Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 30 2017

Yo what is going on guys it is

your boy Yogge here and today I'm

bringing you guys a new black ops 3

video so if you haven't heard black

Jack's gun game is now in the game

basically this is a variation of gun

game whereas in all the DLC weapons so

this is a way to play with all the DLC

weapons in the game sadly it's actually

more relatable to black ops 2 because

you have the ballistic Mac on the end

and the crossbow and stuff like that so

this is way way better than a normal gun

game really sets in a minute but it is

also there is a double cryptokey just

for this game-mode it is life throughout

May 1st so if you haven't played it yet

and it's getting close to being ending

or whatever you just hop on and try it


so anyways guys let's hop into a match

alright guys so we got breach so let's

see how good we do obviously start off

with the wrist he nine let's pick

somebody off I know somebody's gonna

spawn here alright let's go he doesn't

know that I'm chasing after him and

maybe he does I forgot you always have

the map on come on come on bro just turn

around please yes okay somebody's behind

me somebody behind me marshals I hate

these weapons but then again at the same

time they were overpowered I won't point

in the game let's go let's go whoa come


yes let's go go I'm going off the game

go ah almost Adam hi guys I don't know

what this gun is the hlx for this shit

is a beast of a gun alright like when

you hit fire what they just feels like a

beast because it shoots so fast I PPSh

you already know how that that weapon is

what the hell was in the room the whole


the DIY eleven renovator let's see what

I can do with this okay I'm gonna hopper

here real quick and they're mine I guess

everybody died ffar m16 what was that at

least I'm in the lead at least I'm in

delay so like I was saying how why is

there an ace card in the m16 like on

them 16 like is that I'm pretty sure

just for aesthetic reasons but still

like why would you put like an ace card

it just doesn't make sense to me I don't

know he just bodied me though obviously

they had to put in a gun

what's the thermal on it just to make

sure that has no aim assist to make your

orders its I mean it's not even that's

just annoying it's like the Shiva by

even worse because this gun actually

like kicks a little

look at this look at this okay gali oh

this shit is a beast was he nobody's

gonna come to but over here nobody

alright let's go

bullshit that makes man I did total

garbage right there

everybody seems to me in the middle for

some reason nobody did that to him I see

you see you pieces oh no 22 years guys

actually have this time advisers don't

use it because I don't like to snipe in

this game that much if I do I usually

just hug I bite it again if I do sleep

in the game I just use the locusts but

for some Wow bro that was my kill - oh

my god okay let's go let's get out of


is he following me you know what is

going on bro okay please not he followed

me cable I can't just be falling off

look at this no way I shot him in the

booty and he still took that oh my god

somebody made no no no no no that was my

kill that was my kill yes yes okay okay

let's see if I can make the slapper

isn't bad bad at least I hope it's not

you have two shots so um hey I think

it's confirmed I'm gonna lose by this

guy look look okay thank God he killed

me at least she has a weapon he can

actually are you kidding me bro that

dude had a gun he he had a gun that was

at least semi-automatic I don't know

what he had I don't know what he had he

had something he had something good what

was it he still look alright guys so

we're all combine I'm gonna win this

time there's no way I'm losing I'm not

allowed never mind

look I need a win this time just for you

guys this is for you guys I I'm gonna

win trust me it's for the boys Wow

I school cows but I say how I'm gonna

save it I'm this smallmap it should be

easy to get a kill with the marshals

never mind

I know where my spot is on this map I

just need to get off with the pistols

real quick

nope okay yes I don't know how I killed

but I'm gonna take it it's my spot right

here okay I just need somebody to pop up

real quick

or you will do you'll do you'll do never

mind you won't do I'm just kidding bro

don't come over here please please don't

come over here really there you know

that person's there or died this is this

is a bad start but we can probably

finish off good that person is booty

with snipers we should be chilling

should be chilling come on come on

challenge me it's what I thought fool

how how bro okay it's good though we're

on the TSH we're just one gun down from

the dude on first place now are tied

with them say I told you what chillin

look in our first place he's still at

the renovates to get well that's really

not what he gets he didn't do anything

to me but still I'm winning this time

I'm winning no how many bullets does it

take to kill somebody with this gun bro

come on I can't believe I just keep oh

that's why the Google is so nice let's

go let's go go off come on come on

anybody else boss awesome oh my goodness

oh my god

oh I got him like no no way no way but

please don't be like last night it's not

it's not okay I'm gonna come up behind

it do it I'm a sniper yeah see that's

what I like to see and my neighbors

cutting his grass so if you guys hear

that I'm sorry

oh my goodness yes oh my god

I don't know how one bullet of that DBS

are killed them every time usually I try

to kill somebody gives me hair markers

just straight up okay look if you come

out here

Wow okay okay no no I got stuck it's

cool we're taking this dub there's no

way we're losing also because the video

is probably getting old oh my I should

not have killed him but I did and I

killed you too i let's see is there like

an animation for old or nevermind

now mine am i watch imma kill this

person watch beep oh nevermind I was

gonna say if there was an end of goo oh

my just randomly shot - lets go that's

for you guys I needed to get a dub just

because to make the video good but now

the video is probably way too long I

don't know but look at this watch this I

randomly shot - I did not expect to kill

this person look dink that I killed all

right that was right in like her hand -

so as you guys can see I'm top number

one alright anyways guys how we get rid

of it if you guys did make sure to leave

a like if you didn't feel I was likable

you guys stay healthy you know yeah take

this game right out leave a like if you

like to come a double what you think

about it and yeah see you guys on the

next one

For more infomation >> COD BO3 HOW TO PLAY WITH DLC WEAPONS FOR FREE - BO3 BLACK JACK GUN GAME - Duration: 7:34.


The Power To Heal Ourselves Is Increasing - Duration: 8:22.

The Power To Heal Ourselves Is Increasing

New studies are showing that placebos are becoming more effective in treating illness.

Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared

to new and experimental pharmaceuticals.

Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shaman have

been saying forever which is that we have untold powers to heal ourselves!

Spirit and science converging

This coming together between the spiritual and scientific communities shows an unprecedented

opportunity for humans to embrace vibrant, healthy, thriving lives.

Recent research on placebos comes from a McGill University and is published in Pain, the Journal

of the International Association for the Study of Pain.

I first learned about this in a wonderful article by Carolyn Gregoire in Huffington

Post titled, Placebo Effect Puzzle Has Scientists Scratching Their Heads.

I highly recommend reading the entire article which shows how the placebo effect is exploding

in the United States, but nowhere else.

This may have something to do with the fact that the United States has 5% of the worlds

population yet consumes 75% of the worlds prescription drugs.

The �sugar pill� is working

The analysis revealed that in U.S. trials conducted in 1993, pain medications were rated

to be an average of 27 percent more effective than placebo pills.

In the 2013 trials, however, the pain medication was only 9 percent more effective than the


The difference wasn�t attributed to decreased effectiveness of the medication, but instead

to a greater response to the placebo.

In other words, the sugar pill has become nearly as effective as medication in alleviating


� Carolyn Gregoire in Placebo Effect Puzzle Has Scientists Scratching Their Heads

The above study focused on pain-killers, but similar results have been observed for anti-depressants.

With more than 1 in 5 Americans taking mental health drugs the number of people seeking

alternatives and preventative measures continues to grow.

Yoga, meditation, healthy diet, and exercise do not come in the form of a pill but tend

to address the larger picture of wellbeing that is too often overlooked by the medical


Although placebo may not be a viable treatment option, there are other treatments that on

average work as well as antidepressants, [such as] physical exercise and cognitive behavioral


As far as we know, these alternatives don�t make people worse.

� Irving Kirsch, Time Magazine

Tuning into our trauma

All of this points to the innate ability our bodies have to self-regulate, seek balance

(homeostasis), and heal.

You would think that we would be eager to listen to our own bodies when they speak to

us through symptoms, yet we usually do the exact opposite by numbing the pain or ignoring

what we feel.

Peter Levine, author of Waking the Tiger, is an expert in trauma resolution and a lead

voice in field of Somatic Experiencing, which invites us to tune in to our bodies as well

as our emotions in order to reclaim our health.

Through hundreds of hours of client sessions, Levine began to witness how clients� bodies

told their stories of trauma, even if the clients had no specific memories.

Once Levine guided them into the sensate experience of trauma, the body then took over and finished

what was unprocessed, or incomplete.

Clients receive the added gifts of increased body awareness, a stronger connection to self,

a shift in deep-seated patterns, a more regulated nervous system, and a sense of mastery.

Why do humans need to be guided at all?

The biggest obstacle is how inattentive and unfamiliar we are with our physical sensations.

Our big, sophisticated brains constantly out-think and override our bodily needs.

We are trained to ignore signs of hunger, pain, discomfort, injury, danger, as well

as pleasure, saturation, and fulfillment.

What�s astonishing is how forgiving and responsive the body is.

As soon as we tune into it, shifts begin to happen.

� Peter Levine

Prescription of the future

The mind, our beliefs, emotions, and lifestyle play a much larger role in our wellbeing than

we tend to recognize.

While researchers are wondering how to avoid the dreaded monkey-wrench of the placebo effect

in testing new drugs, the general public is recognizing that taking charge of ones health

doesn�t need to always start with a call to the doctor or a new prescription.

If the placebo effect continues on its current trajectory, American pharmaceutical companies

may find it increasingly difficult to get consumers to buy new drugs.�

By learning the bodymind language of symptoms and illness you can learn what is being repressed

or ignored in your psyche and emotions and the affect this is having on your physical


� Deb Shapiro, author of Your Body Speaks Your Mind

Popular books like Your Body Speaks Your Mind are a significant indicator that a new paradigm

in health is upon us.

Science and spirituality, like the brain and body have lots to gain by embracing the wisdom

that the other has to share.

We are evolved enough to know that the answers we seek aren�t always either/or.

A balanced and holistic approach is a prescription for wellbeing.

So keep your doctors number close by but also take the power of your health into your own


Your body will thank you for listening to it, your emotions will release freely when

they feel welcome and your quality of life will increase.

Placebos may not be the miracle cure after all, but what they might be showing us is

that we already possess an untold capacity for self-healing.

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