Hi there, I'm Kathy Wood, creator of the Business Builder Toolbox,
a set of resources that will help you look at your business
in a whole new way and understand how it may need to change
to remain relevant and successful in the years ahead.
And make no mistake, if your business has been around for a few years
and you're still running it the way you did when you started,
change is likely overdue.
I say that as someone raised in a family business, automotive repair.
I was learning telephone etiquette at a very early age,
filing the green copies of all the bills of sale after school
and watching my father repairing cars, doing bookwork,
stocking parts, and dealing with customers.
I also watched my father and his business partner
reinvent their business several times over
as the economy and markets changed.
That business is still here, marking its 70th anniversary in 2017.
Now, with that beginning, it's perhaps not a surprise
that I've spent decades myself starting and operating
two small businesses, and advising businesses seeking expansion and growth,
as well as mentoring others in a number of different sectors,
in retail, manufacturing and fabrication, tourism, health and wellness,
construction and real estate development, and multiple types of professional services.
Along the way, I've learned a few things about small business.
And that's why I created the Business Builder Toolbox
to share what I've learned with you.
And to save you the grief I've seen others experience,
and that I've experienced myself,
and to help you stay on a path that has led to success for others.
First of all, small business – by any definition of small – is far and away
the predominant form of business in North America and likely the world.
In North America -- - Canada, the United States and Mexico,
there are more than 30 million small businesses,
accounting for 98% of all businesses.
In other words, there are a lot more small businesses
than there are medium-sized and large ones.
Here's the strange thing though… even though you're far from alone
in running a small business, often it feels like you're alone.
It's a tough job running a small business.
You might have invested your life savings.
Usually with no safety net, and certainly
working long hours and maybe forgoing
vacations or time with family and friends
to make sure the work gets done.
Often as a small business owner-operator, you're everything
from the chief marketing strategist
to the person who turns out the lights at night.
Through the workbook and these videos,
I want to see if I can lighten your load a bit.
Especially if you're a small business owner-operator
who's finding it hard to keep up with a rapidly-changing world.
Or you're losing customers, or employees,
or your growth is stalled, and you're not sure why.
Plus even if you knew why, you might not all that confident
you'd be able to fix the problem.
I might just have something that can help.
Here are six ways to know if the Business Builder Toolbox is for you:
First, If you're an owner-operator of a small business that is,
as the saying goes, "a going concern",
you're up and running and doing business. That's one.
If you're just thinking about starting a business,
you will find that the Toolbox is useful,
but it's really designed for those who are already
'in business'… and are keen to move that business forward in some way.
Secondly, you might be finding that your business is
struggling in some way and you're not sure why.
The Toolbox can help you put your finger on the reasons
and more importantly help you figure out what to do about it.
Because you're the sort of person that is going to take action!
Third, your business might be doing alright but you have a strong sense
it could be doing better, and you want to grow it, to build a stronger enterprise.
A larger volume or market share, a better bottom line, or more impact in your markets.
Fourth, you see a significant opportunity for your business
but you're not sure exactly how to capitalize on it.
And you do want to capitalize on it.
Fifth, you are passionate about what you do for customers
and you want to raise the bar and either serve your
existing customers better and more profitably,
or serve more customers who 'get'
how well you can deliver on what they need and want.
And finally, you might have been in business for a long time
and you're at looking at how you move the business into the hands
of a new generation of small business owner-operators.
You may also know that the business you have today may not be that attractive
to the next generation exactly as it is,
and perhaps someone else will need to make some changes in order to enjoy success.
Now if you mentally said 'yes… that's me' to any of these descriptions,
and you may have said yes to more than one of them, then the Business Builder Toolbox can help.
There's a saying attributed to Abraham Maslow: "If all you have is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail". And as small business people, it's easy to fall
into the trap of thinking that all we have is a single tool, a hammer perhaps.
And we try to pound everything even if the situation calls for glue,
for cutting, for a shim or a wedge, for screws, for levelling,
taping, caulking, wiring, or a simple twist tie.
Just as there are many different tools to use in construction,
so there are many different tools to use in building a business.
Ideas, information, questions and answers, examples, advice,
checklists, decisions and actions you can take.
These tools help you zero in on the type of business you're building.
The toolbox has tools that will help you figure out what customers
you can and should serve, and tools that help you find them,
or them find you, and close the deal.
There are tools that help you refine or shift
your product or service offerings, and the way you deliver them.
Tools to keep your operations running smoothly and to be able to respond to
changes in your markets and operating environments.
And tools to help you manage your business building effort
while you're still getting the job done every day.
Perhaps most important of all, the Toolbox will introduce you
to some new ways of looking at your business
that might just change your thinking on how you move
your business forward more easily and effectively,
and with stronger results.
I'm convinced that if you use it properly,
the Business Builder Toolbox has the tools you'll need
to build a stronger business. But more importantly,
it has step by step guidance on how to determine
the actions you need to take and how to choose
the right tools for your particular situation.
Throughout the process, the decisions are yours,
and the tools are always in your hands.
I hope you'll join us 'on the job'
of building your business.
I'm Kathy Wood, thanks for watching.
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