Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017

Yo what is going on guys it is your boy

Yogge here and today i'm bringing you

guys a live conversation today as you

can see we're using the X Eon so i did a

video talking about these weapons if you

guys haven't seen it there will be a

card on the video that you guys can

click on and the top right of the screen

as pollow's like a little I in it but

anyways today I'm where you guys a lot

of commentary like I said and was there

really nobody on that side like that's

crazy but anyways so dear is the weapon

this is the new weapon and it's been a

warfare I got it for free cuz as the

season pass but you not beginning supply

dress or nothing like that this you can

get this from challenges and ooh this

gun man I'll get to talking about it

later oh ok so this weapon in my opinion

it is very very good so like I was

saying this weapon I'm not sure if it is

overpowered or not um I I I don't know

how to feel about the weapon and

whenever a new weapon comes out I'm

always like this because you know

obviously haven't tested it against all

the weapons but usually the best

overpowered ARS are the envy for the K

Bar and the that the type to yeah I was

working out that my bad but you know it

varies between core and hardcore so

that's why I can't really save this is

the most overpowered a are in the game

can I haven't played hardcore with it

yet this is like my third time using in

this game but so far for core man this

thing is a melt machine sometimes I was

because I got just the stormy look but

see also look he was using a reflex I'd

I feel like the default site I'm using

the default right here it's kind of

really like flips up yes keys here at I

music legs off so it's kind of hard to

see but like flips up and it zooms way

in I don't like how it Susan that much i

think i'm gonna put on a reflex or an e

lo or something like that i don't know i

think i think this this normal I don't

know how this is a normal Ironside this

is obviously like a reflex of some sort

but anyways these are sites or MIT I

don't like him I honestly don't I mean I

can kill people from long range by

tapping easily obviously because it's

awesome game but close range nah but

then again you have really really good

hip fire this weapon

I mean look at that the gun is kind of

slow sometimes I guess but I look at

this hip fire look watch this watch this

are you kidding me bro look at that shit

look it's accurate as hell I'm guessing

that's why you don't use this when

you're up close shit see like I said all

you need to do is kill them what like

have the circle within their body or

head or whatever of the enemy and you'll

kill them and hip firing at least so I'm

11 and 5 right now I'm really not doing

as well as i hoped i should have had my

events by now but it's all good i'll be

doing another matches role just showing

you guys how the other gun works out

which is i believe like an mp5 I don't

know I guess you're like oh we don't

have like this you know like the mp5 in

the game because it's like such a

popular gonna guess or something like

that so they added in in a weird way

it's pretty cool looking in my opinion

but here I'll show you real quick it's

called be the vp are so yeah but I'm

yeah guys I don't know how to feel about

the default size tell me what you guys

think about the this this side right

here in the comments I don't know me

look how much these rooms and look you

guys see how this like a look there's a

normal I know you guys see that there's

like a difference so when you're about

to a man there's a difference from when

you're actually and you look you see how

when you amen everything so much closer

I look at that red thing on the left so

much closer that thing kids can you see

the stairs anymore like it's a big

difference like I don't know how red dot

an eel or but i'm pretty sure they're

not like that elos actually wake

different you can still see around you

in your / field but this is something

else I don't like how up close the shit

is I think next match I'm gonna put a

red dot or a low on it I probably have a

little luck is this like not their time

playing with it so I rami used to be

pure our next match where I'm also use

this just a little bit just to see how

the reflex works whew male do you see

for long range that this default site is

perfect but close range not like and

sometimes when you're jumping it messes

up a lot I don't know maybe that's

because I'm getting into a gunfighter

two or one too many people but oh you

guys have a for what the hell yeah like

I said I don't know if it's because I

used to hip firing and they aimed in at

the wrong times or something like that I

don't know but all I know is that hip

firing in my opinion it should be

use when you're like in a pit I mean

look at that but welcomed it like I was

saying yep finally should be used in a

panic like for example the MV for you

said firing when you're in a really

really close situation right so I don't

know somebody's like medium long range I

have to use this you know I I can't be

using head fire like that look at that

shit look and he has a specialist oh my

god if I don't kill this guy that's not

like that's not the same dude shit oh

shit oh sure what it is there he is you

all right how did I go from A to point

something Katy 21.8 e to do not ask all

right that's just how I am I don't know

why oh look at that shit man see that

that's another thing with the yen i

don't know maybe he's just because it's

not hard core I don't know usually I can

get double kills and shit like that easy

maybe it's just a peon playing against I

don't know see when you're trying to

determine if a gun is overpowered on you

need to like think about all those

things like the people that are in the

lobby you know how many people can chill

at once is that type of going to equal

one percent and needle back away or you

know it is super powerful like the

mammoth where you can kill like three

people with one bullet or some shit look

at this this gun pisses me off so much

look at that kind of bullshit is that

they're so there's a game one this dude

came up on top of me good shit bro 32

and a he did good I did shit mainly

because I don't like the the sites where

this weapon i was doing beast last match

before I started recording I'm tell you

I was like four point okay be same as

this guy knows shaking it by the right

here's my classes right now I really

don't have anything a lock let me look

fresh ice press on it no I don't think I

should I don't think so can someone

please explain to me why I'm the only

loan over here like come on bro why is

the spawn so stupid anyways anyways end

up talking about that with camo but yeah

this is the VP or the mp5 looking at me

look at this do these are size not look

like the mp3 mp5 try to tell me this is

not look like it anyway so it is double

barrel that's why you have these two

little circles instead of you know just

the normal you know I apply or anything

they really get honestly didn't need to

do this this is like too much you know

it's really unnecessary I guess oh

that's a bad goodbye this also a bad

maps used some machine gun on but hey

it's whatever well actually not really

not if you on this side anyways closed


but look how it reloads 12 on my opinion

it reloads really really slow at least

to me it does oh so as you guys can see

this is really fast firing and if you're

up close it's over for somebody but but

if you're far away it's a much much

different story honestly like like right

here so you don't go there if you if you

have this adventure don't don't even

look at going that way okay just don't

if you do you did all right anybody

that's even if somebody is usually like

the what's the shittiest there on this

game but say somebody using something

really shitty right like any gun that's

shitty and he's like standing over here

he could kill you across the map because

it's going to that garbage you'll have

enough time to kill you because of how

much kick this shit has I'm just playing

super swanee that focus up here hold up

let me see if I could help us out help

the commentary in the game play out by

doing good that I still in here this is

gonna looks insane there's like two mags

on the side so guys what I think about

this weapon is that it's all right i

mean i don't know it's not the best gun

to use I honestly got off you about it

there's a better submachine guns in the

game I guess I'll say that much like a

GV r well you see that's that's where

like the bull shit oh shit I know how I

got that kill honestly but oh ok

nevermind maybe I'm just not really

focused I don't know but like see best

thing I can't really determine if it's

good or not is it good yeah it's good

but is it better than some of the base

guns in the game I'm not sure about that

I know there aren't really get some

Michigan's in this game in general like

there's a karma but a lot of people shit

while my aim was off just see that I

need to die so i can use the sights oh

no I'm dead look look how long it takes

to reload that shit of course you're

gonna die bro what is this guy have a

reflex there we go so let's use a reflex

let's see how nice the reflex is on the

gun oh she does not close all what the

hell close without quick-draw you don't

ok yes just kill me I don't even care

anymore all right there we go good stuff

I don't know how we kill me but he did

that's what ever I Lissy

why is this so slow how quick draw on

what the hell is so slow with the reflex

sight I mean it's good but bring in a

slow what the hell it was my you guys

saw was much faster with the UH with the

normal iron sight but I know this like a

little bug but look like as if I don't

have clicked on my gun at least for this

game other games this would be normal

quick job but this game hell no you

should be able to like snap like really

fast obviously if you ats faster you

have a better advantage over other

people so i don't know you i might just

keep the the normal I our site if that's

if that's the case it looks like like

this is this is this is I don't know

what to think about it also here is a

good comparison right here so give me

something no don't kill me pause button

I'll see if I can make you back there to

show you guys what I was trying to talk

about though I swear okay don't boo why

did I rewind after I kill him i just

wasted that so badly okay of course of

course bro pull up if i find somebody

without the iron sights i'll show you

guys when i'm trying to talk about both

oh my ok I'm just gonna use the vpr I

let's just let's just keep using this

because this mattress method it's not

for the damn XE on which is a cool name

by the way but you know I just as a here

is anywhere around here nope it's all

type twos which I'm not surprised I

should have did wait is it please tell

me this guy if you look at that you see

how fast he ain't in compared to when I

a man with the red nah no noses that's

that's something else I feel like you

shoot slower when you shoot it from the

hip I feel like you should faster on

your abs thing I think that's what it

says for the description actually I

forgot what it said

oh how do I get away with that all right

well I guess it's gonna be it for this

match I know if we're gonna be able to

pull off this who are we gonna pull off

this w hold on if I don't get killed

maybe maybe just maybe oh no don't kill

me well they got the dub anyways let me

see if I can ah red bull shit alright

guys so what do I think about the new

weapons well obviously here I mean I

don't know what to say so I hear the

description says provides both increased

bullet downrange it faster reloads the

reloads I'm not sure about that but and

I'm not sure about the range either

maybe it's lying I don't know but this

gun is really good for clothes corners

I'm not sure about you know far away

maybe i'm not using the right attachment

maybe i need laser cider maybe I knew I

don't know maybe I need some maybe i

need rifle barrel you know that doesn't

like a that's not like a good attachment

tab on this weapon hey guys this is

angie is it feels good obviously me know

i have really good SMG two you have the

ear at probably the best SMG in the game

feature i don't think this is that good

anymore it's not that good either i've

heard repre not even close it was

alright and then you know you have this

which is also all right okay so talking

about this weapon so as you see from the

description i forgot about all of this

it does have increased fire rate when

you ats so when I was you know shooting

from the hip it was slow because it

wasn't you know 80s so that makes sense

why was shooting slow i was wondering

why is it so slow when you shoot from

the hip because issues faster when

you're 80 s and the normal you know

optics or iron sight on this you can

actually see through like it lights up

red if you see an enemy so guys I think

hope loaded does counter the optical

sights but I really don't know but like

I said guys this is good to me guys in

some medium you know good for everything

type of gun good Fred fire if you know

how to use it if you're not waking is

good for abs shooting you know when

you're shooting a deist in general this

is a really really good AR if you have

it use it it's very nice it feels good

well yeah just something need to bring

to the game in that's what I'm happy

valley it's not the RV n I don't know

the RV end got boring very

quickly I don't know what it is but if I

was just a disappointment this way

better every glass up against each other

if you guys can behave like you because

let me try to stay healthy and comment

down below which team of these new

weapons they help me know if you guys on

the next one


For more infomation >> COD IW NEW X-EON WEAPONS GAMEPLAY - (NEW X-EON WEAPON) - Duration: 13:34.


Friends of Prince Harry have fuelled rumours he is dating singer Mollie King - Duration: 1:30.

Friends of Prince Harry have fuelled rumours he is dating singer Mollie King.

The British royal is said to have become smitten with The Saturdays vocalist after they were

introduced by mutual friends at a polo match in 2010, but they only started dating recently

after she split from model David Gandy after two years together.

A source told the Daily Mail newspaper: "They have been to Public nightclub a couple of

times and get along well.

It's ironic because Mollie fell for David over Prince Harry, but now she seems very

taken with Harry."

In recent weeks Mollie, 24, and Harry, 27, have been at the same London nightspots including

Public and karaoke bar Bunga Bunga, but always left separately, as they are keen to avoid

any publicity.

The source added: "They're having a lovely time together but she won't say anything publicly

because she knows that will mean the end of it.

"She loves the publicity so she is happy to drop a few hints and keep people guessing."

Palace aides have not commented on the relationship, but Mollie did proclaim her affections for

Harry, a baby African hippo, who is named after the prince, and has become an internet

sensation after he was rejected by his mother and is being raised at a sanctuary in South


thanks for watching.

please subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> Friends of Prince Harry have fuelled rumours he is dating singer Mollie King - Duration: 1:30.


Rotimatic Reviews: Is it for you? - Duration: 3:47.

When we first saw Rotimatic in action

this was on YouTube actually.

I was like yeah it looks great on video let's see how the

real rotis are.

You see some infomercials and people making things look absolutely

different you know in reality versus watching commercial.

I couldn't believe that was actually out there I thought it

was an edited video or something that was not real.

And then we got the Rotimatic and

it is amazing like that's the only word for it.

Every time you see it in action

it's amazing like how the hell is it

actually doing this thing!

The rotis tasted really good they were fluffy and

soft on the inside.

Perfect in shape like they are really round.

The smell and the freshness it just hits so close home..right?

It's like you know your mom's home cooked food.

The best part is that you

see that puffing action right you see

that roti gets puffed and it's like an

amazing feeling.

Healthy cooking is really important for our family.

Having a machine where you can control the amount

of oil that's going into it is really

advantageous and I know every ingredient

that's going into it and I don't have to

compromise on the healthiness of what I'm eating.

You choose the flour

that you put in it right there are

like 30 different settings in the

machine. I think since Rotimatic our

eating habits have definitely changed

we've been eating less rice.

Ordering food less and less these days because I

know that this is a much faster option for me.

Fresh made rotis nothing can beat that

Right? I think that really changed my habbits

I was really surprised that how easy

it is to clean the Rotimatic.

You can throw pretty much most of the parts into your dishwasher.

The cleaning part is the most

awesome thing for me, when I make rotis

without Rotimatic I think there is a lot more

cleaning that's involved.

It's very easy to clean you know it hardly takes any time to clean.

The most important part is having meal

ready for my daughter, so she is kind of a

fussy eater and if I give her a roti she is happy.

For a kid it's exciting to see

something being cooked from scratch and on a machine

The kids love the rotis

they can sit and eat 3-4 rotis in one

sitting and they will eat mine too.

So think about the Tesla, it was like well other people

have tried making electric cars but when

it came out it just blew everybody's mind.

I think that Rotimatic has been like that.

I really like that the Rotimatic

can be connected to Wi-Fi because I

can order it from my phone before I even reach home.

The fact that the Rotimatic

is Wi-Fi enabled I know that

there is a chance for it actually

improve without me having to do anything about it.

It gets better over time just

magical, I think it's an engineering feat.

What I really want to do is you know I

was super excited to get my friends over

and ask for their opinion.

People who have come to visit us, when the Rotimatic

is on it's like the center of attraction.

They were so excited to see, they were

just standing there taking videos.

Everybody was actually standing with

their cell phones recording you know the

process and sending youtube videos to

everybody they knew.

Almost everyone that sees it are just blown away by you

know how is this thing actually doing it.

They were like this is amazing this is

the best thing since sliced bread.

I think it's good for anyone who wants to eat

healthy food and who wants to be able to

cook rotis very easily.

Indians spend a lot of time in the kitchen even if it

takes out half an hour for yourself

it's worth it!

We would probably pay a lot more for the reduced stress

especially around dinner time.

I would totally happily recommend it there is no doubt in my mind.

You know people say, we got a cat, we got a dog.

We got a Rotimatic!

For more infomation >> Rotimatic Reviews: Is it for you? - Duration: 3:47.


Time Management Tips To Increase Productivity - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Time Management Tips To Increase Productivity - Duration: 8:06.


well this is just something - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> well this is just something - Duration: 11:43.


Sports Agencies say Mayweather vs McGregor in Dallas Fort Worth - Duration: 10:07.

hey everybody welcome to this edition of

the Friday live blog farria lawyer in fort worth group

live blog i should say um thank you guys

for joining me i'm going to jump all

real quick because i'm in between a

couple of bences here i really just

want to jump off and really just talk

about an article i read that prompted me

to do some looking but it looks like

there's a lot of smoke and fire i guess

out there around mcgregor mayweather

fight that might be coming up i read an

article by a good man connolly in forbes

who is it that he put out a pathway that

this might be the first billion-dollar

fight or a billion-dollar purse really

attention any kind of sport in of it and

it's kind of this kind of far-fetched so

a lot of things will have to come to

play might be a little slim in terms of

how they can pull this off but he laid

out a pathway for it to work one the

gate obviously input will probably have

to open himself up to have this fight

not being vegas they would bring it out

here to arlington to AT&T stadium with a

cowboys play that game would be huge if

they if they happen to put it in a

MetLife Stadium depending on wind of the

fight took place of you know weather

permitting obviously those get it

will be huge the ticket prices probably

wouldn't be as high as you could get in

Vegas the the for Mayweather Manny

Pacquiao fighting for example they took

his work to around five thousand dollars

ticket so you wouldn't be able to get

tickets that high but you'd obviously be

able to get volume so the gate numbers

will have to be huge pay per view from

the US market given that they probably

they generated over 500 million and pay

per view of during the many Pacquiao

afford Mayweather fight that will be

huge Jacob probably up the prices to

they could probably get away with charge

of folks $129 $149 for that fight and

folks will get it giving the MMA fans

the boxing fans and the folks who would

love it

receptacle of all those folks combined

will probably push them up well past

what what many employed were able to do

and then lastly promotions and

merchandise that those those items as

well so those are the three areas that

you know are the main things what I

really wanted what really caught my

attention again they did you know I'm

sports an entertainment attorney

dallas fort Worth i'm also

a business attorney fort worth and corporate attorney dallas or

what really caught my attention is that

you know that number is so huge

regardless of where it is up whether it

becomes a billion or not with the global

pay-per-views is that you know again to

gain in the merchandise of the other

market that folks you know tend not to

pay attention to is what i would

probably called the secondary market

these are the restaurants the sports

agencies you know the nightclubs and again

my parts and prayer go out to the folks

who were of caught up in that desert

spurs shooting this inside a d do all

this is my home but Cincinnati will

always have a special place in my heart

so our hearts and prayers go out to

those folks but of night clubs sports

sports clubs sports bars of all those

places are going to you know they're

going to make a killer this way or so

that got me to thinking of you know a

couple of things one a billion dollars

is a lot of money right and if folks can

take the attitude that wire we're in

this day and age in this society

spending that much money on a sport of

it to watch new people that's what way

we could look at it the other way we

could look at it is that the genies out

of the bottle the train is rolling down

the tracks we need to jump on a train

wave as it goes past or we try to stand

in front of it to get rolled over

there's a lot of money that's going to

be made whether this fight generate so

big it or not and so why can't of

enterprising and entrepreneurial folks

jump in on that again restaurants hotels

movie theaters I think the last fight I

solved for fluid well whatever wonder

the first flights are self-reported a

movie theater was the Ortiz fight I saw

that the movie there moved it was packed

and it's

two different streams and we pay 25

bucks a ticket to go see that oh and

influent like I said the flood was open

to her he doesn't fight outside of Vegas

if he was open to it he could go to

thanks di tre for jumping out if Floyd

was open to you know that gate of the

huge but let's say that the fight came

here to Texas you know outside of fight

city became the Harlingen Texas all

kinds of people will be able to make

money caterers for you to a fight party

they can start it'll promote and once

that finding dropped once the

announcement is made they can start

planning you know fight party package

deals for folks of you know obviously

folks are going to be customer would

list and hustling with with uber folks

more entrepreneurial people to start

their own kind of right Sharon see it

might not have the app right you might

not be able to launch the app in time

but you can certainly do it old school

you can go into different places and cut

deals different sports bars different

motels different restaurants or start

your own country everybody's got a cell

phone and you can just do it old school

like that oh you know in terms of the

five parties themselves the caterers

will be you know would be a demand and

certainly people like handy women admit

who know how to hang TVs and that kind

of thing they can start you know

advertising you know the big fights come

in you know get the TV on up you know

that those kind of deals and specials

and I'm just kind of picking outside of

the box certainly party planners event

planners of there's a lot of venues

States that's not being used promoters

you know all those folks can start

getting people to fill up those spaces

you know it doesn't always have to be

the fighters themselves and the same

full tour it'll Springs spread that

billion dollars around in their circles

other entrepreneurial type people can

jump in on this this is going to be huge

but you just have to think of a way to

let your brand connect to a service that

you can see jumping in but like I said I

can certainly see caterers handy mid

certainly the folks who would be driving

focus designated drivers

in all those close to get paid and then

you know other folks who are thinking

along those line for 9 Club promoters

obviously our nightclub owners you guys

might want to consider hanging some TVs

up in your place if you don't have any

creating and carve it out some more

space these are some of the ideas so

again I think the fight is going to

happen I think it's going to jump off of

absolutely dietary said they can even

bootleg like similarly bill during the

dirt began I mean you know folks

especially if they're not in the biggest

area of you know they can get rental

properties and read about for a month

the tournament to a bad breakfast or you

don't hangover spot I mean you could

think about all kind of ways to jump in

on this and ya a billion dollars would

do a lot of things right we could we

could have a society we can better spend

a billion dollars on the Flint water

crisis certainly um we could put up

business incubators like all over the

all over the country but if folks are

going to make this money somebody is

going to make this money enterprise and

entrepreneurs need to be the ones and

figure out how to get a cut at a piece

of the pot soup in terms of the fight

itself you know I just kind of say this

for last I you know I think it's taken

on a WWE color quality to me that's just

to me personally um you know I'm a huge

flight plan I'm a budding injury-prone

of BJJ hobbyist shout out the hall

American in the mayor BJJ my folks and

again Shai dr. de otra Thompson for

jumping in I appreciate a man oh so to

me you know i don't think conor mcgregor

has any business whatsoever jumping in

the rain with what money Mayweather of

fourth been boxing since went to late

80s won his first title in what 97 98

has been going strong and undefeated

ever since fluid Mayweather's to make a

magnificent striker that's not what I'm

saying um you know and he certainly

would be able he certainly would be able

to turn to

have a match the Lord has no business

jumping in the cage with with conor

mcgregor just like McGregor has no

business jumping into regular floyd

folks who might disagree i was just

invite others into things boy go check

out go google type in google mcgregor

sparring and you'll see a three or four

minute clip that will show you

everything he need to know about why I

said what I just said and then also just

a reminder the first 81 82 d as those

jabs you took those janitors eats off

for ten days notice I mean notice so

this is to me this is an event right

this is kind of like Floyd's last

staffers last chance to to earn a

hundred million dollars a night but if

they don't make a billion dollars you

know we need to figure out ways to

something on that and so if you're

thinking about you know get your

business density ready for that get your

form right obviously we can help you

guys with that but right now it's all

about trying to figure out how to spread

that pie oh it hit my baby otter has

bringing it down for me general

Hernandez at 88 was a boy his first

title fight coming from be on Trey of

that brother knows his fort worth business attorney

so um if anybody has any questions or

any disagreements um you know by all

means let's keep this conversation going

but again if this fight is jumping off

we need to figure out how to spread the

load in terms of Gideon on some of the

action I think that's about it I don't

see any other questions I appreciate

jobs up at all with me there let's keep

this conversation boy yo Sadie

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