Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 29 2017

[Subs by Moejae]

[Celebrity Relay Broadcast] [With GFriend]

MC: Which member has different personality when on camera and off camera?

[Everyone including herself choose Yerin]

MC: Can you tell us about Yerin, Yuju-sshi?

YJ: This happened around when doing this one(?)

YJ: When it's on-air, her image is becoming cute and always acting lovely.

YJ: However, she's really becoming a mature older sister when off camera.

[She has an onion-like charms!]

UJ: Sometimes she acts cool like she wants to do everything first before us.

UJ: "Let me do this," something like that.

[I'm kinda calm~]

YR: Did I look like that? UJ: She's very calm!

[Q: Which member can live alone at the deserted island?]

MC: 1, 2, 3!

[It's Yerin again this time]

MC: What will you do at the deserted island, Yerin-sshi?

YR: I really want to live longer!

[Long live Yerin~]

EH: She just wants to live longer! YR: At the deserted island...

YR: I'll eat...and catch everything...

YR: I'll live well like that!

SB: Whatever the things she catch, I think she'll eat it very well.

[Q: If you got stuck in a deserted island for a week, what 3 important things you need to bring?]

YR: For real~ The most important is your life!

YR: Then...Chocolate!


[Other approved since she really like Chocolates]

YR: And...sleeping bag! MC: A sleeping bag~

YR: (timidly) A Tent!

GF: You already brought sleeping bag. Why you want to bring a tent?

YR: So...a Magnifying Glass!

MC: Why a magnifying glass?

YR: I'll use it to do a fire later instead of using sticks like this..

YR: Doing this with sticks kinda tired, right?

MC: I understood. After that, you just eat the chocolate?

[No worries to the deserted island!]

[Subs by Moejae]

For more infomation >> 170322 [ENGSUB] Which member is different on-camera and off-camera in GFRIEND @ 연예가중계 미방송분 - Duration: 2:11.


Tuesday is National Diabetes Alert Day - Duration: 0:31.









For more infomation >> Tuesday is National Diabetes Alert Day - Duration: 0:31.


Join Flinders – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Robert Saint - Duration: 2:21.

Research at Flinders

explores some great fundamental questions,

and tackles some of the most important

real world challenges of our time.

Our expertise is broad.

From science, engineering, technology, and medicine,

to the humanities, social sciences, and creative arts.

With innovation, a thirst for knowledge,

and a drive to impact positively on people's lives,

underpinning all we do.

Whether it's cleaning mercury from the environment,

better detection of cancers,

harnessing the power of nanotechnology,

or influencing governments to develop better policies,

Flinders research is making a difference

to local, national, and international communities.

The National Research Assessment Exercise,

Excellence in Research for Australia,

rates 90% of Flinders research

is at or above world standard,

and our significant and growing

presence in research and innovation

is recognised in Australia and internationally.

It's an amazing atmosphere to work in,

because it's so multi-disciplinary.

It's so vibrant.

We have an amazing network of people.

There's a lot of cross collaboration.

There's a lot of help.

This is all backed up by

remarkable PhD students that

have come into the research group

who have that same passion and drive

not just to do a PhD,

but to do a PhD and make a difference.

It really is what makes the University

the strength that it is.

It's all about the people.

And it's about the atmosphere

of generosity and curiosity,

that defines the research environment

at Flinders University.

Being at Flinders has really allowed me

to reach out and follow my dream essentially.

Working at Flinders has given

every opportunity for me, my students,

and our national groundwater centre

that we can possibly have ever expected.

You hear the word creative used a lot,

but Flinders is a genuinely creative place to work.

Flinders Research is changing the world.

Let us change yours for the better.

For more infomation >> Join Flinders – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Robert Saint - Duration: 2:21.


Imposters: Ezra Is Arrested (Season 1, Episode 8) | Bravo - Duration: 2:44.

- I know Maddie Johnson had

a plan to take all my money.

And I'm sure

that you were hoping to get yours back

after she stole mine.

But guess what?

I don't make that kind of money.

- [exhales sharply]

- Yeah. Bitter pill.

- I knew you were bad news.

I told Maddie when I met you there was

something about you that just didn't--

- You told her what?

That I wasn't rich or handsome

or charming as hell?

- Screw you. I want a lawyer.

- You got no idea what you stepped into here.

But you getting drunk

and screaming to the world that Maddie is Saffron

or Saffron is Maddie, and the sky is falling--

that doesn't help me do my job.

- Why would I care about helping you do your job?

- Whatever fantasy you have in your head

about sticking by her side,

and maybe she'll realize that you guys are meant to be--

it's never gonna happen.

Maddie Johnson cares about one person:

Maddie Johnson.

She doesn't give a shit about you.

Meanwhile, I got you.

I got you on credit card fraud,

I got you on identity theft,

and I got you on petty larceny.

So, you are going to do whatever it is I need you to do

to take her down.

Or you are going to go to big boy prison.

For more infomation >> Imposters: Ezra Is Arrested (Season 1, Episode 8) | Bravo - Duration: 2:44.


This is so Farfegnugen - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> This is so Farfegnugen - Duration: 42:35.


This is what the Tax Man gave me. - Duration: 1:10.

*clock ticking*

*scatter scatter*

*clock ticking*

This is Jye.

A start-up businessman.

(Here's your breakfast honey.)

Jye spends a lot of time doing his accounting.

How taxing.

From family to meals.

No time for that. (Lunch.)

*awkward crack*

*super long yawnnn*

*awkward crack again*

Balancing his accounts seems to be all the balance he gets in life.

*toilet flushing*

A toilet break...

*door goes ding dong*

... is all the break he gets.

*awkward silence*


(Someone's here to see youuuuuu!)


(Hi Sir. Ermmm...)

*fumble fumble*

(We noticed your GST filing has a little error?) *yada yada yada*

*stutter stutter*



(Sir, you have to follow us to the Balai.)

To get away from the horrors of accounting.

Jye started to run.

An online accounting software called Financio.


(Sir! Sir!)

(No! It's just Rm5! Sir!!)

For more infomation >> This is what the Tax Man gave me. - Duration: 1:10.


Ayn Rand is wrong. Communism does not sacrifice the individual to society. - Duration: 5:04.

Hello there. Today I want to share a few

thoughts on the ethics of Ayn Rand. She

was the author of the novel Atlas

Shrugged and is someone much admired

by supporters of free market capitalism.

She said that ethics should be based on

self-interest. By that she meant that is

right for people to seek to meet their

own needs and they should not be

sacrificed to the needs of others. Now as

a communist I have to say I totally

agree with Ayn Rand on this. I

fully endorse the idea of people being

able to make the most of life, to develop

as people and to meet their needs as far

as they possibly can while not harming

the needs of others. Of course where I

differ from Ayn Rand is in her

belief that this self interest requires

free market capitalism. She basically

argues that all the alternatives have

ruled themselves out of court because

any alternative to free market

capitalism is going to be some form of

collectivism or statism, based on what

she calls altruism. According to Rand

altruism means we have no right to exist

for our own sake, service to others or

the public good is the only moral

justification for our existence.

Self-sacrifice is our highest moral duty.

Collectivism holds that the individual's

life and work belong to the state, to

society, to the group, to the gang, to the

race or to the nation. And the collective

may dispose of the individual in any way

it pleases for what it deems to be for the

collective good. Okay I think that is

fair enough for a lot of what can be

described as collectivism or statism. The

worst example was Nazi Germany. The state

and the nation were held up as the only

thing that mattered and the state and

nation then proceeded to inflict on the

world a war of aggression that cost

millions of lives including over five

million Germans. However I would

argue that a future communist society

would not be based on this sort of

self-denying altruism.

It would be based on an altruism that

I would consider to be a form of

enlightened self-interest that can best

be described as mutual regard. In the

Communist future you will not work for

financial reward. However this will not

be self denial or sacrificing ourselves

for others. We will work because we enjoy

it. This is not so hard to imagine once

most of the tedious and arduous work is

done by robots for computers and we

don't have bose harassing us. And

not being motivated by reward and being

happy with an equal share is not so hard

to imagine when you consider that we

would be sharing high and increasing

living standards. We will not be sharing

poverty. People who are more productive,

creative or innovative would not feel

robbed when they received the same as

everyone else. They would be working

because they are doing what they like

doing and also they know that other

people are generally doing their best

and not shirking. They'll also have the

benefit of living in a communist society

which will be a lot better than living

under capitalism. And if you are like

Frank Riordan in Atlas Shrugged and you

want to develop a new steel alloy. You

would just put up a proposal for funding

to one or more of the agencies

established for the purpose of funding

innovative projects. So there would be no

problem there. A lot of change is

required of course before we can leave

capitalism behind. Most of the world is

still quite backward economically and

socially. Poverty and toil are still the

rule in those regions and there's still

a lot of very backward thinking. So the

problem in these countries is not

capitalism but too little capitalism.

Also it is not just a matter of a

revolutionary state taking over the

means of production and you then have

communism. There has to be a transitional

phase usually referred to as socialism

when we transform ourselves and society.

During this phase there will still be a

problem of people shirking. so it will be

necessary to retain some connection

between work and reward. In other words

we will apply

the principle from each according to

their ability to each according to their

work. It will take time to ensure that

everyone has the ability to do enjoyable

work and to defeat those who try to

retain the old ways with some people bullying

others and monopolizing all the

interesting work. Only then can we

separate work from income and adopt the

principle from each according to their

ability to each according to their needs.

You may not agree with anything I have said

but at least you now know what the

communist position is on this subject,

So I hope that is useful and I will see

you next time.

For more infomation >> Ayn Rand is wrong. Communism does not sacrifice the individual to society. - Duration: 5:04.


LET THE BIBLE SPEAK - Is God Still Speaking To Man? - Duration: 28:11.

- Today on Let the Bible Speak,

is God still speaking to man?

♪ Music ♪

Announcer: From the churches of Christ

Let the Bible Speak

with Evangelist Kevin Presley.

It's good to start the week with you

and I'm glad you've taken a few moments

to study the Scriptures together.

A lot of people say that God speaks to them.

You certainly don't have to look far

to find a preacher who will claim

that the Lord gave him some kind of message.

But does God speak to men today?

For that matter, has God spoken any of us at all?

Well, I invite your attention to the book of Hebrews,

and I wanna read to you there beginning

in chapter one verse one.

Here the apostle says, "God, who at sundry times

"and in divers manners, spake in times past

"unto the fathers by the prophets,

"hath in these last days spoken unto us

"by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things,

"by whom also he made the worlds."

Those verses establish at least two important facts.

That number one, God has spoken to man.

And number two, that God spoke using human messengers

to relay what he said.

And that's what we want to learn about today.

What kind of message does God have for mankind?

How was that message sent to earth?

And is God still speaking today?

But first, a song.

- The Psalmist said, "Through Thy precepts,

"I get understanding."

The Bible is the revelation of God to man

and you simply can't live for God until you know something

about the Word of God

and you may say, "Well, I want to read

"and study the Bible, but I don't know where to begin.

"I feel overwhelmed" or "I don't understand the Bible."

I want to offer you a wonderful way

to get acquainted with the scriptures.

You'll learn about some of the most basic

and foundational teachings of God's Word

and you'll get a better handle on how to read

and approach and study the Bible as a whole.

Won't you get in touch with us today

and ask to be enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Course.

It won't cost you a penny and we'll mail the lessons

to your home and you take your time to read and study

through the lessons,

I think you'll be surprised how much you'll learn.

Arthur Pink once suggested the following scenario.

What if an angel from heaven was dispatched to earth

to appear to mankind and let's say it was announced

he was bringing an important message from God.

Suppose it were announced that this angel

was going to deliver this message in some large auditorium,

that it was going to be broadcast on live television,

today over the internet,

transcribed in the morning newspaper.

Well, if nothing else, at least out of curiosity,

you would have to admit most people would want to know

what he had to say.

In fact, I'm sure television rating would shatter

any standing records and the newspapers would fly

off the rack the next morning.

People would throng to see such a sight

and hear this angel speak in person, if possible.

I'm sure people would hang on every word

and the speech would be relayed and reprinted

over and over again.

Oh, it'd be the talk of the country.

In fact, it'd be the talk of the world.

And yet, God has spoken to man.

And the message he sent unfortunately barely receives

a passing shrug from the average person.

Paul declares in Hebrews chapter one that God has spoken.

And you would expect that he would.

Now, the deist has said that God just essentially

wound the world up like a clock

and is letting it all run down,

that he created and then essentially walked away,

and has no concern or any involvement in human affairs.

But if God made man in his own image,

as the Bible declares that he did,

and has any concern for him and any involvement in his life,

well, that would necessitate

a revelation of some kind of God to man.

How would we know anything about such a God,

much less have any kind of relationship with him

if he never spoke to man, but instead

remained enshrouded in eternal mystery

and sat silently through the ages?

Some might say, well, you know, I see and communicate

with God through nature.

Some do make that claim.

It's very true that God communicates his presence

and his power through nature.

But that's not how he communicates his will for man.

The book of nature, if we wanna call it that,

is what we would call God's natural revelation.

The Psalmist, for example, said in Psalm 19,

"The heavens declare the glory of God

"and the firmament showeth forth his handiwork.

"Day unto day uttereth speech

"and night unto night showeth knowledge,

"and there is no speech nor language

"where their voice is not heard."

Well, those wonderful and poetic words are David's way

of saying that the sun, moon, stars,

they're all celestial preachers that travel around the earth

shouting in every language known to man, there is a God.

And I never cease to be amazed

at how supposedly intelligent men

can behold the beauty, power, precision, order

of the world and the universe beyond,

and say that there is no intelligence behind it,

there is no designer behind the design,

that there is no God.

The Bible truly says in Psalm 14:1,

"The fool has said in his heart there is no God."

I've never been to a watch factory,

but I know they exist, because I have a watch.

I've never seen the wind, but I know it exists,

because I see the effects of it, feel the effects of it.

In the same way, I've never discerned God

with my physical senses.

I haven't seen God, I haven't heard God,

I haven't touched God.

But I know that there is an intelligent Creator,

because I see his creation.

And I no more believe the universe

as a result of chaos and chance,

any more than I believe an automobile

is a result of a tornado through a junkyard,

or that parts of my watch randomly came together

in just the right way at just the right moment

and somehow I have a watch that tells the exact hour,

minute and second and is even waterproof.

And so, every time we take time to marvel

at the beauty of the earth, we see the fingerprints

of an omniscient and omnipotent God.

But though we come to the obvious conclusion

that there is a God,

we don't know his will by merely looking at a mountain

or gazing at a star.

We just know there's a Creator,

and we yearn to know that Creator.

But you see, knowing that Creator necessitates

not merely a natural revelation of him,

or a revelation of him in the natural world,

it necessitates a supernatural revelation

of his mind and his will.

You know, in Romans chapter one, Paul said

that the Gentiles of old, Romans one,

beginning about verse 20, he said, "The Gentiles of old

"were without excuse for their unbelief

"because the evidence of his existence and his power

"are clearly seen in the things that are made,

"even his eternal power and Godhead," Paul said.

But however, these same people lived in spiritual darkness,

because God did not reveal his mind or his will

unto them at that time.

They were without the law of God.

Since God made himself known

only to the Jews in that age, his chosen race.

Well, in the same way, no man can know the mind of God

until God reveals it to him.

So we not only need the natural revelation of creation,

we need the supernatural revelation

of the Creator's mind and will.

And folks, that's what the Bible is about.

Friend, that's the purpose of the Bible.

Did you know the purpose of the Bible

is not to prove that God exists?

That's not it's purpose at all.

The Bible's written to people who already believe

that God exists based upon natural revelation.

But you see, the Bible is God's supernatural revelation

to man that makes known the mind, the character,

the will of the heavenly Father.

Now, to explain, let's spend a few moments

in the second chapter of First Corinthians.

If you have a Bible, read with me,

beginning in verse seven here,

and reading through verse 16.

The apostle Paul said, "But we speak the wisdom of God

"in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom

"which God ordained before the world unto our glory,

"which none of the princes of this world knew,

"for had they known it, they would not have crucified

"the Lord of glory.

"But as it is written, 'Eye hath not seen,

"'nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man

"'the things which God hath prepared

"'for them that love him.'

"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit,

"for the Spirit searcheth all things,

"yea, the deep things of God.

"For what man knoweth the things of a man

"save the spirit of a man which is in him?

"Even so the things of God knoweth no man

"but the Spirit of God.

"Now we have received not the spirit of the world,

"but the Spirit which is of God,

"that we might know the things

"that are freely given to us of God,

"which things also we speak,

"not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth,

"but which the Holy Ghost teacheth,

"comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

"But the natural man receiveth not the things

"of the Spirit of God, for they're foolishness unto him

"neither can he know them,

"because they are spiritually discerned.

"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things

"yet he himself is judged of no man,

"for who hath known the mind of the Lord

"that he may instruct him?

"But we have the mind of Christ."

Now, let's start there in verse 14

and work our way back.

Paul said the natural man receiveth not

the things of the Spirit of God,

for they're foolishness unto him.

He cannot know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Now, in one sense, you could say that a natural man

would be a man who acquires his knowledge by natural means,

that would be an example of a natural man, for one.

A scientist, for example, functioning only as a scientist,

well, that's a natural man.

He draws conclusions based upon what he observes

in the natural world.

A geologist studies rocks and minerals,

and he may carefully study the rocks

and the formations that make up the earth.

He may draw many conclusions about the earth

and what it's made of.

He may assume how old it is.

The chemist studies the chemical composition of things,

and the astronomer, he focuses his telescope

off in the heavens and he studies things

that lie beyond this globe.

He peer into his telescope and observes the planets

and the stars, and he acquires a great deal of knowledge

through his study, no doubt.

He perhaps, if he's wise, reaches the same conclusion

that David did, that there must be a God,

there must be a higher power for something

so wonderful and filled with such order

and such design to come to be.

But you see, even if he reaches that conclusion,

none of these men can know the mind of God

through such channels of knowledge.

In fact, the things of God really are foolishness

to these men who rely upon such knowledge.

Those things are not naturally received,

but rather, God made them known

through a supernatural process

called revelation and inspiration.

Now, back up to verse 11 where he says,

"For what man knoweth the things of a man

"save the spirit of the man which is in him?

"Even so the things of God knoweth no man

"but the Spirit of God."

Well, here Paul is simply saying

that one cannot know the mind of another

until the other person articulates his thoughts

in word or in deed.

In the same way, God's thoughts

had to be articulated unto man.

You can't know the will of God by staring into a crystal

or sitting on a mountaintop somewhere

peering off into the sky,

or sitting along the creek bank

and listening to the murmuring brook.

We only know as much as God has chosen to reveal to us.

Well, that helps us to understand what Paul then is saying

in verses nine and 10, when he says,

"But as it is written, 'Eye hath not seen

"'nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man

"'the things which God hath prepared

"'for them that love him,'

"but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit

"for the Spirit searcheth all things,

"yea, the deep things of God."

Now, some people think verse nine is talking about heaven,

in other words, no man supposedly has ever seen heaven,

to be able to know or tell

about what it'll be like one of these days.

That's not what Paul is talking about at all.

In fact, the apostle Paul one time said

he was caught up into the third heaven himself.

He's talking about the plan of redemption.

He's talking about the things that were in the mind of God

that God had prepared from before the foundation

of the world itself for the salvation of man.

And God's plan for man had not aforetime been revealed.

That is, before the coming of Christ and his apostles,

until the Holy Spirit brought it to earth

when he clothed the apostles with inspiration

and confirming demonstrative power.

But Paul says now, now, those things are known.


Paul says, God revealed them to us through his Spirit.

The antecedent of us here is referring to Paul

and the other apostles.

Thus, Paul says in verse 13, "Which things also we speak."

We apostles speak these things

that God has revealed through the Spirit.

Listen, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth,

but which the Holy Ghost teacheth,

comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Now, don't get the idea that this is some kind

of a better felt than told, experiential type of thing

that you really can't describe,

God's Spirit just somehow illumines your heart,

and somehow you divine, know the will of God.

Paul isn't saying anything of the sort here in this chapter.

He's talking about the very logical, rational process

of God revealing his mind, his will for man,

by the means of the Holy Spirit that he imparted

to his apostles who inspired them with the words

that they needed to communicate the mind

and the will of God to the rest of us.

Not only did God reveal himself unto them, the apostles,

Paul says, we, apostles now speak those things

using the very words

that the Holy Spirit furnished and superintended.

Now, because God has spoken to them,

we can all know and understand the mind of God

by the testimony that they left behind,

by reading what they wrote down

by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

And thus Paul said in Second Timothy three and verse 16,

that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and he goes on there to say

that it thoroughly furnishes us unto every good work.

So Paul back in First Corinthians two says

in verses 15 and 16,

"He that is spiritual judgeth all things,

"yet he himself is judged of no man,

"for who hath known the mind of the Lord,

"that he may instruct him?

"But we have the mind of Christ."

Now, the spiritual man that Paul was referring to here,

that's not you or me or somebody that just feels like

they somehow have some abstract operation

of the Holy Spirit, rather he's talking about the apostles

who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Their teachings were and are not subject to the approval

or disapproval of anyone else,

because they were the words of God himself,

communicated through God's Spirit.

And Paul affirms that he and the other apostles possessed

the mind of Jesus Christ.

In other words, God spoke to the rest of us through them,

and those men are not subject to the judgment of other men.

We're subject to the judgment of God,

according to the standard of his word,

but those men, the words that they spoke,

those came by inspiration of the Holy Spirit

and are God's word.

In fact, to be very specific, they are the words

of Jesus Christ himself.

Paul said in Second Corinthians 13 and verse three,

since you seek the proof of Christ speaking in me.

and the things that God inspired

Paul and the other apostles to write 2,000 years ago

were collected, canonized into what we now know

as the New Testament Scriptures

that have been preserved and translated

and passed down throughout the ages for us to have

and to read and to study and to obey

and to know and to do the will of God.

Now, back to Hebrews chapter one verses one and two.

Paul says, listen to me now, "God, who at sundry times

"and in divers manners, spake in times past unto the fathers

"by the prophets, hath in these last days

"spoken unto us by his Son"

You see, this refers to the gradual process

that God used beginning a long time ago

to reveal himself to man.

God used different men and different methods

to make himself known.

One thing we can conclude from that

is that God does not individually speak to all people.

He never has.

God never has.

God has always used certain ones

through whom to make his will known to the rest.

First Paul says that God spoke

in divers manners or different ways.

God manifested himself in his plan in a multitude of ways

throughout the developmental age of mankind.

For example, he first spoke directly to the patriarchs.

And those men, functioning as essentially the priest

for their family, God would speak to the family

through the patriarch, through the father.

He later inspired his prophets of old

with certain messages to be relayed to his people.

Moses, of course, was the great lawgiver.

There was a string of prophets after Moses

who God spoke to the people of Israel through them.

God prefigured and foreshadowed his plan of redemption

in the various types and shadows and symbols

and ceremonies of the Old Testament dispensation.

God manifested himself to the world,

not only through his creation,

but through the nation of Israel

and this covenant with them.

But all of that, all of that was merely a precursor,

a build up, you might say, to the final revelation

of God's plan for the entire human family.

Notice Paul says that though God spake at different times

in the past through the prophets,

in other words, pointing forward to what was to be,

he then says, but in these last days,

God has spoken unto us by his Son.

In other words, the message

that Jesus Christ was and brought to earth,

was God's final and ultimate message to mankind.

That's why he goes on to say

Christ is the heir of all things.

Christ is the very fulfillment

of all of the things spoken afore.

Now, look again at Hebrews chapter two this time,

beginning in verse three.

There he says, "How shall we escape if we neglect

"so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken

"by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them

"that heard him, God also bearing them witness,

"both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles

"and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will."

You see, the full revelation of Jesus Christ

and the gospel of salvation through and by him,

that's God's message for the ages.

It was first spoken by Jesus Christ.

And then he says it was confirmed unto us

by them that heard him.

Now that's talking about the apostles

who were eyewitnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ

after his resurrection.

They were with the Lord, not only during his ministry,

they were with the Lord after his resurrection,

and that namely, was the qualification to be an apostle,

and that's how the apostle Paul later became such,

because he saw the Lord on the Damascus road

after Jesus was risen.

And because these men were eyewitnesses

of the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ,

because they were with him and heard him

and could testify to the fact that he is alive

and he is, therefore, Lord and Christ

and everything that God declared him to be,

and that Christ claimed to be,

because of that, that gave the word of those men authority.

Now, you've heard the expression

signed, sealed, and delivered?

Well, the message of God was signed, sealed, and delivered.

It was signed by God,

it was sealed by the work of the Holy Spirit

in the first century,

and it was delivered by the mouths of the apostles,

and consequently their pens.

That's so very important for us to understand.

You see, the apostles occupied a very unique role

in the revelation of God's message

that no man today or any other men of any other age occupy.

The problem is a lot of people today believe

that God still speaks to them

just like he spoke to the apostles of the first century.

It's not uncommon to hear preachers say

that the Lord gave them a message.

Oral Roberts a number of years ago claimed

that the Lord was sending us all a message through him

and that message, do you remember?

It said if we didn't send him so many millions of dollars,

that the Lord was going to take his life.

Well, did you believe

the Lord really said that to Oral Roberts?

My question is why should we believe that?

You know, the apostles had the credentials

of their divine office to prove

that God was speaking through them.

Preachers today don't carry those credentials.

Anybody can make the claim that God said something to them,

and many people do.

But how are we supposed to know whether he did

or whether he didn't?

What is their proof?

What divine credentials do they have to prove

that God really spoke to them

and that therefore, we should give credence

to what they are saying?

Well, friend, as goes the claim, so goes the demonstration.

God bore them, the Bible says, witness

with miracles and signs and so forth.

Someone today says, "Well, we reject whatever they say

"that is not in harmony with the Bible.

"We test it by the Bible."

But friend, think that through.

If God spoke to us through the apostles,

who wrote the New Testament,

and men today can only speak those things

that are written in the New Testament,

well, why would God need to speak to them today?

Don't we already have it then in the form of the Scriptures?

Jude answered that question for us in Jude verse three.

He said, "Beloved, I gave all diligence

"to write unto you of the common salvation.

"It was needful for me, though, to write unto you

"and exhort you that you should earnestly contend

"for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."

And Greek scholars tell us the word translated once

should actually be translated once for all,

once for all time.

Now that makes it a lot more simple, doesn't it?

I don't have to be confused by the conflicting claims

of all of these people who say the Lord speaks to them.

Jude tells me that the faith,

the body of truth of Jesus Christ,

was delivered once and for all time

when it was revealed to his apostles.

Let us listen to it and heed it.

Well, we covered a lot of material rather quickly today,

and if you would like to go back and study it

more in depth, or you'd like to share today's study

with someone else, we'd be happy to send you

a free printed transcript.

So get in touch with us and ask for today's lesson,

Is God Still Speaking to Man?

And it will be on its way.

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I hope you'll also make your plans to join me

right back here for another study next time.

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful week

and may God bless you.

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