Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 29 2017

Copyrights Explained Licenses Described

FYI - Copyright Licenses Explained - Icons and Descriptions

C0 - Public Domain. This icon signifies that the specific music track may be used without limitations, and without attributions (credits) to the author

YTAL – YouTube Library In our channel, you will find this icon whenever

the specific music track may be used only within the YouTube platform.

Creative Commons. CC licenses let creators easily change their copyright terms from "all rights reserved"

to "some rights reserved". The CC licenses are irrevocable! This means that once you receive material

under a CC license, you will always have the right to use it under those license terms, even if the licensor changes

his or her mind and stops distributing under the CC license terms. CC consists of 4 rights (BY, SA, ND, NC)

BY - Attribution. You may only use it if you attribute the copyright owner. (as owner requested)

SA - ShareAlike. Any derivative material must be released under the same license.

ND - NoDerivatives. You may not edit the original work.

NC - NonCommercial You may use it, but only non-commercially.

These 4 rights are combined in 6 licenses (see images).

CC+ (CC Plus) is a protocol providing a simple way for users to get rights beyond the rights granted by a CC license.

Royalty-Free. RF is NOT equal to "free of charge". (it can be, but is not automatically equal to)

A recent common mistake is to represent creative works registered under the Creative Commons licenses

as Royalty-Free in the meaning of "free of charge". Certain creative work could be registered under:

• CC-BY (you need to credit the author) • Royalty-Free (one-time payment to the licensor) • Both CC-BY and Royalty-Free.

What are the differences between Creative Commons license and Royalty-Free license agreement:

CC provides 6 licenses, which are clearly defined. All CC licenses require an attribution to the author in the manner specified by the author.

RF - in accordance with the specific agreement for which you have paid the one-time fee,

you get partial rights for use (without attributions to the author to be required),

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For more information - take a look at our playlist "FYI Read More"

Copyrighted under "all rights reserved":

In terms of law, every creative work is automatically protected under "All rights reserved" copyright from the moment of its creation.

The author has the Exclusive Rights of copyrighting over the creative work, until the moment they waive partly or entirely those rights,

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Brief Description (in one screen): C0 (PD); YTAL; CC (BY,SA,ND,NC); RF; C.

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(left) You are allowed to : copy, distribute, share, monetize, use it commercially.

For more infomation >> Copyrights and Licenses - Explained ✔ Why "Royalty Free" is not "free of charge" - Duration: 4:25.


Spontaneous Healing Activating Our SelfHealing Powers - Duration: 6:51.

Spontaneous Healing: Activating Our Self-Healing Powers

Spontaneous healing: The human body has self-healing capabilities.

Here�s how to activate them.

The term Self-healing, indicates the autonomous process of the human body that tends to safeguard

the very life of the body.

How many depressions, panic attacks, or anxiety states could be resolved if you only focused

on listening to your needs.

These common psychosomatic manifestations are supported by an autonomic nervous system

hyperactivity, particularly from the sympathetic section.

Not just anxiety and panic attacks!

Stress, strong self-control, produce the same molecules that weaken our health system.Cortisol,

(adrenaline stress hormone), free radicals are the responsible molecules, which when

produced over and over and for a long time, weaken the immune, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal


They, among other things, cause a reduction in white blood cells and also increase blood

pressure and heart rate, providing humans with an increased risk of getting into frequent

(viral, bacterial) diseases and raising risk factors of Stroke or myocardial infarction.

It is possible to get away from these dangers through the �reprogramming� of our mental

activity: to be in harmony with our own needs and therefore with oneself, be free to express

emotions, laugh, meditate, live satisfying sexuality, cultivate interests and passions.

Being creative, engaging in the favorite sport promotes health, promotes self-esteem for

good humor, empathy.

Doctors and scientists around the world investigate a strange phenomenon, even if it is well-known

to everyone: cases of people without apparently medical reasons cure serious illness.

Hippocrates (460-377 BC) recognized as the founder of medicine said, �The doctor cares,

Nature heals.�

The Doctor administers the treatment, Nature produces healing.

We will see in this article how we can help Nature (our Self-healing Mechanism) to heal


How to activate self-healing processes

William Braud outlined five key steps to activate self-healing processes and activate the natural

body repairing forces that adopted and modified in the light of new discoveries:

1 � Sit or lie in a quiet place.

2 � Turn off your cell phone, remove anything that shakes your body like rings, belts, bracelets,

and so on.

3 � Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly, taking care of your belly swelling

and deflating.

After a few minutes you will be in a state of deep physical and mental relaxation that

brings the brain to the Alfa state.

4 � Focus on the breath by allowing thoughts to flow.

After a dozen of breaths expanding attention to the whole body, as if you were breathing

with your whole body, as if every cell was breathing.

5 � Visualize increasingly vivid and detailed mental images of the body in perfect health,

full of vital white light that sweeps away the illness from dark spots and particles.

6 � Summon and get involved with positive emotions.

7 � Finish with both hands on the center of the chest, halfway between the sternum

and the throat where the thyroid gland lies.

It should not be strong, but press until it becomes softer.

It starts to give a series of taps like knocking.

At the same time, breathe by inflating the chest and subsequent belly breathing, and

so on.

This exercise stimulates the endocrine gland to activate.

PNEI demonstrates how the immune system and endocrine system are deeply bound.

And if I have no health problem?

If you are in perfect health you can still use this technique to make your body vibrant

with energy by improving physical performance and mental lucidity.

The real healing

Plato asserted that it is not possible to heal only the body irrespective of knowledge

of the mind and soul, while Heraclitus maintained that the hidden harmony is stronger than the

manifested one.

We must never forget that, in the case of healing, merit is merely to the nature and

the internal healing power that everyone has within himself.

We can only avoid hindering

this natural process.

For more infomation >> Spontaneous Healing Activating Our SelfHealing Powers - Duration: 6:51.


Chemtrail Pilot Blows The Lid Off Of Covert Black Operation Indigo Skyfold - Duration: 17:22.

Chemtrail Pilot Blows The Lid Off Of Covert Black Operation Indigo Skyfold

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

A Courageous Chemtrail Pilot Exposes the Global Geoengineering Program

�Maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as

well.� � Military pilot who flies specially equipped

chemtrail jets

via State of the Nation

Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful

and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts

forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing

peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen

to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being

sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.

For those uninitiated in the ways of atmospheric engineering, chemtrails are but one geoengineering

technique that is being systematically used by the U.S. Military. The following link provides

an excellent overview of the geoengineering/chemtrail phenomenon, as well as an exceptional photo-doc.

After all, only seeing is believing � for most people!

No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they

are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program

is being conducted in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY.

Chemtrail Pilot Blows The Lid Off Of Covert Black Operation Indigo Skyfold

You�ll notice that NATIONAL SECURITY appears crooked because the whole intention behind

geoengineering is as dangerously misguided as it is deceptively false. The indiscriminate,

wide-area and systematic spraying of toxic aerosols throughout the skies of the world

couldn�t possibly have anything to do with �national security�. Those that buy into

such a ridiculous notion have obviously been either brainwashed or bribed into believing

such an absurd and nonsensical agenda.

That�s precisely why this unprecedented expos� is so important. Never before has

anyone directly involved with the piloting of chemtrail airliners ever gone public. Not

only does �Blue Jay 1�, as he is known, go public, he completely blows the lid off

of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD. This single act of identifying the name of what is perhaps

the most destructive government program in recorded history is extremely critical.


Because it now gives the worldwide anti-geoengineering advocacy groups a target to hit within their

own nations and governments. How, after all, could government officials and political leaders

at every level � federal, state, county and city � be so clueless about a massive

aerosol spraying program that is going on in the skies right above them?! Can any responsible

representative continue to plead such ignorance or indifference and get away with it?

That�s why this critical development is so huge! Really HUGE! It is what we have all

been waiting for, yet so few in the movement really get it. Which is why this particular

message has to be taken to the wider public. Because at the end of the day � every day

� every human being on every continent will REALLY abhor two things about the now ubiquitous


I. Chemtrails routinely transform warm sunny days into cool cloudy ones. No one likes to

see their clear sunny days stolen after a couple of hours of chemtrailing. Day after

day of overcast skies have profoundly changed many a locale which have traditionally experienced

clear skies. Is there anyone who prefers damp cloudy days to dry sunny ones? Certainly the

people of Florida and California want their fun in the sun! So does the rest of the USA.

II. Chemtrails contain a mix of toxic chemicals and poisonous compounds such as barium salts,

aluminum oxide, strontium, mercury among many others, which eventually end up falling to

Earth. The chemtrail mix of toxins inevitably leaves its residues on farm fields and forests,

lakes and ponds, and lawns and gardens. How does one possibly stop the noxious chemicals

from entering one�s home and automobiles, office building and shopping malls? Who ever

wants a toxic chemtrail brew dropped on them every other day?!

Geoengineering has proven � unequivocally � to be extremely detrimental to both human

health and the greater planetary environment. As for the many adverse health effects, the

link below gives an excellent summary.

EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!

Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

For those who did not watch the video shown above, the most important text is provided


Information below was received by the cousin of an actual pilot who flies chemtrail jets

and is working on the inside. The operation is known to pilots and aviation crew alike

as �Indigo Skyfold�.

Pilots are told to fly specific routes, while satellites control aerosol dispersal patterns.

The pilots make course corrections from time to time, and perform landings and takeoffs.

Pilot navigation and maintenance crews are rotated constantly, and only spend about 18

months at one given base, to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends,

and ending up with �loose lips�. They also rotate between day and night flights,

one base for daytime flights, and one for night. Each base covers a 250-mile zone, and

each fleet (squadron) of planes covers three states, or an even larger swath of ocean.

They�re told to simply do their job and �Shut the F*ck Up!�

Their superiors tell them it�s a matter of National Security.


Quote: �Without these flights our enemy�s newest technological weapons of war could

easily penetrate America�s airspace, at will. We are dedicated and committed to keeping

our allies safe from the same skyward threats, so we extend the arm of protection to those

countries that support our efforts. Hostile nations are also building atmospheric shields,

while at the same time trying to explore weaknesses in our ever-developing air and space based


Sounds more like a PR statement to me.

I think this pilot, either believes what he is told. Or, he is simply trying to sugar

coat their Genocide Project.

My firewall detected multiple intrusion attempts when I googled the Indigo code as well. Zero

info to be found on the internet for this operation. That is unique.

I received a rather lengthy reply from the chemtrail pilot. Here is text from their email:

�First of all I would like to say that I do not agree with my mission assignments,

but what soldier ever truly does? Several of us have considered bucking the ranks, and

going AWOL from time to time. We are kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest

answers about what we are really spraying. Should they discover that we or our families

are actively enquiring about the so-called �chemtrails� term, then automatic and

swift disciplinary action would be taken.

HAARP and radar are two other non-allowed research subjects. Unless our children are

learning about these in base schools, we cannot educate ourselves or our children through

any public education system. I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols,

but as you must know, perhaps 80% of the pilots do not have any family or children.

Indigo pilots are chosen from top ranks within the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard. Most

of the pilots are �hardened to humanity� and could care less killing off unwanted or

leaching aspects of America and the world. I swear to you, the majority of the pilots

are like machines, I call them �Tanker Terminators�.

EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!

I should not be telling you this, but nearly 1/3 of all flights are being orchestrated

from small unnamed islands, where newly constructed bases are being built at a rate of 8 per year.

On these extremely remote islands there are HAARP rays of every possible design, with

many arrays surrounding these islands within the depths of the ocean itself. The Navy has

developed sophisticated underwater construction technology that allows fully autonomous robot

submersibles to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these massive underwater

arrays as they progress across the open sea floor.

Every time that you see or hear about military exercises at sea, they�re basically there

to give support and resupply their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly

one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that. You will never be able to

Google Earth or Search any of this. Other than an occasional error in blurring some

island bases, or smudged images of underwater arrays, it is impossible to locate all these

advanced technological devices. They even paint fake clouds over some of our island

installations to keep prying eyes away.

I have been shown some of these images by civilian friends. That is the reason I know

this. I completely understand your concern for human safety, and here is the kicker.

We are shown videos in our training of catastrophic destruction to our homeland by very sophisticated

weapons, then told that these will be the consequences if we don�t fly.

Our efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions of its

kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air

Force One pilots who make as much or more and are kept in a dark, secret world for their

own protection. They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any

public rhetoric.

We all know about cyber program flash-point or FP- 03 as it is known within the veteran

community. This program is a self-destruct sequence that can be remotely activated from

any ground, water surface, underwater base, as well as any other air mobile unit. The

signal is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or blocked. At any given

moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God. They tell us that

FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in heavily populated areas. They

can remotely detonate our planes over safe zones, but in the back of your minds, our

minds, we�re pretty sure this is a fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets

to any public, private, or civilian authorities.

Have you ever seen any member of the crew survive the few crashes that have occurred?

Every plane that has gone down was completely destroyed � for good reason, I am sure.

We risk our lives in more ways than one, every single time we fly, especially during night

flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower altitudes. We feel like a massive

�Dark Force Empire�of crop dusters, and know that one night Bubba, or Billy Joel,

will fire there long rifles at us when we spray their moonshine-making operation, or

pass over an illegal Mary Jane crop.

I know for a fact that some planes have been shot at, and subsequently brought down by

mostly Russian, Chinese, and Korean weaponry, but the media will never cover these events

as they are not allowed to report on our flights either. That must be true, for I have yet

to see a detailed or in lengthy report of our missions on any public venue other than

conspiracy shows and anti-government websites.

I risk everything for disclosing so much information and you will find very few like me. Even my

own flight crew would have me arrested and court martialed if they knew of this dialogue.

That is why I cannot email you directly, but from what your cousin tells me you are also

risking everything just to get this information out to your colleagues.

I salute you sir, for standing up to the establishment and Big Brother. I would love to go home tomorrow

and not rack up one more single minute of flight time, except for a sweet little Piper

Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer. I miss those beautiful blue skies from my youth, and I

am ashamed for hazing over that dream.

More importantly, maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come

forward as well. I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, as they compartmentalize

everything. Should I become aware of any new significant developments I will email your


The man I have contact with says he senses a wavering within the ranks, and that a kind

of mutiny is beginning to boil to the surface of this whole geoengineering global whitewashing,

if you catch my drift. My cousin still has friends in high places too, so he is helping

to protect the pilot.

Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.

This came December 11.

Last word from the pilot and I quote. �All pilots on leave are required to report to

their CO by Dec 15th for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase 2

flights, expected to be initiated by January 21.�

Those were his words, not the actual Air Force message. He wanted me to stress that. He believes

that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California and Texas, in

order to advance the drought further into the heartland; plus, he feels that a very

new and extremely toxic chemtrail mix is going to be sprayed, using new technology that makes

thesespecial chemtrails completely invisible. �Atmosphere shield of protection�, he

doesn�t believe that either. So that is the end of the message from this chemtrail


From my own experience I�ve had a lot of contact with this guy for six months via the

Internet, and basically everything he told me has turned out to be true, so I have no

reason to doubt any of this, and hope you forward it.

This also points out how difficult it is to fight this program because people inside the

program are not subject to public opinion or exposed to public information sources.

Therefore, we need to brainstorm and come up with the way to shut down this program,

as it is actually heating the planet, and killing everything with elevated UV rays,

and toxic metals.

Thank you for listening.

For more infomation >> Chemtrail Pilot Blows The Lid Off Of Covert Black Operation Indigo Skyfold - Duration: 17:22.


Sean Hannity Gets Some TRAGIC News – He Need - Duration: 2:19.

Sean Hannity Gets Some TRAGIC News – He Need

Last week, Bill O'Reilly was fired from Fox News after a series of sexual harassment

allegations against him came to light.

Since then, a witch hunt has been underway at the network as Rupert Murdoch has effectively

relinquished control of Fox over to his sons, James and Lachlan.

Conservative 101 reported that insiders are saying that Sean Hannity is on the Murdochs'

radar as one of the people who is next in line to be fired.

James reportedly plans to use O'Reilly's ouster as an excuse to let go of Fox News'

co-president Bill Shine in a power grab, and Hannity has been fighting back for his good


"Sean is willing to take a bullet for Bill out of loyalty and he knows he's holding

a lot of chips there right now too.

If he threatens to leave, and he could, then that really could be the end of the place

as we know it," said one source at Fox.

New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman wrote an article saying Shine's time may be up,

as the Murdochs refused his request to release a statement of support for him.

Hannity immediately fired back on Twitter.

"Gabe, I pray this is NOT true because if it is, that's the total end of the FNC as

we know it.


Somebody HIGH UP AND INSIDE FNC is trying to get an innocent person fired.

And Gabe I KNOW WHO it is.

Best Sean.

I'll change it.

#Istandwithshine," he wrote.

SHARE this story if you support Sean Hannity!

For more infomation >> Sean Hannity Gets Some TRAGIC News – He Need - Duration: 2:19.


Is Laptop SLI Worth It? Nvidia 1070 SLI Gaming Benchmarks! - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Is Laptop SLI Worth It? Nvidia 1070 SLI Gaming Benchmarks! - Duration: 7:16.


Drama vs Reality: Theft Comparison - Duration: 2:27.

Courtesy: Hum TV Drama Woh Ek Pal Episode 1

A Girl in her Suzuki Swift drifts along the bike and leave the thieves wondering whats hit them. Bravo !

For more infomation >> Drama vs Reality: Theft Comparison - Duration: 2:27.


Dustin - OM & IS Awards 2017 - Duration: 2:40.

Good Evening!

So I'm here to award the Godambe Family Scholarship, my wife couldn't come otherwise she would be the one giving the award

and doing this even better than me.

Our next recipient is a graduate of Sycamore High School which is very far away -

a few thousand yards away from here.

He will graduate this year from the OMIS department and he is also in my class.

He's in my Service Operations Class with a group of students that I love and a bunch of the decided

at the beginning of the semester to grow their beards and after about a couple of months

I noticed that they all started looking alike.

So I don't know if they thought that I'd get confused when I take attendance

or if their plan was to celebrate the Chicago Blackhawks potentially going to the finals,

but I think in both cases it did not work.

So he's such a great guy He has gotten a couple of scholarships in the past years.

The OMIS Leadership Scholarship, the McKessen Scholarship of the past few years.

He's also president of the Huskie Hunks.

If you don't know what that is, it is an all male A Cappella group and he has taken the

team to the National Championships and they won the semi finals award.

He's also the founding president of the Japanese Language and Cultural Club.

and the Japanese language courses that he has taken he has gotten all

Staight A's.

And he loves the language so much that he is going to further his studies in Japan this summer

And after I read about this, now I understand that when he sits on the first desk in my class

why does he keeps going ...

But he's so good at everything that he's decided he can go in many directions but his initial

comment is to go into project management.

But as I said he has such great potential that he can do whatever he wants to do.

So let's congratulate Dustin King

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