed and the excellent illustrations show

the position of the fourth black pyramid located at some distance from the three well known

pyramids at Giza, Egyptologists suggest that Norden accidentally refers to a satellite�

pyramid of Menakure as a fourth pyramid.

But the satellite pyramids are made of sandstone while Norden described in detail that the

fourth pyramid was made of a stone harder than granite and very dark or black.

It seems unlikely that he has referred to a satellite pyramid.

So, is it possible that the Giza plateau once featured a fourth pyramid made of black or

very dark granite or as Col. Vyse already suggested in 1840 that Norden has described

one of the Menkaure satellite pyramids as the fourth black pyramid at Giza.

The smaller Menkaure pyramids are indeed darker than the other pyramids, but certainly not


But something is not right.

If we are looking at his drawings we see only four pyramids.

Is it possible that Norden overlooked the satellite pyramids which are close to the

other ones?

Given the excellent descriptions and illustrations it seems unlikely that he missed the satellite

pyramids, except if they have been (partially) buried in the sand.

Furthermore, let's assume he's right about the existence of a fourth dark/black pyramid,

then where are the remains of this pyramid?

For more infomation >> Ancient book contains detailed drawings of a fourth pyramid in Giza - Duration: 4:00.


Why is Cory In The House an anime? The history and origin of the best anime meme - Duration: 5:36.

Hello internet!

And welcome to behind the meme!

Today we have a look at Cory in the house.

"Im in the house"

Thank you all so very much for suggesting this topic as a video you would like to see.

I appreciate each and every single one of you for taking time out of your day to do

so, Make sure to let me know what you would like to see next and maybe ill be able to

make it happen!

You guys wanted it!

Now you have it!

Here We GO!

Did you know that the classic children's Television show "Cory in the house" is

an anime?

Not only that but it's one of the greatest animes of all time?

Wait a minute something about that doesn't sound right.



What is an anime?

What a dumb question.

An anime is a japanese hand drawn or computer animated animation.

The best of which is cory in the house.

Now leave me alone dumb ass.

But….Cory in the house isn't animated…

What's going on here?

Let me explain!

Cory in the house is the title of a short lived american television series that aired

on the disney channel in 2007 starring Kyle Massey.

You know, Kyle Massey, the guy that was in cory in the house…and… cory in the house!

The show was a spin off of the popular Disney Channel television show "That's so Raven"

which featured the character cory baxter.

Cory in the house focused on Cory as he and his father take up residence in the white


Now at first you might be thinking, " hey that's pretty cool! Disney channel is being

progressive and having a black president!


That's not the case.

Cory's dad was a chef.

Disney Channel is RACIST!

Sadly for Kyle Massey, the series was short lived, only lasting 2 seasons before being


I don't know Disney that sounds a little bit racist , just a little bit.

But The series has found new life online becoming part of an ironic fandom.

You see the fandom for cory in the house dates back to 2007/2008 it's a little bit blurry.

A video was uploaded to youtube titled "top 27 anime boobs" and then it was deleted

before being re-uploaded by youtuber the salty salty salt.

Of course a ton of horny dudes clicked on the video when they saw the title and were

pretty disappointed to find this.

Instead of big round pendulous anime breasts they were greeted with cory in the house along

with the theme song mixed together with a song from the mega man 2 video game.

Needless to say it made a handful of people pretty angry to be trolled in this way.

But some other people got a kick out of it and took it to the next level.

The joke of referring to cory in the house as an anime began to spread beyond the original

video and on to other areas of the internet helping create the ironic fandom that cory

in the house has become.

"My favorite animes consist of Toy story, cory in the house, airplane instruction videos

from the 80's"

Yep, there's a cory in the house video game.

The game was released in 2008 for the nintendo ds and spawned humorous images of the characters

speaking dialogue, which eventually became a source for photoshopped variations which

quickly spread amongst the community.

The game also sparked what may be the most ironic element to the cory in the house fandom.

The game itself was nothing special it was your run of the mill cheesy tv licensed video

game that was geared towards children and seen more as a cash grab than anything.

But the ironic fandom took it to the next level when they were able to get the score

for the video game to rank far higher than it typically would have ranking at a 9.5 out

of 10 on Let me read you guys a couple of the reviews.

This is quite possibly one of the greatest games of all time, it changed my life.

When my grandmother was dying in the hospital from cancer I told her to play this game so

that she could at least experience one last joy on this earth.

Literally one day later she is well enough to leave the hospital and her cancer is now

in remission.

If this game hadn't existed my grandmother would be dead right now.

Thank you Cory.

Thank You

Not only that, but when you click the link to buy the game on amazon the reviews there

have been affected as well.

Now I myself haven't played the game so maybe I'm wrong maybe it is really that


But uhhhh something tells me its not.

Just a hunch.

So there you have it.

Cory in house started off as a short lived live action television show starring real

life actors before turning into one of the best animes accompanied with one of the greatest

video games to ever be created.

But Hey!!!

That's the internet for you and on the internet memes are keeeeng!

Thank you all so very much for watching make sure to subscribe so you can catch my next

video and stay up to date on all your favorite memes!

Who knows you may learn about something you never knew about before!

I'll catch you beautiful people next time!

For more infomation >> Why is Cory In The House an anime? The history and origin of the best anime meme - Duration: 5:36.


Railway police step up security - Duration: 1:24.

When police officers for the Federal Railways are on patrol, many people wonder

whether they are allowed to check tickets.

Yes, they are. And now they can also film the process

with so-called body cams, small cameras

which the police officers attach to their uniform.

For now it's a pilot project.

The reason is that at weekends and at night there is increasing

violence against railway police on trains and stations.

After the patrol, the filmed material

is loaded onto a server.

It is stored for 100 days before it is automatically deleted.

The video is only used on a judicial order

or if the filmed person wants to see it.

Of course, it is a delicate subject, but we are monitoring the experiment

and there are clear terms.

The body cams will only record the moment

when there is a disturbance or an attack.

And they will only focus on the person causing the problem.

There are two patrols in both Zurich and Lausanne.

Depending on the results, the Federal Railways is considering using body cams regularly.

For more infomation >> Railway police step up security - Duration: 1:24.


Pyongyang, Moscow seeking to expand N. Korean labor accord - Duration: 2:32.

According to the Russian Ambassador to South Korea, Moscow is interested in cooperation

with Pyongyang.

While highlighting the country won't have anything to do with activities linked to the

regime's nuclear and weapons development, it is seeking to bring in more North Korean


Connie Kim shares with us the Russian diplomat's remarks.

North Korea and Russia are cozying up lately, as China takes a firmer stance toward the

regime with its recent suspension of North Korean coal imports.

Earlier this month, North Korea and Russia signed a labor immigration accord,... under

which they agreed to send more North Korea workers to Russia.

At a meeting the following week, Russian officials reportedly expressed interest in long-term

plans to expand the program.

The bilateral cooperation comes at a time when a full range of global sanctions has

been imposed on the regime, even amid reports that North Korea is preparing for another

nuclear test.

"We consider important... cooperation with North Korea in all civil spheres and also

in those areas that are not connected with weapons of mass destruction.

That's why sending people to work in Russia, it's not a violation of any sanctions or any

international laws because it is made within the foreign works of our bilateral agreements."

Moscow has been vocal against limits in the latest UN resolution... on North Koreans working

overseas,... with Russian officials saying sanctions must not affect North Korean peoples'


In fact, Moscow has the second most North Korean workers after Beijing,... with as many

as 50-thousand North Koreans believed to be working in Russia.

The U.S. State Department has raised concerns about North Korea's export of labor,... saying

it generates a significant amount of revenue for the North Korean government and facilitates

the development of the North's illicit nuclear and missile programs.

Some experts say that Moscow's real intent lies in defying Washington's military buildup

in the Asia Pacific region,... while others say Moscow is interested in developing the

eastern part of Russia using cheap labor.

But one thing the experts agree on is that North Korea is hoping to build its ties with


In a report last month, the North's state-run Korean Central News Agency... listed Russia

first among the countries friendly to the regime.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Pyongyang, Moscow seeking to expand N. Korean labor accord - Duration: 2:32.


Flirten is' nicht! Das sind die dümmsten Anmachsprüche - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Flirten is' nicht! Das sind die dümmsten Anmachsprüche - Duration: 0:48.


Tony Robbins: Thought Breeds Fear (Tony Robbins Unshakable) - Duration: 19:11.

why does somebody you know get that fat

or they're out of control and they hate

themselves but then they go have another

piece of chocolate or you know why does

the person is just the doctor just told

may have cancer lung cancer is you got

to stop smoking and some study shows

seventy percent of people keep on

smoking so you're not talking about a

minor issue here right it's part of life

but there is an answer because there are

people who do follow through and they're

people that never did before and then

they've never fall through my life

enough finally they break through and

that's when I try to focus on is what

those people did what are these people

need to get started why aren't there

starting we all know the answers here

but the difference with you guys or me

or anybody's followed through is more

more afraid of what life would be like

if we don't follow through then the

person is willing to settle for what

they got and kind of hope it'll change

and maybe purchase something for the

moment and then not follow through on it

it's almost like people over achievers

have a little more fear they're a little

more afraid of missing out they're

afraid of not being there or they got a

strong enough reason to follow through

I'd say if you're looking at home you

want to get somebody value go where do I

start I'm sick of this that's a damn

good place so because it what guess what

what makes it look site is progress you

don't have to be at the goal yet to feel

alive again you have to be progress in

the first step to progress and make an

incision buying the product but then

it'll take a second step she's open the

damn thing up some cases it's also a

recognition of who I am and what I'm

capable of so for somebody whose life is

already great this is about what if I

could take on another skill it was great

more freedom for my life and just saying

i'm not i'm going to go out and try and

do it all perfectly right now what I'm

going to do for the next eight weeks I'm

gonna do a great little ritual I want to

do one thing a day to condition my mind

right so like it's slowing so I follow

through I'm going to read from I'm going

to listen to something I'm gonna immerse

myself I'm going to go for an intense

jogger I'm gonna go lift late so I'm

going to do it consciously to get in a

state where I'm gonna follow through

that's number one cuz people fault you

when you're in state second I'm going to

get clear about why this is a must for

me and work of my backs against the wall

but because I want to master your life

that could create some freedom I'm not

going to master it overnight but I got

the system i got the plan with the one

thing a day i'm going to work on one

subject week this week's going to be

about figuring out what the right

product or industry is next week going

to be basics of building traffic in each

week on to make a little progress and

i'm going to get to a goal whatever that

is they told me when out on stage I have


audience about 15,000 people the

Continental Center was during a stretch

break I was doing my love rocking the

house if we going crazy and he goes to

start responding million bucks right now

is like wow that's cool like okay that's

known so stupid it's like what's next I

went right back to what I loved once you

break through then adjust to come to

gain the people that are getting your

products have not yet broken through in

most cases the breakthrough happens by

conditioning your mind every day by

eating it a role model or story it's

putting yourself in a pink state when

you follow through by getting physically

strong it's creating a little ritual of

doing a little bit each day and then you

get momentum the most important thing of

all let me start out with why absolu is

it a must for you it doesn't have to be

here against the wall but it has to be

something you're hungry for because the

only difference in people is hunger Nick

you're not hungry get around people that

are hungry and something will hit you

you launch a conversation get around

people are doing better and all the

sudden you start going my life sucks i

never i went to a guy in LA one of the

most multi-billionaire guy never forget

and I lived in the Del Mar castle and I

was really proud that was like the

symbol of me having picked myself from

being poor to providing for my family

there's great place gokhan castles in

Europe overlooking the ocean not far

from you and I went this guy's house his

billionaire he took me down to his wine

cellar honey bring wine look at this

whole thing at the other night I was

depressed I lived in the Del Mar

tenement far as I was concerned it

really was i was like i live in a copy

place and all my standards changed all

said i wasn't low and settled for a

living that all of a sudden my back was

to the ball in a different way because

as a man I knew was capable of more so

people can change their standard by

getting around where the better people

can change their standard by getting

associated what's true like the bills

they gotta solve the problems they got

to do it or they can do it because

they're excited because it's something

new they want to take on everyone's

different but they gotta find the Y and

they got to come up with some daily

rituals to get them going and just do a

step at a time that's where you get no

matter that is awesome so you know think

about what's the Holy Grail between

somebody taking action or not it's one

word certainty when somebody is

absolutely certain they carbon worded

believe right but you know you can

believe in a general level or you can

believe what certain when your apps

only certain that if I do this it's

going to get that result and that

results going to change my life you'll

do it when you think it absolutely is

not going to work you're never going to

do it the middle no man's land of maybe

the work maybe it won't that's the piece

that kills people right so if it's a

must for you you got to make it work

that in our case right with an example

there's not a much for you and you're

not sure you don't know what to do so I

years ago I'd look around and say okay

how do people get them stuff to follow

through that haven't been following

through what's the difference and I

started interviewing hundreds of people

literally eventually thousands could

have thousands of my best so I'd ask the

group to give me the feedback they came

to these models like the holy grail of

beliefs or the holy grail of Momentum's

like the difference between what makes

the rich get richer and the poor get

poorer right and the difference male

knows mindset but like how does that

bill so this is logically just stupid

little puzzle boxes and I'll scribble

here for it you think about the first

thing that determines whether you can do

something or not and I put that this

first box with the top here on the left

side of its potential like what's the

potential of the end they like when you

guys started you proved something known

it done a history around the four-minute

model right golly knows how many

centuries they're trying to run a

four-minute mile Roger Bannister does it

how did he do it do you remember you did

it in this industry right you made a

million bucks in a day no one had ever

done that in history right after you did

it a bunch of the guys are doing it the

case became possible Roger Bannister

didn't just go physically practice he

made a shift in his hat he practiced in

his head because you could never achieve

it physically so you had a change of his

head first so the result became certain

enough he believed it and his body got

him through after Roger Bannister in

that four-minute mile within two years

37 people around a form in a month well

when no one in history never done now

here's how it works the potential for

anybody getting your product is

extraordinary they could do what you've

done is much more or less like they can

do whatever they want to do the

potentials their markets proven that

whether or not they happen and potential

has a lot to deal with what option they

take which is the question of Kingdom it

was right like you know God Leone's

potential they're not taking action and

we all know that the action that deck is

going to determine the results they get

a pre obvious so most people have a

belief about what their real potential

is no matter what you tell them

and that affects how much action they

take and of course that affects the

result and then ironically that result

reinforces their belief in the bleep

that's it so I'll give an example let's

say a person has unlimited potential we

all agree but they take little action

little results why because they have to

start with a problem with their belief

they don't believe it's really going to

happen for me maybe for Frank Kearns

because it got the cool hair and stuff

or maybe it's for you because you're so

driven but it's not me maybe Tony

Robbins because she's a freak up these

pinky whatever their thought process is

right they got this thing right but what

happens is if you believe that there's

very little potential how much actually

gonna take profit little and when you

take little potential with a little

action what kind of results you get

lousy little results we need a little

results what does that do to your belief

you go see I told you this was a waste

of time soldier this wouldn't work and

then what happens you tap even less

potential take even less actually even

worse results and your belief could see

the weaker and this fucker feeds on

itself until you are in a downward

spiral poisonous it's poisonous in its

self fulfilling now what if something

could happen they could come along and

fill you with a sense of absolute

certainty not like I believe but me

where you know and you guys this case

mine as well we knew because we had to

because we burn the boats there was no

other option we had to find a way we

have we were going to live that way we

all did it in different ways and for

different reasons but in essence that

was it if you get yourself in a state of

certainty but this is going to work I'm

gonna find a way and it doesn't work I

will make the way then you tap a lot

more potential and when you're certain

when your potential you take massive

action when you take massive action you

really believe in something you get

great results when you get great results

your brain go see I told you others of

stud I told you this thing would work

out now you even stronger you tap more

potential take greater action be a

result that's how you went for three

hundred bucks in a week to 2500 and five

days to 100,000 in a month to a million

bucks in the day same thing with you and

we get momentum swing the rich get

richer the poor get poorer now some

people go out they go well I'm gonna

take a bunch of action all right I'm

going to open this product when I try it

they'll say to you I even did it but

it's like a Salesman it goes and knocks

on the door Dino

100 doors and says you know exactly

right anybody because it's been verbally

his face as it because he doesn't

believe it's going to work to his voice

his body the execution is so weak maybe

if he talks a hundred people somebody's

gonna buy on a pity I'm gonna want his

kids to starve right but he's not going

to get the result so the core different

some people is how do you produce

certain date when the world isn't giving

it to you go out and try and you try in

your case your hundred thousands of that

nothing's working how do you keep

yourself going the way you did it the

way I did it the way you're doing it

when you're not doing it consciously is

we didn't change our potential that was

there and it wasn't even taken more

action taking more action with beliefs

not going works not going to change

anything we got results in our head that

made it feel certain as if it had

already happened now here's the

difference the potential was there the

first time and you took action and you

got a result but it was fifty percent

less than what you did later on and the

only difference is I changed you believe

how do i change your beliefs we didn't

work harder on your potential we didn't

take more action I got you to see the

result in advance I get to see it

digitally two or three times that's all

I'm going further and they bring oh I

know what to do boom it went there isn't

that what you did by looking at your

cars every single day and envisioning it

isn't that what you did when you created

whatever division was it was 300 otters

twenty-five hundred dollars a million

bucks in the day that's what's missing

for these people they're not getting

that execution is everything but it

doesn't happen if you don't get the

psychology set of a set of state of

total certainties what is that different

people this changes people certainty

people are uncertain they're going to

succeed they want it but they're afraid

the best way if you will the fear is get

a big enough reason makes you have to

succeed or condition yourself well you

see it and feeling so often that you're

certainly you just do it probably think

i'll tell you when i was with under a

gassy in 1993 i think it was he's been

number one he dropped a 30 second in the

world and he was ready to literally

ready to quit with no exaggeration whose

father was managing and he was so angry

with his life and he went through so

many wrist surgery at the time and he's

working on a swing and that he was

dating brooke shields at that point they

weren't married and not his current

marriage obviously and so she said you

gotta come see Tony cuz i dont even

motivation because he's not motivation

and he strata

he'll show you how to make that shift in

your hands it comes I work with a guy

and the beginning is saying you know do

your magic stuff like oh yeah great

thank you and I said tell me here to

test fall perfectly and I'm trying to

get him in his own to remember that time

I my division where he was perfect at it

it was of course i have and i get a

vision over and over again and finally

he's in the zone he's feeling that again

I eat seeing it and feeling certain and

the swing is going perfect I so how's

that feel cuz it feels perfect that's it

but are you thinking about the swing

you're not thinking about the swing

you're not thinking about how to do it

you just seeing the result you want so

vividly that it's there all we did was

trained him how to go on that stand over

and over again he won the next weekend

the second weekend came in second within

six months he was number one in the

world again he gave me unbelievable

credit but all it was is conditioning

the mind you do with tape sota guy I

that we're just talking about this

earlier Pam and Isaac I used to go on

our 17 years old in a downtown Los

Angeles this place called night

education k ni gh digs like it the night

I'd save up all my money where as a

janitor and I'll get these tapes and

listen to these things over and over and

over again I went there for years and I

didn't have enough money and i leveraged

everything i had but i knew how to turn

in my mind it's the one thing i knew how

to deal man's name is mario i saw him in

his 80s you know obviously knows how my

life turned out and was very proud of

the role he played and that process you

tell people the story this guy's the

real thing he didn't just start out this

way this how 20 didn't he listen he's

tasty condition himself right this is a

real stuff he passed away a few years

ago I'm calling his house and he passed

away in his his daughter was there and

she wanted to share with me that how I

touched his life and so forth but the

best thing was I thought you know what I

want to get those tapes I'm gonna get

that stuff at condition you know I want

to go back to that moment like you did

of you know that moment was visualizing

non-living it and she said he left all

this and his will to you so I have all

these tapes now when I from the time

when I originally went through and like

I'd go to sleep and I'd be sleep tapes

that condition my mind to believe that I

could succeed he want to sleeping or to

build energy in my body and anybody

wants to succeed has got to know it

doesn't just happen you can buy a

product but you also with that product

have got to condition yourself you got

to make it a must hey you got to get a

ritual and you do it whatever used to

dream about you thought was so huge

order to limit you'll live it like your

live this yesterday like we're all

living with life

we envision because we had two and

because we played this game with our

head we got the belief to be real I've

seen it enough time feel it enough times

to our brain believe it and it made it

happen which raised the potential which

made us take more action which got us

better results which raised our beliefs

again that's right I mean that's what I

the rich get richer and the poor get

poorer so it's bit of bitching about it

change it on the side chain like a

self-fulfilling prophecy completely

pretty easy to change just how one

simple exercise was amazing i'm still

like calling card no wonder what else i

can do now but look what most people do

most people do the opposite of that

right they get the product or they think

about doing it what are they envision

it's not working that's right the

excuses so they vision it not working

since the envision I'm merkin they feel

uncertain to the vehicle on suit and how

much potential it out little if anything

and so they send back your product mean

listen to the damn thing you know and

guess what what does that do by the way

they make that is another allows you

result in their life I didn't even

follow through on that and they believe

even less this process is the holy grail

it's for the whole game changes that

anybody can do it they can do it a few

minutes and if they do it a few minutes

each day then they get a different life

they do it a few min at one time their

life changes for the day it's we're

defined by our rituals everybody's got

rituals certain things they do every day

and what we should we have in common and

anybody that I know of them has a life

that they're living that was once a

vision because we saw it again and again

again even when it didn't work even when

you lost on a grant you were working as

a janitor there's something we would not

give up on and somebody watching want to

change their life they got aside what

they won't give up on and then put

themselves in the state at momentum by a

couple of rituals okay but here's the

truth and somebody says to me and my

business even worth because a lot of

people think I'm a motivator I hate that

term that's never been what I've done I

do believe in energy and I'm passionate

you know they see 10,000 people in Rome

rock and egg Ollie's motivating them I

believed in peak state you get a top

athlete you get in a concert you getting

state right the problem is to defend

themselves that it will be disappointed

again they lower their expectations so

someone will say to me well I'm

skeptical or I'm pessimistic and my

response to them is no man you're

gutless it takes no guts to be skeptical

you don't have to have any capacity to

be a critic and now with the web you

don't even have to own

one being the critic and burn somebody

and your anonymously right I said you

know what it takes guts to believe and

if you think something's gonna do it for

you without you putting your guts on the

line you might forget it right now so

this idea that I'm skeptical or they got

a proven thing it's the biggest lie what

that really is your fear talking you're

so scared of failing you only want to

get your hopes up and if you don't get

your hopes up you might say well what

are their up something somebody gets

disappointed how many disappointments

that we experienced in our business

careers and in our lives the difference

is some people say disappointment let it

destroy them other people take

disappointment let it drive them and you

get the juice are you going to turn this

thing into why it didn't work in a bunch

of stories and excuses are you going to

take this thing that didn't work and

figure out what are you going to do to

make it work and it may not happen the

first time the second time the third

time but the people that are relentless

find the way and it's to come and

eliminate on all these guys that are

kind of our friends our family money

masters you know new many masters is

they all did it with will nobody here

inherited this stuff everybody figured

it out and keep figuring it out and it's

going to keep changing and you say you

know what you know one percent of ninety

percent of the money they made they made

by one percent of the people because

only one percent of people will

condition their mind and condition their

body and fold the screws from daily

rituals the rest will tell a story about

why it didn't work I wasn't their fault

and you got two things life you got

results you got a story no too many

people think that that one percent is

somehow entitled to it and they're not

which is you know stall in the head to

all have believed it which can be

changed with some conditioning basically

condition you just proved it yeah two up

that's why I made get the ads in person

powers because I understood that from

the very beginning I could originally

was 30 days and yours later people say I

you know I've heard all the great

results everything else man but and I

don't have 30 days and I'd be behind the

glass you know focus group watching

people to want to shake it like you on

30 days to change your life you know and

i'll make it seven days yeah just one

because after seven days you get

momentum and you think about it wouldn't

be the life change in a moment it

doesn't change in 10 years you're like

me to suck for 10 years but there's one

moment when your life change the moment

you decided you said no more and i'm

doing it and you kick yourself in the

ass and you made yourself go do

something right when you finally said

enough no more I quit or let's begin

or I love you there's a moment when

somebody's life changes and that can be

gotten in a couple of days so people

want to don't have to wait until they've

mastered everything they got to get

started and do what's next and just put

themself in a state where they start

making some progress there did it I

think that's the answer that can help

solve that problem a lot of people will

just pay attention to it and do it the

bottom line is you know all three of us

and some of the people that we consider

a family they're part of this process

we've all done well we don't need to do

this stuff we're able to do the stuff

because underneath at all people can see

in your eyes Frank when you talk about

twenty-five hundred dollars you made

that day and the joy right are you

talking about not willing to settle you

know and just I don't care what they say

I'm able to sit here and I should lower

my expectations I'm going to be driving

my car in here and they're going to be

delivering a video to me there's

something inside of every human being

that will make it click then I'll make

it so that today is not like yesterday

and tomorrow will be different forever

and that process is an emotional hook

and on what I hope is people watching

the stuff maybe something in here will

piss him off enough or remind them of

something or say there is a plan and it

isn't just luck and if I just get my big

enough why and I get a little system for

get to conditioning myself and if I

start to feel overwhelmed I just do one

next step and then keep learning to keep

moving forward I will get there that we

accomplish that out of this conversation

this conversation was kick ass and find

not just for us but will be something

that will be really proud of long time

whether it happens not really has

nothing to do with us but whether or not

people take it in is real and do

something with it I hope they will

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: Thought Breeds Fear (Tony Robbins Unshakable) - Duration: 19:11.


Why I chose the Institute: Success is something we can share worldwide - Duration: 2:21.


My name's Nicole Beck.

I'm graduating class of December 2016.

My major is International Education Management.

The International Education Management program is different, in that,

we do a year of courses and then we have a semester long practicum.

I really wanted to stay in Monterey for a little while longer, and so

I was searching for practicums in the area.

The Center for Social Impact Learning here at MIIS was looking for

an International Education Management graduate assistant for

the Ambassador Corps Program, and I interviewed for that and I got that job.

>> The Ambassador Corps Program is a summer internship program in emerging

market countries that connects students to the front lines of social impact work.

When we brought in Nicole, I had pushed hard for her to go to Nicaragua, and

I think having that experience, doing Ambassador Corps, being a participant in

our program, was a great launchpad into her semester with us here on campus.

>> So I went to Nicaragua in the summer of 2016.

And I worked with an organization that's non profit called Nica Naradores which

is a sports development program that really helps

mentor and provide educational opportunity to

underserved youth in communities outside of Managua, Nicaragua.

Since I've been back here, working with ambassador corps has been ideal,

because I've gotten to experience the world of social impact

in conjunction with international education.

And kind of see how those two spaces can collide

into something that is super interesting.

>> I know when I ask her a question or I ask for her opinion,

it's coming from a real deeply researched perspective.

Her time in the IEM program allowed her to see things in ways that

we at CSIL don't necessarily think about them.

>> MIIS really, they place a lot of importance on,

how do you collaborate with people that are so different from you?

How do you do that successfully?

How can you be self aware to realize, how am I showing up in a group and

how is that influencing how I work with these people?

And how can I change that to better work with hem so

that we can accomplish what we have set out to accomplish?



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