Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

How to Draw Sneakers, Rainbow Finger Family Song | Coloring Pages | Art Colors for Kids Owl King TV

For more infomation >> How to Draw Sneakers, Rainbow Finger Family Song | Coloring Pages | Art Colors for Kids Owl King TV - Duration: 2:18.


How To Call/Text Any Number Around The World For Free !! - Duration: 4:58.

hello guys this is a tech channel so this episode I'm gonna show you how to

make free calls to all countries around the world and make also free text

messages so that we're going to use the services that this website that we don't

use today text neucom we need to sign up either use or email account or using

Facebook like me in this case

so let's make a call and try this website thank you for calling Amazon

customer service my name is Angela may I have your order number or email address

please this my name is Angela they have your order number or email address

please and here is the Android have to use it on your phone

so let's try it on the phone we need to download two applications the first one

is the text now that when the other one be a hotspot shield to bypass the

geographic restrictions so just followed my steps


For more infomation >> How To Call/Text Any Number Around The World For Free !! - Duration: 4:58.


Daily Home Training ; especially good for Student&Workers! [JINI's Wellness] - Duration: 3:52.

Hi everyone? I also do greetings three times, four times.

I can only shoot video on the weekend, so I think I seeing you in this costume and background again.

Oh, I'm dreaming that I will be able to have a video of a day once a day on the vacation.

Today is! What do I want to tell, I subtract down to mid 70kg, with that exercise? Then how did I remove the rest of your fat? I think you should ask.

It's really similar, it's a similar way. But from that point on, I couldn't go to the gym when I was in school. So I did home training with circuit training.

I trained for about an hour like that, did abdominal exercises, and I really did a lot of walking in my life.

If some ask to do, I did it, and I have increased the amount of movement in my life that way. and I tried to do the circuit training more than 3 times a week.

I didn't have much time because I did some school activities and additional activities. But about three hours a week, four hours a week? I think I had time to invest in my body.

That's why I've lost my fat for two years. Sometimes I go to the gym and run an aerobic exercise or something like that.

The way I did is just circuit training. I've been working on circuit training. But someday, I can't even do it.

Then what do I do at this time? I did niche exercise. It was a niche exercise that I did the most when I'm in keeping period.

How did I do the niche exercise? stretching your calf while waiting bus, 100 times squat while brushing teeth.

And before I go to bed, I do my abs, and when I have time, the band, I had a latex band at home. Therefore, the latex band arm movement,

squat before sleeping. I think I spent 1~2mins in my life and exercised. Steadily.

It was like that for about two years, so I naturally lost weight.

But now, there are people here who are also stressed out here.

But I can't see any noticeable effect. Then it looks like it's coming to a congestion, so I want to give up my diet now!

You may have such people, but I didn't have the time to exercise, and I think I took the stress out to do exercising that fit my situation.

Rather than wanting a quick effect, let's not stop doing it in a way that I can't do it in a hurry. " In this way, I continued to exercise and keep in mind.

So this time, I think it is really maintenance period, 'Let's exercise without stress, without obsessions. I think I changed my mind this way,

And on vacation, I did aerobic exercises back and forth like the way I did during the circuit training one hour while I was in the high altitude obesity. Apparently, the effect of weight loss seems to be visible at that time.

I tried hard not to let go of my work while still living in school.

If I didn't do this, I knew that I wouldn't want to continue exercising because I lost my physical strength, so I kept exercising constantly.

So, in the end, you ask, what's the secret? What is the point? " There are many people who ask, The secret is steady, steady, and mental.

I'll take a video of this mental again and let you meet.

Anyway, today's fitness related video is over here, and I would like to leave a comment on your questions and get feedback from this and makes video fun.

If today's video is fun and helpful, please subscribe and press like, have a healthy day, happy day!

For more infomation >> Daily Home Training ; especially good for Student&Workers! [JINI's Wellness] - Duration: 3:52.


Learn Colors with McQueen Cars, Minions 3, Surprise Eggs, Microwave for kids - Learning Videos Kids - Duration: 2:55.

Learn Colors with McQueen Cars, Minions 3, Surprise Eggs, Microwave for kids - Learning Videos Kids

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with McQueen Cars, Minions 3, Surprise Eggs, Microwave for kids - Learning Videos Kids - Duration: 2:55.


DIY How to make flower box, for wedding, gift (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #372 - Duration: 2:42.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make flower box.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

First draw a big circle on a thick paper.

Cut it.

Measure the right size...

...and cut a rectangle.

Draw a line about 1cm from the edge.

Fold the paper in a place of the line.

Cut the triangles on the entire strip.

Fold all the triangles.

Apply glue on an edge of the circle...

...and glue the triangles. Do it carefully.

Cut off an excess of paper.

Glue the ends of paper together.

Glue a rhinestone tape to the edges of paper.

Glue the ribbon on the middle of paper.

Make a ribbon bow.

Cut a floral foam into proper pieces.

Put them inside the box.

Cut off an excess of flowers stalks and make a bouquet.

Add some sisal between the flowers.

And it's done.

This box is a great gift for birthday, wedding or many other occasions.

You can use real flowers instead of artificial flowers.

To do that just put plastic container inside a box and use wet florist foam.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make flower box, for wedding, gift (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #372 - Duration: 2:42.


Foreign appetite for Korean stocks expected to keep growing this year - Duration: 2:04.

Korea's main stock index, the KOSPI, has been on an upward trend for seven straight months,...

also setting fresh records several times in June.

This thanks to a huge inflow of foreign capital,... as both exports and the domestic economy have

been on a recovery path.

Analysts expect foreign investment will continue to flood into the local equity market in the

latter half of the year.

Oh Soo-young explains why.

Foreign investment in the Korean stock market has reached a level not seen since 2009.

According to the Korea Exchange, net purchases by foreigners this year in the benchmark KOSPI

index amounted to more than 8-billion U.S. dollars.

Together with the smaller KOSDAQ,... total purchases came to eight-point-nine billion


The recent surge in demand for Korean stocks this year is largely attributed to strong

corporate earnings in the first quarter.

Semiconductor giants Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix saw skyrocketing profits thanks to

the increase in global demand for memory chips that also pushed up unit prices.

The continued recovery in exports,... the new Moon administration,... and a positive

outlook on the domestic economy have boosted investor sentiment.

Experts say the foreign appetite for local stocks will grow for the foreseeable future.

"A positive outlook on the new government and its policies to revitalize domestic economy

-- the supplementary budget, for instance --- is expected to boost investor sentiment

until the end of the year."

Corporate earnings for the second quarter,... which are scheduled for release throughout

the week,... have already spurred a buying spree as foreign investors anticipate hefty


This drove up the KOSPI which hit historic highs in recent weeks,... breaking the 24-hundred

threshold for the first time during trading hours.

While the index may fluctuate in the short-run due to global factors like a decline in oil

and material prices and another interest rate hike in the U.S., most experts believe the

KOSPI will continue on the up-- some projections even putting it over the 3,000-mark within

the year.

Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Foreign appetite for Korean stocks expected to keep growing this year - Duration: 2:04.


Best Beach Yoga for Core ad ABS ♥ 10 minute yoga workout for Core Strength better as Fitness - Duration: 10:05.

Welcome to summer yoga!

Are you ready for the summer?

We should get ready for the summer.

So we need to balance the things that were there in the springtime

and that are coming in the autumn

and in between we have the balance, it's the summer

If we're talking about the balance in yoga and in life

we want to balance things,

but it doesn't mean it will have one thing,

then the one, the next one and the next one

Probably they will come the first, the second,

the third, the fourth and the fifth and again the first one

or they will come in the reverse order,

or they will get mixed in many different ways.

The same thing happens here with yoga,

when you practice different poses in the mixed order.

And this is what we are going to do today.

We will probably hold a few some positions

for let's say 10 to 15 seconds

and then we will switch to the next pose

and then we will return and switch, return and switch.

Thereby if there are some challenging poses like

the plank pose or the boat pose or the triangle pose

for you it doesn't mean that you have to do this pose

just like one pose and to keep it as long as you can.

In order to bring more time in the pose,

you kind of mix it in with the other poses, like today we will do that with the boat pose

because over core and abdomen muscles really need a lot of strength

and we sit a lot, we kind of swing in all our chairs

we forget about the abdomen muscles.

So today we will mix in in all yoga practice the boot pose as much as possible.

I hope you are ready!

And let's begin!

I'm happy you are ready to join me.

Maybe if you saw the previous video we started with this squat with the feet apart.

Today we start the same

So we want to kind of stretch the muscles

bring the knees to the sides

helping with our hands, supporting ourselves

So keep it a little bit and then relax.

Feel your shoulders, feel your body,

feel wherever now the body has worked and where you can relax

and again,

we sit down, find a comfortable position with no like too much stress

but we want to get all body start working

and understand, it's time for yoga and a little bit of effort.

Good! Feel it, hold it,

manage this pose.

You are successful!

Define the goes on the yoga mat

and you will be able to achieve a lot of goals in yoga.

One pose down,

We are going down for the boat pose.

Sitting down. It's a lot of movement, I know

and let's bring the legs here and the hands too,

hold it or bring the dynamics in, one, two, three and four..

something like seven or eight times.

Would be good this time! Oh.. good feeling!

It's a wonderful feeling, I know and then,

you get on the knees and let's mix in the yoga mudra pose.

Very good pose for relaxing, just like Nidra practice,

hope you have already seen our Nidra yoga.

If not, it's a good thing to relax for about 20 minutes.

and improve the way you feel and how well you sleep,

but we have to wake up,

because we have the boat pose. Remember?

No boats today in the sea

The boats are here on the sand.

We are working with our abdomen muscles

Good, good job!

Last time we were doing the plank pose

This time we'll do opposite plank pose.

Just hands behind your back and lift your pelvis up.

Wonderful! Hold it and release.

Did you feel the hands?

Do you feel your muscles working?

All your body is in a good shape at the moment

and you find the best position for yourself.

Good and release..

and two more times.

Or you can take one turn and that's it.

Hold it.

Feel the hands working, tuning up for the summer, for you actually...

Release and then one more time


Very well!

And do you know what's going to happen next?


it's the boat pose.

Again lift up, hold it and find the best version of the boat pose for you at this moment

see how high or low you want to go..

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight.

Oh, good! it's good to bring knees closer, the back more straight

and just to keep a moment, to get your breathing back to the normal

while you find the best position for yourself

and before we do the final turn.

Last time we were working with the triangle pose

just to get over sides working today we are lazy,

we don't want to get up

so we are just doing some side bends from here

See yourself how your sides are feeling today

and give them a good stretch

otherwise if we concentrate just in one thing we leave other things neglected,

and then they remind about themselves not that pleasantly usually.

You have a great stretch!

Good job!

Ready for the final turn of the boat pose?

I am.

Join me for the final boat pose.

If you are too tired you can kind of lift toes a little bit and just relax.

Hold as much as you can.

If you're ready for more, then go for it.

Remember there are no restrictions in your life other than the ones you have made yourself

and I absolutely believe that, as it has proven to be true in my life so many times.


The fast final turn.

You can do a nice clapping on your abdomen.

It has worked well, so give yourself a big hug.

One more time a little bit of head massage,

the forehead massage ,jaw massage.

And you are done today.

Thank you for joining me!

Like this video! Love yourself a lot and join me next time!

See you!

bye bye!

For more infomation >> Best Beach Yoga for Core ad ABS ♥ 10 minute yoga workout for Core Strength better as Fitness - Duration: 10:05.


Learn Colors with Soccer Balls for Children and Toddlers-Learning Colours Football Balls 3D - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Soccer Balls for Children and Toddlers-Learning Colours Football Balls 3D - Duration: 2:56.


Games for Kids Learn Colors with Talking Tom and Teple Run 2 Gameplay Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Learn Colors with Talking Tom and Teple Run 2 Gameplay Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:42.


Spiderman Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Surprise Eggs For Children 3D Dinosaurs Eggs Cartoons For Children - Duration: 1:09:16.

Spiderman Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Surprise Eggs For Children 3D Dinosaurs Eggs Cartoons For Children

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