Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 28 2017

Welcome to Health Wisdom YouTube Channel.

In this video, you will learn about the top 5 health benefits of Kale for our body.

Keep watching.

Kale is one of the healthiest food.

It is also known as leaf cabbage and the queens of greens.

Kale is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and omega-3 fatty acid.

The top 5 health benefits of Kale for our body are:


Relieves Constipation As Kale is rich in fibre, it helps in promoting

healthy bowel movements and enables toxins and waste to come out from our body.

This helps in relieving constipation.


Good for Brain Health Kale contain flavonoids and iron which are

essential for brain health.

Kale helps in reducing the risk of stroke due to high blood pressure.


Controls Diabetes Kale is rich in fiber and sulfur which helps

in controlling blood sugar level and therefore is an excellent food for people suffering

from diabetes.


Good for Eyes Kale contains nutrients such as Lutein and

zeaxanthin which helps in improving our eyesight and prevent cataract and macular degeneration

due to ageing.


Promotes Weight Loss Kale is rich in fibre, which helps in keeping

us fuller for a long duration and thereby reduces the craving for extra food.

This helps in our efforts to reduce weight.

In conclusion, eat or juice Kale to relieve constipation, improve brain health, control

diabetes, improve eyesight and reduce weight.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.

Wishing you good health in your life, bye.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Health Benefits of Kale You Should Know - Duration: 2:08.


The Story of the Confrontation BATMAN & SUPERMAN | Featurette [+SUBTITLES] - Duration: 5:00.

<i>CHARLES ROVEN: It might seem that they, in fact, should be allies.</i>

Actually, their approach is so different to a similar cause,

that it makes them enemies.

It's always fun to see that yin and yang.

The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel

and the clash of the lightness and the optimism

with the fear and the vengeance.

It's something that never gets old.

LAURENCE FISHBURNE: They've been around for 70-plus years.

So they've touched everybody

all over the world in some kind of way.

You cannot not love Superman.

You cannot not love The Bat.

GEOFF JOHNS: Superman is well-known to be the very first superhero ever introduced

in Action Comics No. 1, in 1938.

And he was kind of modelled after a circus strongman,

which is why he has what looks like tights.

And it exploded. Superman was the birth of superheroes.

And, in Detective Comics 27, shortly after,

you got what was the exact opposite.

Batman, you know, was darker and somebody who operated at night

and was all black,

<i>and wasn't about colors, and had no superpowers.</i>

And was human and had a pretty dark origin.

The first comic book they ever appeared on a cover together was

New York World's Fair No. 1.

The truth is, what brought them together was

they were very popular characters.

And so, putting Superman and Batman together in the same book was a big deal.

Back then the stories were very straightforward,

you know, they'd fight an enemy or a threat together.

<i>It wasn't 'till much later where the nuance of</i>

their respective ideologies would cause conflict.

That was later in the publishing history.

There seemed to be a growing tension between the characters.

And it was all around the same time

where their philosophies and their upbringings

and the worlds they

lived in and, kind of, embodied,

were contrasted in such an interesting way.

BEN: The idea of justice has a very personal meaning to Bruce Wayne

because his parents were murdered in front of him when he was young

and so that's the defining issue of his life.

This terrible injustice that happened and the desire to avenge it.

When it comes down to Batman,

Superman doesn't agree with the way

he carries out justice.

Batman and Superman, they're trying to achieve the same thing,

but through entirely different methods.

Clark's view is to go about it in an ethical manner,

where, Batman is, "At any cost, inflict justice."

That's essentially where they come to blows.

One of the very first comics I read

where I saw Superman and Batman come into conflict,

that was during John Byrne's Man of Steel series in the '80s.

You see the seeds planted of a very antagonistic relationship

between these two characters.

They're not the world's finest buddies as they had been for decades earlier.

This kind of rivalry, or distrust, only grew.

The Dark Knight Returns was the first time you ever really saw them go at it.

I think the fight

that Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee depicted in Batman: Hush,

those, to me, are the highlight fights.

Through years and years of stories and popularity,

these two characters became icons, and then came into conflict.

It just became seismic to see these two characters together.

We're all ready, right?

<i>DEBORAH SNYDER: Zack, he's not just</i> a <i>director, he's</i> a <i>huge fanboy as well.</i>

He loves comics and he loves these characters.

So for him, the thrill of seeing Batman and Superman

together on the big screen for the first time

was even greater than just a director feeling that way,

because it's what the fans want to see.


C LAY E N OS: Pretty exciting.

The first time Superman and Batman are on-screen together

in the history of cinema.

Quiet! Here we go!

Camera ready?

Here we go!

Start the rain!


MAN: Ready and action!




Breathe it in.

That's fear.

You're not brave.


Men are brave.

WOMAN: Cut! MAN: Cut!

-MAN: Print it! -Whoo-hoo!


For more infomation >> The Story of the Confrontation BATMAN & SUPERMAN | Featurette [+SUBTITLES] - Duration: 5:00.


How To Actually Change Your Mind (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 19:29.

Live Today With Passion: "There is nothing as powerful as a change

you can change your hair your clothing

your address your spouse your residence

but if you don't change your mind the

same experience will perpetuate itself

over and over again because everything

outwardly chains but nothing in return

you are where you are today in part

because of what you've been saying about

yourself words are like seeds when you

speak something out you give life to

what you're saying if you continue to

say it eventually that can become a

reality whether you realize it or not

you are prophesying your future and this

is great when we're saying things like

I'm blessed I'm strong I will accomplish

my dreams I'm coming out of debt that's

not just being positive you are

prophesying victory prophesying success

prophesied new levels your life will

move in the direction of your words but

too many people go around prophesying

just the opposite I never get any good

breaks I'll never get back in shape

business is slow i'll probably get laid

off flu season is here i always get it

they don't realize they are prophesying

defeat it's just like they're calling in

badbrakes mediocrity lack the scripture

says we will eat the fruit of our words

you are planting seeds when you talk at

some point you're going to eat that

fruit my challenge is make sure you're

planning the right kind of seeds if you

want apples you have to sew apple seeds

if you want oranges you can't plant

cactus seeds poison ivy seeds mushroom

seeds you're going to recruit from the

exact seeds that you've been sowing in

other words you can't talk negative and

expect to live a positive life you can't

talk two feet and expect to have victory

you can't talk lack not enough can't

afford it never get ahead and expect to

have abundance if you have a poor mouth

you're going to have a poor life if you

don't like what you're seeing start

sewing some different seeds

you know we all go to change our lives

and we all want to improve our lives

whether you want to improve your health

or your relationships your work your

lifestyle you know that sometimes it's

difficult and you back off of it you

back down from change because it's scary

I mean do you know anyone who needs to

change their life and you can tell them

change change change but they don't why

or have you ever set a big goal at the

beginning of the year and you knew you

really wanted to achieve it but you

found yourself a couple months later not

doing it well the reason is is because

psychologically you are unwilling to

face the price of change it's kind of

like the way I think about it it's like

admission gates like how you know how

you going to amusement park or for a

circus or to Disneyland you kind of have

to pay to go through the turnstile to

enter and enjoy the ride well changes

like that to most people bounce up

against those turnstiles only go this is

I don't like it it's uncomfortable to me

and they leave the park and they never

get to experience the beauty and the

wonder and the fun on the other side

they said I it's not worth it and they

walk away from their goals and their

dreams and their hopes because they just

thought it wasn't worth it or it was too

hard so what are you going to have to

face what are you really going to have

to allow yourself to pay for the price

of change well I think there's three

costs to change anytime you wanna change

your life you're gonna be faced with

these three things they're the price of

admission to a better life and once you

realize that these are the price of

change you can consciously choose will

is worth it to me or not because most

people they're not consciously choosing

they just get scared and run so instead

i want you to realize there is a cost to

change are you up for it or not here's

the three cost to change that first

price of a mission to get to those out

of change is

uncertainty you know when you go to

change your life you don't know how it's

going to turn out you start the new diet

is it going to work is it not you don't

know you're going to change your career

or quit your job are you gonna get a

better job you don't know you're going

to leave that bad relationship to find

someone who really loves you cares for

you through CL are you going to find

somebody better you don't know and that

terrifies people uncertainty is so scary

because we might lose something we like

well what if I lose the job it was okay

or lose the person she was not so bad or

or I lose that opportunity and it's

scary to people but that's what your

mind has to be willing to wrap around do

it you might have to be able to say to

change your mind has to go I am cool

with the fact i'm not going to know what

the heck is going on i'm going to go for

it anyway i'm going to enter that dark

cave I don't know if I'm going to be

eaten alive I don't know if it's going

to turn out bad but i'm gonna go in i'm

gonna trust and believe in my ability to

figure things out I don't know how it's

going to go but I know I'm going to show

up is the best of who I am to deal with

that change your mind must be allowing

and saying I'm gonna let go of

everything I think I know I'm gonna let

go of everything I want it to go like

I'm gonna let go of my need for

permission I'm gonna go my need for

perfection and I'm just gonna try and

when you can get to that point and you

can say you know what I'm cool with the

fact i'm not going to know what the heck

is going on on because i haven't done it

before I'm gonna try even though I don't

know how it's going to turn out if you

can get over that that's that first sort

of step into making longer-term change

for your left see I'm okay with it I

never know how things are going to go as

many of you know I shoot this whole

YouTube show this this thing called the

charge life my podcast I do it

extemporaneous I don't know exactly how

it's gonna go I usually know the topic I

know maybe one or two points in my head

and I just go but my mind when I first

did that he was terrified so I said no

no no I need certainty I knew certain

yeah I need notes I need a script I need

to know exactly how it's going to go and


you know what that's not the charge life

the charge life is good with spontaneity

the charge life is good with being in

the moment the charge life actually

loves and draws energy and power and

vibrancy from flow from being in the

moment and dancing with the moment

versus having everything needed to be

script in your life so have you not

changed because your mind saying I need

everything to be perfect and script it

out I need to know all the exact steps

in the future if your mind is telling

you that I guarantee you're not

progressing growing or achieving at the

rate that you could you gotta let go of

certainty in your life and be willing to

venture into the unknown and walk into

it being okay that you'll be vulnerable

being okay that you'll be scared being

okay you're gonna have nights where

you're laying awake on I don't know I

don't know and that's okay because you

know what you'll figure it out if I can

sell you one belief that's given me more

confidence than anything in my entire

life it's like you know what I know that

I'm kind of a bumbling fool but I

believe in my ability to figure things

out put me in the mix put me in the game

coach I can do it it'll be a hot mess

for maybe a quarter but by second

quarter I'll get it I'll figure it out

put me in the game I will figure it out

I trust in that and that's why I've been

able to change my life so significantly

and grow so quickly beyond sometimes my

peers because I'm willing to venture

into the unknown and they are not and it

is those who venture into the unknown

who are the adventures the Pioneers the

Explorers those who move the needle of

change in the history of the world so

allow yourself not to know and

the second big price to change a lot of

people avoid or run away from but it's

always going to be there is when you'd

bumble into something like that guess

what the price the change is other

people might not understand meaning

judgment meaning rejection people might

make fun of you when you go to change

your life they might say who do you

think you are why do you want that well

that's dumb why are you doing that

you're so stupid why can't you just be

happy you're gonna get people saying

that there's a social fear of change as

well because they would rather have you

conform to their little conception of

you see people draw a little conceptual

cage around who you are and they say

well this is who that person is they

think they know you they don't know you

and you know what they also don't know

they don't know tomorrow and they don't

know where you want to go they don't

know exactly what you are capable of

because they're trying to gauge it based

on their certainty coming from the past

but who you are is not tethered to the

past you and I can both wake up tomorrow

and claim what I call my book life's

golden ticket a second chance you get to

wake up tomorrow take a new breath in

decide what am I going to show the world

today what am I going to do today how

disciplined am I going to be today what

energy am I going to arrive to the world

with and choose today what's my attitude

going to be what am I habits going to be

today what am I going to really go after

with thunder and power today you had to

choose that every day that's the second

chance every single day that's the

beauty of the world tomorrow is always a

blank slight tomorrow you get to begin

anew it takes guts and most people don't

have the guts because they're scared of

the rejection that could come your

spouse makes fun of you and the people

at work going you crazy stupid the kids

in the play yard point and tease and

ridicule and abuse and be

but you know at the end of the day it's

your life and you go decide what it

stands for are you going to live your

life based on the the noise of the

crowds and the masses telling you what

to do or living their life we're going

to live your life are going to put your

dreams on hold just because some person

who doesn't even know you or what your

capabilities are judge you once look the

reality is most people got your back and

it's not my opinion it's reality they're

all of us assume oh there's all the

judgment all these people are out to get

me look you need to stop believing

people don't support you and want you to

achieve and grow I used to believe that

I thought well you know the people

around me they'll support me until I get

above them right no one wants you to be

above them but you're not above that's a

BS definition that's their meaning

definition not yours you're just growing

into your full potential don't apologize

for that don't hold back from that just

because somebody might not like it that

doesn't make any sense whatsoever your

job is to live that fullest expression

of who you know you can be to do that

confident to live in that freedom of

flow of being spontaneous and alive

regardless of what other people think

it's so easy to go well I better not

tell my dream because I'll think I'm

small but if you don't tell your dream

your mind doesn't believe it if you

don't tell your dream the supporters who

would like the idea can't get your back

you don't tell your dream people can't

believe and you buy from you fall you

get on board with you look in silence is

suffering if you're not expressing who

you are and what you want in life that's

not personal freedom that's personal

caging of your soul and you're doing

that not anyone else it's easy to blame

everyone else well they judge me so I

stopped no they will always judge you

you stopping or starting that's on you

buddy and we got to accept that on a lot

that's personal accountability going

it's on me

no matter what the world says because

you know what you know what you're gonna

get the believers you know you're gonna

get them with momentum you know when

you're gonna have more motivation with

momentum as you get going as you start

succeeding as you start committing as we

start to see wow she is really

interested in this wow she's really

doing well she's really going to it wow

she's really succeeding more of them

will clap at the beginning they all like

weird and then as you get going they're

clapping for you so don't forget that

and don't also forget that guess what

the bigger you grow too yep the more

people will judge you it's not like you

get success one day and everybody loves

you you know or you get millions about

look I got millions of students out

there who graduated my videos Mike

online courses who've read my books and

we still get people going well Brendon

you're an idiot millions of students if

I run in here an idiot or I do my videos

they go well this is stupid you're just

you know but I want you to stop doing

these videos your hair sucks i hate your

shirt ah you know it's like I don't care

i don't i'm not going to pause my

mission simply because there's some mean

people out there who are uninformed or

in a bad mood you must not stop your

march out of a fear of rejection or

judgment because it never goes away what

needs to come back into your life is the

constant so you're gonna do it any way

to go and that's the price to change the

price of changes some people won't like

it but on the other side that's your

dream so go the last big price big cost

to change last huge one and the most you

don't like it is that guess what to

change to progress it's going to bring

struggle struggle hardship difficulty

that's part of the process one you got

to deal with the unknown that's scary

because you're not in the game just like

even thinking about scared because it's

the unknown to judgment rejection

possibility and three hi

this can be hard I'm not it's gonna be

uncomfortable not just uncertain it's

gonna it's going to be difficult I'm

asked to stay up late nights to work on

my dream I'm gonna have to you know give

up some things i like doing with my

family my friends sometimes so I can

focus a little bit more I like reading

those trashy magazines but I'm not

adding value they're comfortable for you

how to put them aside I'm going to

struggle with the discipline to stay

focused I'm going to struggle not

knowing what I'm doing looking silly I'm

going to struggle being absolutely a hot

mess as I begin this it's going to be

hard it's gonna be a lot of late night

it's going to be you know times are

going to try your soul your mind your

body and thank God it's not easy thank

God it's not even because you know what

it's only in the tough stuff that your

real character is exposed and forged

it's only in the difficulties that the

path becomes meaningful and worthwhile

if everything we're easy none of us

would grow if everything were easy none

of us would learn if everything were

easy none of us would ever feel alive

it's in that struggle in the fight in

the challenge that we find real growth

that we find the charge left because you

know what a lot of people they live what

we call the comfortable life

everything's fine everything's great

everything's easy and then at some point

some of this house your life in the go

it's fine and they say it knowing

something's missing you know what's

missing the push the challenge the

struggle the growth that comes from

those things so are you going to

struggle I bet your butt your that doing

this dream for me I struggled with you

know launching a book one time didn't do

so good launching videos nobody watched

it doing my first seminars 20 some

people showed up that was it but I knew

the struggle is worthwhile and I said

the struggles can make me sharp the

storm doesn't get any skill the

struggling to make me grow the struggle

will allow me to serve better with more


and verve and power and guess what now

three New York Times definitely looks

seminars sold out after seminar after

seminar after seminar videos been viewed

millions of times we're talking like

tens of millions of times why because I

was ok with the struggle in the process

to struggle I never hated it I said this

is part of the journey I accepted that

was a truth I didn't fight it I didn't a

moment I never complained I was never

better I was like this is just part of

it even when I started I went bankrupt

when I first began I don't know what I

was doing I just said okay this sucks I

own this it's real that's okay I'm gonna

keep working because you know what don't

ever forget when you knock on the door

of opportunity that its work who answers

don't the Mon complain or hate the

struggle and the difficulty that

sometimes takes for you to grow enough

and to find that place of in you that is

allowing it to be spontaneous and

flowing even in the midst of difficulty

to find your Center in the midst of that

chaos because you know that it's okay

this is chaos chaotic it's always in be

chaotic it's always gonna be crazy in

the world but we don't have to feel that

way and that's a struggle to master your

internal world and master our day each

day and push away distractions and say

no to the wrong things that's hard it's

difficult and thank God it is because

that's what makes you grow I hope that

you've enjoyed this episode if you did

give me a favor like it share it tell

other people about it I love them to

enjoy the charge life along with you and

remember this it's always difficult to

change there will always be even go to

judge you and you'll never know the

exact path and exactly how it's going to

turn out begin anyway because you know

what's on the other side of these prices

these admission charges to change you

know it's on the other side of going

anyway even though you're uncertain of

walking through even though they might

make fun of you of pushing through even

though you might be uncomfortable and

face struggle and hardship and

difficulty you know it's on the other

side the price and chain

progress and progress is worth it your

growth is worth it you'll take these

ideas and you'll keep going through pay

the price of change keep moving through

you'll find that progress and you'll get

experience what we call the charge life

For more infomation >> How To Actually Change Your Mind (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 19:29.


If You Have One of These 6 Conditions, Forget about Consuming Garlic ! - Duration: 2:25.

If You Have One of These 6 Conditions, Forget about Consuming Garlic !

Garlic is considered as a vegetable with many benefits and properties that can be used in

natural medicine, its large number of uses both in cooking and in natural remedies makes

it a great ally when using it.

Not everything is perfect, although garlic has great benefits, it can also be a problem

if it is not consumed under strict recipes.

Garlic has many properties that are excellent for the health of the body, but it has contraindications

that everyone should know before starting to consume it excessively, since as has always

been said, everything in excess is bad.

In this article we want to share with you the contraindications that everyone should

know about garlic, in the end the amount will be available to you and how often you will

consume it.

Contraindications of garlic consumption for the body!


It is a natural anticoagulant: it is excellent for treating circulation problems because

it makes the blood more fluid, thus preventing clots and thrombi, which cause heart attacks,

thrombosis, strokes, among others.

However, its use with other anticoagulant medications can greatly accelerate the blood,

causing unnecessary bleeding.


Hypertension and low tension: it has active properties that can negatively affect people

suffering from tension, so do not consume more than two teeth in fasting.


Do not take with other medicines: if you are medicated, it is best to consult with the

doctor before consuming garlic, since this potentiates the effects of medications causing

more problems than solutions.


During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding: According to studies, garlic remedies can be serious

for babies.


Delicate stomachs: Those who suffer from delicate stomachs should not be overeated with the

consumption of garlic, as it can lead to excess heartburn, vomiting and belching.


Diabetes: Garlic has hypoglycemic properties that potentiate the effects of diabetic medicines,

causing a decrease in the glycemia of the body.

Garlic is not perfect for everyone, so it is good to know the moments when they should

not be consumed.

For more infomation >> If You Have One of These 6 Conditions, Forget about Consuming Garlic ! - Duration: 2:25.


Dimensions Of Consciousness In The Digital Realm - Duration: 2:53.

Dimensions Of Consciousness In The Digital Realm

by Nikki Colombo,Editor.

The circle or sphere in sacred geometry represents the feminine and the square or cube represents

the masculine.

Interesting to note in these images by Brian Pollett also known as Pixel-Pusha:

Article: Artist Takes 20 Different Drugs And Creates 20 Illustrations To Show Their Effects!


You can see the digital realm in the artwork DAY 11 of 20 � DMT and DAY 15 of 20 � MDMA

represented by the cube.

Dimensions Of Consciousness In The Digital Realm

Images copyright of Brian Pollett

Please Do Not Try This At Home!

The next realm I suggest is just beyond this one, amongst lots of other layered REALm�s/dimensions/densities).

These REALities are layered like an onion around and inside our planet EARTH.

These layer�s which are dissolving right now, or as some people refer to as �the

veils are thinning� which is why there is so much paranormal/ET/UFO//ORB/LIGHTSHIP/PARANORMAL

activity increasing exponentially, correlate to the octaves on the piano scale.

Within each of these layers REALm�s/dimensions/densities/frequencies/rays are many layer�s that reach up to the GOD

Creator Source, which encompasses both masculine and feminine as a UNIFIED field and on each

of theses layers REALm�s/dimensions/densities is another YOU existing on that level.

So down here in 3D is what we need to work on�� Unification of the masculine and

feminine principle of which we all have inside of us regardless of our gender.

So how many YOU�s are there?

This is what we are becoming aware of .


For more infomation >> Dimensions Of Consciousness In The Digital Realm - Duration: 2:53.


I Feel Like Alice In Wonderland // The Broad Museum - Duration: 7:02.

Hello, I am here at The Broad Museum in downtown Los Angeles.

This is a pretty famous museum from what I hear

so I am excited to check this out.

The reservation for tickets here has a waitlist for like months

so I'm excited to be inside of The Broad Museum check out some of the exhibits.

This is so cool I want this in my house.

Like in my living room.

So this is something cool that you don't see everyday.

They have windows where you can actually see

the storage area where they keep all of their pieces.

A lot of reflection over there but you can see the paintings right there.

It's pretty cool.

I just finished checking out the top floor of the museum

and they have some really like classic pieces there.

So far I'm super happy with the museum.

Now we're just going to check out the ground floor where the gift shop is.

Now it is gift shop time.

I am now done exploring the whole museum and it was an awesome experience

it was really nice, they have some amazing pieces

and it's definitely a place where I'll be coming back when I can.

The only downside about it is the whole reservation thing

and having to wait for a long time

they will let people in like every 30 minutes I think it is.

So that whole like waiting to get in is an aspect a little bit annoying

but it is well worth it.

The pieces that they have here are so beautiful

and they have some really beautiful sculptures as well

and I'm excited to see

what other exhibits they'll be bringing in the future

I'm looking for to returning to The Broad Museum.

So that's it for this microadventure if you had fun

then please give me a thumbs up to let me know

and leave me a comment down below.

And if you haven't already then definitely subscribe

because I make a whole bunch of videos every single week

and you don't want to miss out on that.

But for now I'm going to go.

So I will see you when I see you, Bye!

This video was made possible by my patrons over at PATREON.COM/REDROMINA

If you like what I do, become a patron and be a part of the exploration.

For more infomation >> I Feel Like Alice In Wonderland // The Broad Museum - Duration: 7:02.


[廣東話] 舊聞好刺激 Old News Is SO EXCITING 特首選戰專題 林鄭做到咪幾好 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> [廣東話] 舊聞好刺激 Old News Is SO EXCITING 特首選戰專題 林鄭做到咪幾好 - Duration: 2:19.


WH46X344-Installing Your Ge Washer's Shipping Bolt-AP2047736, AH273568, PS273568 - Duration: 1:59.

Hi I'm Mike and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the shipping bolt in your

GE washer model you may need to replace this bolt if you are moving the washer to a different

location or if you are shipping it to someone else for this repair you will need two puddy

knives to start we are going to remove the front panel of the washer so next we are going

to grab our shipping bolt that came with the washer when we bought it if you do not have

one of these shipping bolts or if you misplaced you can find one on one of our online stores

so we are going to take our shipping bolt and we are going to slide it through the opening

on the side of the washer and we are going to slide it through the metal frame that holds

the motor and we are going to make sure it goes through both sides you may need to hold

the motor in place while you are doing this and we are going to make sure that it comes

through this outer side over here and we are just going shake the motor and the tub and

we are just going to shake the motor and the tub to make sure that it is going to stay

somewhat in place so next we are just going to replace the front of the washer and

once the front panel is on your washer is ready to be shipped thanks for watching our

video please like comment or share and if you liked our video please subscribe down


For more infomation >> WH46X344-Installing Your Ge Washer's Shipping Bolt-AP2047736, AH273568, PS273568 - Duration: 1:59.


Double Tiles Challenge! - Duration: 0:44.

OK, this is the part where it starts to get dangerous.

Ah, so close to 11!

For more infomation >> Double Tiles Challenge! - Duration: 0:44.


10 Things YOU Should Never Do On Your PERIOD - Duration: 3:50.

10 Things YOU Should Never Do On Your PERIOD

Some women's period are regular, like clockwork, but this is not always the case with.

Some experience physical and emotional symptoms before and during the menstruation, from the

unbelievable cravings for food you don't even know existed, the unsatiable libido, the unreasonable

mood swings, all of this are major disruptions to a women's life.

In line with that thought, taking note of period shifts and changes in the length, frequency

and amount of flow would help in major ways.

Remember these 10 things to avoid for a smooth-flowing red day:



The kitchen is quite a dangerous place for a bleeding woman who's prone to tendencies

of emotional attacks.

With a knife in hand and the bothersome anxieties and frustrations brought by the hormonal imbalance,

who knows who could get hurt?


Mobile Phones.

Admit it or not, being on that time of the month makes you emotionally unstable.

One minute you just want to play candy crush, the next you're either too depressed as you

pour your heart out to exes.

The possibilities are endless, try to play on the safe side and move away from those

mobile phones.



Again, red days make you unstable, chances of feeling disgustingly bloated are very high.

However you do not need to succumb to this insecurities brought about by the hormones.

Exercising is good as they release endorphin's which will help make you feel good.


Watching Romantic Comedies.

The thing about watching these films while on period is that it may trigger emotions

that is not healthy for you.

The thought of realizing that your life is not fairytale-like or even just as exciting

is depressing, you don't need that.


Indulging in Chocolates.

Cliches tell you it works, it does however this is usually blown out of proportion.

Eating chocolates, maybe a few candy bars will help but going crazy will just make you

feel worse after the sugar crash.


Start Arguments.

Starting arguments while on period could be messy.

Be very well aware that the hormones make you unreasonable and often times make you

say things you don't mean, you're going to regret it at the end, try not to start things

you know you'll end up regretting.


Get Out of Bed.

The menstrual cramps, the horrible feeling, the sudden emotional outbursts, would want

to deal with that.

Try to sleep it away and let it all pass, other women will understand.

You could be productive some other days.

Re-emerge the day after and slay like the queen bee you truly are.



Standing up straight on the cold shower especially on the first day is pure agony, sitting in

a warm bath might be a better option.


Do Housework.

Everyone understands the struggle you're facing, set aside the urge to be productive.

No one expects you to be a hundred percent on these days.

Crawl back to bed, try watching a few movies or read a book.



Running while on menstrual period may be the worst idea yet.

Just don't do it.

Just don't.

Thank you for watching Subscribe for more videos

Share it with your friends and family.

For more infomation >> 10 Things YOU Should Never Do On Your PERIOD - Duration: 3:50.


How to Test a Correlation Matrix for Significance - Identity Matrix - Duration: 4:24.

In this video I'd like to show you how

to test a correlation matrix to see

whether it's significant.

So here I have three variables, SAT

social support, and college GPA. And I

calculated the correlation matrix in

another video, and I saw that two of the

bivariate correlations were significant,

college GPA with SAT, right here, and

college GPA with social support, but that

social support and SAT was not

significant. Now on a bivariate level,

which is what we just looked at, two

variables at a time, we saw that two were

significant and one was not. But I can also test

this entire matrix as it's called at a

single point in time to see whether,

overall, is this entire matrix

significantly different from a matrix in

which these values would all be 0 and

you have 1s on this main diagonal,

which is also known as an identity

matrix. And there are applications where we

might want to do this, such as in factor

analysis as well as in other

multivariate procedures, where we want to

know before we begin the analysis are

the variables significantly correlated

in the whole system of variables. Are they

significant, or are they just within

sampling era of zero. So that's what

we're doing when we test this

correlation matrix against the identity

matrix. So do that we want to go to

Analyze and then go to Dimension

Reduction and then select Factor. And

then here I'm going to move my three

variables over to the variables box, and

then go ahead and select Descriptives.

And here what I want to select is KMO

and Bartlett's test of sphericity. Click

Continue. And then click OK. Now in our

output I'm going to delete these last

three tables, as they aren't relevant to

what we're looking at here.

But notice this table here, KMO and

Bartlett's test. What we want to look at

is this p-value right here. And if this

p-value is less than .05, if we're

using an alpha .05, then that means

that this matrix is significantly

different from zero. In other words, we're

testing this matrix, with with these

observed correlations here, against a

matrix of ones on this main diagonal,

and zeros in all other places. So,

essentially, no correlation here, no

correlation here, no correlation here, or

if you're looking at the mirror image,

this side which is the exact same as

this, it's just the mirror image of it, no

correlations here, whichever side you

prefer to look at. So this test here

tests whether this matrix, once again, is

significantly different from a matrix

with ones and zeros everywhere else,

which means no correlations. And that's

called an identity matrix, ones on the

main diagonal 0 everywhere else. And if

we look at this note here we click on

Bartlett's test, right-click the mouse and then

go to What's this?

Let's look at this first line here. Tests

the null hypothesis that the correlation

matrix is an identity matrix. This is

testing whether this matrix is

significantly different from matrix with

ones on the main diagonal, and zeros

everywhere else. So because this result

was significant, and quite significant,

.000025, this gives us

confidence that these variables in this

matrix, if we look at the matrix as a

whole, not on a bivariate level, but overall,

that these variables are significantly

correlated, they're significantly

different than an identity matrix. Now

that doesn't tell us or ensure that

every single variable is correlated with

every other variable, as we saw right

here SAT and social support is not

significant, but it does give us

confidence that there are significant

relationships overall in our matrix when

taken as

whole. And therefore we can go ahead and

do further analyses like a factor

analysis or some other multivariate

analysis, where it depends on that are

variables are correlated to begin with, at a

multivariate level.

OK that's it. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How to Test a Correlation Matrix for Significance - Identity Matrix - Duration: 4:24.


This is Costa Rica, a place where people help you. - Duration: 1:11.

On my way here

I was running barefoot

because I had to give Tony one of my sandals

and then some people by the road

saw me running barefoot

and they said, you can't keep going that way

come here, I'll give you my shoes

and then this guy gave me his shoes

and then the other guy said, I'll take you

and I told him

I don't have any money

he said, don't worry, I'll take you in my motorcycle

so then he took me all the way a the river

and I kept running from there

This is Costa Rica

And for all the people who come here

to our country

they need to understand that the coolest

the most important thing about our country

it's not the beautiful beaches, the mountains

,the animals, it's the people

If you haven't meet a Costa Rican

you haven't known Costa Rica

Costa Rica is special in a lot of ways

but is exceptional

every country is exceptional in some way

but Costa Rica is exceptional because

there is a very deep sense of equality

people see each other as equals

For more infomation >> This is Costa Rica, a place where people help you. - Duration: 1:11.


8193716 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Dishwasher Leveling Leg- AP3138177, AH557020, PS557020 - Duration: 1:27.

To begin our repair we are going to take our dishwasher and we are going to place it on

its side this way we can get to the bottom frames of the dishwasher so that we can install

our new part so our missing leveling leg is going to be located right in this area we

are going to grab our new OEM leveling legs and if you do not have one of those leveling

legs already you can find one on our online store using our hand we are going to position

and we are just going to screw it in to the bottom frame and you should eyeball how long

we will screw the leveling leg into the frame poor this way our dishwasher will be easy

even once it is back inside the cabinet so one you notice that all of your leveling legs

look around the same length you can go ahead and reinstall your dishwasher and your repair

is complete thanks for watching our video please like, comment or share and if you liked

our video please subscribe down below

For more infomation >> 8193716 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Dishwasher Leveling Leg- AP3138177, AH557020, PS557020 - Duration: 1:27.


Easy origami HEART BRACELET tutorial - DIY (Henry Phạm) - Duration: 10:03.

Good afternoon! You are on the channel "Origami cat".

Today we will make a origami bracelet.

It is made of modules - hearts.

This Bracelet "Heart".

It has developed an origami master - Henry Pham.

Paper bracelet looks like a fashion accessory.

It is easy to attach and remove. Clasp it is not necessary.

We use the size 6x6 cm paper.

I will show all the folds of the big square. So it will be easier to see.

Fold the sheet in half.

Turn the paper.

Raise the lower side to the upper.


Fold the lower side to the upper.


Fold in half.

Good smooth out wrinkles.

Fold the top corners together at the midline.

Straighten corners.

Expand the layers on the left and fold inwards.

The same make and the right.

Uncover and turn the figure.

Fold the upper right side of the midline.

Well flatten the crease.

Make a new fold as shown by the video.

Fold the upper portion to the middle line.

The lower part of the figure - foot module.

Do the same on the left.

Bend the upper half portion.

In this part we will do the heart.

Expand pockets.

All the origami folds must be even.

Repeat 2 more sweet.

Fold the triangle to the middle.

Turn the figure. The module is ready heart.

All modules must be of such a size.

Make 4 units of red and yellow 4 module. A total of 8 modules.

Apply glue to the foot module.

Insert one module into another.

Wait until the glue dries.

Stick modules quickly and easily.

I recommend the use of glue - a pencil.

Who for the first time on this channel, please subscribe!

And click on the bell next to the "Subscribed".

So you see every new video!

You can use your paper color. For example, white and black.

3 can be used to make color or monochrome bracelet.

Take a strip of paper.

Fasten it clip.

Put on hand.

The strip should be hard to put on the hands.

It's very loose size. You need to subtract.

This size is suitable.

Bend over the edge and cut.

I get the perfect length of your bracelet.

Place the strip with hearts.

Strip with hearts shorter.

You need to add another module.

Glue the missing module.

Heart - bracelet ready!

Oden bracelet of hearts on hand.

Tugovat a little, but did not fall from his hands.

While the glue still wet, wear slowly.

Time to put your finger up (Like) loved this video.

And you end up with a bracelet? What colors did you use?

Please write below the video.

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