Dear everyone
i mean
dear everyone
SAiL or Cutie the Kitten is not a cringe anymore
Tarani aus India- video for family stay program - Duration: 0:54.I am from India and my name is Tarani Tempalle
I am currently pursuing my Masters in RWTH Aachen university in Germany
Talking about my interests..
I am very much interested in graphic designing, which is my hobby
and I am interested a lot in watching movies, analysing them ,
and I am also interested in making movies
speaking about the "Family Stay"..
In this world of social network where being a friend has become as easy as clicking a button,
staying with a family, living with them,
and sharing cultures
with an additional advantage of improving my German language
is amazing !
and I am very much looking forward to it! Thank you so much !
Manchester United's Number 7s: A Brief History Of - Duration: 4:40.When Memphis Depay signed for Lyon in January 2017, he left Manchester United's number seven shirt empty.
The number is one which carries particular resonance at Old Trafford, but how did that come to be?
Squad numbers were introduced in English domestic football in 1993, but players were associated with a number a long time before that.
Long before there was Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Anthony Martial, there was Willie Morgan and Georgie Best...
When Morgan arrived at Old Trafford in 1968, he had a particular request for United's legendary manager Sir Matt Busby.
In his autobiography "Willie on the wing," Morgan wrote:
"Then Sir Matt said, "Well it's all sorted and we are happy with the fee, but is there
anything you would like to ask me?"
Well, I have always worn the No. 7 shirt," I replied.
"No problem," said Mr Busby, "You can have the No. 7 shirt and we'll
give George the No. 11 shirt.
I know he won't mind."
Best is often included in the list of legendary United no. 7s, but he was as much associated with 11.
However, he did sport 7 when United won the European Cup in 1968.
Bryan Robson carried both the No. 7 and United in general on his back throughout the 1980s.
This was pre-squad numbers, of course, but Robson
was nonetheless breaking from tradition in an era
where numbers were defined by roles on the pitch rather than personal brand association.
Captain Marvel was not an outside right, but in importance and aura, he was every inch a "United number seven."
He was also humble enough to surrender his claim on it with the advent of the age of
squad numbers, and the age of Eric Cantona. Collar up and chest out, everything about Eric was iconic.
The number did not make him iconic, he made the number iconic.
Then came David Beckham and an endless procession of haircuts and devastating assists.
Beckham became associated with "Cool Britannia," with
his image seen far beyond the world of football.
Beckham said of the number ""It was never my shirt.
It was George Best's, Bryan Robson's, Eric Cantona's.
"The only reason I wanted to wear the No.7 shirt was because of these players."
According to Roy Keane in part two of his autobiography "The Second Half," Beckham was lucky to end up with it.
"'The manager pulled me into his office and said that he wanted me to wear the '7'.
'I said, 'No, I'm not that bothered.'
'And he said, "I know Becks will want it and I don't want him to have it."
In then end, of course, as Keane wrote. "Becks got it. It suited him."
When he left for Real Madrid Beckham cited Michael Jordan as his inspiration for the choice of number 23.
Raul was Madrid's untouchable No. 7 at the time.
To take his shirt would have been heresy.
And then came United's last great number seven. Cristiano Ronaldo, given the shirt at just 18 years
old, after his 12.24 million pound transfer from Sporting Lisbon.
Robson, Cantona, Beckham, Ronaldo —a remarkable series.
Unfortunately Michael Owen was Ronaldo's underwhelming replacement.
Then came Antonio Valencia, bumped up from No. 25 to No. 7 in the wake of his player's
player of the season award in 2011-12.
Eventually, the Ecuadorian asked for his old shirt back, telling MUTV:
"It had been something I had been thinking about for quite a long time.
I'd been considering a change back and maybe it is psychological
or maybe it is just all about a good-luck symbol, if you like.
We get a lot of that in Ecuador, maybe superstition, and l hope it continues and still brings me
more good luck this season."
Good luck has continued to elude the seven shirt ever since.
Angel Di Maria may have been a match talent wise, but never seemed happy in Manchester.
Memphis Depay barely got a chance.
Whoever is next, they have a lot of history to live up to
Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs for Children, Toddlers | Learn Colours For Kids With Ice Cream - Duration: 1:09:41.Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs for Children, Toddlers | Learn Colours For Kids With Ice Cream
The Finger Family Song - Kung Fu Panda Minions - Finger Family song for children Nursery rhymes - Duration: 0:54.Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Beautiful Contrast Colour Combination for Dresses - Duration: 1:46.Now we have some collection of beautiful contrast colour combination for dresses. These contrast dresses almost common in UK. So you will feel awesome attraction on party.
Beautiful Contrast Colour Combination for Dresses
How Mack Newton,Taekwondo 8th Degree Black Belt, walked again after Paralysis of his legs - Duration: 14:09.-------------------------------------------
#06 Do I Need a Business Card for My Cleaning Business? - Duration: 7:48.Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question.
I get to help you find an answer.
Today's question comes from a woman who is starting house cleaning company and wants
to know; "Do I need a business card?"
Alright, so this is going to contradict everything that I've ever said about business cards because
I'm a huge fan of business cards, and I think that everybody needs a business card, but
not for house cleaning.
Not for house cleaning?
What's up with that?
Okay so if you have a flyer that you run, your flyers are going to have a specific set
of things on that flyer, that are going to tell people more than your business card.
The purpose of a business card is to give somebody something so that they can contact
you back immediately.
But a business card is small, and it gets lost.
So, what I recommend is this: Do you have a worksheet?
If you do not have a worksheet go over to
Download yourself a worksheet.
This is one that I've used for years.
It works I've been using it for 25 years.
It's amazing.
You can change all your contact information and just print it out.
So get a worksheet and print up several of them.
You're going to use them for all of your jobs, and keep them in the back of your car.
When someone asks you for a business card, do not give them a business card.
Give them instead, a worksheet.
Here is the reason why.
A business card has what?
It's got a logo, it has your name, it has a phone number, and an email address.
That's it.
Some people put like a little coupon on the back.
"20% off."
What is 20% off?
What does that mean?
Does that mean you're going to raise your prices 20% so you can give me a 20% discount,
and I pay the same price?
What does that mean?
It doesn't really mean anything right?
And although a business card as small, a worksheet is not.
A worksheet, my worksheet is three pages.
And so what happens when I give you a worksheet that has all my contact information on it?
And it has a checklist of all of the things that I do when I come clean your house.
On the back page which is the third page for me, it has all my rules and regulations.
This is how I expect for us to work together.
So, when you go through all that you're like; "Oh.
Well, that's super easy.
I can follow all these rules.
This woman does all these things.
Well, I should have her be my house cleaner."
So instead of me giving you a business card because that's my opportunity to sell you
something, I'm going to give you something that will sell itself.
So, when you go to my website, when you go to my Facebook, when you go to whatever the
social medias are so that you could vet me - you already have a pretty good idea by the
time you get there what you're expecting.
Now a business card is a little bit different from just a referral for this reason.
When somebody gives you a business card, they're giving it to you.
"Here's my business card."
It's something physical I'm handing you.
Because I'm handing it to you - you just met me.
You saw me in my uniform.
You just met me; you saw my face, you know what I look like.
And you know if I'm articulate and you can understand what it is I'm saying.
Which is really important to a lot of people who hire house cleaners.
They want to be able to communicate with their house cleaners.
Are you articulate?
When you hand someone your business card, they can see that right up front.
But when you hand them a worksheet, not only are you articulate, and you're in uniform,
and you have a great personality.
And now they know how to hire you.
All of your rules are right there.
Now one of the biggest referral techniques that I have, and this is Magic listen to this.
It's people taking my worksheets that are filled out - that I fill out at every single
house every single time I clean.
And they give that to their friends at the school bus stop.
They give that to their neighbors.
Okay so what happens is they're at the school bus (stop) talking, and they say; "Oh man,
my house cleaner quit on me." and someone that is standing there says; "Oh, I've got
the best house cleaner ever.
When I come back this afternoon to pick up our kids from the school bus, I will bring
you her information."
Now, of course, they have my information on their phone, they could just retweet it or
share the contact, or whatever, but they don't.
They bring back the worksheet.
It's got my contact information on it.
It's got my website.
It's got my email; it has a checklist of all of the things that I've done.
And it has all of my rules and regulations.
I can't tell you how many times over the last 25 years, I've gotten a call from someone
they say; "Oh, I'm friends with so-and-so."
Oh great.
I go over to bid the job and guess what?
My worksheet, from someone else's house, is on their counter.
They've already vetted me.
They've got a referral from one of their friends, someone that they know, like, and trust.
And they already know what I do.
My work is done.
I don't have to go through the whole reselling the process or whatever.
I go straight to the close.
"How soon do you need someone?
Why don't we take a look through your house, show me what you need to do, and let's pull
out our calendars and figure out a good time for us to get you on my schedule."
I don't I don't have to sell.
My worksheet already sold for me.
So, are you going to use that opportunity to hand someone a business card this says
so very little about what you do?
Or are you going to use that one opportunity to actually close the sale?
Do you need a business card?
Yes, you can have one.
Should you give it out?
No, you should not.
In every opportunity give someone a worksheet.
I can't tell you how many times I've been in a neighborhood and I've been loading up
my cleaning supplies in my car, and someone will drive by.
"Oh, you're the cleaning lady I keep hearing about.
Do you have a card?"
"I don't.
But let me give you this worksheet.
It's got all my contact information on it.
If you have any questions, give me a call.
I'd love to come by and give you a free estimate."
"Well, I just live two doors down.
Can you run over right now?"
"Well, I'm just finishing this job right now, so yes I can.
I'll be there in 5 minutes."
And so, then you go over, and you bid the job.
And the next thing you know, you've scheduled two houses in the same neighborhood, for the
same day that saves a whole lot of travel time.
So use your marketing materials to the maximum.
The exception for the business card rule is this:
Carry the business cards with you everywhere you go.
I carry them in a fanny pouch when I'm out jogging.
Or when I'm at the gym because I go to the gym in my neighborhood.
Or I go jogging in my neighborhood, so these are the areas I'm marketing in.
This is my market.
So, when someone's like; "Oh you're the housecleaning lady!"
"I am.
Here's my card."
I don't carry the worksheets that would just be obnoxious, right?
But I'm out running "I do I have a little card right here, " and you give them the
card, okay that's great.
So there are a couple of occasions, but like I say I've given out a handful of cards
in 25 years.
I've given out a boatload of worksheets.
Alright, so that's it for today. If you like this tip please pass it along.
Share it.
Retweet it.
Repost it.
Repin it.
Whatever you guys do, and if you have a question head on over to
Click on that little button and record your question for me.
Until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Oggy and the Cockroaches NEW compilation 2017 cartoon for kids ► Special Collection 2017 part #19 - Duration: 11:02.Oggy and the Cockroaches NEW compilation 2017 cartoon for kids ► Special Collection 2017 part #19
Oggy and the Cockroaches NEW compilation 2017 cartoon for kids ► Special Collection 2017 part #19
Oggy and the Cockroaches NEW compilation 2017 cartoon for kids ► Special Collection 2017 part #19
Kris Jenner DUMP Younger Boyfriend Corey Gamble For Family - Duration: 1:20.Kris Jenner is no more together with her 36 year old boyfriend Corey Gamble after two
years of their relationship.
It is reported that the momager needed some space so that she could focus on her family
and the show right now, so she had a split.
The 61 year old have to deal with a lot of things including the security issues, the
split of her son rob Kadarshian with Blac Chyna as well as production of 13th episode
of Keeping up with the kardashians lately.
She believes she needed to put her family before her own needs and wants.'
Kris started dating Corey in 2014 after split from her husband Bruce Jenner.
After her break up the momager has various things in mind like to pitch an outline for
a proposed animated show of the Kardashian family.
Hence we can see all her focus getting diverted to better things now.
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