At the halfway point between Waterdeep and Amn, we find the port city of Baldur's Gate
It curves like a great hand or crescent moon around its harbor
and provides a haven for travelers and merchants along the Sword Coast
But how did this city come to be?
What great struggles did it go through?
Today we shall learn more about the history of Baldur's Gate
The city is located 20 miles up the river Chionthar
Its walls serve as a port for most traders coming from Amn, or Waterdeep
a shining beacon of civilization along the trade way
The city also boasts a fascinating history and has been the setting for many impactful events of the realms
It was founded when an explorer named Balduran came back from a voyage from Anchromoe
where he had found great riches
He commanded that his wealth was spent on building fortifications around the harbor
so that his ships had better docking
Balduran set sail before the construction of these walls could be started
and the responsibility was left in the hands of the farmers surrounding the town
They chose to ignore Balduran's command and built a large wall around their farms
so that they could tax travelers going up and down the Sword Coast for their own gain
This soon grew to be a profitable enterprise and what was once farmers now turned into wealthy landowners
Even though the walls did not encompass the wharfs
the "lords" now started charging a tax on the captains who saw Balduron as a friend and colleague
I'm unsure if it was the pure arrogance of the farmers
or that the captains managed to keep the fact that they were armed and trained secret
But, unsurprisingly a violent uproar started when the captain's came demanding coin
The rebellion was swift and bloody
and soon the city had gained some new Lords along with its name, Baldur's Gate
The captains of the revolt decided that the town should be ruled by four dukes
with one of them serving as a tiebreaker,
the Grand Duke
Baldur's Gate prospered after this
soon growing out of the walls and into the harbor
New walls were built and finally Balduron's wish was fulfilled
With the rise of this new city, new organizations started to form
Some of them good, like the merchants league,
a brotherhood of merchants dedicated to exploration and honest dealings
The Knights of the Shield, an organization composed of nobles from Baldur's Gate,
their aims: Protect the city from harm
The mercenary company, the Flaming Fist, also organized in Baldur's Gate
It is one of the strongest and most organized militia in the realms
They serve as the local law enforcement as well as the secret police for the four dukes
Less good organizations were also attracted to Baldur's Gate
The Shadow Thieves of Amn have a strong foothold in the city
and Xanathar's Thieves' Guild can also be found without much hassle
In modern day these organizations are known by the name "The Guild"
but they are still made up of the same riff raff as before
Baldur's Gate is divided into three major areas: the upper, the lower and the outer city
The upper city is located within the original walls
and here we can find wealthy merchants and the nobility
Attacks is employed to keep out the unsavory types in this part of the city,
ironic, since a revolt against taxes was the reason Baldur's Gate prospered
The Lower City is the harbor area, and where most of the lifeblood of Baldur's Gate flows
The Flaming Fist patrol the streets but any traveler should arm themselves, just in case
The outer city is filled with the lower classes and
unfortunately sees almost no assistance from the central city
While not as lawless as Skullport, you cannot count on a guard protecting you in this area
Baldur's Gate has seen many problems over the ages
Bhaal has used the city many times in his attempts to resurrect
and during his latest attempt, he succeeded,
causing the deaths of thousands
This telling might have painted a scary picture of what Baldur's Gate is
but this might be because history tends to lean towards the bloody and deadly
The Crescent Moon City is a place you should not fear to visit
its walls will protect all who follow the law
and it is by far the most racially open city that I can recall
Volo claims it rivals Waterdeep in greatness, and who am I to disagree with the great Geddarm
Well, actually I have a few more bones to pick with him
But more on that, next time...
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