Are you eating clean all the time and
you're still not losing weight? You could
be making one of these four mistakes,
that's going to keep you from seeing any
progress. I'm going to tell you what they
are and how to fix them. Hey what's up,
I'm Melanie Ash of
I'm a personal trainer, a fitness
nutrition specialist and a women's
wellness enthusiast. Recently someone
came to me and said I'm eating clean all
the time, I'm really careful with my diet
and the scale seems to be going up
instead of down and I don't understand
what I'm doing wrong. And this got me
thinking, a lot of times when we are
trying to lose weight we think just
eating clean or eating healthy is going
to take care of the problem and that's
not necessarily true. In fact there are a
few mistakes that you could be making
even if you think you're eating clean or
you're eating really healthy, you're not
going to see weight loss results. Number
one: Is you could be eating too many
calories. Even if you're eating healthy
food, even if everything that you eat is
healthy and you're not eating any
processed foods or fat or calories or
whatever it may be, you could still be
too many calories.
Why, because even some healthy foods are
very very calorie dense. Some examples of
those would be; nuts, nut butters like
almond butter and peanut butter, salmon
avocado and coconut oil. They are very dense
with fat calories, which means that a
little bit goes a long way and if you're
not mindful of how much of those foods
you're eating they can add up pretty
quickly calorically. What you need for
weight loss is a calorie deficit. So you
can over eat healthy foods too and be over
on your calories and you're still not
going to lose weight. How do we fix it?
With mindful portion control and also
weighing, measuring, and tracking your
food to give yourself an idea of what
you're actually eating. So if you're
someone who's been struggling
with this you're eating healthy foods
and you're either gaining weight or not
losing weight, try weighing, measuring
your portion sizes and tracking your
food for a week or two and you might
find you're actually eating too many
calories and it's just a matter of
portion control and cutting back on how
many or how much of the healthy food
you're eating so that you can have a
calorie deficit and that is how you're
going to finally get some weight loss
results. Number Two: Is the opposite end
of the spectrum it might be you're not
eating enough. If you're focusing on
eating only healthy foods and if you're
someone who has a fear of or put certain
foods off limits like you're really
focused on eating healthy and you're
trying to avoid sugar and you're trying
to avoid fat and you're kind of fearful
of these other foods, you might actually
not be eating enough calories. Just like
the body needs a calorie deficit in
order to lose weight, the body also needs
a certain amount of calories to function.
And if you eat too low if you're eating
under 1,200 calories a day, your body
might be starved which means it's not
going to give up extra fat on your body
because it's not getting enough energy
to function. And because healthy foods
are so nutrient dense and especially
vegetables and things like that aren't
as calorie dense, you can't eat a whole
lot of spinach for a lot of calories
right. So basically if you're putting a
lot of foods off limits and you're only
focusing on eating vegetables and you
don't eat carbs and you'll need a little
bit of protein you might not be eating
enough calories, and your body is going
to shut down fat loss. How can we fix
this? I want you to think of your food as
fuel and make sure that you're eating
enough to fuel your body with that
little bitty calorie deficit to create
weight loss and try not to put food off
limits or fear things like carbs your
body needs them. Just focus on getting
good healthy sources of carbohydrates
like sweet potatoes, and rice and things
like that measuring, and weighing and
tracking just like I told you if you
were eating maybe too much the same
thing for if you're eating too little.
Take a Week measure and track what
you're eating and if you're eating under
1,200 calories, work on bumping that up
little by little by a
100 calories a week until you get to a
good healthy range that's going to allow
you to still lose weight without
starving your body. Oftentimes women
who are eating that low calorie, bump up
your calories a little bit and you'll
actually find that you start losing
weight when eating more pretty, cool huh.
Number Three: reasons why maybe you're
eating clean but not losing weight. Do
you blow it on the weekends? I see this a
lot. Five days a week you are on track
you're planning your meals, you're
cooking everything ahead of time, you're
eating super clean and healthy, and then
Friday and Saturday comes and you go out
with friends and eat at the restaurant
you have a few drinks and you're
enjoying life, and you do brunch on
Sundays, and that's not so much clean
eating right, but you're thinking five
days a week I'm doing really great, so
what if the weekends are a little bit
more indulgent? Well, two days a week,
twelve days a month, half of the month
right. So if Friday, Saturday, maybe Sunday,
you're kind of off track that is enough
that fifty percent of the time you're
not being consistent and you're not
eating clean and healthy. And you're not
going to get results you're going to
stay stuck right where you are. So my
advice to you would be, rather than kind
of taking the whole weekend and being
relaxed. One or two meals maybe just
Friday night and maybe Saturday night,
and maybe instead of having you know the
nachos with dinner and the drinks and a
dessert, you pick one. Either your dinner's
a little bit indulgent or you eat
healthy and have a salad for dinner but
you have a couple drinks or you skip the
drinks have your salad and have a little
bit of dessert. You can have one, you
can't have all three and only once maybe
twice a week, otherwise yes you
absolutely can blow five days of
100-percent clean eating by going crazy
overboard on the weekends and not losing
weight. Number Four: You fall for
marketing gimmicks. So marketers are
smart and they know that we want to eat
healthy so they're using packaging and
certain words like organic
and natural, to make us think that some
of these foods are healthy when actually
they're not really any better than their
non healthy alternatives. A cliff bar has
as much sugar, so if you're having a cliff
bar the packaging might look healthy
but it's actually the same as eating
probably a Snicker but the marketing is
smart they want you to think it's
healthy. Another thing is the term
organic. Organic does not mean lower
calorie, it does not mean lower sugar, all
it refers to is the amount of pesticides
used on a food and unless you're eating
fresh produce that really doesn't make a
very big difference. If you're worried
about pesticides you want to look at the
Dirty Dozen and buy organic produce from
that list that specifies about the most
pesticides used, otherwise if you're
talking about you know your Justin's
all-natural peanut butter cups are
organic they have the same number of
calories as a regular Reese's Peanut
Butter Cup so it's not saving you
anything. If you're falling for marketing
gimmicks and you're loading up on these
healthy packaged foods from the organic
section of the store, you're probably not
going to see results. The solution to
that is don't be fooled, be smart. Be a
label reader, stick to mostly whole,
unprocessed, unpackaged foods produce,
lean proteins nuts and seeds, and feel
far between with those packaged and
processed foods and when you are buying
them, make sure you look at the label and
know what you're buying and don't be
fooled by fancy language or products
that claim to be all-natural because
they're probably just as bad as the
products and the other aisles that
aren't labeled organic or healthy. So
those are four reasons why maybe you're
eating clean and not losing weight and
four ways to fix it. So just because
you're eating healthy does not
necessarily mean you're going to lose
weight, make sure you know how much
you're eating that you're eating enough,
you're eating the right kind of foods,
and that you're not blowing it on your
weekends. I want to tell you that my
online group coaching is now open, it is
a way for you to get the benefits
of working with me with a much lower
price tag. It is a monthly workout
program, sample meal plans, daily
accountability checks with me in the
exclusive facebook group, I do a live
work out once a week, and a live Q&A once
a week as well. We are kicking off our
spring challenge today Monday April
3rd, 12 weeks to get in shape for
summer. There's a chance to win prizes
too and then it's only open to members
of my online group coaching, go to and check it out
I will also post a link here with this
video and if you're looking for a little
bit of extra guided, some accountability
and support as well as some motivation
and you need a plan to follow, this could
be just the thing for you. It's like
personal training for thirty-five cents
a day and you get access to me that is
only usually available to those who work
with me on customized and one-on-one
programming. So I hope you will check
that out. I also have a free Facebook
group if you're looking for some support
there and you can find that at as well
Have a wonderful Monday, make it a great day, make it a
healthy day and will talk to you soon!
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