Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 28 2017

Age-reversing pill that Nasa wants to give to astronauts on Mars will begin human trials

within six months

By Harry Pettit

Scientists have made a discovery that could lead to a revolutionary drug that actually

reverses ageing.

The drug could help damaged DNA to miraculously repair and even protect Nasa astronauts on

Mars by protecting them from solar radiation.

A team of researchers developed the drug after discovering a key signalling process in DNA

repair and cell ageing.

During trials on mice, the team found that the drug directly repaired DNA damage caused

by radiation exposure or old age.

�The cells of the old mice were indistinguishable from the young mice after just one week of

treatment,� said lead author Professor David Sinclair.

Human trials of the pill will begin within six months.


The experiments in mice, from a team at the University of New South Wales, suggest a treatment

is possible for DNA damage from ageing and radiation.

It is so promising it has attracted the attention of Nasa scientists in their quest to reach


While our cells can naturally repair DNA damage � such as damage caused by the sun � this

ability declines with age.

The scientists identified that the call signalling molecule NAD+, which is naturally present

in every cell in the body, has a key role in protein interactions that control DNA repair.

Treating mice with an NAD+ �booster� called NMN improved their cells� ability to repair

DNA damage caused by radiation exposure or old age.

Human trials of NMN therapy will begin within six months.

�This is the closest we are to a safe and effective anti-ageing drug that�s perhaps

only three to five years away from being on the market if the trials go well,� said

Professor Sinclair.

The work has drawn the attention of Nasa, which is considering the challenge of keeping

its astronauts healthy during a four-year mission to Mars.

Even on short missions, astronauts experience accelerated ageing from cosmic radiation,

suffering from muscle weakness, memory loss and other symptoms when they return.

On a trip to Mars, the situation would be far worse: Five per cent of the astronauts�

cells would die and their chances of cancer would approach 100 per cent.

Professor Sinclair and his colleague Dr Lindsay Wu were winners in NASA�s iTech competition

in December last year.

�We came in with a solution for a biological problem and it won the competition out of

300 entries,� Dr Wu said.

Cosmic radiation is not only an issue for astronauts.

We�re all exposed to it aboard aircraft, with a London-Singapore-Melbourne flight roughly

equivalent in radiation to a chest x-ray.

Professor David Sinclair (front centre) and his research team.

During trials on mice, the group found that their anti-ageing pill directly repaired DNA

damage caused by radiation exposure or ageing.

Human trials will begin within six months

In theory, the anti-ageing pill could mitigate any effects of DNA damage for frequent flyers.

The other group that could benefit from this work is survivors of childhood cancers.

Dr Wu says 96 per cent of childhood cancer survivors suffer a chronic illness by age

45, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer�s disease, and cancers

unrelated to the original cancer.

�All of this adds up to the fact they have accelerated ageing, which is devastating,�

he said.

�It would be great to do something about that, and we believe we can with this molecule.�

The experiments in mice, from a team at the University of New South Wales, suggest a treatment

for these issues is possible through a new drug.

While our cells can naturally repair DNA damage � such as damage caused by the sun � this

ability declines with age.

The scientists identified that the call signalling molecule NAD+, which is naturally present

in every cell in the body, has a key role in protein interactions that control DNA repair.

Treating mice with an NAD+ �booster� called NMN improved their cells� ability to repair

DNA damage caused by radiation exposure or ageing

For the past four years, Professor Sinclair and Dr Wu have been working on making NMN

into a drug substance with their companies MetroBiotech NSW and MetroBiotech International.

The human trials will begin this year at Brigham and Women�s Hospital, in Boston.

For more infomation >> Age reversing pill that Nasa wants to give to astronauts on Mars will begin human trials within six - Duration: 5:43.


Salomon TV - Wonderland - Duration: 4:35.


Once upon a time, there was a village,

surrounded by a deep dark forest.

Nobody ever went in

It was called the Black Forest,

in the land of Germany.

Must I keep on going?

because there are some spooky things,

like wizards and bears and lions

And dragons!

He he he he

One day, two children found themselves

at the edge of the forest

you know what happened don't you?...

Yes, that's it

and the two of them ran into the forest.

But soon they were lost and all on their own.

There were so many big trees,

and lots of noises and creatures!

and they didn't know where they're going,

so they traveled deeper and deeper

and they got really, really lost.

Then they started to see all of the creatures,

in the secret forest!

and they discovered an unexplored world...

yes, a secret world,

and it was the funnest day ever.

And there were huge big trees as far as they could see

and all of the animals were happy

because then what happened,

it started snowing

and the forest started changing colour

And then, they found a candy house

made out of candy

As the night came,

there were thousands of holes in the sky

the two children didn't know what to say

so they don't say anything

and they don't tell anyone about the magic forest

and they lived happily ever after.

The End.

That's all.

That was a nice story,

It was nice.

Maybe we should make it our own story.

For more infomation >> Salomon TV - Wonderland - Duration: 4:35.


This Is Not Happening - Sean Flannery - Story of Love - Uncensored - Duration: 9:26.

- My buddy picks me up, throws me in my own car, takes off,

hits another car, and just floors it.

And I always wondered what that exit looked like

to those other pharmacists.

[dark electronic music]

- Oh! Ahh!

Ugh! Oh! Ahh!


[cheers and applause]

He's got his own podcast called "The Blackout Diaries."

Please, warm round of applause

for Mr. Sean Flannery, everybody.

Let him hear it.

[cheers and applause]

- I'm gonna tell a story about the time I walked off

a three-story building, fell onto concrete,

broke my back in three places, and shattered my heel,

and I think if you're gonna have an injury that bad

where you almost die,

doctors think you might even be paralyzed,

it should be for something

you're willing to die for, right?

Should be for something important.

Mine was I was trying to sneak into

a Huey Lewis concert.


Huey Lewis and the News are my favorite band of all time.

I love Huey Lewis and the News,

and they were enormous in the '80s, and, you know,

I grew up in the '80s, and then they sort of, you know,

weren't as big in the '90s, and it turns out they were doing

pharmacy conventions in Cleveland, Ohio.

[low laughter]

And my friend was training to be a pharmacist.

He was very talented, and he turns to me one day,

and he goes, "Hey, man.

"I'm going to this convention tonight for pharmacists,

"open bar, pretty cool.

Also, Huey Lewis and the News are playing it."

I'm like, "Oh, you've got to get me in.

Like, that's my favorite band of all time."

And he goes, "I'm sorry. Security's very tight.

I don't think I can get you in."

And I go, "Well, find some old guy that doesn't want to party

late, and I'll use his credentials."

And he did, and I went in as Bob Dopple in Creative Health Care

Solutions from New Jersey.

And I'm partying all night, and I end up at, like, this

rich CEO pharmacy guy's apartment in Cleveland,

and it's, like, amazing, and nobody else is drinking that

hard at this point, but I am still, like,

really hitting it hard, and I yell,

"Let's go to the roof, everyone."

And they're like, "No, you know, it's really not

"that kind of roof.

Uh, I wouldn't do that."

But I go up there anyways.

And I'm so lost in, like, how beautiful this is, and, like,

how great of an evening it is that I just kind of, like,

walk clean off the roof and fall three stories.

Literally, I just thought I had a little bit more roof,

you know, like...


I don't know if you've ever walked down steps, and you think

you've got another step, and you don't, and you're like, "Whoa."

Like, I thought I had another solid step of roof,

and it was not there.

I fall down.

I don't know how long I'm unconscious for.

I--I later learned that inside this room in the party, like,

I go up to them. "Let's go to the roof."

They're like, "That's not a good idea."

They later turned to my friend and they go,

"Is he gonna be okay?"

And he goes, "Bob Dopple...

is the most mistake-proof pharmacist I know."

They then see me fall through the window.

I hit the ground.

I don't know how long I'm unconscious for.

I come to, and I'm, like, triple-y confused,

because I have all these strangers above me,

and they're going, "Bob?"


"Bob? Bob?"

And that's when it hits me. I go, "Oh, shit.

They think I'm Bob Dopple in Creative Health Care Solutions."

And I panic, because I was relatively certain I was gonna

die from my injuries, so I think to myself,

"Oh, my God.

I'm about to die, and they're gonna call Bob Dopple's wife."


Like, she's gonna get this phone call, like, "Bob's dead."

Like, "What happened? Heart attack? Stroke?"

Like, "No, he walked off a three-story building."

So I sit up, and I go, "I don't care what happens next.

Nobody talks to my wife."



And I just fall down to die.

My buddy picks me up, throws me in my own car, takes off,

hits another car, and just floors it.

And I always wondered what that exit looked like

to those other pharmacists.


They had to be like, "Wow.

That New Jersey office parties."


"Bob Dopple just walked off a building,

"told us not to tell his wife,

and I think his friend just stole a goddamn vehicle."


And we're driving now in this vehicle--my car--

and my buddy turns, and he's like,

"Oh, my God, Flannery.

"I saw you fall through that window.

I thought you were dead."

I'm like, "Me too, brother.

I didn't think I'd ever see you again, man."

And he's like, "Geez, I panicked.

I didn't know--like, what am I gonna do if you die?"

"I know, I know."

I go, "You want to know what's weird is as I was falling,

"I thought I was gonna die,

"but I was totally comfortable

because I was singing 'The Power of Love' in my head."


"And I was a total peace."

He starts laughing so hard

he loses control of my car and hits a tree.


So I've now been in two major accidents in about 45 sec--like,

I don't even know if they get to the chorus of "Power of Love"

in 45 seconds.

I've been in two major collisions.

We get out of the car. We back to his apartment.

I go to bed. I think I'm fine.

I wake up the next day, and I feel a little sore.

I go into the E.R., and that's when I realize that I was so

drunk, I literally walked off a roof,

and I didn't know I was falling.

So I didn't bend my legs,

so the force of the fall compressed

my first three vertebrae.

I got a compression fracture in my--the surgeon that was looking

at the X-rays was--is it, "What? Uhh, uhh, no.


this would mean you made no effort to adjust..."


"Like, at all.

No, uh..."

I mean, like a 7-Eleven clerk looking at, like, a $20 bill

where he's like, "Nuh-uh."

Said he'd never seen the injury in anyone

under the age of 92.

He brought in another surgeon to look at it,

like, just to show him, and I will never forget what that

other surgeon said to his residents as long as I live.

He held up the X-ray, and he goes, "This young man right

"here, he walked off a roof.

I am talking Daffy Duck-style."


That was his medical--

his medical terminology

for how I injured myself.


But what was amazing is they both agreed that being drunk

saved my life, 'cause they said that if I was sober,

I would have realized I was falling,

I would have braced for impact,

it would have changed my center of gravity,

and I might have hit my head.

I learned that evening that every fall over ten feet

is lethal if you hit your head, so they said,

"Being drunk actually saved your life."

Now, the nurse overhead this, and she goes,

"Of course, a sober person may not have been on that roof."


I'm like, "You know, ma'am,

we don't need to cherry-pick science here, okay?"


So, ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if there's

necessarily a moral to this story, but if you find yourself,

like, on an unfamiliar roof just exploring at night,

please, dear God, in the interest of safety

be drunk out of your mind.

Thank you very much.

[cheers and applause]

For more infomation >> This Is Not Happening - Sean Flannery - Story of Love - Uncensored - Duration: 9:26.


TRUMP WINS BIG TIME! Virginia Just Did Something Amazing For Donald Trump… This Is Huge! - Duration: 1:54.


Virginia Just Did Something Amazing For Donald Trump� This Is Huge!

By Paris Swade

A federal judge just ruled yesterday that President Trump�s executive order calling

for a ban of immigrants from six majority-Muslim nations is legal.

Here�s what Virginia�s allegedly dumb Gov. McAuliffe said about Trump�s ban:

According to the Daily Caller, Judge Anthony Trenga of the U.S. District Court for the

Eastern District of Virginia found that Trump�s ban was totally legal.

He found that it was not discriminatory against Muslims.

The injunction against it was put forward by Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour.



That means Trump was right.

The Department of Justice then said in a statement that �The Department of Justice is pleased

with the ruling.

As the Court correctly explains, the President�s Executive Order falls well within his authority

to safeguard the nation�s security.�

This is not a Muslim ban.

That�s what the fake news media called it.

There were plenty of Muslim-majority countries that were not mentioned in the executive order.

It is Trump�s job to protect the citizens of this country.

He is doing that.

Now watch Liberals freak out about that for the next 7 years.


Give Trump a �THANK YOU� in the comments.

He deserves it.

Thanks for reading.

For more infomation >> TRUMP WINS BIG TIME! Virginia Just Did Something Amazing For Donald Trump… This Is Huge! - Duration: 1:54.


Wayne Dyer: What is Killing My Peace Lily ( Wayne Dyer Pyschology ) - Duration: 13:13.

And all of us in some ways our cookie

thieves I have eight beautiful children

our youngest little girls eight years

old one of the things that you do when

you become enlightened and become a guru

like me that'll be the day is when we

place something that is important to

know where it is we practice mindfulness

so that we never misplace anything so

obviously having reached this exalted

level of awareness in my home with my

eight children I never misplace anything

so I place my keys right here in a

certain spot but my little girl has this

wonderful habit of taking my keys and

hiding them on daddy in the morning so

that she can watch me flip out as I look

for the keys and I'll say sage how many

times has daddy told you don't hide my

keys in the more daddy you told me not

to do it I don't hide your teacher

anymore come on where'd you put my keys

the last time they were in your

dollhouse where did you put daddy you

told me not to do it and then of course

my twelve-year-old daughter Serena loves

to just assume this stance she's

watching me raise my voice to say I

wonder what all those people would think

of mr. positive if they could see him

right now get lots of reminders so I

give up I said look when I come back out

here I want those keys here and I go

back and I get my clothes on and I reach

in my back pocket and there are my keys

right where I had left them the night

before in my pocket and there's a fine

line I think between being a guru and

being a jerk I think you and I probably

crossed that line more times than I

should be admitting here on television

but this idea of being a cookie thief

and creating a knowing a knowing is

something i did a benefit along with my

wife a couple of years ago with a man on

Maui name is Michael kanaaf who had been

injured in a an accident he be he's a

quadriplegic or a paraplegic and at that

meeting when I was over there was a

man who lived on another one of the

islands who was known as a Kahuna now

healer an ancient healer from Polynesia

and he was introduced to me and he said

that was a nice talk and so on and I

said how do you get to be a Kahuna you

know did you take Kahuna 101 I mean what

courses you take what how does this work

up and he said no he said that Kahuna's

are raised to have no doubt to have no

doubt to have a knowing and he said when

I when a knowing confronts a belief in a

disease process the knowing will always

triumph and that knowing is something in

which you say you are healed and healing

takes place one of the great stories of

knowing is again with our little girl

sage who we were spending the summer in

our summer home and we went to visit

this dermatologist and sage has had this

thing called flat warts for the last

well since she was two and a half years

old from two and a half until seven

which is over four years she had these

flat warts and not only did she have

them around her face around her mouth

and around her nose but they were

getting worse they were moving up and

they were getting up around her eyes and

so on and would notice that that they

were getting progressively worse even

though all of the places that we had

taken her had said they will go away

she'll outgrow them but it didn't seem

to be that way and they always said it

would be a few months well it years had

gone by and she still hadn't so we were

over my friends distr mythologist on in

kihei and he I said Kenny as long as

we're here would you mind taking a look

at sage my wife was there and he took

these big white light and he put it in

her face and he said that you've got

flat warts she hates that term she never

wanted to call them flat warts she calls

them her bumps I she just called him her

bumps so he said to her but the good

news is that when you get married you

won't have them when she's seven and a

half who is the stork you've got me

talking to now

and then he said to her something he

said you know we can't burn them off and

there's no medicine that we can give

them but he did say something to the

effect that the ability to rid yourself

of these things is within yourself and

that if you can call upon that healing

capacity in you and begin to talk to

these bumps in a way in which you ask

them to leave that you have a much

greater chance of getting rid of them

faster than anything that I could give

you and we certainly can't burn them off

because we might scar your pretty face

and that's basically the message that he

gave us I'm paraphrasing it so we went

back that night to where we were staying

and there was a whole bunch of kids

there there always are when when we're

saying all their friends with it and we

walked into the bedroom and it was late

at night and over in the corner in a on

her air mattress was sage and she had

the blankets pulled up over her head and

she had a flashlight underneath the

blankets and I went over and I lifted up

the blanket I said honey is everything

alright she said I'm talking to my bumps

and I left them when I came into my wife

were in the other bedroom I said honey

you're not going to believe this but

sage is in there talking to her bumps

isn't that great the next night we did

the same thing that was the second the

third night the same thing now that was

third on Friday this happened on Monday

on Friday as God is my witness on

television every single one of those

bumps was gone and has never reappeared

since unknowing you see there is a

stream of healing that is something that

we can plug into it's very much like

electricity people say well in ancient

Greece there was no electricity there

was electricity we just didn't plug into

it that's all and there's a stream of

healing and when we go into that stream

of healing with a knowing we go to a

higher level within ourselves and we

don't allow any doubt in basically in

every single one of us every human being

out there there are two of us there's

two people the first person in each

person is called the ego or i call it

the ego e geo earth guide only

alright this is the part of us that says

who i am is separate from you separate

from God separate from my environment

and therefore I'm in competition with

and my value is based upon how much I

get how much my stuff is worth how much

better looking I might be or how much

more attractive I might be how much more

money I might have the value of my

possessions and so on what is mine so

it's not mystical awareness which says I

am connected it is that individual lower

level of awareness which says my ego

this is mine also in each and every one

of us there's another person and this

other person is called what I call the

sacred self or the Higher Self and this

sacred or higher self really doesn't

care how much you get it doesn't care

who you're better than it doesn't care

how much stuff you have it's not

interested in any of that the problem is

that we very seldom listen to it we pay

very little attention to it this higher

or sacred part of us wants only one

thing it wants us to be at peace at

peace whatever choice you make in every

interaction you have make the choice to

be at peace your sacred or higher self

says where's your ego says oh no no no

no it's much more important to be right

and so we find people in relationships

struggling struggling a lot and one of

the things that they struggle about is

who's right and who's wrong most of the

fights that you have in your

relationships really basically when you

get oftentimes you forget the details

but it's basically about who's right and

who's wrong so that if you want to have

your higher or your sacred part of you

ruling in your life I suggest this to

you practice being kind rather than

right when you have the choice and you

have the choice in your relationships

with your spouse in your ex-spouse with

your parents with your grandparents with

your in-laws with strangers on the

freeway with flight attendants with

waiters with whomever you interact if

you can

subdue this ego part of you which says

it's important for me to be right which

will introduce you to stress and anxiety

and fear and so much of the stuff that I

talked about earlier and instead say how

can i suspend this part of me and allow

the allow the part of me that wants to

be at peace that wants to be happy that

wants to be fulfilled and if I said to

you I'm going to give you a magic wand

and with this magic wand I'm going to

allow you to just wave it and get

anything that you want whatever you want

you can have this you can have this car

you can have this these the nice clothes

over here you can have this home

whatever it is or I said to you in lieu

of that i'm going to give you another

one and you can waive this and for every

moment for the rest of your life you'll

be at peace whatever comes along you

will be able to choose peace and

basically we know that we're only here

for a very short time and being able to

choose peace which is what the sacred

part of you begs you the higher self

once you get that you begin to shift

away and you stop telling yourself that

the people who are close to me in

relationship with me are the people who

don't belong there I remember my wife

and I we often talk about this and when

we've we've been together a long time

we've had many children together and we

have a very wonderful loving

relationship thank you but we'd often

and one time I said to her or she said

to me you know we love each other but

this doesn't sound like love okay

sometimes the way we talk to each other

doesn't sound like love let's practice

let's practice with each other being

kind rather than being right and it was

transformative that when we had that

wall that in doing that with your

children and doing that with a waiter I

mean a waiter who comes to you and is

like you know hassled and frazzled and

there's been busy and all of that and

your ego says wait a minute I'm here and

I'm important and I have a right to be

served and I would like to be served now

that's the evil part of you it's just if

you can suspend that and say you know

you are a lucky man tonight you've got

somebody who is stealing from his sacred


then I understand and you take your time

and you come to me and you bring it at

your convenience whenever you can I'm

willing to I'm willing to suspend you

know what you'll get served so fast and

with such gratitude just for being kind

if you practice it every single one of

us are in relationship whether it's with

our husbands and wives with our

ex-husbands and lives with our children

our grandchildren whether it's with

people we drive along the freeway next

to whether it's with waiters and

waitresses or baggage handlers or flight

attendants or people that we are in line

to get into the movie we're all in

relationships and we interact with each

other all the time and probably the best

lesson that I've ever learned in my life

about how to be in a relationship in a

way which is powerful and happy and

fulfilling it to remember the sentence

when you have a choice and you always do

to be right or to be kind start picking

kind the ego part of us wants to be

right how dare you not serve me as fast

as I had to think I deserve to be served

how dare you say something to me and

immediately we want to make that other

person wrong and make ourselves right

but there's a part of each one of us

that wants to be happy wants to be at

peace and that part of us says it

doesn't matter whether you're right it

doesn't matter about your ego all you

want is to be at peace so pick kind this

kind of an attitude if we had more of

this not only in our own personal lives

would we improve virtually every

relationship we have with all of the

people closest to us and all of the

strangers we interact with but on our

planet as well we would begin to

understand the wisdom that on a round

planet there's no choosing up sides that

we're all one we're all breathing the

same air we're all drinking the same

water we're all being warmed by the same

Sun and as they say the Native Americans

used to say no tree has branches so

foolish as to fight among themselves it

applies in your relationships and it

applies as

a people as well

For more infomation >> Wayne Dyer: What is Killing My Peace Lily ( Wayne Dyer Pyschology ) - Duration: 13:13.


What is Fiber? Pineapple Coconut Energizer Smoothie Recipe - Duration: 6:56.

hey everybody today we're making the

pineapple coconut energizer smoothie

I'm Jenna the founder of GreenBlender and

welcome to our video series for those of

you who don't know GreenBlender is a

smoothie delivery service every week we

send all the proportion ingredients and

superfoods to make amazing smoothies

at home and every day I make one of

those smoothies right here with you it's

really fun to connect with the

ingredients that we use on a daily basis

feel free to put your name and where

you're watching from in the comments

below I'd love to say hi. Alright today

and this week we are all about fiber

here at GreenBlender all of the

smoothies this week are high in fiber and

most Americans don't eat enough fiber

and it's kind of a problem so what is

fiber I was kind of talking about this

with some friends as you do I guess when

you're obsessed with smoothies and someone

asked me what fiber was and I had no

idea to tell you the truth so I

did a little research and I wanted to

share with you what it is. So fiber is a

part of the plant that can't be broken

down by the body it kind of passed

through the body and into the intestines

and it really helps ensure that our body

and bodily functions are performing up

to spec. There's two types of fiber: soluble

and insoluble fiber and if you can kind

of deduce what they mean soluble fiber

means that it can be broken down by

water and that is the

kind of fibers that help lower

cholesterol and lower blood

sugar while insoluble fiber can't be

broken down by water and that's what

helps with constipation. So like I said

before most Americans don't eat enough

fiber and that's because we don't eat

enough plant so plants are where all the

fiber lives. Plants, beans, legumes

they have really high fiber so some high

fiber foods are apples, pears, raspberries,

avocados, which are in this smoothie so it

really helps keep everything regular

having a diet high in fiber also

has been shown to help you lose weight as well

so a really great unspoken thing that

you need in your diet that a lot of

people don't have so how much live or do

you need, you ask? well I look that up too. Women

should be getting around 21 to 25 grams

of fiber every day where men should be

getting 30 to 35 grams of fiber every

day this smoothie has about 9 grams of

fiber per serving now there's two

servings in this smoothie it really in part

due to the avocados but all leafy

greens, pineapple all plant-based foods

are high in fiber also grains are a good

source of fiber so if you have oatmeal

or anything like that, or quinoa scoop it in

and put it into your blender. Those will

help up your dietary fiber intake so let

me show you what else is in this

smoothie besides fiber. So what's in the

pineapple coconut energizer smoothie?

we're going to do an orange some Swiss

chard four ounces of avocado

oops, pineapple. half an avocado a tablespoon

of coconut flakes and a tablespoon of

chia seeds so this smoothie is just teeming with

fiber. Fiber is the name of

the game today my latest and greatest

If you're eating mostly plants you

really don't have to worry so much about

how much fiber you're getting because

they're getting enough most people eat a

lot of processed foods the standard

American diet consists of a lot of processed

foods and a lot of meat and meat doesn't

have fiber in it only plants do so

it's good to just get a little plant in

your life. It never hurts, you know? I'm

going to throw in a tablespoon of

coconut flakes if you want have a little

bit smoother consistency with coconut

flakes you can soak that in some warm

water and they'll soften them up and

blend them way more smoothly that's

going to create kind of like a coconut

cream consistency as opposed to coconut

kind of you'll get shards of coconut in your smoothie

this way. I'm going to throw in this orange

A little fact about oranges while I'm

cutting this is that the flavor orange

is the second most or the third most

favorite flavor in the world of course

you can guess what two popular flavors are

chocolate and vanilla and orange is

the third little fun fact. So eat your oranges,

most people like them. this is going to

make a nice kind of juice consistency

I'm going to throw in this avocado now i really

love avocados not only are they high in

fiber they make a smoothie really creamy

and the only downside is is that they

kind of mute the flavor of this smoothie so

when you're using avocado just use a

little bit no more than half an avocado

for two servings and if you're working

with really strong flavors you could

probably put more in but just know that

when you put avocado and your smoothie

going to mute the flavor a little bit

gonna give you some healthy fats

and some fiber. So let's blend this up

and see how it tastes

alright! let's try this out

I love pineapple in my smoothies. Here it is

the moment of truth. I love coconut too

coconut and pineapple are great combination

the orange really makes things really juicy

you can almost feel the fiber in

this smoothie. I'd love to hear from you guys

feel free to put your name in the

comments below I'd love to say hi until

tomorrow cheers!

For more infomation >> What is Fiber? Pineapple Coconut Energizer Smoothie Recipe - Duration: 6:56.


Losing Weight and Regulating Blood Pressure With Celery ! - Duration: 1:51.

Losing Weight and Regulating Blood Pressure With Celery !

For many years celery is a vegetable widely used for diets for weight loss, is low in

carbohydrates and calories.

In its vegetable mass has 95% of water so it is an easily digestible food that hydrates

our body, helps to control blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory properties.

It is used a lot to treat insomnia, fevers and allergies.

Contains two essential oils for our organism such as limonene and selenium; Which are diuretics

and are found in seeds and stem.

It also has antibacterial properties helping to eliminate the toxic substances of the organism,

for this reason it is used to treat the calculations that may be in the kidneys or gallbladder.

Nowadays fruits and vegetables are combined in the same shake, with the aim of combining

properties and achieving the desired effects.

That's why we share an excellent celery smoothie with kiwi that helps us lose weight

and also regulate our blood pressure because it is rich in vitamin C, fiber and calories

that help us in retaining liquid.


3 stalks celery, 2 kiwis,

1 bunch of parsley, 1 cup orange juice.


Peel the kiwifruit and cut into pieces, put them in the blender.

Now we chop the celery and the parsley and we also add them along with the orange juice.

We will liquefy until all the ingredients are integrated forming a milkshake without


We can sweeten it with stevia or honey if you like, put ice cubes for better consistency.

For more infomation >> Losing Weight and Regulating Blood Pressure With Celery ! - Duration: 1:51.


cc UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS - Donald Rumsfeld - Duration: 0:35.

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THERE are reports that there is no evidence of a direct link

There ARE reports that there is no evidence of a direct link

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There are reports that there is no evidence of a diRECT link

There are reports that there is no evidence of a direct LINK

There are reports that there is no evidence of a direct link

BEtween Bagdad and some of these terrorist organizations.

beTWEEN Bagdad and some of these terrorist organizations.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorist organizations.

between BAGdad and some of these terrorist organizations.

between BagDAD and some of these terrorist organizations.

between Bagdad AND some of these terrorist organizations.

between Bagdad and SOME of these terrorist organizations.

between Bagdad and some OF these terrorist organizations.

between Bagdad and some of THESE terrorist organizations.

between Bagdad and some of these TERrorist organizations.

between Bagdad and some of these terRORist organizations.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorIST organizations.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorist ORganizations.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorist orGAnizations.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorist orgaNIzations.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorist organiZAtions.

between Bagdad and some of these terrorist organizaTIONS.

There are known knowns.

THERE are known knowns.

There ARE known knowns.

There are KNOWN knowns.

There are known knowns.

There are known KNOWNS.

There are known knowns.

THERE are things we know we know.

There ARE things we know we know.

There are THINGS we know we know.

There are things WE know we know.

There are things we KNOW we know.

There are things we know WE know.

There are things we know we KNOW.

There are things we know we know.

We also know there are known unknowns;

WE also know there are known unknowns;

We ALso know there are known unknowns;

We alSO know there are known unknowns;

We also KNOW there are known unknowns;

We also know THERE are known unknowns;

We also know there ARE known unknowns;

We also know there are KNOWN unknowns;

We also know there are known UNknowns;

We also know there are known unKNOWNS;

THAT is to say, we know there are some things we do not know.

that IS to say, we know there are some things we do not know.

that is TO say, we know there are some things we do not know.

that is to SAY, we know there are some things we do not know.

that is to say, WE know there are some things we do not know.

that is to say, we KNOW there are some things we do not know.

that is to say, we know THERE are some things we do not know.

that is to say, we know there ARE some things we do not know.

that is to say, we know there are SOME things we do not know.

that is to say, we know there are some THINGS we do not know.

that is to say, we know there are some things WE do not know.

that is to say, we know there are some things we DO not know.

that is to say, we know there are some things we do NOT know.

that is to say, we know there are some things we do not KNOW.

that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns

BUT there are also unknown unknowns

But THERE are also unknown unknowns

But there ARE also unknown unknowns

But there are ALso unknown unknowns

But there are alSO unknown unknowns

But there are also UNknown unknowns

But there are also unKNOWN unknowns

But there are also unknown unknowns

But there are also unknown UNknowns

But there are also unknown unKNOWNS

But there are also unknown unknowns

THE ones we don't know we don't know.

the ONES we don't know we don't know.

the ones WE don't know we don't know.

the ones we DON'T know we don't know.

the ones we don't KNOW we don't know.

the ones we don't know we don't know.

the ones we don't know WE don't know.

the ones we don't know we DON'T know.

the ones we don't know we don't KNOW.

the ones we don't know we don't know.

EXcuse me, but is this an unknown unknown?

ExCUSE me, but is this an unknown unknown?

Excuse ME, but is this an unknown unknown?

Excuse me, but is this an unknown unknown?

Excuse me, BUT is this an unknown unknown?

Excuse me, but IS this an unknown unknown?

Excuse me, but is THIS an unknown unknown?

Excuse me, but is this AN unknown unknown?

Excuse me, but is this an UNknown unknown?

Excuse me, but is this an unKNOWN unknown?

Excuse me, but is this an unknown UNknown?

Excuse me, but is this an unknown unKNOWN?

Excuse me, but is this an unknown unknown?

I'M not..

I'm NOT..

SEVeral unknowns and I'm just wondering

sevERAL unknowns and I'm just wondering

several UNknowns and I'm just wondering

several unKNOWNS and I'm just wondering

several unknowns AND I'm just wondering

several unknowns and I'M just wondering

several unknowns and I'm JUST wondering

several unknowns and I'm just WONdering

several unknowns and I'm just wonDERing

several unknowns and I'm just wonderING

I'M not


THIS is an unknown

this IS an unknown

this is AN unknown

this is an UNknown

this is an unKNOWN

I'M not going to say which it is

I'm NOT going to say which it is

I'm not GOing to say which it is

I'm not goING to say which it is

I'm not going TO say which it is

I'm not going to SAY which it is

I'm not going to say WHICH it is

I'm not going to say which IT is

I'm not going to say which it IS

YOU know


I'M right here

I'm RIGHT here

I'm right HERE

I'm right here

I'M right here

I'm RIGHT here

I'm right HERE

For more infomation >> cc UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS - Donald Rumsfeld - Duration: 0:35.


Chris Penrose: Driving new connections - Duration: 1:20.

At AT&T, we've been very focused on looking

at different vertical solutions in which the Internet of things

would really apply.

And a lot of our work started early on

in the connected car space where we

saw a real need emerging on both the automakers needing

connectivity for their own purposes,

but consumers also demanding that same connectivity

that they were used to on their smartphones

to be brought into the vehicle.

And so what a lot of our automakers

told us was that they wanted to see it actually working.

We sat down and looked at our assets that we had.

And we found that we had an opportunity

to take an existing parking garage

and convert it into what is now known

as the Drive Studio for AT&T.

We were able to then, also bring in ecosystem partners

as well to offer up a complete end-to-end solution

for our automotive manufacturers to drive innovation

across the globe.

The ability to actually make the roads safer

by bringing in the connectivity is truly

the most exciting thing that's going to happen in this space.

And so, as we look at what's happening with cars,

I think you begin to see, how could that

play out in health care?

How can that play out in even smarter cities

where you have both businesses and consumers benefiting

from the idea that things are connected that have never

been connected before.

One of the big trends we're seeing

is that, for the first time, your things

are beginning to take care of you versus you having

to take care of your things.

For more infomation >> Chris Penrose: Driving new connections - Duration: 1:20.


The Hidden Tax In Your Tax Saving Investment - Duration: 7:10.

Your tax saving investments can actually get taxed in other ways

Investors typically ignore taxation of returns and maturity proceeds of tax saving investments

Tax treatment of returns and maturity for tax saving investments like life insurance, ELSS or tax saving FDs varies

ELSS is tax free after lock in period while life insurance premium should be less than 10% of sum assured

If sum insured is Rs 10 lakh, if you are paying premium above Rs 1 lakh, it will not qualify for tax deduction

In a tax saving FD interest is taxable

In NPS, taxation of returns depends on equity-oriented or debt-oriented variant

In Public Provident Fund (PPF), t is tax-free for returns and maturity proceeds

Interest earned on National Savings Certificate (NSC) is taxable

NSC interest is re-invested and qualifies for tax deduction under Section 80C

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