Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 28 2017

At the halfway point between Waterdeep and Amn, we find the port city of Baldur's Gate

It curves like a great hand or crescent moon around its harbor

and provides a haven for travelers and merchants along the Sword Coast

But how did this city come to be?

What great struggles did it go through?

Today we shall learn more about the history of Baldur's Gate

The city is located 20 miles up the river Chionthar

Its walls serve as a port for most traders coming from Amn, or Waterdeep

a shining beacon of civilization along the trade way

The city also boasts a fascinating history and has been the setting for many impactful events of the realms

It was founded when an explorer named Balduran came back from a voyage from Anchromoe

where he had found great riches

He commanded that his wealth was spent on building fortifications around the harbor

so that his ships had better docking

Balduran set sail before the construction of these walls could be started

and the responsibility was left in the hands of the farmers surrounding the town

They chose to ignore Balduran's command and built a large wall around their farms

so that they could tax travelers going up and down the Sword Coast for their own gain

This soon grew to be a profitable enterprise and what was once farmers now turned into wealthy landowners

Even though the walls did not encompass the wharfs

the "lords" now started charging a tax on the captains who saw Balduron as a friend and colleague

I'm unsure if it was the pure arrogance of the farmers

or that the captains managed to keep the fact that they were armed and trained secret

But, unsurprisingly a violent uproar started when the captain's came demanding coin

The rebellion was swift and bloody

and soon the city had gained some new Lords along with its name, Baldur's Gate

The captains of the revolt decided that the town should be ruled by four dukes

with one of them serving as a tiebreaker,

the Grand Duke

Baldur's Gate prospered after this

soon growing out of the walls and into the harbor

New walls were built and finally Balduron's wish was fulfilled

With the rise of this new city, new organizations started to form

Some of them good, like the merchants league,

a brotherhood of merchants dedicated to exploration and honest dealings

The Knights of the Shield, an organization composed of nobles from Baldur's Gate,

their aims: Protect the city from harm

The mercenary company, the Flaming Fist, also organized in Baldur's Gate

It is one of the strongest and most organized militia in the realms

They serve as the local law enforcement as well as the secret police for the four dukes

Less good organizations were also attracted to Baldur's Gate

The Shadow Thieves of Amn have a strong foothold in the city

and Xanathar's Thieves' Guild can also be found without much hassle

In modern day these organizations are known by the name "The Guild"

but they are still made up of the same riff raff as before

Baldur's Gate is divided into three major areas: the upper, the lower and the outer city

The upper city is located within the original walls

and here we can find wealthy merchants and the nobility

Attacks is employed to keep out the unsavory types in this part of the city,

ironic, since a revolt against taxes was the reason Baldur's Gate prospered

The Lower City is the harbor area, and where most of the lifeblood of Baldur's Gate flows

The Flaming Fist patrol the streets but any traveler should arm themselves, just in case

The outer city is filled with the lower classes and

unfortunately sees almost no assistance from the central city

While not as lawless as Skullport, you cannot count on a guard protecting you in this area

Baldur's Gate has seen many problems over the ages

Bhaal has used the city many times in his attempts to resurrect

and during his latest attempt, he succeeded,

causing the deaths of thousands

This telling might have painted a scary picture of what Baldur's Gate is

but this might be because history tends to lean towards the bloody and deadly

The Crescent Moon City is a place you should not fear to visit

its walls will protect all who follow the law

and it is by far the most racially open city that I can recall

Volo claims it rivals Waterdeep in greatness, and who am I to disagree with the great Geddarm

Well, actually I have a few more bones to pick with him

But more on that, next time...

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms - A History of Baldur's Gate - Duration: 5:16.


Bladder exstrophy - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 4:31.

Bladder exstrophy is a congenital abnormality that results in an "inside-out" bladder,

where the bladder protrudes out of the abdomen, leaving the inside of the bladder exposed

to the outside environment.

Normally, in the first trimester, endoderm in the hindgut expands to form the cloaca,

which is a temporary structure that connects the urinary, digestive, and reproductive ducts.

Separately, the ectoderm forms the anterior abdominal wall.

At around eight weeks of development three important things happen.

First, the anterior abdominal wall matures and forms the muscles and connective tissue

of the lower abdomen.

Second, the cloaca splits to form the urogenital sinus and rectum, the urogenital sinus later

goes on to become the urinary and genital ducts, as well as the urinary bladder.

And third, the cloacal membrane opens up to the outside of the body, creating openings

for the urogenital tract and anus.

Okay, so bladder exstrophy occurs when the developing bladder and urethra herniate anteriorly

and this creates some problems.

First, it prevents the normal development of the lower abdominal wall leaving it open.

Second, it prevents fusion of the pelvis leaving a wide split at the symphysis pubis.

Also, most cases of bladder exstrophy involve epispadias, but the opposite is not true,

not all cases of epispadias involve bladder exstrophy.

One way to think about the final result is to imagine the bladder and urethra, and making

a cut through the top of the urethra and bladder, and also imagine that cut goes up through

the symphysis pubis as well as the abdominal wall.

After that, imagine pushing on the bladder from the bottom until it's inside out, that's

essentially is what the final defect in bladder exstrophy looks like, and it pushes through

the abdominal wall into the outside world.

In addition, though, bladder exstrophy causes other changes as well.

For example, the anus is usually more anteriorly located.

In girls, the vagina is wider and shorter and more vertically oriented, and in boys

the anterior part of the penis is shortened.

The exact reason that bladder exstrophy happens in some infants is unknown, but one theory

is that the mesenchymal cells fails to migrate between the endoderm of the cloaca and the

ectoderm of the anterior abdominal wall.

Without mesenchymal support, the cloacal membrane becomes unstable and opens to the outside


This creates a hole in the lower abdominal wall exposing internal structures to the outside.

Having an bladder and urethra exposed to the outside environment can lead to complications

like incontinence as well as an increased risk of urinary tract infections.

The defect is clinically obvious when a baby is born, but is often diagnosed even earlier

on a prenatal ultrasound.

Generally, within the first few weeks of life, the bladder and urethral defect are surgically

closed, but sometimes staged surgeries are needed over months or years.

Alright, let's quickly recap: Bladder exstrophy is a congenital problem where the bladder

protrudes through the front of the abdominal wall, and it's often accompanied by epispadias.

It can cause incontinence and increase the risk of urinary tract infections, and requires

early surgical correction.

Thanks for watching, you can help support us by donating on patreon, or subscribing

to our channel, or telling your friends about us on social media.

For more infomation >> Bladder exstrophy - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 4:31.


Dick Cheney Is Ready To Start A War With Russia - Duration: 5:26.

Everyone's favorite war criminal Dick Cheney is back in the news telling us that, "What

Russia did in the US election could be considered an act of war."

Dick Cheney made that statement at the Economic Times Global Business Summit in New Delhi

over the weekend, basically saying that yeah we know for certain, "We know for certain

that the Russian government interfered with the US election.

They used cyber warfare tactics," this is what Dick Cheney said, "To get in there and

undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign, and this is what helped elect Donald Trump, but

I'm still a Trump supporter.

I'm proud to be a Trump supporter," Dick Cheney tells us, "But, what Russia did was clearly

an act of war."

Now, there are so many crazy things in Dick Cheney's speech that he gave at this Economic

Summit, that I don't even know where to begin, but let's start with the first one.

This act of war, as you call it Dick Cheney, is still under investigation.

For the love of God man, you already got thousands of American soldiers, and hundreds of thousands

of Iraqis killed because you didn't wait for proper intelligence.

Will you just relax on the calls to war against Russia right now?

Furthermore, if we do find evidence that they did interfere, and that it was directed by

the Russian government do you really think a ground war or an air war against a country

that has as many nuclear weapons as we do, is a smart idea?

I agree that if it turns out Russia did this there needs to be consequences, but those

can not be military consequences, because we're dealing with a military that's likely

as strong as ours, and it will not end well for anyone.

Dick Cheney doesn't care.

All Dick Cheney sees an opportunity for more war.

By the way, do you know what Russia has a lot of?

Maybe not as much as Saudi Arabia, but they've got a hell of a lot of oil.

That's why Dick Cheney's pushing for a war with Russia.

Furthermore, we still have to wait for the results of all of these investigations.

We do not know for sure who hacked in, who directed that person to hack in, who they

communicated with, what members of the Trump administration met with them, were they aware

of it.

There are to many questions that remain to be answered, so let's just shut up with the

calls to go to war.

Then you get into the fact that Cheney says, "I'm still a proud Trump supporter."

You've already admitted that he kind of stole the election with the help of a foreign government,

in your statement, according to you Mister Cheney, but you still support him.

If what you said earlier in your statement is true, that Russia did this, helped Trump

win, but you still support him do you support treason, because by your own statement, by

definition that's what that would be.

It's a little confusing there Dick Cheney.

I hope maybe you can clarify that for the rest of the American public, but everybody

has to calm down with this Russia mania.

Is it likely that this happened?


You'd have to be pretty thick to not be willing to admit that at this point.

We know there was a hacking, we know it's linked to a Russian, but we don't know what

the role of that person was.

Was it an individual?

Was it a government operative?

Was it a rogue government operative?

Yeah, we know that it happened, but we have to find all of the connections there.

Once we do we can not just launch a war.

There will be consequences.

Not under Donald Trump obviously, but we get the information maybe we can remove him from

office, but we have to figure something out that doesn't involve any kind of retaliatory

strike from Russia on the United States.

We have to be smart this, because they are, but stop calling for war.

Stop acting like we can solve all of our problems with guns and missals, because we can't.

Dick Cheney, you and your administration prove that.

You lost a massive war in the Middle East, and yeah you did lose.

What did you gain from that?

You idiots couldn't even take out Osama bin Laden.

You had to wait for Obama to come into office and clean up that mess for you.

I suggest that Dick Cheney just go away.

Nobody wants to hear your calls for war.

We know why you want to go in there, to get that Russian oil for your pals at Halliburton,

and we know that we don't know enough to really implicate the Russian government at this point.

We need more information and everybody needs to take a step back, take a deep breath, and

realize that we still have a lot of investigating to

do here.

For more infomation >> Dick Cheney Is Ready To Start A War With Russia - Duration: 5:26.


Who is afraid of Gregorian Bivolaru and Why? - Duration: 32:08.

For more infomation >> Who is afraid of Gregorian Bivolaru and Why? - Duration: 32:08.


Texas Criminal Lawyer | What is the Timeline for a Texas Tech Code of Conduct | Stephen Hamilton - Duration: 4:14.

Hello, I'm Stephen Hamilton,

Board Certified Criminal Defense Attorney

practicing in Lubbock, TX.

And I'm here to talk to you today about what you should do first

as a Texas Tech student

if you're accused of a DWI,

Possession of Marijuana, or any other criminal charge.

Whether you're on campus or off,

your rights remain the same and you can invoke these rights at any time

no matter what anybody else tells you.

You have certain rights. Those rights include the absolute Right to Remain Silent,

the Right to Refuse to Consent to a Search or a Seizure,

and to be represented by a competent attorney

who knows what he or she is doing.

All three of these apply on campus

as well as off campus.

In most cases,

it's those students who remain silent

when confronted by the administration

and refuse to confess that they have violated a Student Code of Conduct

that successfully avoid getting kicked out of school.

A confession will not only score academic and social sanctions against you on campus,

it will also be used against you in any criminal case.

When you are a student at Texas Tech and you get into trouble with the law,

you face 2 separate cases:

one on campus and one in a real court room.

The on-campus case is the Student Code of Conduct Process.

It affects your school records

it incurs academic and social sanctions such as being kicked out of your campus housing,

suspended or expelled.

The off-campus case is a Criminal Case

and addresses the charges brought against you by the State of Texas.

It doesn't just mean getting kicked off the team, it can land you in jail.

You could find yourself serving a jail time sentence,

with fines, community service,

and a criminal record on top of getting kicked out of school.

Game Over.

If you are Texas Tech Student and you have been accused of a DWI,

or any other criminal charge,

call me immediately at 806-794-0394.

Additionally, click on the link above to download a free copy of my book,

a must-have guide that easily lays out how each possible violation

will affect you and shows you the best way to prepare for it.

Get informed and be prepared.

And remember. Always.

Protect Your Future and Know Your Rights.

And Go Tech!

For more infomation >> Texas Criminal Lawyer | What is the Timeline for a Texas Tech Code of Conduct | Stephen Hamilton - Duration: 4:14.


How To Go Places (At 2AM) - A Southern California Surprise - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> How To Go Places (At 2AM) - A Southern California Surprise - Duration: 5:58.


Twisted Ponytail Tutorial - Duration: 2:52.

Are you ready for the side-ponytail twist?

'Cause I'm excited.


[Boogie Woogie Bed by Audionautix plays]

[Record scratches to a halt.] Oh.

Oh the hairstyle!!

Okay, yeah.

I guess I can show that to you too.

No big deal.

[Exasperated sigh] If you're going to be so picky about it,


Alright, so you need…

Probably a comb, or a brush.

Whichever you prefer.

And a little tiny hair tie.

So then, split your hair- Or actually, first… sorry.

Part your hair on the opposite side that you want your ponytail to be on.

And then- I'm just gonna do my fingers.

Comb it through.

And then try and split it into equal portions.

That feels pretty good.


And then you'll twist them in the same direction but not at the same – well...

What's the best way to put this?

[Sigh] Twist them as two separate pieces at the same


It takes some getting used to and some practice, but I have faith in you.

So I'm twisting both towards the right, or clockwise from the top.

And then you'll twist them together, like over each other, in the opposite direction.

So I'm twisting ~that way~ oppo- [laughs] Uh, by themselves.

And then you want to twist the way that you're not twisting.

[While laughing] I'm not very good at explaining this.

And then twist over.

Twist a couple times.

Go over again.

Just continue in this manner the whole way down.

You can also put your hair in a ponytail with a larger ponytail holder before you do this.

That might make it a little bit easier.

Just keep twisting – oh dropped it.



Oh, dropped it again.

Until you get to the end, and you can't really twist it anymore.

And then you'll take your ponytail holder and tie it off a couple times.

Ta da!

[Music begins again] And then you can do the twist again.

Okay, thanks for watching!

Good luck!

[Music fades out]

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