Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 28 2017

Oh hello, I'm Kristen Schaal, voice of Mabel Pines in the show Gravity Falls

and also America's sweetheart to a small few.


Woah! [laughs]

Oh, what's this?

Oh, it's Gravity Falls Journal 3.


Now I know you've heard of book jackets.


But have you ever heard of book sweaters?




She's a good girl, but she's got a secret.


I call this one The Kristen.

[horror sounds]

It's like looking into a sweater mirror.

You always look good in a sweater mirror.

So, how much would you pay for this?

A billion dollars?

Well you're in luck because it's only one million dollars.


What are you doing with my journal?

Charming America.

Call now!

No!! Don't call now.

Don't call now.

Hi, I'm Dipper.

I mean, I'm Jason Ritter.

Dipper's just a character.

He's just a character.

[howling horror sound]


No one wants a sweater for their journal.

This is a serious book, filled with dark secrets that should never fall into the wrong hands.

Which is why I've invented...JOURNALERT.


Made from bullet proof steel,

this impenetrable book safe, will guard your precious journal from dark forces,

as well as shield it from radiation in the event of a nuclear blast.


How many years of nuclear fall out do you think this safe can withstand?

100 years?

200 years?

What if I told you that this could protect your secrets for 1,000 years.


You'd be dead by then, so it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Gravity Falls is just a show.

Ooooo, no it isn't.

Gravity Falls is real and it will never die.

Okay, so what I'm selling you is book sweaters.

Get 'em now.

Kristen, what kind of creep is ever going to buy one of those?

I'll take ten.


Uh, the world is filled with creeps; that's what I'm banking on.

It's true.

It's really true.

So call now.

Call now.

-Now it's your turn to be supportive. -Will it even fit in there?

Well yeah, it'll-- I made it too small.

Oh my God, how did I let this happen?

I measured it a hundred times.

I literally measured it 100 times.

How could you measure it that many times and know that it doesn't fit?

I...Well maybe you could just chain it up.

Call now!

No, no, no don't, don't call now!

Don't-- I already forgot all my stuff.



And also America's sweetheart to a small few.




Got it!

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Journal 3 Infomercial | Oh My Disney - Duration: 2:51.


What does Passover teach us about salvation? - UNLEARN the lies - Duration: 5:31.

What does Passover teach us about salvation?

It's time to UNLEARN the lies.


Hey, welcome to UNLEARN.

My name is Lex, and I'd like to invite you to join us each week as we search out Biblical

truth together and UNLEARN the lies we have inherited.

Now, let's get started.

Passover is fundamental to Christian faith.

Yeshua is our Passover Lamb and we should keep the Feast in remembrance of His sacrifice.

In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul connects Yeshua with the Passover lamb.

"Therefore cleanse out the old leaven, so that you are a new lump, as you are unleavened.

For also Messiah our Pesach was slaughtered for us.

So then let us celebrate the festival, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil

and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."

- 1 Corinthians 5:7-8

This is a profound statement because Paul is directing us to look at our Messiah through

the events of Passover and the Exodus from Egypt.

I believe that Passover provides us with a blueprint for salvation by grace through faith

and the blood of the lamb, which is the same way Paul describes our salvation through Yeshua

as well.

"For by favor you have been saved, through belief, and that not of yourselves, it is

the gift of Elohim, it is not by works, so that no one should boast."

- Ephesians 2:8-9

During the time of Moses, the Israelites were slaves in Egypt and could do nothing to free

themselves from their captivity.

They needed a redeemer to come and set them free, and Moses instructed the people about

how their salvation would come.

These instructions brought salvation from their bondage, and they continue to bring

salvation for us today.

Yahweh told the Israelites to kill a lamb and apply its blood to the doorposts of their

homes to avoid the death plague that struck Egypt that night.

Yahweh also told them to eat the passover lamb with bitter herbs and unleavened bread,

and to remain in their homes all night as He passed over their home.

I want to point out that the Israelites did nothing to earn their salvation, it was a

gift from Yahweh.

They could not save themselves.

However, they were expected to follow the instructions to receive their salvation, otherwise

they would not be spared from the death plague.

But, they had faith that Yahweh would deliver them as He promised, and their faith is what

motivated their obedience.

This is how faith produces obedience.

They could not save themselves, but those who believed and obeyed the Word of Yahweh

received the gift of salvation.

This is the exact same pattern we see with Yeshua as the Passover Lamb who died to save

us from our bondage.

"for all have sinned and fall short of the esteem of Elohim, being declared right, without

paying, by His favor through the redemption which is in Messiah Yeshua, whom Elohim set

forth as an atonement, through belief in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because

in His tolerance Elohim had passed over the sins that had taken place before, to demonstrate

at the present time His righteousness, that He is righteous and declares righteous the

one who has belief in Yeshua."

- Romans 3:23-26

We are slaves to sin and we can do nothing to save ourselves.

We can only be saved by grace through faith and the blood of the Lamb.

Yahweh sent His Son to die for our sins as the Passover Lamb.

His instructions are that we believe that Yahweh will deliver us, and that we apply

the blood of the Lamb to our home to avoid the death plague.

We can do nothing to save ourselves, but if we have faith we will obey the instructions

that our Heavenly Father has given us.

Now, after the Israelites were set free from Egypt, they were given instructions about

how to live as redeemed people.

These instructions, called the Torah, are the constitution of the Kingdom.

These Laws teach us how to live as His redeemed people.

We are not saved by obeying the commandments, but once we have been saved, we are given

commandments to teach us how to live a life free from sin.

The Bible also tells us that many of the Israelites wanted to return to Egypt after they had received

their salvation.

This happened after they saw giants living in the promised land, and the people were

afraid and wanted to turn back to Egypt.

"And all the children of Yisra'ĕl grumbled against Mosheh and against Aharon, and all

the congregation said to them, "If only we had died in the land of Mitsrayim!

Or if only we had died in this wilderness!

And why is Yahweh bringing us to this land to fall by the sword, that our wives and children

should become a prey?

Would it not be better for us to turn back to Mitsrayim?

And they said to each other, "Let us appoint a leader, and let us turn back to Mitsrayim."

- Numbers 14:2-4

We have been set free from sin by the blood of the Lamb, do not trample His sacrifice

underfoot by returning to bondage in sin.

Walk in the freedom He brings, and live according to His instructions so that you can go in

and inherit the promised land.

Share the truth UNLEARN the lies

Now it's your turn.

If you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can

UNLEARN the lies with us.

If you want to see more videos like this one, be sure to subscribe to my channel.

And remember, the truth will set you free.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> What does Passover teach us about salvation? - UNLEARN the lies - Duration: 5:31.


Relaxing indian flute music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music. Sleep Music - Duration: 3:01:22.

Relaxing indian flute music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music. Sleep Music

For more infomation >> Relaxing indian flute music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music. Sleep Music - Duration: 3:01:22.


99.9% of our lives is about our thoughts - Duration: 10:05.

I meant "Ask and it is Given"

For more infomation >> 99.9% of our lives is about our thoughts - Duration: 10:05.


Aliens are HERE on Earth and will TAKE OVER, claims scientist - Duration: 3:54.

Aliens are HERE on Earth and will TAKE OVER, claims scientist


Stanton Friedman,a nuclear physicist, is convinced there have been multiple visitations of Earth

by aliens, who will ultimately quarantine us here on Earth.

The Canadian claimed there "was not a shadow of a doubt" the existence of intelligent aliens

was being covered up by global governments as part of a so-called truth embargo.

Mr Friedman, 82, is a top Ufologist, who has been at the heart of investigations into the

mysterious Roswell alleged UFO crash of 1947, after previously working on classified projects

for American aerospace corporation McDonnell Douglas.

Speaking to, he said: "We have enough to prove without a shadow of a

doubt that planet Earth is being visited [by aliens].

"This is kept from people because who would want the world in upheaval?

There would be mass panic and distress.

"If they (the aliens) want to make themselves known, it's easy � they will."

He said recently declassified CIA files on UFO sightings were all part of the proof.

So why does he say they are here?

Mr Friedman says aliens actually want to prevent humans colonising space and will ultimately

quarantine us here for the greater good to prevent mankind travelling.

He said: "I think they are here.

I think they are here to quarantine us, keep us from going out there.

"With our track record � we're evil."

But Mr Friedman claims our governments are trying to take advanatage of aliens being

here by obtaining their technology to achieve world supremacy.

He said: "The first country to replicate [alien] technology will rule the roost if they can

build it.

"It's political too � the US says 'are we ready to put out anything if the Russians

don't or the Chinese don't'."

Mr Friedman, who has written extensively on Aliens and UFOS, has described this culture

of secrecy as the world's "Cosmic Watergate" � a reference to the President Nixon cover-up

scandal in the 1970s.

He now tours the globe giving talks on his beliefs at universities and conferences.

Some sceptics are not convinced by his arguments, however.

One poster on the forum wrote: "Recently I was looking at some of Friedman's

arguments for UFO's and against sceptics.

"Overall he did a pretty poor job of battling sceptics and proving his point.

"When he says he debunks the debunkers he makes sweeping generalisations and says sceptics

ignore some 'big' cases even though many of them were looked at by sceptics.

"So my question is what's his point.

"He only uses old cases that were mostly debunked and just tries to discredit sceptics rather

than provide non-speculative evidence."

For more infomation >> Aliens are HERE on Earth and will TAKE OVER, claims scientist - Duration: 3:54.


Upcycling Trash to Treasure Part 7 Clip: If God is Real - Duration: 1:12.

Most objections to God and to the Bible are

because of this, people say, "if God is

real why is this world such a mess" or "if

God was real why is my life such a

mess." God says I want you to move

out of your perspective and to look at

things from my perspective that's what

Joseph does you know because from your

perspective it looks like a mess. Now I'm

not talking about being an optimist or a

pessimist the half full cup for the half

empty cup that's not what I'm talking

about. I'm talking about a completely

different perspective. It's not about a

cup at all it's about how God sees it

and it's about moving to see things from

his perspective. And this is exactly what

Joseph is able to do. He sees life from

God's perspective, he sees that the world

is full of evil but he knows that if

we let God God can be at work in every

mess God can redeem even evil things and

God can turn what looks like a mess into

a masterpiece and in fact from God's

perspective we get to see things much


It's not about being an optimist or a

pessimist it's about God's perspective.

For more infomation >> Upcycling Trash to Treasure Part 7 Clip: If God is Real - Duration: 1:12.


''Love is a strange thing'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> ''Love is a strange thing'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:38.


PeopleWork: 3 Strategies for Safety Communication and Marketing - Duration: 6:51.

People cannot recall everything they are exposed to in a single message but for some reason,

safety people think they are.

On this episode, we're going to explore some strategies and ideas that commercials on the

Super Bowl can teach us about building better safety communications.


That was last year's big ad from Super Bowl 2016.

It was so weird yet so compelling and incredibly memorable.

Mountain Dew had the ad with the best "legs" and the longest memory.

This year, 2017, the cost of a 30-second Super Bowl ad was $5 Million.

And advertising availabilities were sold out again.

Companies lined up to spend millions of dollars for a single 30-second time-slot.

But, do you think that expenditure of $5 Million for a single ad drives enough revenue to the

sponsor to pay for that ad?


It will not.

At least not alone.

Advertisers who take a 30-second time-slot on the Super Bowl and pay 5Mil for it are

not expecting to drive tens of millions of dollars of sales from a single ad.


They are using that expenditure of a single TV ad as a showcase for their product.

But it is only a small piece of the overall mix of their marketing tools.

Let's talk about what marketing tools look like.

In addition to the ad buy, companies will spend millions of dollars more marketing attention

on their ad.

In other words, they will tease their customers that they will be unveiling a new ad during

Super Bowl.

They will employ millions of dollars on social media strategies to engage people to watch

the ad both prior to the Super Bowl and even more after the Super Bowl is over.

They will look for the media to talk about their ads, which gives them more free publicity,

hope people will share social media links, more free publicity, and even wait for others

to mock the ads with their own spoof ads, even more free publicity.

Thousands of people will go to work to get people to take an action: to watch the ad

during the game, to share the ad with their social media network, to click links to watch

the ad online.

And it's all done in the hopes of driving more foot traffic through the doors to sell

more product.

People buy what they are aware of and what intrigues them.

Buying an ad is expensive on its own if you expect to drive millions of dollars in business

from a single exposure.

But people don't rush right out and buy a case of beer or a new car because of a single ad.

That ad is part of an overall strategy.

And that is the lesson that safety can learn.

Just like all of the dozens of advertisers who ran their ads during Super Bowl, we as

viewers, were captivated maybe by only one or two.

And by captivated, I mean we were able to recall the gist of the message but not able

to repeat it back verbatim.

Again, Mountain Dew's Puppy-Monkey-Baby.

People are simply not able to recall everything they are exposed to in a single message.

But for some reason, safety people think they are.

That's why so many safety meetings feature full information-dumps and endless streams

of bullet-points in the hopes that meeting attendees will be able to work through, figure

out and distinguish the urgent, from the important from the filler material.

The purpose of a well-designed marketing strategy is to get people to take a specific action.

That's what TV advertisers want.

That's what you should want for your safety program.

What is the action that you are expecting from your safety meetings and communications?

The answer to that question is part of your overall safety marketing strategy.

Here are three things you need to include in your safety marketing:

Number 1.

Add a call-to-action.

What do you want people to do with the information you give them?

There has to be a reason that you're giving them the information.

Have you communicated why you're telling them this?

Without a reason or a purpose for employees to internalize the information, it will be

mentally discarded after a short time.

Give people something to do with the information.

Tell them why they are being given the information and what you want them to do with it.

Don't just dump the information and expect that they can read your mind.

They can't.

Number 1.

Add a call-to-action.

Number 2.

Distill down your ideas into one or two actionable items.

Not everything can be an action step.

Your people would be overwhelmed and drowning in actions steps that they could never accomplish.

So, distill it down.

Think like the coach of a professional athlete.

A coach doesn't impose a long list of things for a professional athlete to work on before

next game.

Professional coaches know that no one can do it.

It sets the athlete up for failure.

So, instead, they work on one or two things.

And so should you.

Have your people focus on one or two actionable items at a time.

We can't focus on everything.

So work on helping them become exceptional at a few things at a time.

Number 2.

Distill down your ideas into one or two actionable items.

And then Number 3.



And then Repeat.

When you watch a TV ad, even if it's a really good and memorable one, can you repeat it back

word-for-word after just one view?

No, of course not.

No one would expect you to.

So why is the expectation that your people are supposed to hear, internalize and recall

safety information after one meeting?

They can't.

And expecting that they can is setting them up for failure.

Your people don't remember everything you told them the first time around.

Stop thinking that they all have steel-trap memories.

Have a plan, a strategy for communicating safety.

Repeat the key points and ideas.

Repeat the key action-steps.

Build on the last action step and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Keep driving that message home.

No one gets all of it the first time.

Number 3.



And then Repeat.

Just like the Super Bowl, the ads that we remember are the ones that captivate us.

We tune out boring ads just like we tune out boring safety communications.

So, make it engaging.

Make it memorable.

Make it all about them.

For more tips and ideas on better safety communications, go buy my book PeopleWork: The Human Touch

in Workplace Safety.

For more infomation >> PeopleWork: 3 Strategies for Safety Communication and Marketing - Duration: 6:51.


Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem: Inflation is Theft - Duration: 5:23.

I think I'm gonna start with, if you

don't mind, I believe you have a paper handout - did

that go out?


I'll dispense with the power point presentation.

The first thing that I wanna do is open with,

when this Morgan silver dollar was minted by the

us government,

it was a dollar.

One dollar.


Today, the same coin

is equal to 20 dollars.

And I think that we have all since childhood

heard about the idea of inflation.

What the IRS has figured out at

the federal level

is how to tax inflation as a gain. We call it capital

gains because they want to say that you buy this

with this.

The truth couldn't be any further than away from

that position.

This is an exchange one type of currency for


So what this bill seeks to do and I'm not gonna

belabor the point because I'd like to get to

our guest who would like to talk about honest money.

Basically it allows for

we remove, at least in the state of Arizona,

the taxable feature of exchanges of one type

of currency for another.

Now you may hear something from Department of

Revenue this is very difficult to do, but at the

end of the day

we are the policy setting body.

And when the mechanics of money come in conflict

with the mechanics of government yes they're

going to butt heads.

But I think that we've got a grand opportunity in

this case to protect at some small

level, the opportunity for Arizona residents to

protect their


Actually it's a conversion of one type of

currency for another because of a lack of trust.

Now one of the things I like to call your attention

to in that document that I have said to you

is the idea that

there's been this quiet theft going on over time.

You'll notice the document that has a House,

has eggs,


hard money, and then has fiat currency.

I find it interesting that in 1957 a 1600

square foot house

would cost roughly the equivalent of 37,700 eggs.

Which would be 13,500

silver dollars,

which in that day would have been 13,500 silver


Now today we move forward to, and this is just

2007 because it's when this was

prepared, that same house which still cost

the equivalent of 37,700 eggs.

And it would still be roughly 13,500 silver



in Federal Reserve notes it would be 175,000


That's called inflation

So when somebody takes that 13,500

dollars in silver dollars and exchanges

them for federal Reserve notes,

the IRS says that that's taxable event.

But that's the exact same organization that is

charged with responsibility

for supporting the value of currency.

Currency meaning the paper Federal Reserve note.

Now the last thing that I'll mention is that

on this

what we call dollar bill,

the very top it says Federal Reserve note.

I'm a real estate agent, so let me put this in

real estate terms because I know just about

everybody here should have a house. If you don't I

would be happy to talk to you about it.

When you purchase a house,

unless you pay cash for that house,

you have a deed of trust, which is evidence that

you have ownership the simple ownership in that

property that real property,

And you have a note that your purchase property

note that is the the evidence of the loan which


way of definition a note is an evidence of debt.

So what we're really doing is we're trading thin

slices that are evidence of debt, daily pretending

that it's money.

And until you extinguish

this debt,

with the exchange for something that is real, you

are the carrier of the debt of the federal


So to assume that you have been carrying the

debt for the federal government for however long

and move that into real property that you should

suffer a tax consequence for that exchange of

currency, authorized by the US Constitution, minted

by the US mint, or printed by the Federal

Reserve, until you extinguish that debt, you

remain the carrier of debt.

So with that I'd be happy to answer any questions

that you might have.

Members any questions for the sponsor?

Thank you very much,

apparently you did an excellent job.

For more infomation >> Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem: Inflation is Theft - Duration: 5:23.


Welcome to POTENTL! - Duration: 1:44.

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