Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 30 2017

Hi everyone. I'm Rincey and I am one of

the contributing editors over at book

riot and I am back with this week's reader

question. So here in the United States

yesterday was independent bookstore day.

A bunch of cities around the country were

celebrating and encouraging people to go

to their like local bookstores. And in

honor of that one of our contributors

Rachel Manwell put together a post that

was sort of like crowdsource amongst

contributors about some of the best book

stores around the country. And so my

question for you guys this week is

inspired by that and it is what is your

favorite local bookstore. Or if you don't

have a local bookstore, what's just your

favorite independent bookstore that

you've ever been to. I think it will be

more interesting if you have a local

bookstore to talk about your local

bookstore, but, if you know I want to keep

it open so that way if people have don't

have a local bookstore -- I know that's the

case for a lot of people -- they can still

talk about this in some capacity. So yeah,

leave a comment down below. Let's spread

the bookstore love and I will see you guys next week.

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