And all of us in some ways our cookie
thieves I have eight beautiful children
our youngest little girls eight years
old one of the things that you do when
you become enlightened and become a guru
like me that'll be the day is when we
place something that is important to
know where it is we practice mindfulness
so that we never misplace anything so
obviously having reached this exalted
level of awareness in my home with my
eight children I never misplace anything
so I place my keys right here in a
certain spot but my little girl has this
wonderful habit of taking my keys and
hiding them on daddy in the morning so
that she can watch me flip out as I look
for the keys and I'll say sage how many
times has daddy told you don't hide my
keys in the more daddy you told me not
to do it I don't hide your teacher
anymore come on where'd you put my keys
the last time they were in your
dollhouse where did you put daddy you
told me not to do it and then of course
my twelve-year-old daughter Serena loves
to just assume this stance she's
watching me raise my voice to say I
wonder what all those people would think
of mr. positive if they could see him
right now get lots of reminders so I
give up I said look when I come back out
here I want those keys here and I go
back and I get my clothes on and I reach
in my back pocket and there are my keys
right where I had left them the night
before in my pocket and there's a fine
line I think between being a guru and
being a jerk I think you and I probably
crossed that line more times than I
should be admitting here on television
but this idea of being a cookie thief
and creating a knowing a knowing is
something i did a benefit along with my
wife a couple of years ago with a man on
Maui name is Michael kanaaf who had been
injured in a an accident he be he's a
quadriplegic or a paraplegic and at that
meeting when I was over there was a
man who lived on another one of the
islands who was known as a Kahuna now
healer an ancient healer from Polynesia
and he was introduced to me and he said
that was a nice talk and so on and I
said how do you get to be a Kahuna you
know did you take Kahuna 101 I mean what
courses you take what how does this work
up and he said no he said that Kahuna's
are raised to have no doubt to have no
doubt to have a knowing and he said when
I when a knowing confronts a belief in a
disease process the knowing will always
triumph and that knowing is something in
which you say you are healed and healing
takes place one of the great stories of
knowing is again with our little girl
sage who we were spending the summer in
our summer home and we went to visit
this dermatologist and sage has had this
thing called flat warts for the last
well since she was two and a half years
old from two and a half until seven
which is over four years she had these
flat warts and not only did she have
them around her face around her mouth
and around her nose but they were
getting worse they were moving up and
they were getting up around her eyes and
so on and would notice that that they
were getting progressively worse even
though all of the places that we had
taken her had said they will go away
she'll outgrow them but it didn't seem
to be that way and they always said it
would be a few months well it years had
gone by and she still hadn't so we were
over my friends distr mythologist on in
kihei and he I said Kenny as long as
we're here would you mind taking a look
at sage my wife was there and he took
these big white light and he put it in
her face and he said that you've got
flat warts she hates that term she never
wanted to call them flat warts she calls
them her bumps I she just called him her
bumps so he said to her but the good
news is that when you get married you
won't have them when she's seven and a
half who is the stork you've got me
talking to now
and then he said to her something he
said you know we can't burn them off and
there's no medicine that we can give
them but he did say something to the
effect that the ability to rid yourself
of these things is within yourself and
that if you can call upon that healing
capacity in you and begin to talk to
these bumps in a way in which you ask
them to leave that you have a much
greater chance of getting rid of them
faster than anything that I could give
you and we certainly can't burn them off
because we might scar your pretty face
and that's basically the message that he
gave us I'm paraphrasing it so we went
back that night to where we were staying
and there was a whole bunch of kids
there there always are when when we're
saying all their friends with it and we
walked into the bedroom and it was late
at night and over in the corner in a on
her air mattress was sage and she had
the blankets pulled up over her head and
she had a flashlight underneath the
blankets and I went over and I lifted up
the blanket I said honey is everything
alright she said I'm talking to my bumps
and I left them when I came into my wife
were in the other bedroom I said honey
you're not going to believe this but
sage is in there talking to her bumps
isn't that great the next night we did
the same thing that was the second the
third night the same thing now that was
third on Friday this happened on Monday
on Friday as God is my witness on
television every single one of those
bumps was gone and has never reappeared
since unknowing you see there is a
stream of healing that is something that
we can plug into it's very much like
electricity people say well in ancient
Greece there was no electricity there
was electricity we just didn't plug into
it that's all and there's a stream of
healing and when we go into that stream
of healing with a knowing we go to a
higher level within ourselves and we
don't allow any doubt in basically in
every single one of us every human being
out there there are two of us there's
two people the first person in each
person is called the ego or i call it
the ego e geo earth guide only
alright this is the part of us that says
who i am is separate from you separate
from God separate from my environment
and therefore I'm in competition with
and my value is based upon how much I
get how much my stuff is worth how much
better looking I might be or how much
more attractive I might be how much more
money I might have the value of my
possessions and so on what is mine so
it's not mystical awareness which says I
am connected it is that individual lower
level of awareness which says my ego
this is mine also in each and every one
of us there's another person and this
other person is called what I call the
sacred self or the Higher Self and this
sacred or higher self really doesn't
care how much you get it doesn't care
who you're better than it doesn't care
how much stuff you have it's not
interested in any of that the problem is
that we very seldom listen to it we pay
very little attention to it this higher
or sacred part of us wants only one
thing it wants us to be at peace at
peace whatever choice you make in every
interaction you have make the choice to
be at peace your sacred or higher self
says where's your ego says oh no no no
no it's much more important to be right
and so we find people in relationships
struggling struggling a lot and one of
the things that they struggle about is
who's right and who's wrong most of the
fights that you have in your
relationships really basically when you
get oftentimes you forget the details
but it's basically about who's right and
who's wrong so that if you want to have
your higher or your sacred part of you
ruling in your life I suggest this to
you practice being kind rather than
right when you have the choice and you
have the choice in your relationships
with your spouse in your ex-spouse with
your parents with your grandparents with
your in-laws with strangers on the
freeway with flight attendants with
waiters with whomever you interact if
you can
subdue this ego part of you which says
it's important for me to be right which
will introduce you to stress and anxiety
and fear and so much of the stuff that I
talked about earlier and instead say how
can i suspend this part of me and allow
the allow the part of me that wants to
be at peace that wants to be happy that
wants to be fulfilled and if I said to
you I'm going to give you a magic wand
and with this magic wand I'm going to
allow you to just wave it and get
anything that you want whatever you want
you can have this you can have this car
you can have this these the nice clothes
over here you can have this home
whatever it is or I said to you in lieu
of that i'm going to give you another
one and you can waive this and for every
moment for the rest of your life you'll
be at peace whatever comes along you
will be able to choose peace and
basically we know that we're only here
for a very short time and being able to
choose peace which is what the sacred
part of you begs you the higher self
once you get that you begin to shift
away and you stop telling yourself that
the people who are close to me in
relationship with me are the people who
don't belong there I remember my wife
and I we often talk about this and when
we've we've been together a long time
we've had many children together and we
have a very wonderful loving
relationship thank you but we'd often
and one time I said to her or she said
to me you know we love each other but
this doesn't sound like love okay
sometimes the way we talk to each other
doesn't sound like love let's practice
let's practice with each other being
kind rather than being right and it was
transformative that when we had that
wall that in doing that with your
children and doing that with a waiter I
mean a waiter who comes to you and is
like you know hassled and frazzled and
there's been busy and all of that and
your ego says wait a minute I'm here and
I'm important and I have a right to be
served and I would like to be served now
that's the evil part of you it's just if
you can suspend that and say you know
you are a lucky man tonight you've got
somebody who is stealing from his sacred
then I understand and you take your time
and you come to me and you bring it at
your convenience whenever you can I'm
willing to I'm willing to suspend you
know what you'll get served so fast and
with such gratitude just for being kind
if you practice it every single one of
us are in relationship whether it's with
our husbands and wives with our
ex-husbands and lives with our children
our grandchildren whether it's with
people we drive along the freeway next
to whether it's with waiters and
waitresses or baggage handlers or flight
attendants or people that we are in line
to get into the movie we're all in
relationships and we interact with each
other all the time and probably the best
lesson that I've ever learned in my life
about how to be in a relationship in a
way which is powerful and happy and
fulfilling it to remember the sentence
when you have a choice and you always do
to be right or to be kind start picking
kind the ego part of us wants to be
right how dare you not serve me as fast
as I had to think I deserve to be served
how dare you say something to me and
immediately we want to make that other
person wrong and make ourselves right
but there's a part of each one of us
that wants to be happy wants to be at
peace and that part of us says it
doesn't matter whether you're right it
doesn't matter about your ego all you
want is to be at peace so pick kind this
kind of an attitude if we had more of
this not only in our own personal lives
would we improve virtually every
relationship we have with all of the
people closest to us and all of the
strangers we interact with but on our
planet as well we would begin to
understand the wisdom that on a round
planet there's no choosing up sides that
we're all one we're all breathing the
same air we're all drinking the same
water we're all being warmed by the same
Sun and as they say the Native Americans
used to say no tree has branches so
foolish as to fight among themselves it
applies in your relationships and it
applies as
a people as well
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