hello Facebook how is everyone doing tonight
this is Pamela Pedrick coming to live from Ocala Florida I'm going to take a sip of
water real quick my mom my mouth starting to get dry must be my allergies
change something real quick all right so if you're not familiar with me maybe
that's the first time you're seeing me live or maybe you're watching when the
replay maybe someone shared this video with you I am Pamela Pedrick
registered nurse health & wellness coach and nutrition consultant for weight
loss so it's Friday today for those of you who work the regular work week all
right you got into the weekend all you made it through another workweek well
tonight I'm going to share with you a fun fact since it's Friday you know
making it a fun fact Friday about this unusual antioxidant that people don't
really think of of how they can fight those chemicals and toxins
remember this month is June and this I'm talking about all about how we can help
either limit our exposure or get rid of those chemicals and toxins that we are
exposed to or that we ingest to help us lose that weight right because those
toxins and chemicals our body's trying to protect us from them and so the fat
is held on in our body to protect us from those toxins and chemicals so
tonight I'm going to share with you an unusual antioxidant all right so don't
forget once again if you ever watch me as I'm going live and you share this
broadcast with someone there's a share button down below write in the comments
shared that you shared it and I will give you a shout out during my broadcast
and if you can say hello I'd love to know who you are where you're coming in
from and if you're watching the replay do the same as well if you're new never
seen me before write new in the comment section I do check the comments back and
I will respond back let me know who's on tonight who's watching the replay
all right so fun fact Friday essential oil lavender do you know that lavender
is a great antioxidant and it has so many more health benefits
you might even realize now essential oils is starting to becoming a little
bit more popular than they were you know back in the day a lot of people are
focusing on the holistic healthier life which is great and amazing and trying to
get away from some of the things that can cause toxins in our bodies well
lavender essential oil and in specific there is particular type of essential
oil and excuse me I'll probably butcher the name here is lavandula angustifolia
and i will write that name in the comment section for you but that is the
most cuz there's so many different types of lavender essential oils but that's the one
particularly be focusing on tonight now lavender has a calming effect and helps
with sleep and I go over some of the other benefits first and it helps with
people who may be suffering from some depression sadness so and also with
headaches and migraine right it does it are so many health if it's already and
remember you know since lavender helps us to sleep sleep is so so important
especially good quality asleep I've been mentioning that in someone broadcasts as
well and it promotes that our body making that miracle hormone you know
human growth hormone right anti aging anti stress hormone and it helps us to
burn fat and be build lean muscle so lavender helps us to sleep so if you're
having issues with sleep maybe you have some insomnia I know that melatonin works
great but some people are really really sensitive to the melatonin and they
actually sleep longer and they feel like more groggy in the morning than rested
lavender if you diffuse it either before or during while you're sleeping that will
really help you to get that good quality sleep they actually did a research study
on this and they research college students I mean goodness you're in college
you're stressed right and I'm sure you know I can admit to that my sleep patterns
weren't that good and I wasn't really getting that good quality sleep drop a
one the comment section if you can relate either as a college student
or right now where you just one you just cannot and you're struggling to get that
good quality sleep I know I was that way in college I mean you're up
late you're trying to get papers done and you're stressed out about exams and
tests - they researched this with college students they found that with the college
students when they just used it um while either before or during their sleep they
found that 60% of them slept better with the lavender oil than had they slept
without even use in it another way that you can do if you don't have a diffuser
is you kind of put a couple drops in the palm of your hands rub your hands
together put it on your chest put it on your neck and then you'll be inhaling
it as you sleep now lavender also has a calming effect so if
you feeling stressed out I mean we're such a stressed-out Society anymore so
if you're feeling stressed out you just all you have to do is once again rub a
couple of drops on your palms your hands inhale it you can put it on your neck
put it on your chest and that will help you inhale it as well and actually helps
for pets too and I can testify to that because when I moved down to Florida from
New Jersey it's like a 20 plus hour ride right I have two cats that I bringing
down with me now before then I used to put spray bath and body has of the
lavender kind of sleep spray that pillow spray to spray on your pillow so my cats
were kind of used cuz I'd always spray it before I went to bed at night
and then when we were traveling we know like these cats they they don't travel well
if you ever have cat some cats travel well mine just did not travel well I mean
be like psycho cat even just going to the vet so what I did was yeah I asked
for you know the vet for a sedative just kind of try to calm them down but that freaked
me out because they were responding just really weirdly to it in fact one of my
cat's the whole time was going whoal he literally sounded like he was saying whoa whoa
whoa so didn't have the other half of the sedative I was supposed to give them but
I remember that I had my sleep spray with me the lavender so I'm like let me just
try this because they're you so I sprayed it and within like 15 minutes
both cats were calm they weren't like psycho kitties
they were sleeping I'm like man this stuff really works for them and they
were used to it so it even helps pet too so has a calming effect
they also did research study of this when they research people who were depressed
and they didnt say they are clinically depressed there's different levels of
depression but they found that actually helped alleviate their symptoms as well
so now what we really like about this is its antioxidant benefits right because
hey we're trying to fight those free radicals that are the toxins the
chemicals that cause damage to our body and us as well as women you know help us
with the gained weight right and not be able to lose weight going through those
weight loss plateaus so what this is found is it's actually better than vitamin
C as far as an antioxidant they're actually calling this a super
antioxidant and once again it's a specific type of lavender it's lavandula
and I'm probably once again going to butcher this out put it in the comment
section for you because there's different essential lavandula
angustifolia ty saying that one's ten times fast right and once again it if
you just use or vaporize lavender oil I actually have a diffuser here it's going
off right now I moved it because I wanted to show you I got this diffuser
right off of Amazon it's a pretty inexpensive there's different varieties
of vaporizers there's a spa if you've ever gone to a spa and is there
kind of bigger more expensive and I'm actually having it go off like every 30
seconds so it will go off for like ten seconds stop come back one for after
thirty seconds so I just keep this around and what they found is with the
antioxidant if you inhale it if you put it in that diffuser and continuous for 60
minutes one hour each day that it has so many benefits as an antioxidant and
they're finding such good results with that and lavender oil also we love
antioxidant benefit so many benefits to it and also can helps with cuts or
scrapes help with the healing properties helps with dry skin sunburn skin some
people who have eczema or dermatitis they're finding fabulous results with that and what
you can do is you can put a couple of drops in what's called a carrier oil
is whether it's going to be your jojoba oil or your coconut oil and rub it into
your skin especially the coconut oil you're going to get so
much moisturizing out of it and also the healing benefits as well when you
combine the two together so we have this fabulous fabulous essential oil
lavender I've been using it as well because for those who suffer from
headaches and migraines drop a 2 in the comment section if you're a headache
or migraine sufferer or any and you know just sometimes nothing helps you've got
the pain and then you've got you know especially at night time you're trying
to sleep you can't sleep and it really just messes up your with your sleep
patterns if you have a migraine or headache at night and instead of
reaching for that over-the-counter medication try inhaling lavender oil and
especially combined with peppermint if you drop have two drops of each
lavender oil and peppermint oil in the palm of your hands rub the palm of your
hands together and inhale it for 15 minutes you can even rub it on your neck
on your temples and on the side of your neck and then inhale it for 15 minutes
they've found such results of relief in the pain now it won't necessarily take
away the whole pain itself although I have had that happen with a couple of
headaches that I've had like wow I haven't had to take anything which is
great but it really significantly decrease the pain that you have once
again that's two drops of lavender oil and peppermint oil in the palm of your
hand rub your palms together you're going to put it on the back of your neck
on the temples on your forehead because you're going to be able to inhale it
then and then you can just inhale it out of your palm of your hand and another
thing I forgot to tell you for that calming benefit like I said diffuse it before
during or before you sleep or after asleep if you actually put it on on the
soles of your feet that has an immediate calming effect if you're
ever familiar with reflexology where they kind of rub the soles of your feet
and they can tell if you have certain issues in your body it's kind of like an
immediate calming effects with the with the lavender so great great great
essential oil now if you're not familiar with essential oils maybe haven't it used
them before you do want to get what's called a therapeutic grade essential oil
because there is lavender that is more perfume and it has
a lot of chemicals in it you don't want to do that you want something that is
strictly a therapeutic grade oil okay and then I do the Numa brand there's
also Doterra there's also Young Living so if you know of anyone who does
that you can contact them but also chiropractors they are so holistic in
what they do some of them even sell it in their practice so if you go to a
chiropractor you may be some from you know to get your adjustment and your
next appoinment you can call the office say hey you know do you sell the essential
oils and you might know off the top of your head that they do right and you can talk
to your chiropractor more about that I've know of a couple of chiropractors
in town who actually sell it right in their office which is great and that's
just one essential oil essential oils are so great for our overall health and
wellness lavender oil of being really really great I'm actually just started
using this probably about two months ago I started really to research essential
oils and it has helped me with some headaches
it helps come with the stress like I said I just use it I'll show you this
again I just got this right off by Amazon and now if you can see it but it
has lights and it has it'll change the different colors with lights there it goes
and you can have it it's very fairly inexpensive and there's different kinds
of diffusers that you can buy so I hope you found this beneficial if you have
share it with someone or tag someone in the comment section and drop a comment
what was your your take away from this what was your one thing that you learned
that you're like oh wow that was great drop in the comment section even if
you're watching the replay like I said I didn't know you know a lot about
lavender except for like what I got from Bath & Body right the the sleep spray I'm
like oh it's helping me sleep better you know and calm in the cat's down and in
the but if you get the therapeutic grade that's where you're going to really really reap those
antioxidants benefit your sleep benefit your calming benefits and remember sleep
also important for weight loss because when we're sleeping and getting that
good quality sleep our body's going to be naturally making that human miracle
hormone HGH human growth hormone that helps us burn fat
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