Moi! Pitkästä aikaa, mä en oo valitettavasti ehtiny Hi! It's been a long time, I haven't unfortunately managed
tehä videoita viime vuoden aikana, to make videos during last year,
koska mun piti ensin saada gradu valmiiks, because I had to first get my thesis done,
sit mä lähdin Italiaan vaihtoon, then I left for Italy in exchange,
ja nyt mä oon Brysselissä työharjottelussa. and now I'm in Brussels in a traineeship.
Mutta toivottavasti mä ehtisin nyt But hopefully I would manage (have the time) now
tehdä muutaman videon tässä kesän aikana. to do a few videos here during summer.
Ja nyt mä haluaisin vastata kysymykseen, And now I would like to answer to a question,
joka multa kysytään tosi usein ku mä oon ulkomailla that people ask me very often when I'm abroad
ja se on: kuinka kylmä Suomessa on? and it is: how cold is it in Finland?
Okei, tosi kylmä! Okay, very cold!
Siis normaali hieno talvisää on ehkä So a normal nice winter weather is maybe
sellanen miinus viistoista astetta, about minus fifteen degrees,
mutta meillä on myös joka talvi sellanen pari viikkoa but we have also every winter about a couple of weeks
kakskytviis tai kolkyt astetta pakkasta. 25 or 30 degrees below zero.
Ja pohjoisessa Lapissa tietenki vieläkin kylmempää ja vieläkin kauemmin. And in the north in Lapland of course even colder and even longer.
Tollanen kakskytviis kolkyt astetta That kind of 25-30 degrees
ei välttämättä tunnu heti kun astut ovesta ulos does not necessarily feel immediately when you step from the door outside
Mutta sitte kahenkymmenen minuutin päästä ehkä But then after 20 minutes maybe
se kylmyys tavallaan tulee sun kehon sisälle, that coldness kind of comes inside of your body,
ja varpaat alkaa jäätyy, sormet alkaa jäätyy, and toes begin to freeze, fingers begin to freeze,
nenä alkaa jäätyy, sit ripset jäätyy, nose begins to freeze, then eye lashes freeze,
hiukset jäätyy, nenäkarvat jäätyy, hair freezes, nasal hair freezes
ja kaikki jäätyy! and everything freezes!
Ja sillon kun on oikeen kylmä ja pakkasta, And then when it's very cold and frost,
niin elämä jatkuu. then the life continues.
Kaikki menee kouluun, kaikki menee töihin, Everyone goes to school, everyone goes to work,
kaikki menee harrastuksiin. everyone goes to hobbies.
Ei oikeestaan tapahu mitään sen erityisempää. Not really happens anything more special.
Mä muistan ite että mä oon I remember myself that I have
pyöräilly kolme kilometriä kolmenkymmenen asteen pakkasessa kouluun, cycled 3 km in -30 degrees to school,
eikä oikee hyvin kulkenu... and it didn't go forward very well...
Mutta jos tuutte Suomeen talvella, But if you come to Finland in winter,
tammi- tai helmikuussa kun on oikeen kylmä, in January or February when it's very cold,
niin muistakaa: kerrospukeutuminen! so remember: layered dressing!
Toivottavasti tykkäsitte tästä videosta, Hopefully you liked this video,
ja laittakaa kommentteja ja toiveita, and put comments and wishes,
ja ens kertaan. Kiitos moi! and until next time. Thanks bye!
For more infomation >> Learn Finnish by listening! How cold is it in Finland? - Duration: 2:25.
This Is What Kim Ji Won Looked Like Before She Got Famous - Duration: 2:06.
Old Is Gold | Assan Taan Niat Watavani | Talib Hussain Dard | Old Punjabi Original Audio Song - Duration: 5:43.
Old Is Gold | Assan Chana Teray Nall | Talib Hussain Dard | Old Punjabi Original Audio Song - Duration: 7:10.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's interactions with President Donald Trump suggest that Indo
US relation is getting increasing deeper.
US INDO relation has gone through three phases.
From 1947 to 1971, India tilted towards the US even as it insisted on non-alignment.
India's then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru despised communism and was on record
stating that, in a fight, India would side with the Anglo-American democracies.
In the second phase of the relationship, from 1971 to 1989, India built strong relations
with Soviet Union while remaining formally non-aligned and got disjoint from US with
US supporting Pakistan.
Current, is the third phase of India-US relations.
In the last 27 years India has increasingly tilted towards the US in global strategic
terms, though still maintains strong ties with Russia.
In this video, Defense Updates examines WHY US AND INDIA ARE NATURAL ALLIES AND THE RELATION
US is one of the oldest democracies in the world.
The democratic system has been able to elect strong leaders and give the country stable
governments year after year, propelling it to the status of most powerful country in the world.
With 1.26 billion inhabitants, of which 834 million can vote, India is the largest in the world.
Despite India's linguistic and religious diversity, the 2014 general elections have given the
newly elected Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, a strong mandate, proving the maturity of Indian democracy.
US India trade has been steadily growing .
In 2016, India GDP was an estimated $2.3 trillion and Indi's GDP was up by an estimated 7.6.
U.S. goods and services trade with India totaled an estimated $114.8 billion in 2016.
Exports were $42.0 billion; imports were $72.8 billion.
India is currently America's 9th largest goods trading partner with $67.7 billion in
total (two way) goods trade during 2016.
Goods exports totaled $21.7 billion; goods imports totaled $46.0 billion.
Trade in services with India (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $47.2 billion in 2016.
Services exports were $20.3 billion; services imports were $26.8 billion.
According to the Department of Commerce, U.S. exports of Goods and Services to India supported
an estimated 197,000 jobs in 2015, 82,000 supported by goods exports and 116,000 supported
by services exports.
With respect to terrorism, India in the past 15 years has lost more people to jihadi killers
than any other nation in the world.
This is mainly due to Pakistan sponsored terrorists, who are pushed into India by the notorious
intelligence agency of Pakistan, ISI.
India has long accused Pakistan of harboring terrorists, and recently many important people
from politics and military in US have acknowledged this fact.
One of them is Congressman Ted Poe, who sometime back said:
"Not only is Pakistan an untrustworthy ally, Islamabad has also aided and abetted enemies
of the United States for years,"
He added while introducing the bill, "From harboring Osama bin Laden to its cozy relationship
with the Haqqani network, there is more than enough evidence to determine whose side Pakistan
is on in the War on Terror.
And it's not America's.
It is time we stop paying Pakistan for its betrayal and designate it for what it is:
a State Sponsor of Terrorism."
Just at the time of Trump and Modi meeting, the United States has designated Hizbul Mujahideen
leader Syed Salahuddin as a global terrorist.
Indo US joint statement has specifically mentioned Pakistan, and asked it to stop supporting terrorists.
The international military presence in Afghanistan has shrunk dramatically, and even with a slower
pace of troop withdrawal, the country's security situation has already worsened.
After 15 years of involvement in Afghanistan, the United States has a strong interest in
a stable future for the fragile democracy.
India too wants a secure and peaceful Afghanistan.
India and Afghanistan share a long history.
During the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-89), India was the only South Asian nation to recognize
the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
India has been supporting Afghanistan as it limps back to it own feet.
From training Afghan forces in counter insurgency operations to providing military equipment
to afghan military, India's role has been acknowledge by both Afghanistan and US.
Seen as a friend by most Afghans, India is the fifth-largest bilateral donor to Afghanistan.
India has so far given financial assistance worth over $2 billion to Afghanistan and has
been involved in massive developmental efforts in the war-torn country
Salma Dam, an ambitious $300 million hydroelectric and irrigation dam, as well as Afghanistan's
new Parliament building is build by India.
Washington and New Delhi are getting a lot more serious about military-to-military ties.
As the United States and India become more wary of an increasingly assertive China, the
two countries are gradually edging closer together.
China's sweeping claims of sovereignty over the south china sea have provoked competing
claimants Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Non-claimants like USA and India want the South China Sea to remain as international
waters with freedom of navigation, whereas China want to control this major trade way.
China's military modernization and aggressive posturing has not gone unnoticed by both US and India.
A tightening of relations between US and India is something that was already accelerating
under Barack Obama and Manmohan Singh, whose administrations saw the need for mutual cooperation
in this matter.
Trump and Modi meet seem to have a cemented the strategic ties further, with US clearing
the sale of 22 MQ-9B Guardian drone made by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems to India.
These unarmed surveillance drones, worth more than $2 billion will be used keep watch over
the Indian Ocean and enable India to keep a tab on Chinese activities.
16 Real Demands That Prove JB Is The WORST Celeb part 2 - sasha grey - Duration: 9:46.
16 Real Demands That Prove JB Is The WORST Celeb part 2
Cans Of Wildberry and Vanilla Room Fresheners.
The Biebs requires cans of air fresheners, scented in wildberries and vanilla, to be provided in his 1,000 square foot hotel room. This is a special request that just has to be met while he's making pit-stops at hotels worldwide.
If the rooms weren't fresh enough after the top to bottom cleaning prerequisite, he must also inhale the sweet, artificial fumes of berry and vanilla.
At the same time? Maybe he uses the vanilla in the evening for when he's in the mood for cake, therefore saving the berry scent for breakfast.
Yummy! This one boggles my mind for the absurdity of it, but also because air fresheners are gross. If he's so health conscious, as he claims to be, why does he want to breathe in canned toxins?. White On White Everything.
For as long as celeb tour riders have been leaked, the request for dressing rooms to be draped from floor to ceiling in their fabric of choice has been a big thing.
Lady Gaga requests black and silver velvet to hang amongst her wardrobe and pink-pubed mannequins. Katy Perry's room uses cream and soft pink-coloured curtains to match her cream-coloured egg-shaped chairs.
Following suit with J-Lo, the Biebs has asked that his dressing room be draped in white curtains, and white everything, including a dozen white handkerchiefs.
Also to be included in his room? Eight power outlets, fresh flowers, scented candles, and a personal iPhone-compatible boom box for the Biebs' personal pleasure. Seriously? You can't just show up and sit in a normal room, Biebs? What. Tool. Bag.
Pre-designed luxury hotel suites just won't do for this gangsta wannabe. Aside from the mandatory king size bed being present in each hotel room, his room must be furnished and decorated with the objects of his liking.
From antique furniture to kashmiri bedroom linens, the Biebs has gone as far as to switch out the hotel end tables. He also demands that Mogul paintings be hung from the walls and that purple carnations be present on those swapped-out tables.
Purple, of course, because that is this pop star's favourite colour! He wouldn't have it any other way because, darn it, he earned those purple flowers! There ain't no compromising for subpar pink carnations or disgusting yellow carnations.
It must be purple, or someone's getting fired!. Ongoing Demand For Attention From Selena.
This one may not be present on his tour rider, but I just can't help but mention this lovely demand Biebs just can't let go of. It's no secret that Justin is still in love with Selena.
After all, the two of them were inseparable; making out at hockey games, laughing at award shows, driving around in his Rolls. But honey, you've got to let this one go.
She's over you (Hi, Abel). You may not believe that such a woman would deny your body, voice, and style, but believe it. You're not all that, and that ego of yours is far from attractive.
Sure, you've got the abs and the tats and the yacht, but no amount of money or fans is going to change the fact that you're a Douchey McDouche.
Quit calling Selena out on social media and move on to the next Belieber. Crates of Personal Items.
Everywhere Mr Biebs goes, so does his ten crates of items the Grammy winner just can't live without. These crates are flown in to wherever this guy goes, be it Mumbai or Manchester.
The items range in absurdity from his Playstation and ping pong table to his sofa and IO Hawk hoverboard. How elegant to be treated to such high regard that servants so gallantly bring the Biebs his entire house while on tour.
Us normals have to endure the in-house sofas and recreation rooms like peasants, while Justin flashes his big wad of dough to his minions and they jump at the chance to get Tetris-ing those personal items.
I wish I'd have people to do my packing for me, but alas, I have not yet been discovered like he has.
Since Bieber is the biggest fan of yoga, he's making his "ohm-ing" hobby known in the most flamboyant of ways: by packing up an Indian casket full of yoga gear.
This casket is to be placed in his hotel suite and be filled with essential oils, incense sticks, and even books on chakras and asana. Talk about pretentious, amiright? Not even yoga gurus travel with that level of zen.
Even if he does wake up each morning to an hour-long sesh of stretching and posing, does he really need to travel with a full yoga studio? Wouldn't a mat and an iTunes playlist of nature sounds suffice? Guess not.
Guess he has to consult those yoga books on the daily to know if he's mastered the lotus, while simultaneously touring the world.
One of the many advantages of being a celebrity with lots of money is the ability to get a massage at any moment.
Whether you're popping by the spa or snapping your fingers at your house elf, a pair of expertly trained hands are ready to oil you up and rid you of those knots.
Fortunately for the Biebs, that also means having a masseuse on hand while traveling. I get it, somewhat. I mean, singing and dancing and rehearsing all day long takes a toll on the body, but you're young and in shape, Biebs.
How often are you needing a massage that you have to fly a masseuse in from Kerala, as well as your very own massage table? I guess pretty often, or perhaps you're just taking advantage of the perks of being a celebrity.
Following his personal preference for all things white, Justin has requested numerous amounts of packaged undergarments to be provided in his dressing room, such as plain white tees, white tank tops, and white low-rise socks – all in a variety of sizes.
On one hand, I understand his need to replenish those sweaty items after a vigorous dance number.
On the other, why couldn't he pack these himself? Or get one of his many minions to pack it for him? The need for the items is not the issue here, but the mere fact that he couldn't be bothered to make a run to Target, purchase, and bring these items on tour with him just shows how vast his inability to do anything for himself has become.
Perhaps the greatest and most outrageous demand by far is his special request that a helicopter take him to the stadium, as opposed to taking a limo or some low-brow Lincoln, or some other nonsense form of transportation that other artists have to endure.
He's far too elite to travel in such a poor manner. A chopper is the only way to get from point A to point B.
In addition to this requirement, a private jet must always be ready to take off at a moment's notice. Biebs is an international superstar after all, which means his travel demands take precedence over anything and everything else.
He's assuming a level of travel immediacy that rivals that of the President of the United States, which is a self-inflicted right that he believes he deserves. Let's all give this guy a collective punch to the face, shall we?.
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